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Lost (US thread)


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16:45 / 16.02.06
From the Lost board on

Those ARE Egyptian Hieroglyphs. I'm getting my Ph.D. translating them.

As for all the other theories, we don't quite know what they mean because the second glpyh was not revealed. The true meaning of the message also depends on the placement of the glyphs, and their order. It can only mean "cause to die" or "death" if there is a glyph of a man laying down. Also, since the feather of Maat (justice, truth, balance) was revealed, it could not have any meaning related to death.
16:55 / 16.02.06
So, then, buttergun. What do you feel the revealed glyphs mean? If not death, then what? And why Egyptian glyphs, do you think?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
17:10 / 16.02.06
Someone over on The Television Message Board That Must Not Be Named said that the only word with the four visible glyphs in that sequence meant "To Make Healthy" which I personally love the shit out of. It fits perfectly with Dharma's sense of Benevolent Mindcalamity.

"DHARMA: We Do This For You"
17:16 / 16.02.06
DHARMA: Enjoy Pleasure
17:24 / 16.02.06
So, anyway. what's the "Other" guy's name? Something "Gale", which means Dorothy. And the officer that asked Sayid if he had a wife and children... that was Kate's (step)father.
Keith, like a scientist
18:53 / 16.02.06
Alvar Hanso said:

"'From the dawn of our species, Man has been blessed with curiosity. Our most precious gift, without exception, is the desire to know more - to look beyond what is accepted as the truth and to imagine what is possible.'
Alvar Hanso, Address to the U.N. Security Council, 1967"
The Hanso Foundation website is not working so well, as the moment, but the Wikpedia page is interesting to check out.

'Zeke,' the old guy other said:
"You know, somebody a whole lot smarter than anybody here once said: 'Since the dawn of our species man's been blessed with curiosity.'"
19:17 / 16.02.06

Those aren't my thoughts, I was just posting what someone said on another board, someone apparently with knowledge of hieroglyphics.

Where's a good Rosetta Stone when you need it?

Seriously though, I have no idea what they could mean. The consensus seems to be they have something to do with balance and justice (something the above poster confirms). This does go hand in hand with what we know of the Dharma Initiative's holier-than-thou concepts, though I could just be reading too much into it.

I was just too busy enjoying Sayid's story; the countdown stuff in the hatch didn't impress me nearly as much. The production quality for this show continues to excel. Even the ending, with Sayid and the US soldiers up against a CGI background looked great. Also enjoyed the little fanboy bit with Kate's dad looking at her (?) photo.

Jack was his usual self-righteous self, but I gotta admit, I kinda felt bad for him when Sayid and Locke fooled him. The poor guy's just trying his best to help the injured newcomer, going out to get a cot for him and everything, and meanwhile Sayid and Locke are ready for a good torture session.

I think you guys are right -- Locke's lost his way since they got into the hatch. Last night he went from easily going with Sayid's plan, to confronting Jack on trying to start an army without approaching him for help, to going the other way and giving his little "we're all others" speech. Someone previously mentioned it was their suspicion that Locke really believed the hatch was going to answer all of his questions, and now that he's found it's only asked more, he doesn't know what to do.
19:20 / 16.02.06
Another thing I noticed -- wasn't Henry Gale the name of Dorothy's uncle in Wizard of Oz?

I do think this guy is an Other. The look he gave Sayid after the interrogation was one thing, and also how he kept trying to "break" Sayid -- continuously asking Sayid's name and immediately pouncing on the fact that Sayid had lost a loved one recently. Also, why would the producers introduce a new character to the show, so recently after introducing the Tailaways?
19:24 / 16.02.06
Another thing I enjoyed was the mirroring of Sawyer and Sayid's stories. Sayid's backstory concerned him trying to find information that could save a life (the downed pilot). Sawyer's concerned him trying to find a tree he could kill it. I believe this was intentional. Maybe Sayid's a good man who's in touch with his dark side, but still good overalll, whereas Sawyer's just plain bad.
21:06 / 16.02.06
*Squints so as not to read spoilers*

Anyone torrented this yet? If so, from where? PM me with the details.
Colonel Kadmon
10:20 / 17.02.06
I think we definately have to consider the possibility of the sickness kicking in. The Frenchwoman mentioned it, the guy down the hatch mentioned it, and I seem to remember one of them saying something like, "After 50 days or so...", and there's been conspicuous pointing-out of how long they've now been there ("The other 39 days").

Now Charlie is acting like he's drugged, yet there has been no direct indication that he's taken anything. And what about stealing Claire's baby - isn't that exactly what the Others do? And other characters are acting strangely, too.

So I think the dull Dark Charley episode was there for a reason - harbinger of the forthcoming "disease arc".
11:37 / 17.02.06
The fractures continue to spread. So far Sawyer, Darth Charlie and Sayid have gone over to the darkside. Who's going to be next? Will Locke ultimately stand with them? Will they even stand with each other? Are we looking at the dissolution of the unified camp identity, or factionalisation? Where is Eko amongst all this?

The sickness thing is interesting, I too have been wondering whether the Losties are going to succumb to it sometime soon, and exactly what form it will take. Is it purely the psychological result of being trapped on the Island, or is it something else?

I'd be disappointed if Henry turns out not to be an Other, not simply because I'd like him to supply some explanations for their activities, but also because I don't want the Island to get too busy with tourists. Too many Losties would start to spoil the Island's mystique, IMO.

On the subject of easter eggs, did anyone spot the reference to Sayid's hero father (I'm not sure if he's been mentioned before)? Looks like family issues will come into play in his backstory.
12:32 / 17.02.06
Oh, after listening to the podcast I'd like to say that ABC's trailers sound rather spoiler heavy.
Keith, like a scientist
12:45 / 17.02.06
The fractures continue to spread. So far Sawyer, Darth Charlie and Sayid have gone over to the darkside. Who's going to be next? Will Locke ultimately stand with them? Will they even stand with each other? Are we looking at the dissolution of the unified camp identity, or factionalisation? Where is Eko amongst all this

I hadn't really thought about this...that their actions have put them together into a separate subset of the larger group...but what exactly is the rift based on? I believe the creators of the show have said that a potential rift is coming along the lines of Faith and Reason. I can see Sayid, Charlie, and Locke being for Faith, but I don't see Sawyer in that boat. In fact, he is closer to Jack and Ana-Lucia and Reason. Eko is a wild card, because he seems pretty level-headed, but also obviously bound to Faith.
15:27 / 17.02.06
Are we looking at the dissolution of the unified camp identity, or factionalisation?

I dunno, I'm just telling it like I see it. The creators, in an effort to reestablish some of the original drama, have taken a bunch of the characters back to their roots (and then some), and, by alienating them from the group, seemingly thrown them together. I mean, it's hardly an accident that the last three episodes have focussed on characters falling from grace, and we already have an example of two of those characters working together for mutual gain. And then the end of the latest episode has Darth Charlie and Sayid bonding...

Whether this will lead to a split down faith vs reason lines is anyone's guess.
19:23 / 17.02.06
Was thinking of the Gilgamesh mention a few weeks back, of the Locke/Eko, Gilgamesh/Enkidu mirroring. Here's the opening stanzas from Derrek Hines' phenomenal, postmodern retelling of the saga, published in 2004:

Here is Gilgamesh, king of Uruk:
two-thirds divine, a mummy's boy,
zeppelin ego, cock like a trip-hammer,
and solid chrome, no-prisoners arrogance.
Pulls women like beer rings.
Grunts when puzzled.
A bully. A jock. Perfecto. But in love? -
a moon-calf and worse, thoughtful.

Next, a one-off:
clay and lightning entangled by the gods
to create a strong-man from the wastelands
to curb Gilgamesh -- named Enkidu.
Sour electric fear, desert mirage at your throat,
strong enough to hold back the night,
so handsome he robs the world of horizon -
for no one's gaze lifts beyond him.
Gilgamesh and Enkidu stand
astride the threshold of history at Sumer.

Looking at those lines within the context of the show, I'm gonna venture that Locke is Gilgamesh -- "two thirds divine, zeppelin ego" and all (not sure I wanna know about the cock part, though!) -- and Eko is Enkidu -- "created" by the gods (ie the writers), "a strong-man from the wastelands" -- to "curb" Locke's "arrogance."

One thing to remember is that, even though he was created to knock down Gilgamesh's ego, Enkidu became best friends with him. So maybe this current, seeming Locke/Eko split will eventually turn into full-on male bonding?

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
19:25 / 17.02.06
Oh yeah -- and another interesting piece of the puzzle is that Gilgamesh, of course, was written in what is now Iraq, millenia ago.
Colonel Kadmon
21:40 / 22.02.06
The film that Sayid was shown of the Sarin attack on the village had the letters DIA printed at the bottom. Could this have something to do with the Dharma Initiative? (...America? or something like that?) Or is it something obvious to do with a military unit I don't know about. Apologies if it's the second. But if it's the first, that has big ramifications.

Also, checking out the Wikipedia site, I noticed that the orientation film was labelled "3 of 6". Now we know that the bunker is #3, The Swan - so does that mean there are/were a total of six bases? And the tail section guys bunker was also a Dharma Initiative base, so are all six on the Island?
22:04 / 22.02.06
Defense Intelligence Agency
23:36 / 22.02.06
Tonight's is Claire's memories of when she was abducted. They find another bunker, and it looks like this one's the Caduceus.
04:31 / 23.02.06
The Claire's memories episode will be aired next Wednesday then we have another four weeks between an episode. I'm now wishing I only saw this on dvd or discovered it four years from now when it was all on dvd.

I thought the torture parallels were contrived and a bit embarassing. The hieroglyphs were underwhelming and a bit of a tease. I want more Eko.
14:38 / 23.02.06
Why the fuck can't American shows just air weekly. To British eyes it just seems bloody ridiculous.
14:49 / 23.02.06
Chad, assuming you're getting that stuff from the previews, I know it's not technically spoiler material - in that the information is out there in official form - but I'd rather you were a little more sensitive to my request to remain pure.

That's not to say I'd rather you didn't post that stuff, just that you give me (and I assume others) a warning.
15:42 / 23.02.06
Boboss, I've only reported what appears at the end of the episode that aired, and in commercials of upcoming events. I haven't researched anything, but watch the show regularly. I know this question has been asked before, but what exactly constitues a spoiler? You've been edgy on this topic before.
15:54 / 23.02.06
I think I've been pretty thorough, TBH, and done considerably more than sketch my position. I don't think what you've posted is technically spoiler material, so in that sense I think it's fair enough to post it. Buuut,= it is worth noting that many many people avoid watching those previews (mainly because, as I've noted upthread, they can be incredibly - some might say irresponsibly - revealing) and those of us that live outside the US don't get to see them in the first place (unless we seek them out). That being the case, I'm asking for a little sensitivity - a note to the reader that they might want to look away - before going on to post such material.

If you think I'm asking too much, fair doos. I don't want to obstruct the flow of the discussion, and I don't want to burden anyone with unwanted responsibility.
15:59 / 23.02.06
In my book spoiler=factually correct information about a work of fiction that is revealed unofficially.

But, yeah, I think the definition is a slippery fish in this multimedia world. Personally I'd like to call anything a spoiler that isn't revealed by the work itself when it becomes officially available.
16:00 / 23.02.06
I deleted the above post bud. I hadn't read deeply enough. Fair enough.
16:08 / 23.02.06
I say we keep it, 'cause I'd like my post to stand without alteration. I don't think you've behaved badly at all, and I'm wary that I'm imposing my will unfairly on other people. I want to hear what people think, and whether the concensus is that I should just shut up and stop moaning.
16:17 / 23.02.06
Boboss just likes to FIGHT. He'll pick a fight over anything Chad, anything. I mean it.


This is a different question: Why are you reading the US thread, then? Are you downloading them through iPod?
16:22 / 23.02.06
I wish. You can't download 'em from itunes if you're outside the US.

I torrent the latest episodes, as do a number of other British board members.
Spatula Clarke
16:31 / 23.02.06
Chad> I've not agreed the delete request, because if yr post went bye-bye it'd mean Boboss then having to put edits through for his replies. Seems kind of pointless, really.
16:32 / 23.02.06
Well, I could be wrong about the bunker demarcation anyway. I was hoping for some kind of pattern to emerge as to why they are named "Swan", "Arrow", etc... Why would a nuke facilitry be called Swan? Swan song, perhaps? Anyone figure out what the Arrow facility was for? I'm going to assume that Caduceus is medical/psychological... Anyone have theroies?
00:40 / 24.02.06
Just popped into my head, maybe bullshit.


Swans. Cupid's Arrow?

What are the rest?
Eskay Doss
02:08 / 24.02.06
Transformation perhaps? For ugly ducklings?
Keith, like a scientist
02:43 / 24.02.06
In my book spoiler=factually correct information about a work of fiction that is revealed unofficially.

But, yeah, I think the definition is a slippery fish in this multimedia world. Personally I'd like to call anything a spoiler that isn't revealed by the work itself when it becomes officially available.

I don't want to pick a scab on this issue since it looks somewhat closed, but what Chad "revealed" is "officially revealed information." Every single weekly US viewer of this show knows this information from the "coming up on LOST" preview at the end of each aired episode.

You may not be privy to those previews, since you are (ahem) obtaining episodes in a non-official method.

The only reason I point this out is that I think we should all be able to talk about the information gleaned from these previews and be able to fold them into our speculations about the show.

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