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V For Vendetta (PICS)


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11:12 / 13.05.05
I'm just livid that this might set back the production of a film based on the far superior original character, Anarky.

Better idea from the start.

Call me a great big silly, but do we know that, mask notwithstanding, the costume is going to be the same? If it's a costume that outside a comic will make a woman wearing it look stupid, might it be wise, if a woman is going to be wearing it, to change it?
11:12 / 13.05.05
rapidly becoming the funniest thread of 05.

'she's not tall enough!'
'camera angles'

has no-one read the one where batman punches him out, tears the mask off, but what's this? a dummy head and shoulders thing hidden by the cloak? anarky is only five-two? alan grant obviously thought about all this a long long time ago and you are dining on the fag ash of his mind.
Spatula Clarke
11:18 / 13.05.05
Call me a great big silly, but do we know that, mask notwithstanding, the costume is going to be the same?

I don't think we really know *anything* of substance about the film, full stop. Which would sort of be my point.
12:27 / 13.05.05
Is this a problem of simply comparing the two characters, in which case we should really be asking "couldn't they have cast a shorter actor as V," or is it like a roller coaster - "you must be this tall to overthrow this oppressive state."
12:36 / 13.05.05
Or, maybe GASP they'll use the wonder of camera angles and shorter actors to disguise Portman's size. Could you imagine?

No, no, you're right, that would never happen.
12:43 / 13.05.05
Assuming James Purefoy is actually V... Purefoy is 6'1. Portman is 5'3. Sylvester Stallone, at 5'10, would be a handy compromise candidate, possibly with Jamie Lee Curtis (5'9) as Evey.

Mind you, Angela Bassett (5'4) was consistently more imposing than Ralph Fiennes (6'0) in Strange Days, so you might be able to do it with camera angles, boxes and acting.
12:54 / 13.05.05
Oh yeah, and boxes, and heels and stilts, and...

Like in every Wesley Cruise film ever.

There are so many short-arse leading men in Hollywood. I'm only 5'8, perhaps I'll be famous
13:04 / 13.05.05
Elijah Wood! Elijah Wood, damn it! What fools we've been!
13:30 / 13.05.05
Angela Bassett (5'4) was consistently more imposing than Ralph Fiennes (6'0) in Strange Days,

As an aside, did anyone for one second believe that Laurence Fishburne posed any kind of physical threat to Basset in What's Love Got to Do with It?
16:30 / 13.05.05
OK, to decipher my (apparently cryptic) James Earl Jones crack back on the previous page...

...once the mask is on, anyone can be in the costume.

It's a Very Impressive Special Effects Trick that uses an advanced technology called editing.

Like so:

Oh woe! He has died, and I... am too small
to fill his shoes!

She picks up V's mask.

EVEY (con't)
But the people of England... they need me!


She straps on the mask.


The new and improved V strides purposefully to the dumbwaiter.

But wait, Evey, you have suddenly grown by...

checks measuring tape

...a whopping six inches! I would never
have noticed were I not so close to you.
I say, cameraman? Zoom in! Zoom in!

Shh, little bug!

Yuh-your voice! It too has changed! Why,
you're not Evey at all!


V removes the mask, revealing...

Curse you, you little bug! I would have
gotten away with it, too!

But how could this have been filmed? Because almost every time you see one of those lines that are ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS, the moviemaking professionals can actually turn the camera off and change things. It happens an awful lot.

They can also, like, change the sounds you hear from what they actually heard on the set, and unless you can see the thing that's making the noise (the spaceship going "whoooosh!" or the double-bass behind the shark going "da-DUM da-DUM DA-DUM DUM-DUM DUM-DUM," or the actor's mouth behind the mask) you really can't tell.

(Even then, you can't really tell -- the machine they use to capture the sound is a different machine from the one they use to capture the picture, so you can do things to the one without doing 'em to the other.)

If Portman is a full foot shorter than the actor in the suit, the rules would be:
1. Don't use a lot of two-shots, especially in the 10 minutes or so prior to the change-over,

2. If you really care, put someone in the suit who splits the difference in height.

If the camera is the equivalent of 10 feet away and the actor isn't, like, standing next to any measuring tapes or scraping under the tops of doorways, then you won't ever be able to notice six inches.

Much less the characters on screen noticing anything. They're paid not to.
16:33 / 13.05.05
Damn formatting took out all my centered dialogue.

OK, it's the capital letters that aren't characters' names. But you already got that.
16:36 / 13.05.05
16:38 / 13.05.05
Update: I just txt'd Alan and he says he never thought about such a glaringly glaring plothole. He's defrosting Lloyd as we speak.
17:27 / 13.05.05
Because it's Friday and I'm tired of writing about transvestites:

Sebastian Shaw (Old Anakin/Vader under the mask) is 6'2".

David Prowse (Vader except during later fight scenes) is 6'7".

Bob Anderson (Vader during fight scenes in ESB and RotJ) is 6'1". He says he wore lifts and had his costume built up to match with Prowse in the editing room.
17:29 / 13.05.05
And for the record, if there was a petition to put Anarky in the next Batman movie, I'd circulate it.
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
17:34 / 13.05.05
Romantic Bullshit.

You're so funny. I just wanna snuggle you all up.
Keith, like a scientist
01:30 / 16.05.05
whoa, natalie is sporting the shaved head at Cannes:

08:50 / 16.05.05
Cherie Blair as Evey?

Having read through the GN again a few nights ago, it strikes me that the plot is, like the true identity of V, less import ant than the general idea of the thing: the whole business with Ally and the power struggle could certainly be reduced without completely ruining everything. Obviously, I'd prefer it with these sections, but I'd much rather they go than the Larkhill-LSD subplot or the "Bollocks to surveillance" scene. Also, given the use of colour in the comics, I'd very much like to see this sensibility being incorporated into the visual look of the film - the very high-contrast blacks and washed-out sky tones of some of the earlier shots of V silhouetted against the sky are, in my mind at least, integral to the look of the thing.
Jack Fear
11:09 / 16.05.05
...when, of course, the work was originally conceived (and much of printed) in black-and-white...

I'll admit that the colors in the DC reprint were unusually subtle (David Lloyd did some of it himself, with help from Siobhan Dodds and Steve Whitaker), but after seeing parts of the story as originally presented, in old issues of WARRIOR, in oversized B&W—well, after that, any color seems kind of superfluous.

So I still think V FOR VENDETTA should've been a black-and-white film, shot preferably by cinematographer Robbie Muller.

But that's just me.
A fall of geckos
12:22 / 16.05.05
If there's a height problem, they can use two Natalie Portmans on top of each other.
12:49 / 16.05.05
With two more Natalie Portmans as legs and two Natalie Portmans as arms!
Grey Area
13:06 / 16.05.05
And then we can rename the movie 'V for Voltron' and cash in on two comic franchises at the same time! Genius!
13:37 / 16.05.05
...when, of course, the work was originally conceived (and much of printed) in black-and-white...

Certainly, but, subjectively, an integral part of my experience of "V" is the Lloyd colouring - I didn't mean to imply that it was in any way essential to the work in isolation.

In other news, one of the video interviews on the website mentions that the look of the film will be "near-future", with some futuristic elements, but others that would look at home in contemporary London.
Is it just me, or does this sound very much faithful to the original? Understandably, there needs to be some updating if the film isn't to look like a period piece (I'm thinking primarily of the look of the Fate computer), but otherwise, this sounds very much in line with the original concept, if not the specific details.
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
17:51 / 16.05.05
So, I just realized I never posted these... apologies if they're ridiculously huge, but I couldn't be arsed to reduce them.

I must say, I like the look of the set. It looks... like a modern V, really.

Isn't the "British Television Network" font the same as the font that was used for "Fox Television Network"? It seems eerily similar.
18:26 / 16.05.05
Hmm. Looks interesting. Although, isn't Prothero the voice of Fate, and therefore anonymous to the public?
18:27 / 16.05.05
You ought to send those to AICN.
Grey Area
18:37 / 16.05.05
Prothero is indeed meant to be the anonymous voice of Fate. Perhaps they're combining the radio and television broadcasts and the broadcast V hijacks isn't the pastiche of comedy and news shows we read in the book but Prothero's talkshow.
Benny the Ball
18:40 / 16.05.05
I liked the England Prevails poster, but yeah, my first thought was that the face doesn't seem right for the voice of etc
18:42 / 16.05.05
Oh, I hope they leave in the hijacked broadcast scene. I like V's speech as the disappointed employer to the delinquent worker...
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
18:44 / 16.05.05
I'm worried that the changes we're seeing are stylistically and thematically fairly appropriate, but that they won't be consistent with the fascist regime in the comics.

Maybe it'll be a more a comment on the role of the media in government? I still think that font looks like the FOX font from a few years back.
18:45 / 16.05.05
The "every weeknight at 10pm" is the BBC font, isn't it?
18:48 / 16.05.05
Also, do you think "The Vicious Cabaret" will make it in the film at all? Probably not in the actual narrative, as its purpose in the comic was to summarize the plot after a long break in publishing, but possibly during the end credits or something...
Jack Fear
18:53 / 16.05.05
God, I hope so. David J isn't getting much work these days.
Keith, like a scientist
20:38 / 16.05.05
i think they are pretty neato. especially love "england prevails."

I don't recognize "god and our right." and it doesn't really make sense to this in the comic? I can't remember.

Seems like they are trying to make Prothero a kind of big brother image...
20:47 / 16.05.05
God and my right. Dieu et mon droit. It's on the coat of arms of the British monarch.

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