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Lost (US thread)


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13:58 / 02.03.07
Except that the van was obviously used as a means of transport around the island from one outpost to another, given that it wasan official Dharma van being driven by a Dharma workman.

I dunno, Cam. I'd take it as a given that since there are no more dusty roads and this van itself was found in dense vegetation, that this is no longer the case. I think yeah, they used to be able to get around, back when all the Dharma stuff was bustling and not abandoned and overgrown.

Although you know, if they happen to use the van to ride right in to Other's territory later on, well, that'll be different. Or it could be leading up to the inevitable "road clearing" episodes we've all been hoping for!

I do know what you mean about this episode, and I was overstating it's case for greatness somewhat. I am fond of the fact that, while Kate, Locke and Sayid are gearing up for action those guys are fixing up a van and drinking beers. I still think that's funny! I feel that lost has always had episodes like this, it's certainly filler whether you think it's good or bad. I think it's always had episodes that haven't had amazing cliffhangers, also.

But then, I want to see what happens next! I really wanna see Rousseau go get her daughter back... if it was on dvd, well, I know I would have had to carry on to the next ep and promptly forgotten all about this one.
20:23 / 02.03.07
I liked this episode. Yeah, we knew about Hurley and the numbers but it was interesting to see that story fill out a bit more, and personally I liked the fact that they chose to use it because it means the numbers story arc is not lost (ha ha) to us. That whole, 'Hurley's curse' thing is still valid because they reintroduced it in this episode.

I also liked the fact that it was Vincent that led them to the van and then Vincent was in the van at the end when it was being driven around. He was like a 'happy fairy' - he gave them the key to the van to make the whole good day happen and was there at the end (dog) laughing.
miss wonderstarr
20:43 / 02.03.07
Plot- and character-wise, in terms of present day and flashback, I felt this one was pretty much dead, in that it didn't advance or develop either. Or, it did so minimally ~ and in character terms, that little bit was quite pleasurable and rewarding. Sawyer's bonding with Jin, though corny, was kind of warm... remember he used to be a total hard-ass, and as I remember, the closest thing the Lostaways had to a bad guy for a while. He was taken aback by those two hugging him ~ and his wikipedia of nicknames is always good crack. Skeletor, Munchkin, Jiminy Cricket, International House of Pancakes ~ they just kept coming! The guy's got an obsession.

One other niggle is that, as I'm sure everyone knows, "Death" in tarot doesn't mean death. It's pretty old and tired to have it as a shocking revelation that makes the mystic turn pale and apologise.
20:59 / 02.03.07
I agree with you Miss Wonderstar -- and I was cringing at that scene. Bad flashbacks to Claire's visit to the psychic in Season 1 (still my all-time least favorite Lost episode). And I was screaming at the TV, "The Death card doesn't literally mean death!!"

I was glad to see the whole bit was just a put-on by Hurley's dad.
06:12 / 03.03.07
Suedey, I think you've summed up my feelings about this episode perfectly. It was a nice, light-hearted, but almost certainly inconsequential episode (other than the Rousseau bit, and maybe the van has some other role to play), but, you know, sometimes that's exactly what you want.
06:18 / 03.03.07
TBH, I'm getting a little tired of CONSEQUENCES as they inevitably lead to MORE QUESTIONS.
02:46 / 04.03.07
A friend just mentioned about how the VW van had had the VW symbol taken off, and replaced by a Dharma one... Okay, say CBS Network employees drive Fords, are they gonna remove the Ford emblem, and replace it with a CBS Eye? Most evil corporations are satisfied with just putting their logo on as a decal, or painted on, but not those wacky Dharma guys!
07:10 / 04.03.07
Dharmie the Love Van.

It is a bit much. I think we're lucky we're not seeing dharma hubcaps, a dharma shaped steering wheel and a horn that screams the numbers.
20:17 / 05.03.07
I still dream of Lost/Wu-Wear crossover when 8 Chambers drops. Fronts of vans are small-fry!

Also, previous cliffhangers ("How long does it take to raise an army?" etc) have all been about where people are going next, about momentum, rather then mind-blowing cool of where they could go next. Frankly, the whole show is about the next scene, and the most recent ep was just a nice chance to wallow in the one we've got.

I could do without frequent catch-ups to Asiaia, land of Asiaian mysticism and linguistic stubborness, though.
one point, oh
14:39 / 07.03.07
Just caught the last episode. Sitting here as I am, waiting for the next fix, I am wondering; will Hurley really have broken his curse, will it save Charlie from death? Who is right; 'make your own luck' Hurley's dad, or 'universe always gets his man' Desmond? Why was Hurley unable to steer around the rocks without the engine being on? And, to what new lows will I continue watching?
06:36 / 08.03.07
Though they've lost a lot of good will, I kinda had fun with tonite's ep, despite the usual goofiness... Yeah, we know Sayid tortured ppl. And dumb Locke turning his back on the guy, so's to play chess with WarGames 80's computer. Like, jeez already, keep Locke away from the fing computers! Of course he doesn't tell anyone what's up til too late. And it was waaay predictable that a communications center with a wall of Dharma Int. notebooks was gonna go boom... But Sawyer & Hurley fun times. Lost hijinks.
06:44 / 08.03.07
Today on the NPR radio station, KCRW-FM, on their TV/Movie show, "The Treatment" ... Elvis Mitchell hosts Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, executive producers, writers and co-creator (Lindelof) of Lost.

No real suprises, but the half-hour interview may be of interest to some:
Keith, like a scientist
12:57 / 08.03.07
Patchy's line about "the hostiles were already here...they've been here a very long time" makes me wonder about the Four Toe Statue... are the Others some old civilization? Do they (gasp) all have 4 toes?!

Of course, Patchy can't be trusted, even though he said everything he said was true except he wasn't Dharma.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
15:56 / 08.03.07
That episode was fucking awesome.

After a disappointing Desmond and Jack episode and a merely fun Hurley episode, this shit was classic, ball-shattering Lost.

And when they shot...Gwenivere...from Magnolia...!!!!!!

I thought I'd lost you for a few weeks there, Lost. Come here. Sit down. No, you look pretty. I know. It's cool.

Here, let me get the lights...
Red Concrete
18:32 / 09.03.07
I'm still getting a lot from Lost, for what it's worth. Any Tintin fans here?

06:29 / 11.03.07
...the silence in here is deafening...
Colonel Kadmon
21:59 / 12.03.07
FWIW, I still love Lost. This series has been ace so far, especially since it started up again, and I cant believe there's still a new one every week for like the next twelve weeks.

It doesn't matter that it's not so popular anymore. Same thing happened to Twin Peaks. And it ruled.
13:39 / 13.03.07
Except that it did matter: the show got axed.

I still enjoy Lost but I ain't gonna be making no comparisons with Twin Peaks.
Keith, like a scientist
02:10 / 15.03.07
tonight's episode's shocking revelation = for once the innaneck was right about a theory! whoa... this should go down in the history books.

Forum Nerds Proven Right! Film at 11!
13:20 / 15.03.07
He is from Tin Tin? What's the revelation? (PM if nece, plz)
15:20 / 15.03.07
Last night's ep was pretty great, save for the flashbacks. Damn. More than ever, last night proved the flashback structure can be a detriment to the show. One of the many reasons Heroes is better than Lost is because at least Heroes will change its structure depending on the needs of the episode in question. With Lost, it's like, "well, we have to do flashbacks, cause we've been doing them from the start."

And if someone could answer my damn question...

Is it true all the writers from last year have been replaced?

If so, then what's the point? This means all the set-up and reveals the writers devised last year have been cast aside, and all the stuff this year is new ideas not generated by last year's crew. This means that what's occuring in the show is just as relevant as the average internet poster's theory. It's like if Tolkein wrote Fellowship and Two Towers, then some new guy came in to finish Return of the King...what's the point?

Of course, this presupposes that the writers last year actually had conclusions/revelations in mind; the jury's still out if they did.
Keith, like a scientist
15:25 / 15.03.07
carlton cuse and damon lindelof are still writing and steering the direction of the show, so i wouldn't say it's all new writers with new ideas.
15:42 / 15.03.07
So was JJ Abrams just there in name only? The only touch of his I could detect in season 1 was Greg G. as the doomed pilot (now JJ-free on Heroes) and the characters Shannon and Boone -- who, of all the characters, seemed the most to have just walked out of Abrams' "Felicity."
Keith, like a scientist
16:21 / 15.03.07
he has written/co-wrote a few things, like the original 2 hour pilot and a couple since then. not many. hard to say exactly how much input he has.
21:09 / 15.03.07
How does this...

This means all the set-up and reveals the writers devised last year have been cast aside, and all the stuff this year is new ideas not generated by last year's crew.

Necessarily follow from this?

Is it true all the writers from last year have been replaced?

I'd call that a non-sequitur if ever I saw one.
wicker woman
04:43 / 16.03.07
This week's episode was pitch-perfect. This and the Desmond flashback ep are now my two favorite from this season so far. Is it a bit demented of me to want a mini-version of that fence for my own yard? "Yes, Mr. or Ms. Mailman, go ahead and stick those bills in the mailbox... mwah ha ha..."

Oh, and going back two episodes to the Hurley / van one. I don't know what the adverts were like anywhere else (or even exactly if those of you across the Atlantic don't get to see the eps until well after we do), but the whole ominously-intoned "If you miss this episode, YOU'LL WONDER what everyone is talking about tomorrow..." was pretty fantastic as a setup for a completely throwaway-but-fun 42 minutes.
A beautiful tunnel of ghosts
11:32 / 16.03.07
J.J. Abrams to be more involved in Lost, Season 3.
Red Concrete
21:58 / 16.03.07
He is from Tin Tin? What's the revelation? (PM if nece, plz)

No revelation, just another cross-reference. The Skut character was an eastern european ex-military type with radio/communications expertise, and an eyepatch. He meets tintin when his plane crashes (in fact, tintin shoots it down IIRC), and they share a life-raft. Possibly it's a coincidence, but I was sooo happy at spotting a really obscure reference that I came, onto this forum and posted it.
ibis the being
22:34 / 16.03.07
"If you miss this episode, YOU'LL WONDER what everyone is talking about tomorrow..." was pretty fantastic as a setup for a completely throwaway-but-fun 42 minutes.

Well, it was true around here. I couldn't stop talking about how bad it was.

I thought this week's episode was much more intriguing and enjoyable. The Claire backstory, while not hugely revelatory, did add some dimension to her character, which I think is the point of the flashback segments... or should be at any rate. And we got a juicy cliffhanger this time.
12:01 / 17.03.07
Yes, I enjoyed the flashbacks this week, and was quite keen on the big revelation.
17:36 / 17.03.07
What a worthless post. What I meant to say is that I'm still enjoying Lost and feel that the last two shows seem to suggest that the creators understand that the audience want a little more than they've been getting,which is a good thing.

And, you know, SONIC LAZER FENCES!

(There's some real tech on that island)
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
02:54 / 22.03.07

So. Best show ever, at this point, correct?
03:14 / 22.03.07
I'm still enjoying.

On the subject of the writers not knowing where theyu're going, and a change in the writing staff indicating old ideas cast aside... never underestimate the value of a good retcon. I for one still don't know what this series is even about, and there's still a chance it can be woven together by someone skilled. We'll see, but for now I'm still watching. Thought the Claire flashback/electric fence/Jack playing American football episode was great.
Tim Tempest
03:49 / 22.03.07
So what did you all think was in the "box"?

Did anyone guess: a fat and evil old man tied to chair and ready to have glorious wrath rained upon him from the son whose kidney he stole, ruined his self-esteem, and then pushed him out of a freaking window?

Because I sure did. And if you didn't, I think you just need to watch a little harder, because THE CLUES WERE THERE, MAN.

Honestly though, Ben just keeps getting creepier.
07:17 / 22.03.07
This episode kicked serious butt!

A worthy pay-off on Locke's backstory... a suspenseful, exciting present story -- though with the usual Lost hijinks of blowing up something important, esp by ol' Locke...

I vaguely thought "the box" might hold the smoke creature... silly me... Lost was at its best Tonite.

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