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The New Doctor Who


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18:19 / 18.06.05
Yeah, Rose was totally Phoenix. With a bit of the last couple of issues of Promethea mixed in, maybe.

That had everything. Cool time shit, heartbreaking scenes on Earth, a BIG BIG resolution, the Bad Wolf stuff, Jack with a BFG, the Daleks actually being really, visibly evil and massacring the people on Floor Zero...

(Oh, BTW, the spoiler I stumbled across on TMO ws about Norman Lovett being Davros, which was, according to the spoilers thread- which I can now read, and which is interesting in hindsight- was quite widely reported but was, as we now know, a hoax).

A tiny bit perturbed as to how the force field stayed up when the Tardis was gone, but I don't really care that much. That ruled.
18:29 / 18.06.05
Jack took the forcefield out and hooked it up.

I thought that was fucking great, but I was a wee bit disappointed with the Rose as a God thing. When I saw that in Season four of Buffy it already looked like an aping of the matrix, and here they do exactly the same thing. I think, twisted slightly, it could have been a more satisfying payoff. That really is my only quibble though. The rest of it was "Fantastic!", as they say. I always knew Anne Robinson could be scarier than a Dalek.

Particularly interested to see what they do about leaving Jack behind. Does the Doctor think he's dead? Does Rose remember that she brought him back?

Saying goodbye to Eccleston was pretty sad, it might as well be a death. High hopes for Tennant though. He had me at "teeth".
18:48 / 18.06.05
In that last episode Rose reminded me of Jack from the Invisibles. Anyone else get that?
18:50 / 18.06.05
So, who was King Dalek then? Just some random surviving soldier from the Time Wars? That's a bit... naff.
18:51 / 18.06.05
Jack's back next season apparently, for at least a few episodes. He'll probably hitch a ride back to Earth...


That reminds me...

Earth was bombed. Rose didn't fix that. Oh dear.

Loved the episode though. I also agree that it felt like more than 45 mins in a very good way. Way to go with the Jack/Doctor kiss, that should get a few eyebrows raised.
18:53 / 18.06.05
I can live with that though. Loved the Doctor throughout

"Coward. A coward any day"

Just generally shouting at the Daleks... who actually BACK OFF. Boogeyman!

And the Doctor, head up against TARDIS door. Knowing full well how deep in shit he's gotten himself. Ace.
19:01 / 18.06.05
Jack took the forcefield out and hooked it up. Ah. Good!

I liked that the Emperor was nobody special, really... it's always been the Daleks' very impersonality and anonymity that's made them scary, for me. If you're gonna HAVE an Emperor Dalek, I'd rather it had just come about through natural (or survivalist) selection.

I also liked that the Emperor, for all his proclamations of Godhood, was clearly nothing of the sort- whereas Rose briefly becomes a god inadvertently, and for the best of motives- again, something the Daleks could never understand.
Lama glama
19:16 / 18.06.05
Wow. What an ending. Daleks back on form after the wimpy Dalek in the episode of the same name. The episode genuinely pulled heartstrings and I was finally able to enjoy Jackie as a character.

There were of course some cheesy moments. The classical singing was a bit over the top at times, but even so, did quite fit in with the notion that the Daleks became "religious." A somewhat hymn-like soundtrack, for a new group of Daleks that have found faith.

Another part that was a bit cheesy was Davitch Povell's Darth Vader like: "Noooo!" Heh, returning to the Daleks back on form, I must say that the Dalek's massacre of all on floor 0 was exciting and unexpected in an expected kind of way and a little scary too(for the little ones :P). They killed everyone, even the younglings!

Finally, I'll end with commending the brilliant acting from everyone, even those members of cast I considered weak previously (Mickey), the brilliant CG, the music that was spot on for most of the time, and of course, the regeneration.

I'm a bit sad to see Lynda go, though. She would have made a nice companion.
Spatula Clarke
19:25 / 18.06.05
I'd take some random Dalek over Davros or the Master, or any of that shit, any day of the week. They'd be fine and dandy if the audience had been introduced to them beforehand, but suddenly pulling them from out of nowhere right at the end? No.

That said, I would quite liked to have seen some sort of tie-in with the earlier Dalek episode from this series. Dalek/human hybrids are just a great idea - there's loads you could do with that, so it's a shame to see them all destroyed again. Standard Daleks are going to that much less menacing now that we've seen an 'emotions as a disease' Dalek and a whole bunch of religious loony Daleks. On that note: no Daleks next series, please. You don't want to overdo it.

Great episode. Can even forgive the use of the 'heart of the TARDIS' trick again, although it does make me wqorry for future episodes. They've introduced a fix-all solution, which means that they'll have to work extra hard to get around the fact that, if in danger, all the Doctor has to do is force the TARDIS open.
Lama glama
19:49 / 18.06.05
Great episode. Can even forgive the use of the 'heart of the TARDIS' trick again, although it does make me wqorry for future episodes. They've introduced a fix-all solution, which means that they'll have to work extra hard to get around the fact that, if in danger, all the Doctor has to do is force the TARDIS open.

If they use it again, there will obviously be consequences once again, probably the death of another main character, which would just be silly and repetitious story-telling.

The first time the Heart opened, was because the female Slitheen had been tampering with the TARDIS. It was simply the TARDIS defending itself. The Doctor himself has never used the TARDIS' heart before. The first time it was used, the TARDIS used it itself. The second time..well, we saw that ourselves. It was a result of Rose seeing the TARDIS using itself against the Slitheen. Ooh, hence the Slitheen themselves, or more precisely Blonn Slitheen, becomes an integral part of the Bad Wolf concept.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:29 / 18.06.05
I really liked the way we speculating types were set up to think the Bad Wolf must be the same as the person who's behind the Dalek plan. A great way to keep lots of surprises in a 45 minute episode (see also: Jack's death, which some had predicted but I didn't expect because I'd read he's back next series - shocked me much more than Rose's 'death' last week).

I also loved the resolution of various themes, such as the issue of the Doctor's morality, and what the Time War did to that: I was genuinely unsure about whether he'd be willing to wipe out humanity to stop the Daleks - I was expecting Rose to get back in time to stop him, but in the end, he can't do it anyway. I strongly suspect, given his "I made it happen" statement in 'Dalek', that what happened at the end of the Time War was a very similar sacrifice. And he can't do it again.

Interesting that Rose has now 'seen what he sees' as it were in terms of perception of time, and has now also become a sort of killer (they're only Daleks, but still). Her words when she does so mirror the Doctor's in 'The End Of The World' when he lets Cassandra (who like the Daleks was once human, and sort of deserves it, but still...) die: "Everything dies..." It will be interesting to see whether the experience affects her personality in any way. Probably a good thing that she didn't go further than just resurrecting Jack.

But yeah, Earth got the shit bombed out of it. Tough break, but makes it all feel... big.

Even the issue of Jack knowing that there shouldn't be any Daleks was resolved, sort of.

Fantastic acting from Ecclestone when it mattered (turning to shout at Daleks, leaning on the inside of the Dalek door, the look on his face when he sends Rose home). Favourite moment of the whole episode, though, for me? The bit when his holographic image turns and looks Rose in the eye. So. Fucking. Cool.
All Acting Regiment
21:30 / 18.06.05
So, who was King Dalek then? Just some random surviving soldier from the Time Wars? That's a bit... naff.

That Emperor Dalek had the exact same thing inside as the Dalek from the episode "Dalek", so I think it was that very same Dalek, rather than just any. He had a new, bigger, shell, but then you would, wouldn't you? Pow-er Dr-ess!.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:33 / 18.06.05
He has the same thing inside because he's the same species. It's not the same Dalek, though, or he would have said something about it. It's just symmetry. It also stands to reason that if one survived, why not two?

All the people who said the Tardis was the Bad Wolf can afford to feel very smug. I'm just glad the whole "it must be someone Rose has met by episode three" thing worked out.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:34 / 18.06.05
Just the right amount of sadness about the regeneration (and for viewers, the end of Ecclestone's run), too.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:37 / 18.06.05
On a second viewing: No, honestly, I'm not... It's just something in my eye!
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:49 / 18.06.05
Fascinating to see RTD on Doctor Who Confidential that the Time Lords were the ones who started the Time War, when they sent the Doctor to prevent the creation of the Daleks in 'Genesis Of The Daleks'...

This season has really been incredibly tight thematically, and I think some of the complaints about not leaving Earth, etc, need to be considered in the light of the idea that it's a new form of story structure. Instead of a series of four-part stories, the narrative strands (eg, Rose and her family) are broken up and weaved throughout the 13 episodes.

Spatula Clarke
23:17 / 18.06.05
The first time the Heart opened, was because the female Slitheen had been tampering with the TARDIS. It was simply the TARDIS defending itself.

Ah, I hadn't realised that. Makes sense.

Just watched it again. The best bit for me's when the Doctor breathes out all the time vortex guff that he's taken from Rose - the (relatively annoying and decidedly LotRish) 'Bad Wolf' theme music grabs for some unexpected notes and suddenly becomes triumphant and a lot more affecting, as the Doc lets go of all the shit that's dogged him during the series. Class.

Fly> It's less about the fact that we didn't get to see any alien worlds and more that the characters, apparently, did. Having Rose tell Mickey about all the places she's been to and the Doctor remember visiting a couple of other worlds between the events in the solo Slitheen episode and last week's was annoying and felt out of place in the scripts - obvious pimpage for the inevitable 'Rose and the Ninth Doctor' series of novels, available in all good bookshops soon.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
23:18 / 18.06.05
We don't just get hitch on design, we get millar's ultimate phoenix too.

Just to point out - we don't know WHAT she fixed. Don't assume what we'll find out by season x episode 4. I reckon the darleks were abnormal and she fixed the abnormality - she was determinisim personified, just for a little while.

OK, I just want Lynda back, you pesimistic motherfuckers.

Fucking hell. I moaned "nooooo" at the tv when lynda died. I NEVER give a shit about people on TV. It was just so human...
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
23:22 / 18.06.05
Oh yeah, and these Darleks were just humans shaped into the idea of a darlek - the brotherhood of the repeated meme, if you will.
Mourne Kransky
23:52 / 18.06.05
Magnificent. Since when did the Daleks have a concept of blasphemy? ...worship him, worship him... the stink of humanity!

Will miss Eccleston's manic grinning but looks as if Tennant can do that too. Much enhanced by the excellent camera work, those closeups and the beautifully judged framing. Never a lazy that'll do moment.

Captain Jack - leathertastic! Kiss! On the lips! Never doubted him, never will. Hello Spaceboy!

Emergency Programme One. Makes you wonder about Emergency programmes 2 to 10.

There are colonies out there. The human race will survive in some shape or form. Chilling image of the Doctor as Shiva: the Destroyer of Worlds. Marvellous development of the character, retaining the cardinal elements but flagging up the seedy underbelly of a Timelord's rationale and priorities. And, the Doctor being so totemic, he redeems himself gloriously with Coward: Coward every time at the crucial moment.

You do wonder why the Daleks need ships at all when you see them flying through Space without benefit of vehicle, mind.

And the Anne Droid as ruthless Dalek exterminator. Yay! So many times they pull rabbits out of hats in these scripts and insert metaphorical anal probes.

And the whole I was the girl who held Dad's hand as he died scene. Jackie screaming Stop it, just stop it! It was but a moment, among many similarly well judged moments, but it had such truth in it. Like Mickey's phenomenal self sacrifice and Jackie coming in like the Seventh Cavalry with Rodrigo's truck. Deeply satisfying emotionally and moving the intergalactic plot along with mundane London Council Estate drivers.

Loved the Damien:Omen III soundtrack too. Gave it the necessary gravitas. I could see what RTD was going on about in a recent interview where he talked about going for a Season Finale feel.

Loved Rose as the Dea Ex Machina. I see everything: all that was, all that is, all that ever could be. Then, That's what I see, all the time. Doesn't it drive you mad? You need a Doctor.

Dramatic regeneration scene. Bit too dramatic when you remember all the others but who am I to quibble? New teeth, that's weird. G thinks he looks like Haus now. Cooool.

Worshipping Russell T Davies. Must go and sacrifice something to propitiate this new deity. To ensure a fabulous Christmas Special.
23:53 / 18.06.05
Lordy. I mean, really. I, boy sarky, have been reduced to baby animal jelly.

Captain Jack kissed the Doctor! Tiny winking producer! So many neat character touches... and the enormo insane shit.

Apart from the aforementioned, the moment where the Dalek hovering in space in front of Lynda soundlessly flashes "exterminate"... eeeesh.
Regrettable Juvenilia
00:00 / 19.06.05
Yeah, that's the kind of thing that makes you go "Why did nobody ever think about that before?" - although maybe the Daleks didn't always flash their lights when they spoke. 'Dalek' also used those lights to great effect, when they glow faintly as the lone Dalek says "Doc... Tor?" in a quiet, confused way, and then light up brighter...
00:07 / 19.06.05
He does look like you Haus!

I am very sad about the loss of Christopher E, and currently can't quite believe the new doctor will be as good. This is worrying in that Tom Baker was forever the 'proper' Doctor for me and it took until the Ninth Doctor to change my mind. I really don't want to have to got through a whole load of other Doctors before I get that feeling again.

I properly cried in the Rose/Dad bit and had goosebumps for pretty much all the rest. And Flyboy is right - the Badwolf speculation was wonderfully wrong and the answer so unforeseen...I was delighted.

Rose as the TARDIS/Time Vortex was one of Billie's best perfomances anbd I loved that in the end it was just normal earthling Rose that saved the world - because of love...ahhhh.

Oh and Flyboy's posting of DO NOT INTERRUPT! DO NOT INTERRUPT! made me realise how unable I am to read that sentence without re-hearing the Dalek voices.
00:08 / 19.06.05
Lynda-With-A-Y... I wish, wish, wish Rose had brought you back too.* You were one of the good ones and deserved at least one sexy space adventure with Captain Jack, down by the railway track.

Loved the double-bluff in that scene. "Oh, no, they're cutting through, but she might have time... Oh FUCK". It's not REALLY space horror until someone gets sucked out into the Obsidian Gulf.

(*not outside the bounds of possibility, eh?)
Benny the Ball
00:09 / 19.06.05
ah damn - I missed it as I was working. Is it repeated on terrestrial? I really enjoyed the last three or four episodes (didn't see the power plan one, but the WWII and last weeks were great). Damn.
00:10 / 19.06.05
Flyboy, stop being the Daleks quite so brilliantly just by posting a few letters!

I just read that and re-enacted the whole "Doc..Tor? THE Doc...tor????!" scene out loud.
00:14 / 19.06.05
Flyboy, stop being the Daleks quite so brilliantly

00:17 / 19.06.05
He does look like you Haus!

I'd hit it.
00:22 / 19.06.05
(Incidentally, are we sure that Rose/Tardis/Bad Wolf didn't bring everyone back to life, potentially including Lynda-w-a-Y, lovely TV people and the people of Earth? It is better, in a way, if she didn't - even this supposedly omniscient, omnipotent being actually only cares about her own - but if she didn't the human race is still a bit screwed...
00:23 / 19.06.05
Liked it a lot. Had so-o-ome wet blanketty niggles with the Buffy/Phoenixness of it all, but these were vastly outweighed by the satisfying way it all came together. Didn't shirk from non-happy-ever-after carnage but great dialogue and, of course, the money shot of Ecclestone-becoming-Tennant.

(And the distraction of Jack's leather-arsed loveliness throughout.)

Felt a bit sorry for Mickey, Lynda and Nameless Volunteer Woman In Flowery Blouse. Oh yeah, and the Earth.

Good feelings about Tennant's Hausness. Ecclestone's manic whimsy has, for me, jarred slightly throughout this series; I'll be happy to see a new Doctor. I hope he gets a better outfit too.
00:32 / 19.06.05
He needs a better outfit. For the moments we saw him in Ecclestone get up, he looked a bit like a child wearing his dad's clothes.
00:50 / 19.06.05
Aaand the Sunday papers are saying Billie's staying, the BBC having chucked a huge amount of cash at both her and Mr Tennant (who's apparently signed for, I think, two further seasons). Oh, and the possibility of a movie has been raised.

Xoc- the whole "why do they need spaceships" thing- well, human soldiers can march, but travelling by jeep is SO much less effort!
Regrettable Juvenilia
00:54 / 19.06.05
Haus: my reading of that was that Rose was beginning a process of putting everything 'right' that would only have got bigger (so stop the Daleks* first, then bring back Jack, then bring back the Station 5 people, then repair Earth...), and which as it got bigger would have been more and more dodgy in terms of timestream meddling (although how can that be when the Dalek-caused destruction was itself a consequence of time meddling... I dunno!). The Doctor stopped her before she got to the really godlike stuff, though.

*That's the DA! LEKS!, olulabelle.
Regrettable Juvenilia
01:00 / 19.06.05
In case you couldn't tell, I've decided that Nicholas Briggs, who did the voice of all the Daleks (and made them slightly different from one another, apparently for the first time) has the best job in the world.
09:50 / 19.06.05
He does indeed. Have you seen the BBC Online interviews with him? He is a tiny camp fanboy who is getting to do the voice of THE! DA! LEKS! He so happy...

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