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V For Vendetta (PICS)


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Keith, like a scientist
14:05 / 31.05.05
you know, cameron, i think you are right... i forget what the conducting scene is, exactly...been a couple years since I read it...
14:17 / 31.05.05
Just checked - in the Prologue to Volume 3, V blows up the BT Tower and Jordan Tower, conducting with baton and sheet music for the 1812 Overture.
14:20 / 31.05.05
That's actually one of my favourite parts of the whole comic, and one thing I would love to see on screen. I know it;s not much to go on, but from that review this sounds like it's gonna be one of those frustrating "if only..." movies.
Oh well, it was only a second draft, after all. He's probably got a special car by now.
This Sunday
14:23 / 31.05.05
Y'know, if the Bros. W had done a bit better with their Invisibles screen adaptation, I might have a wee bit more faith in this. I think they like their comics, but either fail to understand some comics they like, or they just want to hide what great things they are by making annoyingly subpar films out of them. Explains a whole lot of comics-based films, actually - excluding 'Sin City', 'Road to Perdition', the first couple 'Superman's, and er... other things that were actually watchable and re-watchable. Bear in mind, I love the mid-nineties version of 'The Phantom' with Billy Zane, though.
If you let Alan Moore do an Invisibles film and let Morrison take on 'V' for the cinema... no matter how bad, they'd be ten times what we're going to get here, I'm sure.
16:57 / 31.05.05
Except neither of them are directors.
The Falcon
17:28 / 31.05.05
Neither was Tom Stoppard or various other playwrights. Do you need a qualification to be one?

Ask Frank Miller.
Alex's Grandma
17:39 / 31.05.05
Well yeah, but they're both still presumably capable of writing a script that wouldn't come across as a deliberate act of sabotage, verily, thou virtual varlet !

Lord knows, I've written some things I'm not sure about in my time, but you do have to wonder, or at least I do anyway, just who exactly is actually paying the W brothers for this stuff. And where they drink, and how it would be possible to meet them, and that kind of thing.
17:51 / 31.05.05
This isn't relevant to V, but don't forget that the Wachowskis aren't brothers any more, but siblings!
This Sunday
18:03 / 31.05.05
Responding to 'they aren't directors' with the Wachowski's in mind, is too easy a... 'Neither...' I won't say it, but surely someone else will.

Actually, two shots in 'Bound' and a few bits of 'The Matrix' (though 'What is the Matrix?' was the stupidest advertisement campaign question, because virtually everyone knew what it was before they even set foot in the theatre), and the overt non-progression father/mother Catholicky third Matrix film was interesting in its problems. Wasn't there a lawsuit about a second-unit director claiming he'd done the really impressive bits, a short while ago?
The Falcon
20:29 / 31.05.05
This isn't relevant to V, but don't forget that the Wachowskis aren't brothers any more, but siblings!


Is one a lady now?
20:57 / 31.05.05
Yeah, one of them has had (or will have, I forget) a sex change. Showed up to some awards show in a dress and earrings a while ago.
22:23 / 31.05.05
I think that discussion of the changing gender of one of the Wachowskis is probably better suited to one of the gender-related head shop threads...

Getting back to V, the films makers now seem a bit worried by the increasing amount of bad publicity the film is getting before it's even been finished.

Hot on the heels of last week's revelations in the Lying in the Gutters column, it seems the Warner Brothers are keen to buy favourable press from the column's publisher Jonah Weiland, offering him a chance to visit the set of "V For Vendetta" in London...

From what has been leaked about the film it appears very likely that the film will omit most of the things that made the comic worthwhile...
Keith, like a scientist
12:43 / 03.06.05
If you haven't read the stuff about the script and it's ending crap, this is gonna be a spoiler, but...oy, check this out if you are interested.

On location photos
13:28 / 03.06.05
Ugh, so it IS true then.

I can't wait to see how V distributes the masks, hats and cloaks to everyone.
Jack Fear
13:34 / 03.06.05
Oh, THAT would just be the height of stupidity. If the rioters are wearing home-made Guy Fawkes getups, if it's a spontaneous thing, it actually has the potential to be a powerful image—it's "I am Spartacus!", you know?

But if V himself is remaking the mob in his own image, it's more cult-of-personality, I-love-a-man-in-a-uniform bullshit: trading one fascist leader-image for another. Definitely the wrong signal to send.
Eloi Tsabaoth
13:37 / 03.06.05
"We thought it was a great story, but what it really needed was the ending from The Three Amigos..."
13:47 / 03.06.05
>>>If the rioters are wearing home-made Guy Fawkes getups, if it's a spontaneous thing, it actually has the potential to be a powerful image—it's "I am Spartacus!", you know?<<<

Yeah, I can see that. From the photo, though, it looks like the masks are all cast from the same mould, suggesting that they ain't home made...
lonely as a cloud...
14:07 / 03.06.05
Oh, Gordon Bennett. I'm losing all hope here. But, at the same time, I would love to get my hands on one of those masks...
16:22 / 03.06.05
But... how TALL are they???
Jack Fear
17:04 / 03.06.05
Individually, or standing on each other's shoulders?
19:18 / 03.06.05
Here's a weird, nitpicky thing, but in that photo all the V-clones are wearing what I expect is a replica of V's costume, down to the long girly wig. But the hat is wrong. I love V's tall stovepipe hat, those are far too short. It looks more like Zorro or something.

Very petty complaint, particularly in light of all the other huge cock-ups they seem to have made, but...I really don't like that hat.
22:12 / 03.06.05
Is he a cowboy now?

V for Varmints.
16:18 / 04.06.05
More pictures at AICN.

The mask looks great. Too bad everything else doesn't.
Eloi Tsabaoth
07:34 / 07.06.05

Everyone's at it now!
19:13 / 07.06.05
Over at Rich Johnstons column, J. Michael Straczynski offers another perspective on the V For Vendetta Script:

"I think it's one of the smartest, sharpest, insightful and well-crafted scripts I've ever read. It's emotional, evocative, heart-rending, biting, sharp, relentless and just plain garden variety powerful. It's not just a good film, it's an *important* film, and there's a great deal of subtlety and nuance in it that was clearly lost on the idiot that read the script so he could make fun of it and stir the pot.

"So there is no 'consensus.' All you've got is one anonymous guy who takes a few things out of context to make them look stupid, revealing his own mendacity and cupidity in the process. As someone who's not just written over two hundred produced scripts and read hundreds more, someone who is a fan of Alan's work, I'm telling you straight-up, with absolutely no agenda: the 'V for Vendetta' script is a work of freaking genius."

No actual comment on the fact that Moore himself condemned the script, however.
11:37 / 08.06.05
Does anyone really give a shit what the writer of Amazing Spiderman thinks?
12:06 / 08.06.05
You take back every nasty insinuation you ever made about the godlike genius behind all five seasons of Babylon 5, RIGHT NOW.
The Falcon
12:11 / 08.06.05
"it's an *important* film"

oooh, I doubt it.
14:19 / 08.06.05
A friend at work made an interesting point about Mr Moore's attitude- not sure if I agree with him, but it made me rethink my "yeah, Alan, fuck 'em, the movies are all gonna be shit anyway" stance. Basically, he suggested that, seeing as how the Wachowskis probably worship the ground Allbeard walks on, if he'd decided to become involved he would have been in a position to say "no, mate, that bit's shit. That won't work at all". (Not sure if he was ever offered the chance to actually become involved at any level other than a writing credit and some cash, however).
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
19:36 / 08.06.05
You take back every nasty insinuation you ever made about the godlike genius behind all five seasons of Babylon 5, RIGHT NOW.

Look, I worship JMS as much as the next B5 obsessive, but most of Season 5 was painfully bad. I mean, Byron, for fuck's sake?!

Don't even get me started on Crusade.
06:15 / 15.06.05
/You take back every nasty insinuation you ever made about the godlike genius behind all five seasons of Babylon 5, RIGHT NOW./


Oh I'm sorry, also the genius behind "Midnight Nation" and "Rising Stars."

Since I've never seen that show or any SF shows I'm not sure if you're serious?
This Sunday
06:52 / 15.06.05
I'm convinced Babylon 5 was one of these things you can only really love if you watch it all the time. Everyone I know who's totally into it watches it continuously, whenever it airs, on tape, on disc. I tried watching an ep here and there and never could find the love.
While some author's can get a bit too close to their material and hate any changes whatsoever... I'm going to side with Moore, here (which I'm sure just makes his day) and say that the British Fedex thing is really, really stupid and unforgiveable. All the emotional, political, social and artistic elements that can possibly form in this film are killed, for me, by simple little things like that.
And, of course, the dreadful feeling that, if questioned on-set someone way too high up in this thing would still ask, 'What's a thatcher, then? That someone who thatches?"
10:29 / 20.07.05
Lying in the Gutters has the script. Click the link for a review. (Scroll down the page a bit). There are mild spoilers but nothing that hasn't already been mentioned in this thread.
Keith, like a scientist
12:18 / 20.07.05
You take back every nasty insinuation you ever made about the godlike genius behind all five seasons of Babylon 5, RIGHT NOW.

Oh my god, my Barbeworld is crashing down around me. Haus and I agree on something.
Keith, like a scientist
12:20 / 20.07.05
And Season 5...yes, Byron, I understand, but that final 5 or so episode stretch? holy fuck, those were some of the best episodes of the series.

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