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Lost (US thread)


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16:08 / 14.04.06
Why are you hung up on his actions being presented as a triumph?

Whilst I think your analysis is spot on - particularly Libby being revealed as an enabler - I also understand Cam's point of view. He's worried that by not presenting the scene as at all ambiguous the creative team behind the show missed the fact that Hurley's act could be construed as pretty out of order - quite the opposite, it was as if they were telling us, "this is objectively a good thing".
The Libby reveal, however, suggests that the creators knew exactly what they were doing.

As for this week's episode. Yay Rose indeed.
21:23 / 14.04.06
Is Locke going to let that counter hit zero or did his crisis of faith resolve itself this episode?
Sam T.
19:53 / 17.04.06
I just want to post on something that jumped on me the first time I saw the Numbers. 4 8 15 16 23 42.

I've only so far saw the first season of Lost on DVD, and I don't want to spoil, so I had to not read all the previous comments. If what I'm saying as already been discussed elsewhere, I'll love to be shown where. I have looked on several discussion of this on the net, and so far, nobody seems to have saw what I've seen. So for what it's worth...

If you take the power of 2, it goes 2 4 8 16 32 64 128...

4 8 certainly points to that. Then, 16 is awaited, but instead, you got 15. Then 16 follows, as expected. A glitch.

After that 23. Looks like the expected 32. Only, in reverse.

after 23, goes 24. But instead, you find 42.

So what does the Numbers 'says' to me from a very intuitive point of view is:



*glitch (backwards)*





* glitch (forward) - reverse*


Looks like something has gone terribly awry...

Of course, 23 and 42 are very meaningful numbers. 23 is a Discordian thing, related to the Illuminati, and linked to disasters. 42 is the answer to the great Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, in Douglas Adams' Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but I guess everybody knew that.

Just needed to get that off my chest. If you have interesting news from more recent episode that would contradict or corroborate this point of view, damn the spoilers and let it all loose.

Btw, from what I've exposed above, can anybody deduce what the next number in the sequence should be?

It's either 63, 64, 65, 44, 45 or 46, anyway. if I'm right, that is.

Oh, feel free to ignore this. It is just that this show is driving me mad, with me having to wait for the second season to be out on DVD (no TV in my house).
10:54 / 18.04.06
I think they call the endeavour you're embarking upon "reaching".

Sorry, Sam, if your only evidence for the numbers following the power of 2 sequence is a bunch of fudged figures (which, trust me, it is) then you might want to have a rethink.
Sam T.
12:09 / 18.04.06
No prob. It is just that it looked so much like the 'Guess the next number' things that you have in IQ tests and such. Love those, and heard nobody did found a logical progression in those numbers. It is probably totally irrelevant show wise anyway.
12:36 / 18.04.06
I'm fairly sure that the numbers, in and of themselves, mean nothing. I read an interview with the writers a few months back, and they said something about the numbers themselves meaning nothing, aside from their practical uses like we've seen, and they knew what those uses were going to be when they introduced them. Hope this helps, should save a lot of time in crazy, head-ache-inducing maths problems! (yes, I am a bit thick, I no like numbers)
Sam T.
15:30 / 18.04.06
I read an interview with the writers a few months back, and they said something about the numbers themselves meaning nothing.

Now, that's a relief.

Hope this helps, should save a lot of time in crazy, head-ache-inducing maths problems!

Certainly does helps. What is funny is that I've been able to find a logical sequence at all. It sort of jumped at me the first time I saw them.

15:37 / 18.04.06
The counter will have to hit zero at some point considering the amount it's been foreshadowed. "If you put a gun in act 1 someone will probably be shot by act 3" and all that.

Seeing what comes after zero will be the endcap to season 2.

And I really want it to be Locke that lets that happen.

But it will probably be Jack.
16:01 / 18.04.06
I thought the numbers were supposed to be the longitude and latitude of the island?

Type the longitude and latitude into Google Earth, the location is where the airplane could have crashed.

Here´s a link, you have to zoom out, though to see it.
17:51 / 18.04.06
Pretty cool. But it could be a lot of things. Or it could be nothing. It could be a blackhole for internet theories. Which is kind of what people have been saying over the last half a page.

The numbers are a kind of rorscach blot for whatever scary numerical obsession you have, Leonard.
11:48 / 19.04.06
I'm not sure if any one tries to read the official ABC boards but there's something interesting on there at the moment about MRI's and magnets.

In the first episode Rose said the sound of coming from the trees sounded very familiar and it's been noted that older MRI machines make a sound very similar to the "monster" - Locke would have had MRI's as would Michael after the accident with the car and Jack would be around them all the time. Also interesting that in order for MRI's to work you have to stay very still just as Ecko and Locke did when confronted by the smoke....

There's also this from an earlier episode -


Notice the (deliberate?) typo.

Could be nothing could be something….

There’s also some major spoilers regarding the last episode which I started to read but stopped and wont get into there (they tell of the structure of the episode and who the flashback is about).

I <3 Magnets.
18:19 / 19.04.06
I've had an MRI scan and although it was many years ago I don't remember it sounding like Cerberus (is it okay if we call it Cerberus now?).
Also, whilst I do think it's interesting that Kate runs through a door marked Magnetic Resonance Imaging - particularly as Lost seems to keep emphasising magnets - it stretches the show's credibility to suggest that she could've remembered the machine's sound.
I suppose we could settle the issue by watching the episode again and checking to see if the MRI can be heard and if so whether it sounds like the monster.

I suppose Kate could've heard MRIs before or after that point in the fictional history, and the words could just be there to resonate (geddit).
18:39 / 19.04.06
Imag in ing

Hn. Polar Bears + Green Lantern = Sphere. They'll never let you take Walt.
19:12 / 19.04.06
I've thought Sphere before, and whilst it looks like Cerberus could lead in a similar direction, I'd be disappointed. It would be pretty dull of the Lost creators to rip off or mimic such a well known text
20:59 / 19.04.06
Just seen this at Gizmodo , a tipster who mysteriously insisted on anonymity (cough, cough):

I work with ABC and wanted to give you a heads up on an unprecedented interactive project ABC is working on, a project that has never been done that combines the internet and a international hit television show. They aren't releasing the information wide until next week

ABC, Channel 4 Television in the U.K, and Australia Channel 7 will launch the "Lost Experience," a revolutionary interactive experience based on the international hit television series, "Lost". Working together, more than 30 broadcasters from Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific and the Middle East will release clues with new information regarding the mystery and mythology of the island featured in the series. Fans looking to solve the puzzle will find audio, video, and text clues in locations around the world, along with an online community in which to connect and collaborate with others. Just like any other good mystery, clues can and will happen anywhere at anytime across multiple platforms.

I do find Gizmodo to be quite a good little site, I have never known them to give much time to internet rumours, so I expect this will be genuine.
21:19 / 19.04.06
ABC produces an Official Lost podcast with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cruse, two of the executive producers. A couple of weeks ago they answered a fan question concerning the fact that had been taken down. Lindelof said that the website was currently being reworked and will be coming back "in a big way" and will be part of something much larger. They stated that we are going to see something between acts in a may episode that will direct us to go somewhere online, and this will be the beginning of the "thing that will be much larger." They also jokingly commented that if you happen to run into them on the street and ask them about it, the would deny any knowlage of it.

Also over at there was a thread about a casting call for a few actors to fill roles in a Lost "experience" taking place this summer. Among the duties of the actors was making "personal appearances."

All signs point to there being a massive LOST ARG this summer.

This damn show already consumes enough of my life, if this thing is half as good as the show, my life will be completely obliterated.
08:46 / 20.04.06
Oooh, Lost ARG. I be geeking.
Sam T.
08:18 / 21.04.06
23:49 / 02.05.06
The ARG has begun. Check out the newly redesigned in all its goodness.
11:10 / 03.05.06
Password for the Newletter set up is breaking strain. Haven't found any other hidden goodies yet though.
17:42 / 03.05.06
Have you guys looked at the Channel 4 website? It seems like there might be some ARG stuff over there.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
01:57 / 04.05.06



02:46 / 04.05.06
For reals.
Tim Tempest
02:57 / 04.05.06

And I mean that. And I rarely use internet slang. Interslang. I just invented a word.

But back to the point.

07:34 / 04.05.06
Sexplain, please.
11:03 / 04.05.06
The drunk drivers were shot by the dude from Oz. A-L earned a teensy bit more sympathy, and had the first real sex scene on the show with James. Poor Hugo.
12:15 / 04.05.06
Yet again, the writers of "Lost" feel the need to shoot a female character almost immediately after she has sex (and a third on her way to a date). Leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

On the other hand, lots of room to debate what influenced Michael to do what he did. (1) He was being blackmailed by the Others (threat of killing Walt). (2) The Others did a little Manchurian Candidate action on him. (3) He's caught the Crazies that Danielle was talking about.

I suppose he could also be trying to pull off some ruse where it looks like their prisoner shot them in order to create more outrage against the Others, but I really hope that's not what's going on, because it would be kind of pointless.
12:42 / 04.05.06
I got the impression that Michael only shot Ana-Lucia when she showed a willingness to allow him to kill the prisoner...
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
12:44 / 04.05.06
I think the only ruse he's trying to perpetrate is that Henry Gale escaped without his assistance. Anyone there at the time (which was really his only opportunity to pull this off) had to die, although Libby appeared to be almost accidental.

There's a funny interview with Cuse and Lindso about all this up at about how this had been planned since the beginning of the season (MR only wanted to do the show for a year, apparently) and that after both victims got arrested they were all "Aw, man!" but decided to go ahead with their plans regardless.

The best part was Sawyer reading Bad Twin. "How'm I gonna find out whodunit?" "Go to your local bookstore!"
13:40 / 04.05.06
Hmmm... just connecting some dots.

--Sex outside of marriage = death ?
--Handguns are essential and you must fight for your right to have them ?
--We need to build an army and take the fight to Others ?
--Despite all the other needs one might have on a desert island, it's still important to use vital resources building a church ?

"Lost" seems to be becoming more and more about conservative, fundamentalist Christian American values. I find that really depressing.
Keith, like a scientist
13:49 / 04.05.06
that seems a little reaching for the sake of criticism.

So, Jack's dad shows up in someone else's flashback. It's becoming clear that the biggest common thread between everyone is good old Christian Shephard.

Perhaps I'm now reaching a bit, but...I keep wanting to think that Christian is Hanso, and when we meet the "boss" that Henry has referred to, it will be Christian-Hanso.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
14:02 / 04.05.06
--Sex outside of marriage = death ?
--Handguns are essential and you must fight for your right to have them ?
--We need to build an army and take the fight to Others ?
--Despite all the other needs one might have on a desert island, it's still important to use vital resources building a church ?

"Lost" seems to be becoming more and more about conservative, fundamentalist Christian American values. I find that really depressing.

1) Is that really the primary lesson you got from the episodes in which premarital sexers were killed? Or even tertiary? Ana Lucia had sex with Sawyer to obtain a gun (which is of its own dubious ickiness). Later, she is murdered because she stood in the way of Michael's plans to free HenryGale. There was no point in the narrative where her non-marital sex was even a factor in this death.

2) Handguns are essential when you are on a deserted island literally surrounded by kidnappers. Yes. America is not at this point suffering from the same criminal malady.

3) Jack feels responsible for Walt's disappearance, he can't rescue him alone, The Others have proven themselves to be legion ("LIGHT 'EM UP", etcetera), so, yes, a collective of several armed men and women seems like a necessity at some point. Was Buffy's Army Of A Mathlete And Also Some Other People a statement in favor of a more militant stance against the evils of Al Queda? Or a reasoned response to the most powerful evil on earth? (Like, really the most powerful evil on earth, not some hyperbolic Rove-speak) In the scope of Craphole Island, The Others are pretty much just as bad as The First (See: Buffy), a constant, unpredictable, deadly threat. Please note that Jack's first impulse was to make a deal with them.

4) Two people out of 40 decided to make a church. And it would appear that all vital needs have pretty much been taken care of. It would be just as fanciful to imagine a diaspora of over forty people and not show a handful of them expressing themselves in a religious manner.
Keith, like a scientist
15:51 / 04.05.06
this is interesting (maybe).

We all know (I think) that Bad Twin is a Lost tie-in novel, a novel you can buy supposedly written by one of the passengers. Sawyer was reading the manuscript last night.

Well, go to Gary Troup's site (the author character) and go to the section on his other books. He wrote a book called The Valenzetti Equation which was mentioned on the blast door map scribblings. Wild.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
16:48 / 04.05.06
He had also fallen in love with Cindy, the stewardess currently serving drinks to Dr. Marvin Candle.
18:04 / 04.05.06
Did anyone call the hanso foundation number? I called and freaked out when someone picked up. I didn't ask them anything. I'm stupid I know.

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