Not so much unimportant, Boboss, as only as good as the interpretation of the director when it comes to what we see up on the screen. The trailer makes what has been filmed look at lot better than most of those writting about it so far have said, but so far all those writting about it have only read the script. Yeah, you can tell a bad script from a good one, but a good director can make a good film from an okay script. So far, we a) haven't seen anything else by this director as it is his first film (benefit of the doubt, this isn't the man who directed Van Helsing or Resident Evil (both proven directors who, for my money, are awful at their craft) for example) b) the source material is my favourite graphic story of all time, so, naturally I have some clear ideas of how I think it should look and what's important to the story, but that's my opinion. This director could have equally strong ideas, which differ from mine - doesn't make them bad, just different. c) I liked the Matrix films (yes plural, the last was the weakest in my opinion) and as such I feel that although again the producers of this film may differ in what is important, the group making this film aren't affraid to put things on film that many other people would shy away from (long dialogue scenes) and as such make bigger films with a little more guts than the heavily produced, toy-line, big return, happy-meal happy other groups.
I just feel that the trailer has hit a lot of good notes, for me, and made me want to see a film that I would have been wanting to see anyway more than any of the gripes that have been risen about the script so far have made me not want to watch. |