I'd be more convinced of my need to pay attention to you if you'd actually added anything of worth to the thread, Jack. As usual, though, it seem that youve just logged into Barbelith for a moan - I mean, you've apparently managed to miss the many, many posts discussing trailers that have appeared in this thread every bloody week so far. At least nobody's ever going to be able to accuse you of inconsistency, eh?
a) stop being such a martyr, you arrogant little prick, and b) ever think there might be a reason why I stopped posting to/reading the fucking thread? Too many fucking spoilers. Didn't complain about it before because posting to this thread isn't really that important an issue in my life, funnily enough, and everyone else seemed happy with the arrangement. Complained about it now because have just seen that there is now a spoilers thread, so avoided that and came back to talk about the last storyline this season, only to find that, weeks down the line, people are still (STILL!) moaning about the spoilers in the end-of-episode trailers, and then discussing them anyway. I disliked the end-of-episode trailers as much as anyone. So I stopped watching them. And bearing in mind that there's now a separate spoilers thread, that it's the season finale, and that I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING KNOW WHAT HAPPENS, I sounded off just a touch. Trust me, it was a lot calmer after I edited out all the cussin'. You know, not wanting to offend anyone. You, I don't give a shit about, because, well, you're a bit of a twat and I don't like you anyway.
Oh, while you're off crying about how no one appreciates you, you might also note that you're the single grouchiest person on this thread, snipping and snapping at everyone because it's apparently so very very difficult to moderate properly, or whatever the hell you're whining about. |