According to the preview, next week's will also be new.
This week's episode was Hurley-centric, and again undermined season 1. Previously Hurley's weight did not define his character, but last night we learned not only was it the cause of his going to a mental hospital (he apparently caused a boat to sink, which resulted in the deaths of two people), but also that Hurley used to befriend an imaginary guy who liked to say "dude" a lot and who would provoke Hurley to eat, all of the time. Basically, it made Hurley's pre-lottery life look even worse than his post-lottery life...something which did not seem apparent in the previous Hurley flashbacks, which made it look like, once Hurley won the lottery, his life had never been so bad. In fact, judging from last night's episode, Hurley's post-lottery life was paradise in comparison.
The Henry Gale subplot was woefully underdeveloped. We found that the real Henry Gale had recorded his final thoughts in pen on a (I think) 20 dollar bill, a letter to someone named Jennifer. This Sayid read to Gale before pulling a gun on him and demanding to know who he is. All we got is that "the bearded guy" is "no one," according to Gale, who really seemed to fear for his life, if he was returned to the Others. He also told Locke that he didn't enter the numbers in the computer, last week -- instead, the clock counted down, some lights went off, hieroglyphics appeared, and the number sequence started over.
Ripping off one of the later Buffy episodes, Hurley imaginary friend (who appeared to him on the island) nearly convinced Hurley that he was dreaming everything on the island; all he needed to do was jump off a cliff, and he'd wake in the real world. Libby prevented this. After she kissed him, in the final moments we flashed back to the insane asylum, and there Libby was, a nutso herself, accepting her meds while an equally-insane Hurley sat nearby, his back to her.
So the question remains...did they two meet in the asylum? Are the producers implying that both she and Hurley are dreaming the island together? Doubtful -- way too "Dallas" --ish, with Bobby appearing in the shower. |