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The New Doctor Who


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17:15 / 11.06.05
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:15 / 11.06.05
Actually, this might be the best episode of Doctor Who ever! Heh heh heh...
paranoidwriter waves hello
17:34 / 11.06.05
This episode kicks ass!

Quote -

Member of staff: "We were just doing our job?"
Doctor: "And with that sentance you have just lost the right to speak to me; now back off!"


Shame no-one really got killed though...
Spatula Clarke
17:44 / 11.06.05
Well, there we have it. The last trailer didn't just give away a few of the details, it gave away the entire thing including the fucking cliffhanger.

I don't have the words to express just how fucking ridiculous that is.
17:48 / 11.06.05
That was fucking ace. Really very cool indeed.

Or at least it would have been, had last week's trailer, as Saptula has pointed out, not ruined the whole fucking thing.

On its own merits, that was one of the best. The trailer issue kind of fucked that, though. I really don't think I'll be watching the "different trailer every day" they're promising. Have they REALLY not sussed that these things suck ass, or are they deliberately taking the piss?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:51 / 11.06.05
You're all bastards! Every last stinking one of you. I'm going on holiday tomorrow for ten days. I won't see the last episode until Friday week at least. I hate you all.

That was amazing. Slightly less with the various gameshows, but once away from that it did get a lot better. I did wonder for a second if all that stuff about Billie leaving next season was misdirection to hide her dying in this episode, I'm interested as to why the Daleks beam everyone over to their ships just to presumably kill them. Unless next week we get the Robomen too...

But the shock of her getting 'killed', the rest of the show after that was some of the most gripping TV in YEARS...
paranoidwriter waves hello
17:54 / 11.06.05
I'm not really a Dr Who fan (although I don't dislike it), but that was one of the best episodes of any TV program I have ever seen. Clever, topical, funny, and with MEANING!

Fortunately, I didn't see the spolier, and coming from that perspective, the ending was bloody brilliant. I even take it back about Billy Piper not being "Blown to atoms".
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:57 / 11.06.05
So, votes for who saved the Daleks? I think the only options can be Adam or Simon Pegg's character, but I don't know how either could be in a position to do anything with the Daleks. Maybe they'll reintroduce Davros after all, or the Master...
18:00 / 11.06.05
Okay, which fool let Lady book holiday while Doctor Who was still on?

WRT saving the DAleks... I'm guessing The Master... purely because I don't see how they'd be able to resist the temptation to bring him back...

And I have to say I'd gladly sell the human race into slavery for a chance to watch a show where three people have to live with a bear.
Psi-L is working in hell
18:10 / 11.06.05
That was a great episode..definitely my favourite of the season. Agree with the trailer annoyance though....what's the point of having cliff hangers if they then spoil it?
Spatula Clarke
18:13 / 11.06.05
I suppose that we also don't know for sure that the 'last' Dalek actually killed itself, either. It's not like we've seen them do that before.

But otherwise, silly Daleks. Why keep Rose alive after the Doctor has already made it clear that your threatening to kill her isn't going to stop him from spoiling your fun? Just kill her now, for crying out loud. It makes no sense at all, unless you're all the offspring of the Dalek/Rose hybrid.
18:33 / 11.06.05
I was wondering something more along the lines of... what do the Daleks want with all these people? Are we just assuming that they all get exterminated once on board ship, or did I miss something?
19:08 / 11.06.05
It would be pretty weird if they were pretending to kill people on the station only to beam them away and kill them somewhere else. My completely wild guess would be that losing contestants are being beamed to dalek ships and made into daleks.
19:31 / 11.06.05
Well, on the theory that these daleks are of the human/dalek hybrid variety, that at least would explain the dalek's interest in the Earth...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:32 / 11.06.05
The Doctor says the Daleks have been playing 'a long game', which was the title of the Simon Pegg episode. I suppose it could be the sole Dalek, which would fit the voice. If it were Adam it doesn't explain the welsh maid or the end of the world. Sounds like I'm going to have to wait thirteen days to find out.
All Acting Regiment
19:48 / 11.06.05

you need something alive to make a dalek out of, so maybe that one dalek survived and has been using people to make other daleks.
19:54 / 11.06.05
Yeah, i don't think that is too far a stretch since daleks have used corpses in the past to help make new daleks...
paranoidwriter waves hello
19:59 / 11.06.05
Self destruction. Sounds perfect to me. ; )
20:02 / 11.06.05
And did anyone notice the dalek space ship had the same ambient sound as the kaled bunker in genesis of the daleks...
20:27 / 11.06.05
Actually, no I didn't. But well-spotted... I think! (Actually, that's the kind of thing I would have thought I WOULD notice... I had the album of "Genesis Of The Daleks", back in the days before you could rewatch shit on video at the drop of a hat, and listened to it religiously... "IMMORAL! EEEVIL!!!"
All Acting Regiment
20:59 / 11.06.05
For my part, I loved the flying saucer Dalek ships. There really is something deep about flying saucers- and when we saw a flock, basically, of Daleks lifting off and spilling out of the ship- I mean, bloody hell, it was awful and frightening and entrancing all at once.

Hmm. In one of the older films- Dalek Invasion Of Earth, I believe- the Daleks have robomen, mind washed slaves, working for them and acting as guards/police/warriors. That perhaps links to the Dalek's abduction attempts.

It was also, perhaps, at the back of the writer's mind when he wrote this most recent episode- except the mind control is invisible and unknown for the most part, acheived through television, and the Daleks now don't need any slave peeps fighting on their side.
paranoidwriter waves hello
21:10 / 11.06.05
Oh my god, you're making me think this is all true! Are the BBC are giving us coded messages? Is this why Christoper Eccleston and Billie Piper are not doing another series?

N.B. UFO caught on camera
Benny the Ball
21:13 / 11.06.05
Christopher Eccleston's acting when he thought that Rose was dead was very good. I thought some of it was quite heavy handed, but enjoyed it non-the-less, plus Capt' Jack turning to the man in the control centre and introducing himself and the Doctor saying 'there's a time and a place...' was another good interplay between these two.
Bed Head
09:58 / 12.06.05
Wow, the trailer. I almost exploded with excitement. Squillions of daleks flying thru space, streaming out of flying saucers which have daleky bumps all over, they look exactly like Frank Bellamy Daleks ie THE BEST DALEKS EVER. I'd show you, but I can't find any of this stuff online and my trusty Dalek annual is in a loft somewhere.

Plus, *you* think you know who that voice in the trailer was, and *I* think I know who that voice was, but The Kids will have no. idea. whatsoever.
11:29 / 12.06.05

A bit of a Frank Bellamy dalek from a cover he did for Radiotimes back in 1973...
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
11:30 / 12.06.05
Both the episodes on the Space Station have for me seemed to have something of the late eighties McCoy era who about them, that strange mixture of seemingly stupid ideas combined with a pretty dark atmosphere, and an attempt to engage in some sort of intellectual social commentary. This similarity makes them my favourite episodes of the new Doctor Who, although I can’t be certain whether this is due to the quality of the episodes or is purely nostalgia on my part, being the most like Doctor Who was when I was ten makes them the best for me.

Definitely think the Doctor came off better in this episode than in any of the previous ones, before he’s either seemed a bit to silly and soppy or a bit too hard and nasty, finally this episode when this Doctors run is almost at an end he’s finally showing the perfect balance between the tougher and softer sides of the character. I was actually surprised how much I liked the trashy reality TV show bits – having never really watched the weakest link or what not to wear and not having watched Big Brother for years I was expecting to at best not really get and at worst despise the connection to these shows in this episode, but I actually found it nicely dark and nasty.

Interesting to see that the Daleks have apparently influenced the development of killer reality TV – this to me seems a little strange, the Daleks are evil genocidal murderers without a doubt – but they are a very utilitarian, practical people, with almost conception of pleasure or entertainment – I’d have thought that murder as a formalised game and form of spectator sport would seem a pretty sick, alien and most of all decadent practice to them, although possibly no more so than any other form of entertainment. I suppose the very fact that humanity can be persuaded to engage in such atrocities so easily, against other humans is probably something the Daleks would take as proof of Dalek superiority.

Oh and Captain Jack just gets more and more fun. I still don’t trust him, but by god he’s cool!
Bed Head
11:44 / 12.06.05
Thanks for that sleaze, but I’ve only just twigged that I’ve been searching and searching for Frank Bellamy art when I *should* have been searching for Ron Turner art. I’m blaming this on not being able to get to sleep last night due to extreme Dr Who, wow! excited-ness. And because I’m rubbish with names. Anyway, I meant the stuff like this:

Daleks in SPACE! Lots and lots and lots of Daleks IN SPACE!
Spatula Clarke
12:16 / 12.06.05
I'm not a fan of that style of Dalek - the huge warning lights on either side of their heads makes them look like mice, same as in the Cushing films.
Bed Head
12:44 / 12.06.05
Well, normally, I’d agree about that. But the new series Dalek has rather opened my eyes to the merits of teh huge warning lights.

And I mean, obviously, that emperor dalek makes everything look a bit rubbish. It’s the only page I could find online! But I think there was always plenty of space war-type action in the TV21 dalek comic, and I’m *sure* I’ve seen the fleets of dalek flying saucers with daleky bumps on before, and the whole ‘daleks flying in space’ thing.

It doesn’t matter, I just thought that sort of thing looked good. I’ve always thought it looked good, is all.
Spatula Clarke
12:58 / 12.06.05
One thing I'm a little bit confused about is Jack and the Daleks. You can explain away the fact that he comes from an Earth where the Daleks aren't in control of the human race simply by saying that it just proves that the Doctor stops them in their tracks this time around. That's not a problem.

But how does he know that they "shouldn't exist"?
All Acting Regiment
13:15 / 12.06.05
There's actually a BBC book called The Dalek Survival Guide. It's written in the style of a millitary training manual and contains everything you need to know about them, and it's damn good. I got it a while back.

The Dalek ship in Dalek Invasion Of Earth had bumps on the outside. They're motion sensors (on the ship and the Dalek), and the flashing lights on a Dalek's head are there to communicate but primarily to be very frightening.

There are actually several variations on the Daleks: Invasion had a colour coded system for authority- Red, Blue and Gold I beleive. Who else remembers that massive, two storey-tall Emporor Dalek from one of the TV episodes?
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
13:16 / 12.06.05
Isn’t Jack a time traveller himself? We don’t really know anything about these Time Agents he apparently used to work for, so it’s hard to really figure out where he comes from in the timeline and how he connects to anything else, just one of the reasons I don’t even begin to trust him. My guess is that the Time Agents are probably humans and probably the new top dogs in the time stream now the Time Lords have gone – but that’s pure conjecture on my part.
Spatula Clarke
13:26 / 12.06.05
Nah, the Doctor knows about the Time Agents. Jack's from the 51st Century. He doesn't know about Timelords (which makes him knowing about the Daleks and the Time War look even more like sloppy plotting), but the Doctor already appears to be aware of the existence of his organisation, so they're not replacements for the dead race - they were always supposed to be there at that point in history as the Doctor knows it. They're also definitely human, because there's that conversation between Rose and the Doctor about Jack being the perfect example of what humans do when they finally manage to leave Earth.
Bed Head
13:45 / 12.06.05
I knew I’d find something if I kept looking:

No-one sane is ever going to nick the look of that useless, ugly-as-sin Peter Cushing film when there’s been 40-odd years of top-quality, super-stylish British comics to nick things from. It’s the hand of Hitch, man. Hitch probably grew up on TV21, he knows what a proper Dalek invasion fleet should look like.

I’ll leave this alone now, apologies for the distraction from your thread. I was only talking about this nonsense as a way of avoiding doing my usual ‘Wasn’t Eccles soooo fantastic this week?’ squee.


(But wasn’t he? Wasn’t he just?)
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
13:46 / 12.06.05
Oh right. Good question then, and one that makes me trust Jack even less. He’s clearly not a Time Agent in good standing, and was easily Adam level stupid and selfish in his first appearance and it seemed a bit odd to me that the doctor took him on seemly just because he’s charismatic and superficially impressive along with his negative characteristics. To me it seems quite possible that Jack cut some sort of deal with whoever’s fucking with the timeline, leading to him surviving events that could have wiped out his home time period. If the previews are to be believed then whoever Bad Wolf is it helped the Daleks survive the time war, so it’s plausible for it to have helped a usefully selfish and foolish Time Agent survive purely so it can get an agent into the Doctor’s crew.

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