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The New Doctor Who


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22:45 / 09.04.05
This was a really good episode. The only Doctor Who that I'm old enough to have actually watched in serial form was the McCoy stuff and it was always the horror episodes that have stuck in my mind. Now that we're three episodes in and we've had the present day, far future and gothic horror it's getting more and more like the stuff I remember loving (and having the shit scared out of me by) when I was a wee guy.

Two things I'm kind of intrigued by:

First how the Tardis seems to being used as a sexual metaphor of the relationship between the Doctor and Rose. We had the Doctor pumping away in the second episode, bluffed up on his own ego "I am so impressive!". Now we have them both clambering across it as the thing buffets and shakes, and when it lands they have to help each other off the floor, where all that seems to be missing is the cigarettes.

Secondly, how the Doctor's behaviour seems to be increasingly self destructive. He's always on the lookout for trouble, and the worse the odds the happier he gets. While this has always kind of been the case, I suppose, here it feels different. He jumps into situations dragging people along with him without much thought for their safety (Jabe in Ep. 2 and Gwyneth in this one). You get the feeling that the aftermath of the war is taking a much larger toll on him than he wants to admit and he's only going to get worse. I could also see this causing trouble between him and Rose at some point.

Also noticed that Gwyneth mentioned something about the Wolf in reference to the Doctor, and in the preview of next week's episode the Tardis has similar graffiti across it. A touch of foreshadowing for something?
23:43 / 09.04.05
Loved it. Again.

A good old-fashioned "scary one"; always my favourite kind of Who, and it was nice to see they do it so well. Good on The Gatiss- top work.

I also liked the whole "it's gone wrong" bit- I like how CE's Doctor isn't quite as "seemingly bonkers but really knows what he's doing the whole time but just doesn't let on" as he's sometimes been portrayed. I LIKE a Doctor who can fuck up. Badly.
01:03 / 10.04.05
is if those army dudes the Doctor was ordering around in the trailer turn out to be from UNIT

*Cough* I couldn't possibly comment. I'll be amazed if the Beeb get away with screening ep5 so close to an election, that's all I can say... (ps Remember what the initials of UNIT spell out? Uh-huh. And how much respect did Tony show their the governing body? Yep.) Oh, sweet hairy Gallifrey I want to spoil this, but I can't as the next two are going to blow your wee heads off.
I repeat: squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Our Lady Has Left the Building
07:30 / 10.04.05
Well, yes, I'm not so much looking forward to next week and the return of the crap boyfriend and mum, hopefully crap boyfriend won't be made out to be such a waste of space that you wonder what Rose ever saw in him, but if he's not standing around being crap why would Rose go off with the Doctor. And there seems to be what looks like your completely average pompous Brigadier-type character wanting to put Britain under martial law, hopefully he'll turn out to be more interesting.
miss wonderstarr
08:49 / 10.04.05
With regard to the Doctor fucking up, I liked the way (as I understood it) this made immediate sense in terms of character, even to a viewer like me who had only watched one episode. The Doctor perked up and made his decision as soon as he heard the Gelf were the last of their kind, stranded in a time war -- and perhaps they knew this would be his trigger. I found it incredibly satisfying that his decision felt right to the viewer at the time, and that Rose seemed the backwards one, clinging to narrow 21st century human morality: but that her response, however sentimental, instinctive and girly-empathetic, turned out to be the right one by the end. Excellent also to have Dickens, rather than the Doctor, save the day through logic.
09:14 / 10.04.05
I have a feeling that the aliens of the piece are actually spelt Gelth rather than Gelf to avoid confusion with the Genetically Engineered Life Forms of Red Dwarf continuity...
miss wonderstarr
09:38 / 10.04.05
Oh yes, my bad.
Tryphena Absent
18:21 / 10.04.05
Timelady, trust in Russell. He never lets us down (well, not me, I even like Casanova).
Eloi Tsabaoth
18:39 / 10.04.05
"What the Shakespeare!"

Best. Episode. So. Far.
All Acting Regiment
19:59 / 10.04.05
And on top of all this, think about it: we've just watched a program set in the victorian era with ghosts in it,yet it was totally free from cliche. It takes much skill to do that.
22:25 / 10.04.05
Also with regard to the last episode - the perfect oppurtunity for the new Dr. to wear something frilly and fancy... so it was rather enjoyable when he just says "I've changed my sweater!" and continued to moan about people not liking his jacket.
22:34 / 10.04.05
we've just watched a program set in the victorian era with ghosts in it, yet it was totally free from cliche

Well, apart from the huge honking great cliché of the doctor meeting famous historical figures. But, you know, cliché is a big part of Dr Who. More importantly it was enjoyable, well researched, well written, well produced and reasonably historically accurate... I found it the most enjoyable so far...
22:55 / 10.04.05
Best. Episode. So. Far.

Keep. Fucking. Watching.
00:31 / 11.04.05
Jesus cube, as if I wasn't hyped up enough.

I'm just getting back into this week-at-a-time thing (generally a boxset person) and your not making the waiting any easier.
00:45 / 11.04.05
Oh, but does anybody know where I can find the Torrent for Dr. Who Confidential No.3?
I found the first two but can't find this one and I don't have BBC 3.
06:42 / 11.04.05
UKNova has it, but it's members-only and I'm not sure they're letting people in.
07:24 / 11.04.05
Will we find that every episode the Doctor finds someon emore interesting than Rose to hang out with (Jabe, Dickens), and runs off with him or her to have adventures, while Rose indulges her taste for a bit of below-stairs action, chatting up a plumber or serving-girl? It's probably just because RTD and Gattis didn't compare scripts, but the parallel was rather amusing...

Want UNIT. Specifically, want Lethbridge-Stewart.
07:39 / 11.04.05
You Do all know you can stream Confidential from the BBC's doctor who website, right?
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:01 / 11.04.05
Loved this episode to bits. The Doctor fucking up is always great, and I'm impressed by the body count of this series to date. I like the fact that Ecclestone's manic enthusiasm seems to be a fairly shaky cover for nerves which are more shot-to-pieces than almost any of his previous incarnations (don't mention the WAR!).

Speaking of which, I don't know how one can say "the Doctor may like humans but he's not chummy with them or in awe of them like that" - different guy to a certain extent, innee? And I'm amazed that anyone could watch the utterly bonkers preview for next week and not salivate... UNIT! Big Ben getting totalled at the very start! Creepy shit! Woot!
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:25 / 11.04.05
Two things I noticed when watching again:

Charles exclaims "What the Shakespear!?" when they hear Rose screaming when they arrive at Sneeds.

The Maid looks inside Rose's mind and sees 'The darkness, The big bad wolf', don't know what's going on but Rose doesn't seem to surprised by this... I can't believe that RTD is planning another Fenris story so I'm intrigued to see where this is going...
Benny the Ball
08:51 / 16.04.05
That fella from Casanova has just been announced as the new doctor.
09:53 / 16.04.05
The thing is, no matter how hard I try, I'll just keep imagining he's going to pop up dressed in all of Cassanova's fancy frilly clothes, and will be dissapointed when that doesn't happen. They suit him.
Whisky Priestess
13:06 / 16.04.05
Oh for fuck's sake. Why can't they have just the tiniest scintilla of fucking imagination in casting the Doctor? Casanova will suck monkeys, I know it. That's some almost Whedonesque nepotistic casting right there. If/when this thing is recommissioned (and you know it will be - flog that regenerated horse, BBC!) I will simply stop watching if it's bloody Casanova. (Not that Tennant isn't good as Casanova, but he's so wrong for Who. He will drag it into Tweenies teatime territory - where's the darkness?)

I just hope it's worth it to RTD to watch his series go down the pan for the sake of staying on the right side of David bloody Tennant.

Eloi Tsabaoth
13:20 / 16.04.05
It's already been recommissioned and confirmed as David Tennant. Frankly I think he has the potential to be great. Each actor redefines the role as he takes it. I don't think RTD's going to bow to anyone else's ideas about the series, anyway.
I'm hoping David Tennant will put out a press release saying 'I signed up for 4 series! I love being typecast!'
Whisky Priestess
14:47 / 16.04.05
Unless he is forced to fight for his Timelord coronet in a new reality show called "Who Idol"!

Now that I'd watch ...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:52 / 16.04.05
The 'alien spaceship crashing through Big Ben' was a bit dodgy, otherwise it was more fun. And glad to see UNIT get mentioned, even though they know the Doctor regenerates, and nice to see a backhanded almost-mention for the brave work our American friends are doing snooping on our emails and telecommunications with Echelon and Carnivore...

I'm starting to feel that they're taking the alieness/PTSD of the Doctor a bit too far, I don't think he'd be quite so uncaring of what Rose's Mum has been through. And everyone is still being unnecessarily horrible to Mickey Nice-But-Dim, only black character and he seems to be the butt of some universal joke. I suppose we should be grateful that when he talked about the horrible time he's had during the last year Rose didn't just laugh in his face.

But already excited waiting for next week!
18:28 / 16.04.05
Well, they do autocritique the big ben thing...

Not as good as last week I thought, but still great fun...
Spatula Clarke
19:02 / 16.04.05
I'm starting to feel that they're taking the alieness/PTSD of the Doctor a bit too far, I don't think he'd be quite so uncaring of what Rose's Mum has been through.

Nah, I disagree. I just watched Pyramids of Mars again a few days ago, and Baker's Doctor is absolutely fucking brutal in that, especially when the whole fratricide thing happens. A quick, vaguely uninterested "I guess his brother must have paid him a visit," before shoving the body out of the way and getting back to what he was doing previously. Nasty.

I thought this episode was a bit rubbish, frankly. Possibly even a lot rubbish. The fart jokes would have been considered patronising in a bad episode of My Parents are Aliens. Shifting from CG to rubber suits for the alien reveal looked stupid. Shit Boyfriend redeemed himself in my eyes by doing more than simply mugging to the camera this time, but Shit Mum was even worse than before. Plus RTD forcing Eccleston into a grin that doesn't fit yet again. "Fantastic!" is getting on my tits a bit now.

Was presuming that they'd have the common sense to not stick a dramatic tension-destroying "next week" trailer on the end. Fools.

I hope we don't get any more RTD-scripted present day stories this series. He just doesn't seem to be very good at doing them, on current evidence (which, admittedly, is only two episodes, but still). The Livingstone joke this week was as as clunky as the sudden appearance of the Big Issue seller was in week one - they're clumsy moments that make the viewer aware of the writer's hand. His second episode worked much better, because the setting basically forbad him from doing anything so obvious and demanded that he used a little more intelligence and imagination in getting his points across. This one feels like it's just leading us up to a great big "isn't Tony Blair a bad man? Aren't New Labour nasty?" punchline (a feeling which Cube's posts would seem to support).

Finally, Who doesn't fit very well into a BIG storyline like this. The full-scale alien invasion tales have always felt a bit off. If it must do alien invasions, it pulls them off much more successfully when we get the small-scale dealings beforehand, when there are just a handful of the blighters causing trouble and paving the way for the full-on attack in some backwater somewhere. Unless its Daleks or Cybermen, natch.
23:36 / 16.04.05
But, as we saw in Day of the Daleks - it is a bit hard to portray a full-scale invastion with just three aliens..
Spatula Clarke
23:57 / 16.04.05
It's not just the stuff that's presumably casused by budgetary restrictions that makes that sort of thing fall apart, though. It's the basic premise. There's far more threat in one or two alien dudes quietly working away on their plan for world domination in the dark corners, unseen and unheard, and without anyone paying them any attention than there is a bunch of alien dudes crashing a fucking spaceship into a national landmark in order to cover up for themselves. It's like the difference between Invasion of the Bodysnatchers and Independance Day.

The more I think about this episode, the worse it gets. I should probably stop thinking about it. It just seems, at this very early stage, that Davies doesn't have the same grip on what makes this stuff tick as Gattis does. Which is odd, because I was kind of expecting it to be the other way around.
09:30 / 17.04.05
I thought the doctor's comments on how "perfect" the crash landing was and how crashing into big ben was "a bit much" were indications that the showmakers were kind of taking the piss out of the "jerry brucheimer style/independence day" large scale invasion style stories.
I guess that with all the farting this was who's version of the phantom menace. You know, for kids.
I felt that rose's mom was a much better character this time with the weight of losing rose for the year and it was nice to see who acknowledge the lifes of those that the companions leave behind.
I missed last weeks episode but one of the posts above mentioned that someone pointed out something about the "wolf" in relation to Rose?
This seems to have been echoed again this week with the "bad wolf" graffiti.Anyone ideas on what this is pointing to?
I read an interview wityh one of the designers of the show who said they were putting dalek graffiti dotted throughout the show, I haven't seen any but I doubt its related to this.
Next weeks show looks a bit better with the completely unthreatening fartlords being replaced with agile CGI monsters.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
09:32 / 17.04.05
I disagree with Spatula about this episode being bad, I'd say rather that it's weak. And we had the fart gags in Randall and Hopkirk a few years ago, and seeing as gas was such an important part of last week's story. RTD seems to have a bodily functions thing running through his work, belching bins in the first episode, Cassandra needing to be moisturised in the second and not being able to cry any more, now fart 'gags'. But yay Penelope Wilton!

Totally agree on the next week thing though. I'm guessing this is BBC policy rather than something the Who team necessarily want to do, almost every TV show has a next week thing before or during the credits, I'd be interested if there was any research to see whether it has a positive effect, Who episode two was down on episode one by about 2 1/2 mill. viewers, so possibly not. But yeah, we all know the Doctor and Rose will be all right, but I was wondering whether they kill Mum off to free Rose up for more travelling, already we know that doesn't look likely.

There's also some definite foreshadowingage going on too, this week some kid spray-paints 'Bad Wolf' on the TARDIS, last week...
Spatula Clarke
11:58 / 17.04.05
I'm presuming it's just psychic residue from whatever happened to destroy Gallifrey and the Doc's involvement with that.

I guess that with all the farting this was who's version of the phantom menace. You know, for kids.

I do understand what RTD's trying to pull off here, but he's doing it hamfisted. It's almost as if he's made himself a big list of What Kids Like in a desperate attempt to have it appeal to them, without having much intuitive feel for it. Kids like farts = I will have an episode where all the aliens fart. All. The. Time.

Dude, kids like aliens. Farts not required.
13:56 / 17.04.05
I think the preview of next weeks show is something that's slowly been weasling it's way on to our screens from American telly... and it's always baffled me why you'd have a preview follow right on from the end of the show before the credits even roll.

Which is to say, it's not specific to Dr. Who, but yes! It must be stamped out as it makes absolutely no sense. Sometimes I think whoever puts these things together doesn't realise the title and end sequences are actually part of the show and it's presentation itself, and thinks of them as some sort of seperate entity...
16:13 / 17.04.05
I guess that with all the farting this was who's version of the phantom menace. You know, for kids.

Who IS kids TV, it was conceived as being an educational history series. It got bad when it forgot that (Colin Baker and all that grim and gritty shite unleavened by humour.)
Anyway, the farts are kinda significant plot-wise. RTD does know kids TV, and kids DO like fart gags. I would like Tom Tit Tot to back me up on this after he asks his charges about the episode tomorrow.

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