A quite negative review over at Variety, providing details of the revised storyline that again sink my enthusiasm:
Opening prologue shows Guy Fawkes, the Catholic conspirator who tried to blow up Parliament in 1605 and whose "treason" is remembered every Nov. 5 in the U.K. with fireworks displays.
Post-credits, story shifts to 2020, after worldwide unrest, mysterious deadly viral outbreaks and fear have caused the populace to elect a neo-fascist state, run by demagogic Chancellor Adam Sutler (John Hurt).
On Nov. 4, TV station gopher Evey (Natalie Portman) is saved from a gang of Fingermen, thuggish quasi-police agents intent on raping her, by V (Weaving), a poetry-spouting, caped avenger wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, who at midnight blows up the Old Bailey, London's central criminal court.
The government tries to spin the explosion, but V breaks into the station where Evey works and manages to get his revolutionary, anti-Sutler message broadcast, promising to blow up Parliament in exactly a year's time. While at the station, he also saves Evey from two coppers, Finch (Stephen Rea) and his sidekick Dominic (Rupert Graves), who've come to arrest her.
Pic next metronymically crosscuts between V killing off various characters who wronged him, and Finch and Dominic investigating the murders, which leads to lots of explicatory flashbacks." |