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Lost (US thread)


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09:06 / 03.03.06
And, and, and if I was trying to work out how a drugged up Claire could make it through the jungle and back to camp Danielle would be my first port of call.
15:24 / 03.03.06
Hey wow! A flashback that actually contributed to and progressed the narrative!

I'm interested in the show again. Yay!
Robert B
18:00 / 03.03.06
I concur Cameron. My interest was fading until this episode. Between mediocre episodes and huge gaps of time between them I was about to jump ship and wait for the DVDs.
18:07 / 03.03.06
Isn't it going to be three weeks till the next episode? Will you even remember that your interest in the show has been rekindled in a month or so time...
18:11 / 03.03.06

Robert B
18:54 / 03.03.06
3 weeks? What's going on with this season? I watched the first on DVD so, was it like this as well? Sporadic...
19:29 / 03.03.06
American network television is what's going on with this show.
I think the problem effectively comes down to the Sweeps (a key feature of the US ratings system), the results of which have a significant knock on effect for the network's advertising revenue. In order to attract high viewing figures over the Sweeps periods (Feburary, May, July and November) the networks pull out the stops and air their most popular shows - or shows that are predicted to be very popular. Hence the fact that Lost gets spread out weirdly across the year.

Personally I think this kind of programming does shows no favours whatsoever in that it could well damage them over the long term.
Keith, like a scientist
19:32 / 03.03.06
i don't think it was this frustratingly sporadic last season until the very end of the season... second season has been way worse schedule wise. I guess they did have to plan around the Olympics a little bit, and since the show is so incredibly popular, they've definitely been trying to hit all the sweeps months...terribly annoying. I guess it's a 25 hour season, though. most shows are 22-24, so that kind of makes up for it...

it's stupid how they are doing it, but I don't seem to be as's how US TV generally is...I guess i'm just used to it now.
20:48 / 03.03.06
God, poor you.

I love that I get to watch Dr Who, for example, with no breaks between episodes.
22:18 / 03.03.06
By the way - the young girl who helped Claire escape? Alex, Rousseau's daughter. Yes!
22:32 / 03.03.06
Thrice yes!
Keith, like a scientist
22:58 / 03.03.06
God, poor you.

I love that I get to watch Dr Who, for example, with no breaks between episodes.

well, you are always going to have breaks of a sort. either the standard weeklong break between episodes or the even longer break between seasons. it's a serial.
02:00 / 04.03.06
By the way - the young girl who helped Claire escape? Alex, Rousseau's daughter. Yes!

Oh aye! I liked that, I have to say.

I also found it kind of heartbreaking that Rousseau's been searching for Alex for fourteen(?) years, she's never seen her since she was kidnapped, yet they've never been more than a mile or two away from each other the whole time. Both of them helped Claire escape within minutes of each other but still, nothing.

Loved this episode. Really does feel like they've decided to stop fannying about and are getting to the stuff everybody is watching the show for. Scheduling is fucking diabolical though. Just goes to show that the people who make these decisions are not people who undestand storytelling or narrative in any capacity. Sticking with it though, because it's convincing me it's worth it again.

Yay Lost!
16:00 / 04.03.06
...and that Ethan guy seemed so nice

Wonder what happened to him.

Are we going to start seeing an infection storyline cropping up soon. The others are going to a lot of trouble to stay separate, (becuase of the lack of vaccine and fear of spreading the disease themselves or other more sinister reasons?)
What of those who've been taken if there wasn't enough vaccine for claire AND the baby? Or are the others just EVIL?

I too would be gnashing my teeth and wailing for the wait if I wasn't going on holiday for the next 2 & 1/2 weeks!
See you back here then!
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
17:12 / 06.03.06
Are we going to start seeing an infection storyline cropping up soon. The others are going to a lot of trouble to stay separate, (becuase of the lack of vaccine and fear of spreading the disease themselves or other more sinister reasons?)

Or perhaps just giving that impression? Mr. Friendly looked awfully comfy with his slick haircut and meticulously trimmed burns. How long would it take to have a crack set dressing team make a bunker look old? Because there's really no way a place can go that much to shit in a few months, is there? They could all be holed up drinking appletinis and enjoying the show in The Jaguar for all we know.
17:17 / 06.03.06
A few weeks, more like. How many days have they been on the on the island? How many since Claire came back?
14:24 / 07.03.06
I love that I get to watch Dr Who, for example, with no breaks between episodes.

Yeah, but with about a 10-month gap between seasons, as opposed to the 3-4 month summertime gap here. That sort of wait's just excruciating to me. All depends on what you're used to, I guess.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
02:09 / 08.03.06
They've probably just coasted over 50 or so days. So almost two months. I'd say Claire was in that bunker a little less than a month before she returned.
Keith, like a scientist
02:23 / 08.03.06
i think Benjamin is on the right track. i'm pretty sure the "infection" is a cover for what they are really up to. Whatever "he" is really trying to thinking is Hanso is trying to evolve the human race by bizarre means, electromagnetics, etc. they wanted Claire's baby for some other reason.

(as an aside, every single person i've talked to IRL about this episode has also mentioned the bunker looking too old in just a month or so...)
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
02:50 / 08.03.06
Actually, I think the Infection might be the least fabricated part. They clearly have a history of narcotic manipulation ("This water tastes sour.") and it's not too much of a stretch to figure that, at some point, something went wrong, a canister of Syntox Gas or something was let loose. While it would add a deeper level of tragedy if Danielle killed her crew for no reason, I suspect that there is some kind of infection present on that island.

My thoughts:
- The main purpose of Dharma's presence on the island is represented by the fabricated Zeke Others, a controlled sociological experiment.
- At some point over the past few decades, something went wrong, and some kind of virus was set loose. Hanso's "Left Hand Man" (Oh man, that's like TWOP clever!) Dr. Candle has vowed to continue the main aspect of the experiment with The Others, all while taking the necessary steps to study and hopefully eradicate the virus.
- The Monster is the experiment gained sentience. A free thinking and mobile Judgement Computer, serving as an instantaneous crucible, it can decide almost instantly whether a subject is a "Successful/Good" Person or a "Faulty-Beyond-Repair/Bad" Person.

Just a few things been running through my head.
15:08 / 08.03.06
I know about as much about this sort of thing as your average loaf of bread so forgive me if I'm way off base here but aren't electromagnetics a core component behind the theory of time travel/manipulation?
If that's the case, might this have something to do with the bunker looking far more run down than it should?
This could, I suppose, account for one or 2 other things as well. Is Rousseau's daughter supposed to be 14? She seemed older than that to me although I concede that nearly all other supposed 14 year olds in tv land these days are played by older actors/actresses so it might be that simple an answer.
Also, the Black Rock, whilst obviously far from a new design of ship might not have been quite as derelict as that if time weren't being messed about with.
This might conceivably account for the amount of time Claire spent in the bunker too, if time moves faster in some areas on the island than in others. This feels like a bit of a stretch though, I'm just thinking out loud here...
What do y'all reckon?
05:29 / 09.03.06
This site continues to have the most intelligent analyses & speculations on the web.

As I live in the U.S., I feel guilty about the Sweeps Weeks making broadcasts so sporadic. Sweeps is the goofiest thing over here: Every series puts on its most exciting, violent, and "sexy" episodes; even the local news progams cover any celebrity dirt, or story that features bikinis, supermodels, or salacious sex issues.

Obviously, to get a true picture of viewership, the Sweeps should be done randomly and unnannounced. But, no....

It sounds like you UK folks avoid such ratings-gimmicy nonsense. True? Uninterrupted seasons?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
10:39 / 09.03.06
Well, from this Yanqi's perspective, aren't they much shorter? Controlled, HBO-style bursts? I'm only basing this on The Office and Spaced, mind.
10:56 / 09.03.06
Yes it's true - British TV series tend to be shorter and shown in the same slot continiously (barring the intervention of sporting or otherwise newsworth events) from the start of the season until the end - but this doesn't just hold true for British-made TV series - All bought-in series are also shown this way - so when people watch the first season of Lost in the UK they see it from beginning to the end on consecutive weeks...
11:06 / 09.03.06
The other thing you have to remember is that in the UK every household with a TV in it needs a TV license. A licence currently costs £126.50.
11:08 / 09.03.06
(which pays for A LOT more than telly, and is money well spent in my opinion)
11:29 / 09.03.06
Indeed it is... perhaps a licence fee thread could be interesting...
13:40 / 13.03.06
doglikesparky - Is Rousseau's daughter supposed to be 14? She seemed older than that to me although I concede that nearly all other supposed 14 year olds in tv land these days are played by older actors/actresses so it might be that simple an answer.

Rousseau's daughter is played by Tania Raymonde, who is about 16-18. She played Cynthia on Malcolm in the Middle a few seasons back, so I'm thinking she's the right age (IMDB says her birthday is in 1988, so there y'go). God bless the internet.
02:00 / 23.03.06
New Lost tonight.

Well, that was a whole lot of nothing, wasn't it? Especially after, month's Claire episode. Nice last line though.
Keith, like a scientist
02:08 / 23.03.06
what exactly were saayid and charlie building? a house? a church?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
05:00 / 23.03.06
Yeah, I missed that.

Nice cliffhanger, man. They are just taking full advantage of the fact that their ratings have proven that they can do whatever the fuck they want. "This is probably not going to last. You know I've always wanted to do a really SNEAKY cliffhanger, the likes of which TV has never seen."

I spent most of the episode wondering what the logistics of a Dharmabortion would entail. Guess it's a good thing Sun actually wants the baby. And more Jae Lee! I really loved that they succinctly answered a question I didn't even know I had (who taught Sun english). It actually added a lot of weight to all the other Jin/Sun Express episodes. The scene in the doctor's office was particularly vicious for all parties.

I like how an episode after a big helping of mythology, they can still remind me while actually give a shit. Some really nice character work from all involved. Even litte Jae Bear.
06:04 / 23.03.06
You know, without this thread I'd probably not remembered about a new episode of Lost, and you know, I'm not sure it would have really mattered to me...

Incidentally, ABC and Channel 4 could do well to read this interestingarticle from Ben Hammersley (registration may be requuired)
17:56 / 23.03.06
Also, nobody's mentioning the fact that the baby might be Michael's...

Unless they want to turn around on us and do some ridiculously awesome left-fielder. OMG IT'S HURLEY'S!!! OR THE GUY FROM THE HATCH'S!!! !!! 11! ONE! !ONE ONE!
13:00 / 24.03.06
I wonder. Personally I'm leaning towards a second "miracle" (Locke's legs being the first) but I ain't convinced.

I gotta say, I do find the intermittent low level whinging that goes on in this thread a little dull. Lost is light serialised entertainment and as such can't be expected to kick your arse every week, Christ, I'd be surprised if it kicked my arse once a month.
I'm not suggesting for a moment that it shouldn't ever be criticised, but I'd like people to bear in mind exactly what it is they're watching - and it sure ain't ground breaking, innovative, or even particularly smart television. It's a manipulative, drawn out soap opera, with a few twists and turns, a bit of mystery, and a self contained mythology to keep us geeks happy.

I'm really not telling anyone anything they don't know, but I do wonder why some of you bother watching the show.
Robert B
13:59 / 24.03.06
I think the problem may be (and I'm guilty of this and can only guess what other viewers think) that people want it to be ground-breaking and innovative but keep getting reminded that it's the soap opera you describe. Nothing wrong with that other than viewers wanting more out of it. The mystery keeps me watching to a certain degree but the characters and their interaction are my primary draw to the show.

And... I actually liked the last episode with the next one looking even better. It looks like there was a balloon found. I wonder if they will find 2 bodies where the guy in the hatch said he buried his wife? Or, will Said have tortured an innocent person? Who is the father of Sun's baby? Yep, sounds like a soap opera to me.

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