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Lost (US thread)


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14:07 / 24.03.06
I think the problem may be (and I'm guilty of this and can only guess what other viewers think) that people want it to be ground-breaking and innovative but keep getting reminded that it's the soap opera you describe.

I think that's definitely part of it. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with wanting more, but I think we should all have some idea what Lost is all about by now.
15:39 / 24.03.06
Funny story: Last night my studiomates were watching this week's episode on their computer, and as I was listening to them watch it I heard some dialogue I didn't remember from when I watched it on Wednesday. I went over to see and then ended up sitting with them and watching about 20 minutes of "new" material -when I watched it on Wednesday night I remember being tired and my eyes drooping shut, but I thought it was only for a minute or so, what I didn't realize is that I slept through 20 minutes of the episode...

Anyway, with the "new" material I saw, I actually liked it a whole lot more.
15:54 / 24.03.06
Lol. That's brilliant.
16:17 / 24.03.06
So what I saw on Wednesday night, which I assumed was the complete episode, was as follows:

-Jin rips up Sun's garden
-Flashback to Sun meeting bald guy in hotel
-Sun gets morning sickness and asks Sawyer for pregnancy test
-Flashback to Sun being told she can never conceive
-Sun is pregnant
-Ana talks to Henry Gale and asks him for a map
-Jin and Sun are deciding what to name the baby
-Gale does his spooky closing monologue.

So, at the end, I was sort of disappointed, it felt very slight to me. What I'd slept through was the flashback revelation that Jin was impotent, Ana, Sayid and Charlie going on the expedition for the balloon and finding nothing, Jin's tearful confession that he can't understand anyone on the island and needs Sun, all that stuff. All the good, stuff, basically.
21:33 / 24.03.06
My friends and I were really bothered by the idea that someone would have an unused pregnancy test on the airplane, and then, of course, Kate called it out in the episode. However, I've just been thinking about it, and I'm wondering why the writing staff decided it was so damn important to immediately establish that Sun was pregnant -- why it couldn't be dangled for a while, and then reveal itself naturally, the way it obviously would if they were actually, y'know, stranded on a desert island (an angle of the show that seems to be getting more and more ignored, have we noticed this?). The writers very specifically straddled the incongruity of someone packing a pregnancy test in their luggage, and even acknowledged that this was kind of out-of-place. Which, when coupled with the way Kate delivered the line, makes me think we're going to learn at some point whose pregnancy test it was (i.e., hers), and why they had it... unless I'm giving them too much credit for a sloppy contrivance, which is much more likely.
09:07 / 25.03.06
Did anyone notice the name of the pregnancy test's manufacturers?

Widmore Pharmacy, as in Widmore Construction.

As for why it was on the plane, we were carrying a bunch of them around while we were trying to conceive. I'd imagine if we were going on holiday we would've kept them with us.
Keith, like a scientist
17:56 / 26.03.06
I'm wondering if this, from a recent AICN article, is the reason for Lost's sporadic schedule over the past couple months:

After that, they cast Jorge Garcia... Hurley from LOST. He was cast. He was signed. But unfortunately for the production - GOD decided to hurl (giggle) the biggest set of storms to hit Hawaii in quite some while, has made it to where Jorge has had to pull out at the last minute.

If Jorge had to cancel an acting gig because of storms in Hawaii, it's likely that they have lost a lot of filming time and are scrambling to make it back now, hence the delay in episodes.
14:43 / 27.03.06
Could be. What was season one's schedule like? Did it air more regularly?
Keith, like a scientist
14:55 / 27.03.06
I think it did...I remember there was a wait for the last few episodes, but the majority of the season seemed somewhat normal.
21:51 / 27.03.06
I have downloaded this, but haven't quite managed to work up the enthusiasm to actually watch it yet...
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
23:22 / 27.03.06
Holy crap, dude! We read you loud and clear! You do not feel that the Lost narrative is strong enough to carry it through the caprices of the US Network Scheduling Paradigm!

If you want, at the end of the season, we can just tick off the questions they answered and I can use my iPod versions to give you the exact time in each particular episode that they're answered so you can just get through the parts of the season that matter in a few minutes, tops.

(e.g. Kate Discovers Beard And Theatrical Glue In Dharma Medical Compound: 2.15: 30m15s)

Just putting the offer out there. If you're not down, by all means, let us know if and when you start and then stop the episode out of disgust and/or boredom. (And be sure to let us know which one it was [if it wasn't both].)
11:18 / 30.03.06
Stolen from another board:

"Hic sunt dracones" - Here be dragons.

"Ut sit magna, tamen certe lenta ira deorum est" - The wrath of the gods may be great, but it certainly is slow (which is from Juvenal's Satire XIII)

"Malum consilium quod mutari non potest" - It's a bad plan that can't be changed (which is one of Publilius Syrus' maxims)

"Credo nos in fluctu eodem esse" - I think we are on the same wavelength

"Sursum Corda" - Lift up your hearts

"aegrescit medendo" - The disease worsens with treatment (which is from Virgil)

"Cogito Ergo Doleo" - I think therefore I am depressed
Keith, like a scientist
13:05 / 30.03.06
Holy shit.

Saayid's lost love, Nadia? She was Locke's customer, buying that house.

This site is great, but sooooo slow
13:20 / 30.03.06
And it appears that Locke's evil dad is the Real Sawyer...
Keith, like a scientist
13:43 / 30.03.06
do you mean, just with his conning ways, or is there a tangible connection?
Keith, like a scientist
13:56 / 30.03.06
higher quality translation of map.

Magnus Hanso?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
14:01 / 30.03.06

(P?) Rations Delivery? Every six to eight months, sounds about right.

Oh, and for those playing the home game, I happened to spoil myself completely for what was clearly the Best Episode Ever If You Haven't Been Spoiled. Luckily I saw it with my friend and my wife so I could thrill vicariously through them but I'll never know how awesome the episode truly was unless I get a concussion, preferably today.

Also, for freaks like myself, the Lost OST came out last week. I happen to be an enormous fan of Giacchino's work on this show, so I snapped it up. It's got all the good stuff (Locke's theme, the Raft sendoff, etc).
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
14:26 / 30.03.06
AH/MDG Incident.

Hanso, DeGroot. Two man enter. One man leave.
Keith, like a scientist
14:35 / 30.03.06
Yeah, and the first name DeGroot uses is Gerald, so that makes sense if he has some sort of title or first name he doesn't use.

Or Alvar had a bad run in with a case of Miller Genuine Draft.
14:42 / 30.03.06
>>>do you mean, just with his conning ways, or is there a tangible connection?<<<

Well now that Locke Sr. has been established as an actual con man stealing money from people (rather than just a selfish old prick who tricked his son into giving him a kidney), it makes a certain dramatic sense, especially given how they seem to be creating all these links between the characters. It would be a bit odd to set up Sawyer's backstory with him hunting an elderly con man, and then introduce another elderly con man and not have them be related.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
15:01 / 30.03.06
Better in some ways. You can read the actual writing.

Caduceus abandoned in 1985?!? "How did all this get here?" "It's a bit too complicated for you to understand."

10:07 / 31.03.06
Another map here -


Great episode, the web is all about the map at the moment so many little bits and pieces for people to speculate about...polar bears, gravity equations.

Is the fake Henry Kelvin?
Was he there to move the supplies into the bunker?
Is the real Henry Roses brother? (Something to do with the diary apparently)
Why didn't Locke go through the Aircon? (Plot-hole says most)
Where the fuck is Michael?

etc etc.
12:53 / 31.03.06
So "Cerberus" must be the smokemonster, yes?
Keith, like a scientist
13:00 / 31.03.06
makes sense...a security system/watchdog.

I'm missing something. Kelvin?
13:35 / 31.03.06
Just something I dragged out of the weirdness that is the official Lost boards (OMG hey Suzie how are you!! etc)

That possibly "Henry" was Desmonds hatch buddy... I was just throwing stuff out that I'd been reading in various places.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
16:04 / 31.03.06
The bit on the map about the polar bear makes it seem dangerously likely that TPTB have known what they were doing pretty much all along. Which is a new wrinkle.

You figure if they sat down and said "How about a Polar Bear" they immediately had to answer the question of how it got there. If they decided that it was some kind of scientific experiment then it's possible, dare I say probable, that the idea of the Dharma Initiative has been there from Day One and that it wasn't ever simply a case of throwing shit onto the wall of the writing room and seeing what doesn't dribble down to the carpet.
17:05 / 31.03.06
I'm not so sure. It seems too convenient that Season 1 featured the polar bear, the glimpse of the polar bear in the comic Walt was reading, and then the set-up in Walt's backstory of his mental powers. Taking into consideration that Walt (so far, at least) has effectively been written out of the show, it seems that the map's mention of the polar bear is retconning at its finest.

Which isnt' to say I mind. I've given up all hope of "figuring out" Lost, and I think it's pointless to do so. As soon as I saw that frigging map, my first thought was -- "Great, there's at least five more seasons worth of mysteries, right there." And bear in mind, they haven't even resolved half of the mysteries from Season 1!

So my question is, how long will fans be able to tolerate this show's continuing knack for planting all sorts of mystery, while failing to provide much resolution? I've been watching since the first episode, and I'm already getting burned out.
17:33 / 31.03.06
Buttergun, I'm not following your thinking at all. Why does any of that point to retconning?
17:40 / 31.03.06
Ben, surely the "P" stands for "parachute"
17:48 / 31.03.06
And another thing. The bear isn't the only unusual animal thereabouts - all goes to suggest that it's part of something much bigger, and the bigger the mystery the greater the chances of it having been there from the beginning.
Keith, like a scientist
18:05 / 31.03.06
I quite agree with buttergun about the Polar Bear, actually. They went to great lengths in Season 1 to set up the idea that Walt conjured the Polar Bear because of his powers, something they seem to be trying to dispell now that they don't seem to know whether or not the show is about Supernatural Things or an Experiment Gone Wrong or a Big Conspiracy That Means Something.

I'm finding it really hard to reconcile the first third of the first season with everything that came after, honestly...
18:30 / 31.03.06
Ah, I see where you're coming from.

Could it be that the comic book/Walt stuff re the polar bear was just misdirection? I mean, it's possible that the creators are simply that cheap.
19:05 / 31.03.06
I think it's more possible that what's happening to Lost is what I feared would happen to it, as soon as I saw JJ Abrams' name attached to it, back in the beginning -- namely, early set-ups that never pan out due to continual retconning. This is what killed Abrams' Alias. I can't tell you how many things didn't jibe from season to season on that show.

Just a few examples (threadrot be damned)...

Like when Abrams kept hinting (very forcefully) that Sloane was Syd's father throughout Seasons 1-3, only to cast all those hints aside toward the end of Season 3, by having Sloane proclaim that he DID have a daughter, but it wasn't Syd?

Or when Abrams ended Season 3 with the cliffhanger revelation that Syd's father had basically programmed her as a child to be a spy -- but then tossed this revelation aside in the first few seconds of Season 4, instead having Syd be shocked to discover that her dad had murdered her mother -- something that was most certainly NOT revealed in those last moments of Season 3?

Or more importantly...

Like when Abrams made it such a big deal in Season 1 that Vaughn's father had been murdered by Syd's mother, Derevko, then glossed over this in Season 2 (with Vaughn -- unbelieveably enough -- actually beginning to trust and respect Derevko), THEN declared in Season 3 that Vaughn's dad had in reality been protecting Syd's sister, AND THEN in Season 4 revealed that Vaughn's dad might not even be dead???

(This doesn't even mention the sad case of Derevko herself, who went from long dead, to still alive, to dead again, to alive again).

I really fear Lost may soon dive into such troubled waters.

HAHAHA!!!! I've gone insane due to the genius of JJ Abrams!!
19:32 / 31.03.06
On the bright side there are at least two other important and influential (in terms of the show's future) creative voices on this show.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
21:02 / 31.03.06
You forgot "more" after others. This is Cuse and Lindy's show 100% now.

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