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Lost (US thread)


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11:40 / 23.07.06
Hmmm the link just brings me here. Fix?
Keith, like a scientist
13:52 / 23.07.06
i fixed it, but it's awaiting moderation. in the meantime, here it is again
H3ct0r L1m4
21:01 / 26.08.06
I haven't watched much of the first season and only caught the last of the second, so bear with me.

happy to hear Desmond is alive. I think turning the key to let go the electromagnetic energy teleported him from the pocket universe [artificially created by Hanso and Dharma?] that the island is in to an intersecting point at one of Earth's poles. remember the polar bear, and how gale says there's nothing outside the island.

I can't yet see how BAD TWIN, the 4 toe statue feet and the Others fit in this theory of mine. maybe the Others are survivors from another crash, former employees or else.

so, how off am I?

Keith, like a scientist
18:16 / 03.10.06
So the Lost Experience is done.

Alvar Hanso was held prisoner by a successor, who did nasty things in his name. Rachel Blake exposed this to the world and freed Hanso....who turns out to be her father. Dun dun DUN!

Letter from Hanso

Wiki page about the ARG

Season 3 premiere this Wednesday. Huzzah.
18:25 / 03.10.06
I followed the Lost Experience over the summer, and while I'm glad I didn't spend too much time trying to figure out the puzzles and I thought the ending was a bit lacklustre, it did spew up this rather excellent piece of the Lost puzzle. It is really quicte explicit on the numbers, what they are and what the point of the island is. If you haven't already, you all really should watch this.
the credible hulk
21:32 / 04.10.06
YouTube (and other flash stuff) crashes my computer lately. Could you summarize? Please?
12:23 / 05.10.06
Okay, long story short time it is. (this is essentially a condensed version of what's on the wiki, btw, it's a great resource)

Remember Gary Troup, author of Bad Twin? He also wrote a book called the Valenzetti Equation. Valenzetti was a mathematician who predicted the end of humanity with the aid of a really long sum, with a whole bunch of variables (similar to the Drake equation in many respects). There were 6 variables tied to core human and environmental factors, and when each was slotted into the equation, they gave the date of the end of the world. These numbers were (you guessed it!) 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42.

Hanso said ""Only by manipulating the environment, by finding scientific solutions to our problems will we be able to change those core factors, and give humanity a chance to survive."

He goes on to say: "We have constructed several stations on the island, underground laboratories with the facilities you will need to do your research, with optimal expediency. All of the support you will need, including regular medicine and food drops will be made in perpetuity.

"A radio transmitter has also been erected on the island broadcasting in a frequency and encryption known only to us. The transmitter will only broadcast the core numerical values of the Valenzetti Equation. When, through your research, you manage to change the numerical value of any one of these factors, when you have created through science the [unaudible] ... We will know that the one true way has been found... That is the work to which you have committed yourself. Change the core values of the Valenzetti Equation, and you will change the course of destiny."

Ta-daa! Pretty much says it all right there, doesn't it?

Was this on last night in the states? Any good? Or are we all UK 'blithers and waiting to download it?
Keith, like a scientist
12:34 / 05.10.06
yup, it was on last night, and i quite enjoyed it. very cool start to the only dealt with Jack, Kate, and Sawyer this week.

And Benjamin will be happy to know that the Stephen King presence is alive and well, I'm sure.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:09 / 05.10.06
What King book were they reading?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
13:25 / 05.10.06
Carrie. And they had every printing from first hardcover to the most recent trade reissue. So sayeth the Michael, "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?"

In other news, I loved it.

"So I guess I'm out of the Book Club?"

Ben and Juliet are two great characters so far, and Jack's 'back wasn't at all annoying! Although Juliet's access to the Happy Meter for Sarah was way contrived. I bet J.J. Abrams wrote that bit. GO BACK TO ALIAS YOU HACK-ASS.

And Sawyer knows why the caged Polar Bear sings.
Keith, like a scientist
13:42 / 05.10.06
I've read the book was "From A Buick 8"... is this wrong?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
13:55 / 05.10.06
Keith, like a scientist
14:05 / 05.10.06
Ah, cool. Carrie...interesting.

I'm seeing tons of animosity on the net about this show... it's wild that it's still a hugely popular and successful show, but most people slag it any chance they get. Seems to be a case of people saying they hate it, but don't actually stop watching it. It's a weird dynamic to the audience of the show.
14:29 / 05.10.06
Keith, I think the key phrase in that sentence was on the net. If you can winge about it, someone is, somewhere, on some Godforsaken forum filled with angry 15 year olds. Go internet! (don't mind me, I'm not bitter)
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
14:36 / 05.10.06
Everywhere that's not TWOP seems cool with it. I fucking hate that place.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:45 / 05.10.06
Well, I've been watching from the beginning, deliberately avoiding threads concerning it, deliberately avoiding conversations with friends who are watching it too, and I'll say this bit and hope no one gets mad at me.

First two seasons, brilliant. Third season? So far, it's starting to become more and more implausible.

This show will soon go the way of Twin Peaks if it doesn't resolve some important plot points soon.

Again, apologies.
15:39 / 05.10.06
Kali, out of curiosity - plot points about what? I, for one, thought the season 2 finale was great, and the infodump in in was most appreciated. It satisfied me for about... oh, another 23 episodes?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:49 / 05.10.06
Lost Theory Generator.
21:22 / 05.10.06
So, can we start the discussion of the episode yet? I've been wating all summer for this bugger, and it was well worth the wait.


The Pre-titles sequence was amazing. I'd stayed away from spoilers, so I had no idea of what to expect, but I certainly didn't expect to see the others (!!111!!) in a book group and sub-urban houses and clothes that looked like they came from Gap. It was a great shift in emphasis from the previous seasons, and laid down a heck of a lot of questions and well as answering others that, sometimes, you weren't even sure you had, like the fact that they've obviously compiled lists of people to abduct before from the speed and ease of which Gale (or is it Ben now?) gave the orders to Ethan.

I think it's a great way of keeping the show fresh at what is now around the half-way point, while also deepening the mystery pf what the hell is going on, by simply showing you more. The more you know, the less you know, I love it.

I'm really really looking forward to finding out more about this group, and how they've made their lives on the island, and why they were such bastards to the castaways over the last two seasons. More!!
10:04 / 06.10.06
Rumour has it, Nathan Fillion will start shooting next week for two episodes, where he plays KateĀ“s significant other.
Jack The Bodiless
10:08 / 06.10.06
I am wetting my pants with anticipation. Clean-up on aisle five, please.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:09 / 06.10.06
Mist, do NOT fucking kid about my future ex-husband.

00:09 / 08.10.06
Okay, so the Others are living in a suburban-like community, where they can even spend time with a book group... so why do they need the pretense of being grungy castaways, and use such harsh techniques against our survivors?

What if they just told new people to the island that the Dharma Initiative went bad -- and what it is -- and that they all need to work together, because.... Explaining just why "We're the good guys."

Obviously, that would be less dramatic, so I assume we'll find out their motivation at some point.

Also, did they know about the electromagnetic Swan station?
miss wonderstarr
07:14 / 08.10.06
From the video collated from the "glyphs" on the Lost Experience, I assumed the Others were essentially hostile towards the Lostaways because the latter risked disturbing a Hanso Foundation experiment involving the Numbers and that world-saving equation.* The fake beards seems to fit pretty smoothly with the idea of sending out members of the community to pretend to be crash survivors. Zeke turning up clean-shaven and GAP-clad would disrupt the Lostaways' understanding of the island a lot more than Zeke as hillbilly primitive. Basically I saw the island as a Hanso experiment and the Lostaways as (potential or actual) interference in that project, and assumed the Others saw it the same way.

* sometimes I wonder at the nonsense TV makes me type
11:26 / 08.10.06
Or, the others saw the Losties as potential test subjects, and the castaway-garb they don would be used, as you say, to make the survivors feel that they'd belong in this situation. I wonder what the others will have to say about this sickness we've seen so little of.
18:21 / 10.10.06
i suppose the fact that we have now actually *seen* the plane crashing (from the POV of the others) rules out any zany cryogenically frozen / last humans theory ... or does it?
Keith, like a scientist
18:22 / 10.10.06
i hope so.

I also hope the purgatory/dead theories go away finally.

And the clone theories.
20:58 / 10.10.06
Two episodes into season one, someone in my office was heard to smugly decry:
"I'm not going to bother watching LOST, I've already worked out that they're all actually dead and in purgatory"
Colonel Kadmon
22:45 / 10.10.06
Surely the Others did not adopt the costumes etc. specifically for the Lostaways, as the French woman didn't announce that they were acting any different than usual. In fact, she was scared of them before the Lostaways even arrived.

When I watched it, my friends thought that all the Others were in on it - however, I definately saw it that Henry Gale, Ethan, etc, were an inner circle, and that most of the Others didn't know what was going on outside of their village. Thoughts?

One more thing - this really lived up to my expectations. It's good to have Lost back again.
Keith, like a scientist
00:23 / 11.10.06
Two episodes into season one, someone in my office was heard to smugly decry:
"I'm not going to bother watching LOST, I've already worked out that they're all actually dead and in purgatory"

I think there was one in every office in the world that year. There was certainly at least 1 in mine.
miss wonderstarr
06:33 / 11.10.06
I definately saw it that Henry Gale, Ethan, etc, were an inner circle, and that most of the Others didn't know what was going on outside of their village. Thoughts?

Henry was shouting orders to Ethan though, in front of the community group ~ orders along the lines of "blend in with any survivors, pretend to be one of them if you have to" ~ so though I agree that there seems to be an active elite, it also seems everyone else would be in the know, or that from this point they would have a pretty good clue of the basics elsewhere on the island.
17:53 / 12.10.06
I missed Lost last week, I was in Cancun. Saw last night's ep, thought it was okay. My Lost enjoyment has been on the wane of late. I'm sick of the endless set-up and sparse resolution. And I also really hate these Others. I'd just like one episode in which nothing happens but each and every Other being murdered. At this point I really don't CARE what their secret plan is. This society which they live in on the island I fear will soon veer us into Desperate Housewives territory.

I've also noticed the harsh sentiments directed at Lost as of late. I predict this season will see a lot of Lost's audience bidding a bitter adieu to their once-beloved show. I can't say I'll join them. Despite my impatience with the storyline, my dismay at the barrage of new characters, my gnashed teeth at how NONE OF THE LOST-ERS PLANS EVER WORK (ie Sayid's ambush last night), I'll stick around, if nothing else than for the strong acting and writing.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:54 / 12.10.06
buttergun has summed me up.
23:53 / 12.10.06
Yes, I'm gonna stick with Lost, because it's still fun. I think viewership will be falling off due to the complexity; not too many people are going to go out and catch up via DVDs. So the main story arc-mystery may have to speed up. Can they go 5 years?

I'm finding this season interesting, probably because each new season we get an info-dump, er info-trickle of explanations.

What's making me skeptical about the series, is that if you look back -- a lot of things that seemed important at the time, don't really add to the overall story. For example, we were first teased that the Tailies were the Others, then two of the gals got killed, and we did wind up with Mr Echo and Bernard. But not much really changed.

And per the teaser for next week's show, Locke and Desmond survived the destruction of the hatch... so why didn't Dharma just use the failsafe in the first place and get rid of the elctromagnetic charge? Is all the mystery of the hatch really going to have added up to much?
11:00 / 13.10.06
Where's Benjamin when we need him.

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