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V For Vendetta (PICS)


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Grey Area
10:56 / 18.05.05
Nobody's posted a link to the official movie site yet. Nice bit of flash gadgetry.
Benny the Ball
11:22 / 18.05.05
Just heard that they are closing down Whitehall for a couple of weeks soon for filming.
10:40 / 23.05.05
There’s a sign up at Whitehall saying it’ll be closed for three nights (midnight-5am) next week. Which, if it is the filming in question, amuses me on a certain level. It’s probably a scheduled demolition, of course.
19:57 / 23.05.05
In Rich Johnston's interview with Alan Moore in the new Lying in the Gutters column, it is stated that Moore has ordered his name removed entirely from the film version and all related materials, and describes the screenplay as "imbecilic."

Oh dear.
Keith, like a scientist
21:01 / 23.05.05
ah, jeez.

that IS distressing. Can no one get this stuff right?
Benny the Ball
10:32 / 24.05.05
Moore is famously anti-movies (well movies made about his source materials) and who can blame him. Plus he always removes his name from stuff.
14:46 / 24.05.05
Awhile back Moore had said in an interview it didn't bother him when Hollywood butchered his stories, but that was before League of Extraordinary Gentleman, and now maybe V for Vendetta. The fans will blame him anyhow, so it's about time he took an interest.
15:18 / 24.05.05
The fans will blame him anyhow

Only if they're fucking idiots.
18:07 / 24.05.05
Oh dear...

Alan gave some details about bits of the V For Vendetta shooting script he'd seen. "It was imbecilic; it had plot holes you couldn't have got away with in Whizzer And Chips in the nineteen sixties. Plot holes no one had noticed."

What Moore found most laughable however were the details. "They don't know what British people have for breakfast, they couldn't be bothered. 'Eggy in a basket' apparently. Now the US have 'eggs in a basket,' whish is fried bread with a fried egg in a hole in the middle. I guess they thought we must eat that as well, and thought 'eggy in a basket' was a quaint and Olde Worlde version. And they decided that the British postal service is called Fedco. They'll have thought something like, 'well, what's a British version of FedEx... how about FedCo? A friend of mine had to point out to them that the Fed, in FedEx comes from 'Federal Express.' America is a federal republic, Britain is not."

Taken from here.

Bye bye, enthusiasm! You seemed oddly out of place here, anyhow!
18:30 / 24.05.05
I linked to that a few posts up...
18:35 / 24.05.05
Arse. I even read that post. Don't know where my head's at today....
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:50 / 24.05.05
Done up like a trollop.

Portmans forming like Voltron.

Eggy in a basket.

(This thread truly blesses us all.)
19:54 / 24.05.05
With all these "oh dears" this thread is best imagined being read aloud by 3PO... while R2 listens intently.
Mr Tricks
20:26 / 24.05.05
beep brrrrpt weeeeop POP
Spatula Clarke
00:03 / 25.05.05
Not likely that anybody involved with the film is going to give a shit about Moore's reservations though, as they can simply point to his past comments concerning movie adaptations of his work with a "what does it matter what the beardy fuck thinks? He never gave a shit about how these films turned out before."

And really, you couldn't blame them if they said just that.
01:28 / 25.05.05
True, but he hasn't been so openly vitriolic about the film adaptations in the past, merely indifferent, at least as far as I can remember.

Joel Silver talking about Moore's "excitement" in the press release may be a bit of a PR problem, as it's an outright lie, although on the other hand its unlikely anyone outside of comics fandom will ever find out, as I doubt they'll make the public retraction Moore is demanding.
14:02 / 26.05.05
So is it really important to the movie what British people eat for breakfast? It seems like a pointless thing to worry about.
14:18 / 26.05.05
I think it is an example of a lack of understanding of the very British atmosphere (seaside resorts, London, Radio 4, Guy Fawkes' night) that Alan Moore presumably feels is important to the feel of the story, and also an example of the minimum-level research which the creators have apparently not done in setting the scene....
Spatula Clarke
14:31 / 26.05.05
It is kind of important, yeah. The whole thing about V's Britain is that it's a society that's been frozen in time because of the controlling nature of its government. To all intents and purposes, it's still the 1940s - WWII's over, but the people are still living in fear of the Blitz. That's also why you've got the whole music hall thing going on with V himself (it's also a fairly effective counter to those people who argue that the series feels so rigid and staged, imo - it's supposed to read that way).

But, y'know, it's an alternate history story, which also makes it an alternate Earth story, so provided they could get across the sense that these are traditional names for things in the film's own little universe it doesn't really matter *what* they have for breakfast. I don't have much confidence either that they can do this or that they even realise that they have to do it, mind.
15:10 / 26.05.05
It was the part about the Fedco mailing service that got me. Breakfast you can almost forgive, but a Federal mailing service in Britain, that's a little beyond not doing your research.
22:25 / 26.05.05
"The fans will blame him anyhow

Only if they're fucking idiots."

Of course not, if it turns out shitty, we can just blame the Wachowski persons.
Keith, like a scientist
12:38 / 31.05.05
oh dear, script review:

"are you, like, a crazy person?"
12:43 / 31.05.05
Ain't It Cool News is running a very negative reader review of the script. Here is an alleged excerpt from the scene in which V first rescues Evey and introduces himself:

He indicates his mask


"This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vangquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.

The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis-à-vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V."


Are you like, a crazy-person?

More here, including the revelation that the climax of the film involves every one of the rioters inexplicably wearing a replica of V's mask.

Can I get an "oh dear"?
12:44 / 31.05.05
Oops, we both posted at the same time...
lonely as a cloud...
12:52 / 31.05.05
Jesus wept.
Alex's Grandma
12:53 / 31.05.05
An 'oh dear,' an 'oh Christ' and a couple of 'Saints preserve us-es' for good measure.

Assuming that excerpt isn't a joke, is this possibly going to be even more, um, 'experimental' than the last installment of the Matrix trilogy ?
Alex's Grandma
12:57 / 31.05.05
I mean people are going to be leaving the cinema in droves...

They can't really be expecting to get away with this, can they ?
12:59 / 31.05.05
Credit where credit's due. That's exquisite English.
Keith, like a scientist
12:59 / 31.05.05
oh, people will eat it up. it's gonna REBELLIOUS FUN!

V also blows up Big Ben and Justice while conducting Beethoven, baton and all.
Alex's Grandma
13:10 / 31.05.05
That's exquisite English

Verily !
13:20 / 31.05.05
>>>V also blows up Big Ben and Justice while conducting Beethoven, baton and all.<<<

Well that's in the book, isn't it? I know he blows up Lady Justice with a bomb in a box of chocolates placed at her feet, but I'm sure there's a scene in which he "conducts" the explosions too...
Bed Head
13:28 / 31.05.05
..Although they could do with ditching the Beethoven stuff for the explosions. What’s wrong with using the Prodigy?

Exquisite English >> God, yes. Of course. VJB For Vendetta! Lets hope they realise they’re on a good thing there, and that they're only a script revision or two away from having something really quite amaaazing.
This Sunday
13:32 / 31.05.05
But can he do it in a Dick Van Dyke chim-chim-cherwhatever accent, with chin high, saying 'cheerio, pip pip, huzzah, wanker' every three to four minutes?
And then make a miserable boiled pizza, before joining some hooligans to mess up a dustbin in London, which is sometimes called Britain?
Eloi Tsabaoth
13:38 / 31.05.05
Exquisite English

A lit oration.
Alex's Grandma
13:41 / 31.05.05
I imagine so DD, yes. What seems to becoming clearer from all this is that the W brothers really don't like England, or anyone in it.

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