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Lost (US thread)


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Keith, like a scientist
18:48 / 04.05.06
interesting. i didn't bother calling, figuring it was the same thing that the UK got, which was a voice mail answering system with a bunch of messages, etc.

but this is the 3rd or 4th time i've read or heard first hand of someone calling and getting a live person. my friend called and they called him by name when they answered the phone (caller ID, haha).
02:00 / 05.05.06
Oh, I got an automated thing at first, but it said if you stay on the line you can talk to a live person, but when the live person answered I froze.
02:20 / 05.05.06
Hey what is the number? I cant watch season 2, because of work (waiting for the DVD) but everyone has been talking about it so I wanted to give it a shot...
13:21 / 05.05.06
>>I got the impression that Michael only shot Ana-Lucia when she showed a willingness to allow him to kill the prisoner... <<

That wasn't just implied. I thought it was pretty obvious. Michael was testing A-L, and she failed. This all ties in with the Others' constant "good/bad" stuff. Further confirmed when Henry Gale told A-L Goodwin thought she could be "saved." And I also like how he implied that Goodwin was not going to kill her...maybe that was just another test A-L failed, when she impaled him?

Anyway, I'm betting either Michael's been brainwashed by the Others (notice his nearness to tears when he shot A-L, like he didn't want to but knew he HAD to), or he's working for them because they have Walt (in which case the scene could be read the same way).

Regardless, I'm glad shit's finally happening on the island. They finally took the series to a 24-shock type ending.

More importantly, I'm glad Sayid's back. "They didn't have 'Say Anything' in Bagdad?"

Finally, I myself went over to the "A-L's okay" camp over the past few months, but I know most still hate her. I wonder how many cries of relief went up across the nation when Michael wasted her? Talk about a backfire -- instead of thinking he's now evil, most fans will probably like Michael all the more.
23:34 / 10.05.06
There is definitely a CULT aspect to the Dharma Iniative/Others. The "good people/bad people" references, the tones of awe regarding "Him," and Henry Gale saying he was doomed by failing.... All like True Believers, members of a cult.

P.S. Yotsuba & Benjamin referred to "stewardess Cindy serving drinks to Dr. Marvin Candle..." Wha?! When did that happen. Guess I blinked. Or I have Lost-nesia.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
01:23 / 11.05.06
Well, Cindy was taken by the Others and I'm assuming that's what she's up to. But let me rephrase that as per tonight's infodump.



Um, yeah. I can't believe they just let Libby die after that bizarre ending to Hurley's episode. That was a truly boneheaded move on the part of the writers.

In other news, Australian Psychic ought to be named Shepard as he's now officially responsible for getting two 815ers securely on that plane.

The whole Eko/Locke conclusion was HELL OF cheesy and I can't believe they ended with the whole "Michael" shit, but gladly it seems like everyone is still in the dark about it.

It's all in those transcripts. Michael's toast.
07:57 / 11.05.06
Okay, so I went to More Hanso Foundation stuff. To sign up for the Newsletter, it needs a Password, the Code Word on web site doesn't work, it says, "see the call center in the tv ad for the password." Okay, I called and hit 1 for general info... some foreign language, then english giving the address for the Hanso Foundation... do I have to go thru 2, 3, 4, to get the friggin' password... what's this call/calls gonna co$t?!
08:13 / 11.05.06
>>>Um, yeah. I can't believe they just let Libby die after that bizarre ending to Hurley's episode. That was a truly boneheaded move on the part of the writers.<<<

I think they probably intended to explore Libby's backstory, but then came the DUI arrest with Michelle Rodriguez, and getting cast in another show, and so they did the only thing they could - they wrote her out. I'm sure if they had their choice she'd have stuck around and they could have filled in the blanks in her story, but they're doing serial television over the course of several years and so occasionally life will get in the way and they're gonna have to improvise.
08:17 / 11.05.06
And yes, I know that the Lost producers are claiming that Ana Lucia and Libby's deaths are nothing to do with their real-life arrest, but I don't buy that for one second. It's precisely because they set up that shockeroo reveal of Libby in the mental hospital, and then have her killed off (accidentally, no less) two episodes later that makes it it obvious, in my opinion anyway, that they had to do an emergency rewrite on her character.
13:50 / 11.05.06
Producers have said that Libby (while dead) will be back next season in a couple flashbacks. So her backstory will be filled in at least as it relates to Hurley. I wish she had gotten her own episode.
the credible hulk
04:28 / 12.05.06

Not to rain on your parade, but the pregnancy test was made by WidMORE labs, not Widman. Also, I'm pretty sure he said his name was Mark Wickman...

Get it? Mark WICKman? Marvin CANDLE?

13:46 / 12.05.06
I thought overall it was another good episode, if only for the look on Libby's face as she died.

Speaking of which, I think Hurley's great, and I don't mean to ridicule, but did anyone else feel Jorge Garcia wasn't able to pull of that crying scene very well? I'd say dramatic scenes aren't his forte. He needs to stick to the sarcasm and one-liners.

I agree with others, it's a bit too pat that A-L and Libby die right after the actresses get DUIs. But at the same time, I'm fine with it. The island's getting too crowded. When was the last time we saw Sun? Charlie? Hell, we're lucky to get a minute or two with Sayid once a month.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
14:13 / 12.05.06
Not to rain on your parade, but the pregnancy test was made by WidMORE labs, not Widman. Also, I'm pretty sure he said his name was Mark Wickman...

Get it? Mark WICKman? Marvin CANDLE?


the credible hulk
01:38 / 13.05.06
I hope my comment didn't seem snarky. I didn't mean it to.

I do think the wordplay in his name is kind of interesting though. And how in the "Marvin Candle" film he has a prothstetic arm, and in the "Mark Wickman" one, he doesn't.

01:27 / 14.05.06

Both films made in 1980s according to their copyright marks.

But Marvin Wickman/Candle appears about 10 years younger in The Pearl and he's put The Lizard to shame and got his arm back.

Was Marvin Conners healed by the island?
the credible hulk
16:59 / 14.05.06
I don't know about that.. I think it's safe to assume the Pearl video was made before the Swan, and that Marvin lost his arm in the "incident" mentioned in the Swan's orientation tape.
Keith, like a scientist
12:47 / 18.05.06
well, that was a pretty good'un.

And, wow, Walt actually came back...I wasn't ever expecting to see him again, really.

JJ Abrams keeps talking about next week's finale has been the most mindblowing thing ever...I have high hopes we will be getting into the Others' hatch.
13:25 / 18.05.06
Speakin a witch...

Swan, Arrow, Staff, Pearl, now "Window"?

Ms. Clue was a pleasant surprise. Glad Zeke's not the big one in charge.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
14:28 / 18.05.06
I went through the preview frame by frame (LIKE YOU DIDN'T). Some things:

- At some point Kate, Sawyer, Michael, and Jack end up in the land of the Message Tubes from the Pearl. (Where's Hurley? Sadly, I do not see him.)

- Sayid & Jin end up on the boat, Sayid is using Binox to look at something.

- Desmond. Running. For like two frames.

- A man, sort of bleeding, sort of well dressed, caucasay, in the hatch with Charlie. Do the Lostaways go batshit and beat the owner of the boat off of it? Could very well be.

Everything else was pretty clear. Hatch goes boom. Eko trapped by blast doors. Jack & Co. running from monster. Best Season Finale in history. You know, standard stuff.
14:31 / 18.05.06
Also caught a clip of Kate falling to the ground like a sack of rocks.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
14:32 / 18.05.06
OH, and I loved seeing some Magnolia hedz up in this Ms. Clue and Stanley Spector's dad.

"Michael? Did you -- did you piss your pants?" That must be why we first saw him taking a leak.

And Gwenevive is perfect for Ms. Clue.

"Well, Michael, your history, your actual family history. I think that's important."
"What's your fucking question."
"I guess my question is this. Why would you lie?"
Keith, like a scientist
16:08 / 18.05.06
a potential SPOILER the flashback for the finale is apparently:



Apparently, it's Desmond's flashback next week, and somehow Libby's story figures into it. Is Libby possibly the blond girl in that photo Desmond had?
16:57 / 18.05.06
Since Desmond has magickal fixit powers, maybe he made Libby not so crazy.
18:43 / 18.05.06
San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that "Lost" will run without repeats next season. They'll do a third of the episodes in the fall, then go on hiatus for a few months (during which some Taye Diggs show will air) and then run the other two-thirds of the season.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
18:55 / 18.05.06
Oh now that's some nice shit, especially if they structure it to compliment that. Leave us with a nice juicy cliffhanger 1/3rd of the way through. I can deffo get with that.
12:52 / 19.05.06
I'm wondering if anyone else got this same impression...that scene where the Others lead the bound Michael into their camp, and everyone was grungy and looking around with shaded just reminded me of something out of Planet of the Apes (only without the apes). The music in the scene only complimented this image.

The characters have really changed this year. Who knows, maybe it's on purpose...the maddening virus Rousseau mentioned coming into effect. Kate, the hardcore survivalist we saw last year, couldn't even tell the Others had someone else back there, even though she only had a burlap sack on her head. And Michael, the calculating thinker who fashioned the boat last season, is now just a nervous freak. Sure, I know his son's missing, but still. It's a swing in a different direction. Though of course his flashback the other night avoided several days...could this have been when some Other brainwashing went on? Or are they trying to imply now that Michael killed A-L because he knew she'd prevent him from freeing Henry Gale?

Also, putting Eko in the hatch seems like a useless shunting of the character into a less prominent role. Hopefully it will pan out into something, but the thought of a fan-favorite sitting behind a computer expectantly each episode, it's not that enthralling.
Keith, like a scientist
13:20 / 19.05.06
Or are they trying to imply now that Michael killed A-L because he knew she'd prevent him from freeing Henry Gale?

I think that was always the plot of the episode.
13:57 / 19.05.06
That sucks. I had this whole elaborate storyline envisioned where Michael was brainwashed to the Others' side...and had killed A-L because she "failed" his test. IE, since she still gave him the gun to kill Gale, then she was "bad" and couldn't be saved. Now it turns out that it really was just so he could get her out of the way. Again, it doesn't jibe with the Michael from last year. I don't care how much you argue over his kid being taken, etc, etc. Most of the characters have really changed this year, and I'm hoping there's an underlying reason for this, and not just due to rewriting. If that's true, then what's the point? It will soon become as convoluted and paper-thin as Alias.
14:06 / 19.05.06
Isn't that the fun of it?

Also, you did notice how Eko has been building a church and barely involved in anything in all that time, right? He'd barely been involved for about 10 episodes or something! I may have exaggerated that number. He's totally getting pushed to the fore again now!

I'm more excited to see what happens with "the island" clearly manipulating his faith, and him sauntering off on to button duty with nary a question as to the why. Don't you think you think he'll get angry when he finds out? Also, the bit where he broke up with Charlie was sweet.

And what's that? Oh yeah, Locke's BACK. No more button duty for him.

Sawyer: "Ah screwed her... Yr the only friend ah got, doc."

Hello, Wolverine! What's that? You want Cyclops to give you a hug? Go on, then.
14:12 / 19.05.06
I really have to wonder if we're watching the same show at all, buttergun. Because in the one I'm watching, yes, the fact they TOOK. HIS. BOY. HIS BOY. THEY TOOK. HIS BOY really is reason enough for him to do a complete turnaround like what just happened.

I'm not discounting any other revelations down the road, mind, just that that's what the writing on this show has almost always been like. It's not exactly subtle town. It's like an X-Men comic from the 70s, complete with big BOLDED words in captions.

Keith, like a scientist
15:40 / 19.05.06
Hello, Wolverine! What's that? You want Cyclops to give you a hug? Go on, then.

which makes Kate Jean Grey? I like it.
15:53 / 19.05.06
Sawyer's "We got caught in a net" line to Jack was the highlight of the episode. Thanks for reminding me of it.

I wonder how they'll explain Walt looking older? Anyone else notice how much older the kid looks now, a year since we last saw him? Yet it's only been what, a few weeks on the island. I wonder if they'll just gloss over this...or maybe hire the guy who played Webster as the new Walt?
15:57 / 19.05.06
Another thing, and I HATE reading into Lost because it's always futile, but didn't Walt's scene with Michael seem a little staged? Maybe it was just subpar acting, but Walt's emotional outburst at the end, his little lingering hints of "tests," all seemed to me like he'd been put up to it. Like it was all choreographed before-hand by the Others. Like there wasn't much emotion backing it up, despite the way the scene ended with him clinging to his dad. But again, it's probably just cloud-talk.
Keith, like a scientist
16:06 / 19.05.06
you are a very paranoid individual, i think.
16:11 / 19.05.06
Maybe you're right...however! Synchronicity at work. In the past few moments since posting that, a friend emailed me this snazzy review of this week's episode, from Entertainment Weekly. And the writer hits on some of the things I wrote above...characters acting differently, and most importantly, the staged emotion in Walt's scene!

>>Ms. Clue threatens to send him to ''the room,'' then ejects him after allowing a carefully choreographed show of emotion. (Is it possible Walt's in on this?) Michael's ready now. He's capable of anything — even making a supremely stupid deal.<<

Check out the's a good one. I'm gonna go through their archives and check out the previous reviews.

EW's Lost review

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