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Lost (US thread)


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14:24 / 03.05.07
Lindelof has said that Season 4 will answer the questions about the four toed statue. So hopefully more stuff about that will be revealed.
Pooky Is Just My Pornstar Name
14:58 / 03.05.07
I don't think that was Locke's real Dad at all. In previous flashback eps, he has always been depicted as smart, savvy, a grifter with a strong survival streak - his actions last night run counter to that. While tied up at the temple column, he actually goaded Locke, taunting him and saying that he didn't have the stones to kill. Later, while being interogated by Sawyer, he does the same thing, taunting and goading Sawyer into killing him. These actions don't jibe with how he has been depicted thus far.
Eskay Uno
15:15 / 03.05.07
Cooper has been in control of things each time we've seen him before though. If he genuinly believed he was dead, in hell, and at the mercy of more powerful forces then his behavior makes sense: he's standing up to his "demons" and daring them to do their worst. He's showing that he's not afraid, refuses to feel guilty, and forget about asking for forgiveness.

Or maybe that wasn't Cooper at all but Smokey the Monster in disguise, testing the lostaways yet again... Whatever the case, Cooper is truly an irredeemable character and one of the best bad guys ever to hit the small screen.

Loved Rousseau's cameo too - what the hekk is she up to with a CRATE full of unstable dynamite???

Other questions:

What was Sayid digging on the beach?

And did Ben really imply it was Locke and not the Island that sped his recovery?
Pooky Is Just My Pornstar Name
15:45 / 03.05.07
And did Ben really imply it was Locke and not the Island that sped his recovery?

Yeah, it sounded like he did.

BTW, anyone have any ideas on why Ben would want Locke to kill his Dad (if indeed, that was him)? In an earlier ep, didn't one of the Others say that they took the kids and some of the other plane crash survivors because they were good and left the rest on the beach because they were "bad"? So, if the Others had some sort of moral code, a sense of good and bad, how then does Patricide fit into that? Another thing, when Locke was packing up the body of his father, it was clearly shown that the head was covered in a burlap bag, but the rest of the body wasn't. From a meta level, why cover up the face unless you have plans for a big reveal further down the line?
15:54 / 03.05.07
It was a very interesting episode. Cooper's short screen time was handed superbly and his one-dimensional attittude played very well, since if he was already in hell, he "abandoned all hope".
There was a great conundrum, since Ben wanted Locke to kill someone so Locke could turn himself impure in the eyes of the island (by envy, most likely), and Locke needed his father dead so he could continue to play Ben's game and follow him to another "old place" in the island. He managed to keep both Ben and the Island happy. Sawyer wasn't corrupted, since he already conformed himself with murder when he killed that guy in Sidney.
I still think it's a little far-fetched that he kept the letter in pocket all the time, even when he was taking a piss in an isolated island, but hey.
I guess the "Should we tell her yet" moment of Jack and Juliet refers to the info Naomi gave the others about the truth of plane crash. There's something quite complex about it, and I believe the crash site isn't a fake.
ibis the being
21:30 / 03.05.07
BTW, anyone have any ideas on why Ben would want Locke to kill his Dad (if indeed, that was him)?

Didn't the guy with the eyelashes explain this to Locke in the episode? - That Ben is afraid of Locke gaining some sort of power in the community due to being "special," and so he set up a test that he knew Locke would fail in order to undermine him publicly. That still, though, leaves the question of why the community would buy into the idea of Locke killing his dad being a good thing. And also why Eyelashes evidently still thought Locke needed to kill his dad... whether this would really eliminate some kind of psychic block as he claimed, or would just be a political move wrt Ben.
22:19 / 03.05.07
Didn't Naomi say that the crash wreckage was found deep underwater, in like a trench, in the middle of the ocean? And they only found it because of Penelope's search efforts? If Dharma wanted to fake it, wouldn't they put the counterfeit crash site on the shore somewhere where it would be easier to find?
02:11 / 04.05.07
But the fact that it was 4 miles down in a trench makes it much harder to identify the bodies.

I think the Juliette, we should tell her stuff must be about them both playing the Others with her being a double agent or a double double agent.

I also liked the column and what with the going to an Old place comment I'm guessing they'll visit the 4 toes in the last episode to get us all hyped up for season 4.
02:13 / 04.05.07
Not visit the 4 toes statue but I mean the whole idea of an old civilization. Sorry I've been waiting all day for this to download and wine has been involved.
fish confusion errata
03:25 / 04.05.07
"Should we tell her yet"

Either: there's only one way off the island, or there's no way off the island.
08:09 / 04.05.07
Given that the issue at stake in the scene in question was the group's failure to trust Jack, I'd suggest that the thing Juliette wanted Jack to tell Kate pertains directly to Jack and Juliette's trustworthiness. I'm thinking that they're working together against the Others (or at least Jack think they're working together against the Others).

The fact that there are multiple ways onto the island - by sea and air - suggest that there's more than one way off. However, various security systems may need to be bypassed.

As for Locke's Dad not being the real deal, well, I suppose it's possible given that the Island does seem to generate phantoms, not convinced of this, though.
Of course, the real question is why did the Others want Locke to dispose of his Dad? As Ibis says, we were given the bones of an explanation but little else. I'm thinking that it has to do with slaying one's Demons, and the Others' ideas about what constitutes a good person.

How on Earth that company Penelope Widmore contracted knew to search for weird anomolous signals/energy bursts is beyond me. My SO suggested that perhaps her Dad is responsible for Desmond being on the Island, which is a pretty interesting idea even if it does turn out to be balls.
08:55 / 04.05.07
I'm thinking that they're working together against the Others (or at least Jack think they're working together against the Others).

Or that they're working for a particular faction within the Others, or that Juliette's told Jack that they are but actually she's working with Ben, or perhaps she's working with Ben and Jack 'cause Ben is the lesser of two evils and Jack is happy with this,

I kind of like the last possibility, actually - not got a lot of stock in any one explanation, though.

Who thinks they're really in Hell then? No-one? Good.
Plane in sea trench = ammunition for the cover-up explanation, I feel.

What about Rousseau and them explosives, eh?
08:56 / 04.05.07
But the fact that it was 4 miles down in a trench makes it much harder to identify the bodies.

17:07 / 04.05.07
Back again. I bet you're all really excited!

That line about the guy in the ambulance smiling as he inserted the IV line could well be read as a suggestion that someone brought Locke's dad to the Island.
18:10 / 04.05.07
I thought that as soon as the lines came out of his mouth. Another of those damn Lost clues! You could theorize that Dharma arranged the crash, Dharma employees posed as paramedics, and Dharma brought him to the island -- bound and unconscious, much like Juliette was.

Then again, you could theorize that's just what the stoned Lost writers WANT you to think, and so threw that line there for just that very reason.
fish confusion errata
18:28 / 04.05.07
Was Juliette brought to the island by the Dharma initiative? I thought the Others were the hostiles that Dharma was afraid of.
18:29 / 04.05.07
It could be misdirection, yeah, but I'm thinking it's significant
miss wonderstarr
06:29 / 05.05.07
Unfortunately I can't really think of anything that would make the Island's true nature and location interesting at this point ~ I can't conceive of any reveal that would really fascinate.

An alternate pocket-universe, out of time? But Ben is able to watch TV from, gather notes from and carry out surveillance on the real world ~ there are clearly pretty healthy (albeit one-way?) channels of communication between the two.

A real island, cloaked off the maps by Hanso "nano-technology" and "EMP" that forces down any air traffic and blocks (? how ?) any unauthorised, non-Other radio contact? That's pretty ho-hum at this point.

Hell? no.
12:45 / 05.05.07
The latter is true. I will start taking bets.

More seriously, I'm less concerned about the true nature of the Island and more concerned with the nature of the drama generated from any such relevations. I know Lost sells itself on the big mysteries, but, as with any good telly, the most enjoyable episodes focus on tense exciting human interaction - revelation is always a secondary pleasure. At least it is as far as I'm concerned.

My SO pointed out something interesting about the nature of the drama in the last episode, when she observed that because Lost is running sooooooooo many plot threads, threads that haven't been visited in a while tend to have lost a lot of energy by the time they do surface once again. As far as she's concerned Sawyer's cathartic disposal of Locke's dad is a good case in point, in that it would have been ten times more powerful had we got to it when the details, and the emotional ripples, were still fresh in our minds.

I think I agree. Sure, they tried to bring it all back into focus again, but it didn't work quite as well as I wanted it to.
12:50 / 05.05.07
A real island, cloaked off the maps by Hanso "nano-technology" and "EMP" that forces down any air traffic and blocks (? how ?) any unauthorised, non-Other radio contact?

Of course, that explanation still leaves room for a lot more weirdness. Perhaps it's not just the nature of the Island that we should be interested in but the nature of the activities of the Island's previous inhabitants, the nature of things on the Island (the Black Smoke, the Box), the nature of the Losties relationship to things on the Island, the nature of the relationship between the Island and the outside world, the nature of the relationship between the Island and human history/destiny... I could go on.
11:25 / 07.05.07
So it looks like Lost is going to run for 3 more seasons of 16 episodes with no breaks between 'em!

Apparently Cuse and Lindeloff have been privately working to get an end date set in stone with the network for some time, but a desire to communicate what kind of investment fans (and I imagine some of the actors) need to make in the show, and to head off accusations of directionlessness has led to the discussion becoming public.
Keith, like a scientist
12:21 / 07.05.07
Full Story here

48 episodes seems a bit too much for me, but if it's 48 episodes like season 3, that wouldn't be terrible. They've really struck a good balance of character and island story points this season. In the long run, having a set date to work towards should mean they will be more focused.... I hope.
12:41 / 07.05.07
Thanks for putting the story up, Keith. My computer did something weird and I accidentally posted before adding or a link or finishing my thoughts.

I have moved for an edit.
wicker woman
03:35 / 08.05.07
It's pretty annoying that they're stretching it out into 3 more seasons. 8-month waits between shortened seasons do not appeal to me. They should just do two more 24-ep seasons and call it a day.

Not that I'm going to stop watching anyway, of course... heh.
10:31 / 08.05.07
I think the network's hand can be felt here. I'm also wondering whether the shorter seasons will also allow the actors more freedom to work on other projects, which is perhaps an essential part of the strategy to keep them on the show.
12:14 / 08.05.07
And sell one more DVD season set.
12:21 / 08.05.07
I think this can only be a good thing. The two things that make Lost great are the characters and the grand mystery. This gives time for the former to develop and the latter to get even more involved.
12:28 / 08.05.07
And sell one more DVD season set.

There is that, although I think it seems very likely that there are creative, logistical and PR concerns here too.

Joy, that's the very stuff in contention though, isn't it? There are those that believe that the mythology and character elements would benefit from less episodes and, as a consequence, a more streamlined plot.

Personally, I'm going to reserve judgement until we're some way into it.
wicker woman
08:51 / 10.05.07
Maaaan.... despite adding a whole grip of shiny new questions, tonight's episode was GOOD. We finally have an idea of Jacob, if not an actual glimpse (well, except for supposed screencaps floating around the internet. I for one didn't see anything.)

So I'm thinking one of two things. Either A) Ben can hear Jacob, and didn't think that Locke could at all, and so was faking his side of the conversation for whatever reason. Meanwhile, Jacob, being a psychic entity-whatever, was able to send out a "Help Me" to Locke without Ben 'hearing' it.

Or B) Ben used to be able to hear Jacob, but now he can't. Hence the jealousy towards Locke, who has seemed to have a much stronger connection to the island since his arrival than Ben has ever enjoyed, or at least for a good long while.

All that said... I really, really cannot stand Ben now. Before, he was just manipulative, maybe a bit dickish, but overall more eccentric than anything else. But the Purge of the Dharma employees? "I joined the hostiles to save my own ass, nevermind all the death inbetween me and that?" Ben's dad may have been a bastard, but he didn't deserve to choke to death on his own blood, either.

But besides everything else... what is a 7-months-pregnant woman doing hiking in the woods, exactly?
13:52 / 10.05.07
That really was GOOD. I like your B) theory. Like you said there are lots of new questions thrown up, whats with the sand/powder around Jacobs house (and the painting of the job for that matter).

I thought that I saw someone for a second in his house, but yeah there are some screengrabs out there and he really does appear.

Locke can't die surely? Does Bens 'daughter' know more than she's saying? Why did she give Locke the gun?

And what's up with mascara guys non aging?
constant reader
13:59 / 10.05.07
There was a definite screen flash of what may have been Jacob in the cabin with Locke and Ben. In the screencaps that have surfaced the figure looks to be wearing a poofy shirt of some kind, almost pirate-like. The camera also lingered on the bottles/jars of brown fluid and a painting on the wall of a dog.

Was the line of dirt/ash around Jacob's cabin volcanic? It wouldn't be a coincidence considering the teacher's lesson at the beginning of the episode.

When Locke fell into the pit of gassed Dharmas, why did one of the corpses have a bullet hole in its skull?
14:08 / 10.05.07
Yeah the shot of the bullet hole must mean something. Possibly someone that wasn't taken out by the gas or maybe one of the hostiles but dressed up to look like a Dharma person (wild speculation).

Agreed with the shirt, although I'd go for puffy rather than poofy... so the hostiles are all from the blackrock boat? Or perhaps even earlier? Do they age very slowly or not at all? Times into the pictures of the womb from earlier in the series. Also makes sense regarding Lockes "You do remember birthdays" line.

Too many theories in my head about Jacob.
constant reader
14:18 / 10.05.07
I did mean puffy and not poofy. The tea I'm drinking has yet to wake my hands.

They went out of their way to show that Richard Alpert was not aging. What do you think his connection with the Black Rock is?

I'm assuming Annie did not die in the Dharma purge. There were too many close ups of the dolls she gave Ben on his birthday for her to be written out so soon. Or, are we supposed to believe that Ben was so distraught over his life with Dharma that he would sacrifice her to get away?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
14:19 / 10.05.07
Terry O'Quinn has sold his house in Hawaii according to Kristen (E!). I'm actually quite affected.
constant reader
14:21 / 10.05.07
...forgot to add

Some folks on other boards are also noticing an Alice in Wonderland likeness to Ben's journey as a child. His mother, blond and wearing a blue jumper, the white rabbit he follows...

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