I couldn't get pass how uncomfortable Santoro was in some of the scenes, and how Nikki's actress was over-used as eye candy while she appeared to see no problem with her lines, her character and their context and situation in her vague witty-tv-drama generic delivery (and that whole initial "this is lame tv" scene was brutally appalling on too many levels, as well as the "bullet proof breasts" flasher to bring the stripper "faux"-exploitation home, and the couple's entire scheme... ok, and most of the diamond-hunting scenes as well).
And how hammered were all the little "medusa, spider regina, poisonous, treacherous, torning apart, meta-couple, meta-death, bury" etc etc...? Although there was a good incest joke on Boone and Shannon while the show compared the two equally obnoxious couples.
I'd still prefered if the supposed filler episode was turned into a major revealing plot point or greater retcon twist towards the end. It gave a cute almost-valueless microscopic twist on perspective on some scenes (others, those two were forced-in horribly -- like in Jack's speech, the camera was waaay too focused on shouting to us "see, they're here! HERE! Ok, I'll just fill the screen with her face in case you might be watching from the kitchen!"), but there could have been nicer twists of greater retcon significance to add a special cherry on the filler ice-cream.
(I agree with Boboss, sometimes a filler with totally plot-impertinent points or characters can bring home some other important stuff, like tones and settings -- but I don't think it's the case here, specially on Lost. If the show was focused, this could actually be a welcomed and pertinent episode, due to it's "filler" status, but Lost became itself a filler entirely for a long time -- c'mon, a entire second season on a bunker so it could blow up in the last episode? Total filler! -- which made the existence of this episode to have absurdly more negative points than positives). |