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The New Doctor Who


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09:50 / 21.04.05
Not sure if this has been posted or not, but here is the actual website used in the first episode by that guy who was gathering info on The Doctor.

It's also been updated with info about the alien invasion!

Oh, and here's U.N.I.T.'s homepage!

These pages and domains are set up by a company so that they can be used in TV shows. There's a whole list of them here, including the search engine used in The Bill.
11:05 / 21.04.05
I know the person in charge of updating that site.
Poor bastard had to make sure it worked and was updated in real time in case anyone used it during the first episode. I asked him did the BBC really think people would be sad enough to do that and he just looked at me like I was incredibly stupid.

He was right, of course.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
12:41 / 21.04.05
Based on exhaustive investigation- oh all right, according to the 11 year old son of someone I work with, yer actual kids are all talking about Who in the playground monday morning and loved the farting monsters. So that settles it them. Maybe if George Lucas moves quick enough he can put some CG fart action into SW3 to guarentee it's the best film evar.

And yes, I love how Mickey's taken running the 'who is Doctor Who' site.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:47 / 23.04.05
Well, tonight's episode started off badly, the way our heroes got out of the various cliffhangers was dumb, there seems to be no reason for the aliens to be linked other than it helps them to all be defeated at once, but then it does improve, the telephone conversation in the cabinet office, the bit where the Doctor tells the aliens that he'll defeat them... a mixed bag. Next week look's good...
20:41 / 23.04.05
Lots of fun allusions to the lead up to the invasion of Iraq... nothing straight out stated, but but enought clear allusions (massive weapons of destruction that could be deployed in 45 seconds...)
Brigade du jour
20:54 / 23.04.05
I thought that Iraq allusion was pretty brave of the BBC actually, what with the wounds of their altercation with HMGov still somewhat pustulent.

Yeah, it was a bit weaker overall than some of the earlier ones, but enough 'oh wicked!' moments to keep things ticking along nicely. Call me Old Mr Low Standards, but that's more than I expect from a Saturday night's telly, to be honest.
23:22 / 23.04.05
I thought it was excellent... but then I also loved last week's, which didn't seem to be the discerning lither's favourite telly of choice.
The 'getting out of the cliffhangers' part was fairly silly... but then, it always was.
The Doctor's relationship with Rose is working out quite nicely; some good script moments there.

But yes.

Next week- a Dalek. \m/
A Bigger Boat
21:10 / 24.04.05
Not asking for spoilers, but do people out there know anything about the 'Bad Wolf' yet? Two allusions so far. The first being the Victorian era maid telling Rose that she's ALREADY MET the Big Bad Wolf. Then the young lad spraying Bad Wolf onto the Tardis. Is the kid the Bad Wolf? Is that his tag ('tag'? is that what the kids are calling it these days?) Is that kid's future self going to become one of the Doc's adversaries?
Spatula Clarke
22:56 / 24.04.05
The apparently random kid spraying that up the side of the TARDIS is more or less why I figure it's a psychic residue thing, rather than a Rose thing. RTD's motto for the series seems to be "keep things simple." We've already got the war stuff to clear up - that's one undercurrent, and I can't see him sticking a second in there. Make things a bit of a mess and a bit confusing for a series that's a toe-in-the-water reintroduction.

I didn't mind this episode so much. It seemed to rip past at a fair old rate, though, so I'm not sure I really took it in. Did notice a few of the one-liners getting lost in the bombast of the incidental score and the hasty editing, though.
06:35 / 25.04.05
I have a feeling that Bad Wolf is either the Dr or someone involved in the war that he couldn't stop (therefore a new arch villain).
It seems that the doctor failed in some way in the war (I'm guessing he didn't get involved in time to make a difference) as he's carrying around a lot of guilt. God knows where that takes us though.

Also, unless it's creative editing the Dr seems VERY suprised to see a Dalek (in the trailer for next weeks ep), as though he didn't expect them to exist anymore either...
Spatula Clarke
11:39 / 25.04.05
I heard something rather spoilerific about the war on another board. No idea if it's true or not - didn't involve myself in the build up to the new series at all and haven't purposefully hunted spoilers down, but tripped over this one by accident.

Like I say, possibly spoilerific (highlight the line held in the § symbols).
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:48 / 25.04.05
About the 'Bad Wolf', I'd say it was Fenric if it wasn't for the fact it's very unlikely that RTD is going to bring in a Sylvestor McCoy bad guy to a series that is supposed to be accessible to people who have never watched Doctor Who before...
20:04 / 25.04.05
Ok, staying away from anything even vaguely spoilery or taunting, but the bad wolf thing crops up for a second or two in ep7 as well (by which point it's still not resolved). Can't recall any reference to it in Dalek, mind you.
My theory is that RTD is such a fan he couldn't possibly allow a season to go by without the Master turning up at some point. My money is on Bad Wolf being either him or even the Doctor himself in the last couple of episodes.
Oh, and my worries that ep7 was heading into crap Baker/McCoy territory was wrong. I've never seen Simon Pegg so relishing a role.
20:41 / 25.04.05
My money is on Bad Wolf being either him or even the Doctor himself in the last couple of episodes.

I've just had an interesting (and almost certainly wrong) thought - how do we know the Doctor is who he says he is? There's been no explanation of how we got from McCoy/McGann incarnation to the Eccleston incarnation, and we've only his word that he's actually the Doctor and not, say, the Master. I'd really love it if at the end of the series it was revealed that he'd in fact been an imposter all along, if only for the shock value. This'd also solve the "too many incarnations" problem, assuming that the upper limit of thirteen is still canon.
20:49 / 25.04.05
ooh, blimey. Well, he has risked his life far too often to be the Master (who was always a cowardly little oik, though it might explain Eccles' propensity for anger/violence), but considering how easy it would be to blend McGann and Tennant (floppy fringes, a bit effete but also dangerous), I think there might be something in that. I have taken Bad Wolf as being a reference to Angela Carter ("Hairy on the inside" and all that). I think you might be on to something, there.
Bed Head
22:27 / 25.04.05
I know I’m too late for the reviews this week again, but I’m going to stick my oar in anyway, if only because I’ve only just got to see it. And I loved this latest episode. Properly wobbly bloke-in-a-rubber-suit monsters, that suddenly look pretty deadly when they become CGI thingummys chasing people around and scraping their claws together (on which, check out the FEAR FORECASTERS, which could well be the cutest thing ever. Also a good place for any grown-ups who’re still not liking the burping wheelie bins and farting aliens). Agree with those who say the political stuff was brave and disagree with those who think it was too obvious - it’s mainstream telly, broad brushstrokes kinda stuff: sod subtlety, say it loudly, and say it twice. The politics seemed less smug than snarling.

Preferred this to The Unquiet Dead, was actually more scared by it, policemen with zips on their heads and MONSTERS inside is how I want my aliens to be, not like wispy ghostly things. Also scores vs Unquiet Dead re: trapped in downing street is more effective than being trapped in a crypt, because the phone conferencing bit drew out the danger of the situation and pulled it in different directions. The best bits are always when they’re just talking about stuff, rather than showing you stuff; my other favourite scene so far is the pre-credits sequence to The End Of the World, where Rose has just run into the TARDIS, and they move forward through time *talking* about what’s outside the doors, without ever feeling the need to show us the year 5000 or whatever. I love it when they do stuff like that, rattle on and let you do something with your BRANE in order to properly build up to a Big Moment. So after the cabinet room scene, I didn’t even mind the amazing magic missile so much, just because at the end I get to sit back and see Downing Street blown up for fun on the BBC. O brave new world.

Oh, and really excellent ‘next week!’ mini-trailer this time. It builds and builds and you know you’re going to see a dalek, but first you get lots and lots of frightened people and screeching and guns. Y’know, even if you don’t like the end product, you can still clearly see the intent, and admire the precise way they carry it through. (intent being: this dalek is SCARY! people are TERRIFIED! and killed and stuff. I squealed out loud)

Only other thing I’ve got, that I’m surprised no-one’s picked up and giggled about so far, is the way the designers are referencing other things when they do their aliens - in The End Of The World, the little stewards seemed to pretty obviously echo the Robotmen from the Peter Cushing Dr Who film - shiny black vinyl jumpsuits, crash helmets with aviator shades glued on. Last episode the, er, fake alien was one of the Pigs in Spaaaaace from the Muppet Show. Even had the same spacesuit on, man. I mean, it’s not significant or anything, it just makes me smile. The whole show makes me smile, all the way through, every episode.

So I’m not ever going to scale any heights of critical analysis, really. Ah, well. *g*
22:45 / 25.04.05
Pigs in Spaaaaace from the Muppet Show
Link Hogthrob. Of course. Also amusing because all the aliens are kind of swinish when they are in human skins. We appear porcine to them, so the best way to fake an alien is to make it look piggy. Nice.
09:06 / 26.04.05
Last episode the, er, fake alien was one of the Pigs in Spaaaaace from the Muppet Show. Even had the same spacesuit on, man
I thought it was Sontaran armour. Anyone got a screenshot of the astropig?

I did very much like the "next week" trailer, but I almost feel they should have left out the actual Dalek visual, and just had its voice or something along those lines- the anticipatory effect I got when the military chappie was exterminated or whatever the technical term is was much greater than the one I got when the Dalek actually turned up. After all, a new viewer should surely be able to recognise a Dalek voice or silhouette as well as the actual thing, especially considering the added stuff around it in the trailer. (A bit like the Dalek Emperor or whatever it was - Baker era?
Were those American flags on the guns/uniforms of the military personnel?
Hmm...the fact that the Doctor says something about the Dalek having "fallen through time" suggests that the TV-film wasn't in fact canon, as in that they're a sort of galactic police force, as I recall. however, I suppose all continuity not directly relating to the Doctor is ultimately malleable.

Alternatively: Daleks! Squee!
11:41 / 26.04.05
Mmmm Daleks (spoliers in a crunchy kind of way).

That is all.
12:24 / 26.04.05
Mild spoilage which you probably know anyway...

according to some of the TV Guides this week, it's "the last Dalek", and there's only one.
But I can live with that. It's a Dalek, for fuck's sake!
12:41 / 26.04.05
There will always be Daleks, I mean how many times has the Doctor tried to wipe them out? They always get away somehow .
00:30 / 27.04.05
God Damn.

Now I know too much about the rest of the season to contribute to the thread.

Grrrr... BBC employees!

All good, GOOD, stuff though..
But don't hold too much faith in the whole The Dr is The Master theory though. There are a few red herrings thrown in for good measure that do get their spotlight eventually but not in any way that would make you think it was as well thought out as we think it could have been.
"Bad Wolf" I'm talking about you.

Spoilers but not really:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

After this weeks episode see if you recognise graffiti on the walls spread through out previous episodes.
I think it's too obscure to notice just yet.

End Spoilers:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

06:54 / 27.04.05
Wow, were my comments as frustrating as that was? I'm sorry.
21:19 / 27.04.05
Apologies for drunken posting... was rather Dr Who'd out after our drinking and gossiping/spoiling session.

Just be ready to expect pie jokes.
I'm not joking.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
13:54 / 28.04.05
The 12th episode's title has been confirmed as 'Bad Wolf.'
20:45 / 28.04.05
Yup... written waaay after all the bad wolf hintings in earlier episodes.
RTD didn't quite know what to do with it so he asked the production staff. I haven't heard what's actually IN the episode yet though.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:06 / 30.04.05
Saw some clips from tonight's episode on News24 earlier. This does look like a alien-death machine that could take out a planet. It also looks like stair-climbing is going to turn out to be one of the least impressive things it can do.
10:16 / 30.04.05
Correct. It's what ELSE it does with that ability that's very impressive and scary. This is a clever Dalek.
17:52 / 30.04.05
That was my favourite so far, but remember it was all very new for me. As in, I've never seen anything with a Dalek in before.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood right up! The Doctor was a prick! I got gaycore everywhere then went and took a tube/bus just so I could have a little cry! Sqeee! etc.

(Inside the Dalek was a bit rub, though.)
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:27 / 30.04.05
The scene with the Doctor in the vault with the Dalek was everything I had hoped for when I heard Eccleston got the role. I loved the way the dalek argued with him.

But, I disliked the way that the writer does not appear to be aware that Remembrance of the Daleks was ever written, he makes a big fuss that he's worked out that Daleks float upstairs, big whoop, fans know this, Doctor Who newbies aren't going to think "it's got no legs, it'll be trapped on one floor". After all, it's got no legs but it can move along the ground.

Also, how exactly did it break free? It already sucked the life out of one guy but that didn't quite give it the power it needed, and it got that from a brief touch from Rose?

Despite being all for 3D baddies, I'm also rather concerned that we have the Dalek remorselessly kill anyone who doesn't have their name in front of the show's title then are supposed to feel sorry for it? Again, we've done the genetic purity angle in Remembrance. Or Evil of the Daleks for that matter. If it starts becomming like whatever organic material it comes into contact with, doesn't that make it a really crap killing machine? Why hasn't the doctor tried defeating them by attacking them with sea cabbages? And what exactly was it's connection to Rose, and why did it need her to tell it to die?

Otherwise the Dalek looked fantastic. And the guy doing the voice was wonderful. Just like the old days.

A good episode, better than last weeks, but I think it suffered somewhat in the area of ethics.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:44 / 30.04.05
Having said all that, Dalek game!
18:56 / 30.04.05
Fuck, that was good. I agree on the scene between the two in the vault. That was bloody electric. I think this series just gets better and better. I feel myself getting more and more unashamedly fanboy as it progresses.

I felt sorry for the Dalek pretty much throughout. Fair enough, it's a Dalek so it's an evil piece of work, but it's like they said about it's not knowing anything else. It's never been allowed to. When it begins to question itself and it's own Dalek "programming", it stops the killing. It's been as much of a prisoner of its own Dalekness than it was of Statten's, which is what the scene with the sunlight was all about. It cracks the inhibiting character armour imposed upon it and becomes something else. The base and the Dalek are micro/macrocosms of one another. Actually, the more I think about the episode like that, the cleverer it seems.

As for the whole Rose thing, the Dalek said it needed to absorb the Biomass of a time traveller, hence why it was Rose that gave it the strength. Not too sure why this was important. Perhaps it's because the Dalek was thrown back in time itself. I suppose you could also explain away it becoming like Rose in that it was backed into a corner, without the assurance of the rest of the Dalek horde, so it was willing to do whatever it needed to survive even if that meant potentially compromising itself.

Good God. More please.
Spatula Clarke
19:15 / 30.04.05
But, I disliked the way that the writer does not appear to be aware that Remembrance of the Daleks was ever written, he makes a big fuss that he's worked out that Daleks float upstairs, big whoop, fans know this, Doctor Who newbies aren't going to think "it's got no legs, it'll be trapped on one floor".

Covered, to an extent, in the thing on BBC3 immediately afterwards - apparently there were a number of people cracking "just run up the stairs" jokes. And you've got to remember that hardly anybody bothered watching the last couple of series - the fact that this one hovered was important enough and enough of a 'new' thing for the tabloids to cover it.

Floating up the stairs was also fairly important in that it was just an introduction to the new range of hovering moves. So a few of the people watching already knew that it could do this one thing - what was exciting was what else it could do as a result of that. The first time we ever saw a Dalek overcome the steps problem, chasing McCoy around Grange Hill, it felt like exactly what it was - an admission that the original design was a bit rubbish in certain respects and an in-joke for the fans. This time it felt like a legitimate battle tactic.

Me, I still want to know how K-9 got over the step of the TARDIS.
Spatula Clarke
19:23 / 30.04.05
Nuts. Missed this.

why did it need her to tell it to die?

Again, covered. We were told a couple of times that, as a soldier, a member of the lower ranks, it was incapable of doing anything without orders, beyond following its prime directive. Killing itself wasn't an option unless it was told to.

The DNA stuff... yeah, that was fudged. I didn't need any further explanation to be pulled along with the story, though - you fill in the blanks for yourself. I'd much sooner be asked to do that than have everything spelled out for me (which has been one of the problems of the less impressive episodes so far). It's got a link to Rose because it was her DNA it used to reconstruct whatever it is it needed to reconstruct in order to escape. I don't really care exactly why that link existed or how it came into being. It's just something a Dalek can do now. Good enough for me.

Loved the episode, by the way. Loved it. That's two out of six. Hope that average improves now that we've got all the introductions out of the way (along with London 2005 and Shit Mum, with any luck).
19:32 / 30.04.05
Those two would be the ones not written by Davis, would they not?

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