I'm starting to feel that they're taking the alieness/PTSD of the Doctor a bit too far, I don't think he'd be quite so uncaring of what Rose's Mum has been through.
Nah, I disagree. I just watched Pyramids of Mars again a few days ago, and Baker's Doctor is absolutely fucking brutal in that, especially when the whole fratricide thing happens. A quick, vaguely uninterested "I guess his brother must have paid him a visit," before shoving the body out of the way and getting back to what he was doing previously. Nasty.
I thought this episode was a bit rubbish, frankly. Possibly even a lot rubbish. The fart jokes would have been considered patronising in a bad episode of My Parents are Aliens. Shifting from CG to rubber suits for the alien reveal looked stupid. Shit Boyfriend redeemed himself in my eyes by doing more than simply mugging to the camera this time, but Shit Mum was even worse than before. Plus RTD forcing Eccleston into a grin that doesn't fit yet again. "Fantastic!" is getting on my tits a bit now.
Was presuming that they'd have the common sense to not stick a dramatic tension-destroying "next week" trailer on the end. Fools.
I hope we don't get any more RTD-scripted present day stories this series. He just doesn't seem to be very good at doing them, on current evidence (which, admittedly, is only two episodes, but still). The Livingstone joke this week was as as clunky as the sudden appearance of the Big Issue seller was in week one - they're clumsy moments that make the viewer aware of the writer's hand. His second episode worked much better, because the setting basically forbad him from doing anything so obvious and demanded that he used a little more intelligence and imagination in getting his points across. This one feels like it's just leading us up to a great big "isn't Tony Blair a bad man? Aren't New Labour nasty?" punchline (a feeling which Cube's posts would seem to support).
Finally, Who doesn't fit very well into a BIG storyline like this. The full-scale alien invasion tales have always felt a bit off. If it must do alien invasions, it pulls them off much more successfully when we get the small-scale dealings beforehand, when there are just a handful of the blighters causing trouble and paving the way for the full-on attack in some backwater somewhere. Unless its Daleks or Cybermen, natch. |