Well, that’s bad, but it’s also good. While it’s certainly embarrassing that they were caught on the hop by The Sun, the news that this wasn’t ever quite the massive, out-of-the-blue surprise that it was initially presented as means that RTD knows what he’s doing by now. Has for ages. The ‘live life to the fullest because one day it’ll end’ theme is gonna be there throughout, and the changeover is gonna be a big heroic sacrifice at the end of it. Big teary christmas day special - hurrah! And doesnt it feel so wonderful to actually Give A Fuck?
And anyway, all this ‘is it Doctor 9 or Doctor 10 and how many does he have left anyway?’ bollocks is sooooo misplaced. It’s doctor 1 and 2 for all intents and purpose, and the change is part of his story, and David Tennant will be, ah, fantastic.
Besides, so far it’s Billie who completely owns this show. Now, if *she* was leaving I’d be worried. While Eccleston’s teary moment this episode was dramatic, and his ‘oooh, I’m *bristling* with ideas’ hardnut line at the end was thrilling 'n that, all the best bits are where Billie freaks over nobody watching the end of the earth/phones her mum/wants some chips/is about to be frazzled and says ‘stop fucking around’ on teatime tv. Eccles is good, but Billie is providing all the JOY, two episodes in a row. |