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Lost (US thread)


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19:55 / 28.05.06
From what I can make out after a quick google search, Korean Dragons always have four toes, as do some buddhist and pre-buddhist demons. The general idea seems to be that four toes signify magical or unearthly status.

On the Charlie thing. I understand what you're saying BG, but I think you'd do better to stop watching the show as if you were watching a documentary and start thinking about it as a drama. Charlie and Claire holding hands, etc was the writers giving us a small dose of closure and happiness - respite - amid a maelstrom of loose-ends and craziness. Charlie and Claire weren't taking up time that could have been spent on x plotline elsewhere because the creators didn't want to give us any more than they already had, and , you know, I've said it before and I'll say it again, Lost is very soapy, it *is* about the characters first and sc-fi second, and Charlie and Claire was an important character moment.
20:09 / 28.05.06
From the NYT article

Ratings suffered as the season progressed. In response to complaints from both viewers and the show's creators, next season ABC will run the show in two uninterrupted segments, without reruns that stop its flow.

That is very fucking good news
Keith, like a scientist
13:16 / 29.05.06
ya, it's going to run for 7 episodes straight in October, then go on hiatus, and come back in January-ish, and run straight through to the end of the season. Yippee.
17:27 / 30.05.06
Potential spoiler...

On the podcast Cuse and Lindelof heavily hinted that Desmond is still alive.

End potential spoiler space
Foust is SO authentic
10:41 / 31.05.06
Well geez, I hope so. If Desmond is dead, then it would be very difficult to explain how Eko and Locke would still be alive. And if Eko and Locke die, about 20% of Lost's goodness goes with them. Probably never to return.
18:00 / 31.05.06
I wouldn't worry.
Keith, like a scientist
02:46 / 01.06.06
i've been thinking about it, though. I actually am sort of hoping that Locke is dead. I mean...why bother having him alive anymore? His sad story is done with, it seems. I would be satisfied with Eko remaining alive to speak for the "faith" that Locke had and forsook (<-that's a word, right?)
17:54 / 01.06.06
I know where you're coming from with that line of thinking, Keith, in that I don't think it woud be a particularly bad thing either, but as Locke's one of the most popular characters - and as there's still a big gaping whole in his backstory - I think it's more than a tad likely that we'll be seeing him again.

Actually, Lindelof and Cuse state in the podcast that we'll learn how he got in the wheelchair in the next series, so...
Keith, like a scientist
19:56 / 01.06.06
his wheelchair story could of course be handled in someone's backstory...possibly an Other? possibly the Head Other?

Cuse and Lindelof have said that next season's focus is the Others. How they got there, who they are, what they are doing, I'm hoping we get some Other backstories.
20:45 / 01.06.06
Could be handled in someone else's backstory I suppose, I just don't expect it to be.

They did say that the Others would be focussed on. Here's hoping the show explores them as characters. That little exchange between "Tom" and "Dee" (Klugh. Geddit?) seems to point in that direction in that they suddenly became something other than mysterious antagonists - they became knowable.

Of course Lindelof and Cuse also said that the mythology will take a backseat (although it most certainly won't disappear) next series and the characters will be pushed to the fore.
Keith, like a scientist
20:55 / 01.06.06
Of course Lindelof and Cuse also said that the mythology will take a backseat (although it most certainly won't disappear) next series and the characters will be pushed to the fore.

Really? That's...a...bad decision, I think. People are gonna get really pissed. That was one of the biggest complaints I heard this season. All the watchers seem to be bored when it's not the mythology stuff...saying "nothing happened this episode!" whenever it's character centered.

I like the character stuff, but it's an understandable gripe.
21:31 / 01.06.06
'Swhat they said.

I think more people like the character stuff than us Internet lurking Lost fans tend to think, that said, they will have to be careful to find the right balance. I think it's worth bearing in mind that the first series was more character focussed than the second.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
00:38 / 02.06.06
A cursory glance at what the Recap Episodes focus on (Hurley/Libby) and what they don't (Shannon Getting Shot, Eko/Monster (!!!!)) should tell what they think people are really interested in.
12:48 / 02.06.06
Ratings also tell. Boboss is right...non-obsessed fans go for the character stories. Season 1 was character focused, had phenomenal ratings. Season 2 was mythology focused, and the ratings suffered halfway through the season.

Shannon got shot?
13:31 / 02.06.06
Shannon got shot?

Yup. She and Sayid were pursuing a vision of Walt through the jungle in a rainstorm. Ana-Lucia, leading her band on their cross-island journey, heard Shannon's screaming approach and shot her, no doubt thinking she was one of the Others about to attack.
14:40 / 02.06.06
Thanks, gridley. I was just joking, though.

I feel bad for the actors portraying Boone and Shannon. It was obvious from the start there just wasn't much material for the two characters. Boone's death I saw coming, but Shannon's surprised me. I remember reading the guy who played Boone (can't recall his name) had just bought a house in Hawaii, or was about to buy one...then found out his character was being killed off.

I also doubt Locke will die. He's the backbone of the show, even though he was shunted off most of this season. And I also doubt Desmond is gone, especially since he's the character who has someone so actively searching for him in the outside world. Which is a good thing -- I like Desmond a lot. Especially drunk and cynical Desmond!

BTW, did anyone catch him on 24? He played a German agent this past season who got screwed over by Jack.
15:20 / 02.06.06
>>>A cursory glance at what the Recap Episodes focus on (Hurley/Libby) and what they don't (Shannon Getting Shot, Eko/Monster (!!!!)) should tell what they think people are really interested in. <<<

I don't think that it's indicative of what the audience is more interested in, as much as it's the just the information that's most pertinent to the current storyline - reminding everyone of the Libby/Hurley stuff in the recap episode helps underscore the dramatic tension in the finale when Michael is revealed to Hurley as Libby's killer. Shannon's death has no real narrative thrust at the moment, particularly since her killer is now also dead, so it would be a bit of a waste of time to include it in the recaps.

I always find it amusing, not just in Lost but in most serial tv, that I can usually guess what (at least some of) each episode will be about, based on the clips they include at the 60-second recap at the start.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
21:17 / 02.06.06
I love the "Last Time On" game! Buffy and Six Feet Under were so great at this. "That Lisa episode was like two seasons ago! I guess she'll be in a flashback tonight..."
12:25 / 06.06.06
So, yep, done that, rather blown away by the end of the marathon quite honestly. Wild speculation has been uppermost in my mind for the past couple of days, and I’m rather waiting for the new series to start in October.

But thanks to the boboss family’s kindness and generosity, I have the tie-in novel, ‘Bad Twin’ to help me through the long, lost without Lost summer.

It’s a fun little read – I haven’t read a telly tie-in since the dale cooper and laura palmer ones about fifteen ears ago or whenever; the second of those two still sticks in my mind as a very effective little slice of horror-fic.


The core Lost themes of family issues (esp. dodgy dads and brothers), ‘fixing’ things, faith vs. don’t-be-a-bellend, and of course ‘mystery’ are all there. Only about sixty pages in, but we’ve already met a whole bunch of Widmores (none of them are described as looking ‘just like Jim from neighbours’ though), had a very brief peek into the Hanso Foundation’s offices, and been made aware of a connection between the Widmores and some kind of old school Scottish clan bullshit like Desmond was hinting about.

The bit that’s interesting me most is how the book meshes with the show, and with our world too. The Widmores are, in the Lostiverse a real, wealthy family of industrialists (Sun’s pregnancy test ), and the Hanso Foundation is some ‘benevolent’ future-solutions think-tank thing. But Bad twin is fiction set in that world, which has been published in that world by the company since the author went missing on oceanic flight 815, and mentions Hanso and the Widmores in a way that I think at the very least would open the publishers to libel suits. The ‘author’, Gary Troup, (presumed dead – but it’s perfectly possible he’s one of the twenty-odd still-unnamed frontend survivors, or even that it’s the pseudonym of someone we do know – though that seems very unlikely) is described as having written non-fiction in the past, with the implication being, I suppose, that his ‘fiction’ books might be where he dumps all his factual research that’s too incendiary to be published.

Anyway ‘bad twin’ – I reckon there’s a bit of a clue on the cover to what the upshot of the book might be, it is a gumshoe book that’s got to have a few twists after all… More perhaps when I’m a bit further along.
Keith, like a scientist
15:05 / 19.06.06
Not sure if anyone is following The Lost Experience ARG, but the meaning of the acronym DHARMA has been revealed through this game hack...reach level 42 and you get:




"Department of Heuristics And Research on Material Applications"


Ben Danes
07:28 / 21.06.06
Googling doesn't reveal an answer, so let's hope Barbelith can.

In the Wizard of Oz, is Dorothy's Uncle, Henry Gale, played by the same actor as the one who plays the wizard? Cause if he is, and based on the Season 2 finale, Lindelof and co pretty effectively hid in plain sight a major player on the Island for a long time. I love it when creators are ballsy enough to do something like that.
11:39 / 21.06.06
Naw, the wizard's played by the same guy who does Prof. Marvel, not her uncle. As far as I remember, all the characters in the opening sequence turn up as different people in Oz, except Aunt Em and Uncle Henry.
14:49 / 21.06.06
Ben, you have heard of IMDB, I assume?
Ben Danes
00:22 / 22.06.06
Yes I have heard of it Boboss. But seeing as how the normally anal Wikipedia was my first port of call and had no definitive answer, plus the fact I have never been to the IMDB before let alone used it (therefore it not entering into my mind), I didn't think it was an unnecessary question for this thread (if that's what you're driving at).

One more q for the Oz crowd: Henry's 'arriving' on the island in a balloon is a direct reference to how the Wizard arrives in Oz, yeah?

Anyway, the appearance of the Portuguese speaking Matthew Fox character at the end of the finale got me thinking about one of those patented 'crazy Lost theories' that I had, but didn't think would quite work. Ever since she was first introduced, I've always thought that Rousseau looked very much like an older version of Kate. Only problem was that she is French. That's not really a problem now given the appearance of the Fox double. Now also factor in the Bad Twin novel, the title alone which seems to be a big hint, and this theory is at least half-way plausible now, which I would not have thought before the last minute of the finale. Fuck knows how it fits in with all the Dharma shenanigans though.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
00:47 / 22.06.06
It's been confirmed, though, that that wasn't Matthew Fox, right?

(I didn't even think of him when I first saw the dude, but that's me.)
Ben Danes
01:29 / 22.06.06
I'm fairly sure that Lindelof and Cuse confirmed it was Fox at the beginning of the last podcast that they did. I can't check as I'm at work atm, but will do once I get home.
Ben Danes
02:29 / 22.06.06

Done some digging and apparently this guy is played by a Len Cordova, though it really does look like Foxy. Going to doublecheck the podcast to be sure.
06:51 / 22.06.06
Well there were rumours towards the end of the first season that the producers were casting for someone who really looked like Shannon. Maybe Matthew Faux has four-toes etc
Keith, like a scientist
12:24 / 22.06.06
This twin theory has always struck me as a red herring. The 'leaked' script pages, and the various reports of people talking about some book that described the theory... it all has the makings of an elaborate ruse to me. Could be totally wrong, though.
Mug Chum
17:06 / 24.06.06
I always thought the "Bad Twin" motif in any story was about your own shadow (Tristan-Tantris). The demon you have to win over (which it always turns out to be youself, or something in yourself, etc. Am I making myself clear?), in a too much similar way that Eko did, almost like a goetian demon integration-'exorcism'-killin.
18:58 / 25.06.06
I didn't think it was an unnecessary question for this thread (if that's what you're driving at).

Well, yeah. It was a pretty lazy question that could've been answered with minimal effort. A Google search could've answered it in about twenty seconds.

But then, who cares? We all ask lazy questions from time to time.
14:51 / 05.07.06
Over at they have an article posted that quotes Damon Lindelof, Executive Producer, as saying they plan on ending the show after either the 4th or 5th season, followed up by a feature film. Apparently he wanted to make this statement public because he fears that ABC big wigs will want to drag the series out as long as they can, whilst doing so, ruining the story.
Keith, like a scientist
15:29 / 05.07.06
Thank god. Best news I've heard on this series yet. Oh no, wait, best news was casting Delenn.

Not exactly sure what the movie is all about... but I'm glad they won't go behind 5 years.
18:30 / 05.07.06
Well, they still might. As the article makes clear, Lindy is just setting out his stall in an attempt to rein in the excesses of the studio.

I hope he suceeds. That would be top.
Keith, like a scientist
07:19 / 23.07.06
I don't know if anyone has been following the complicated ARG game thing, but Rachel Blake crashed the San Diego Comic-Con LOST panel, and it's sort of insanely cool.

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