I think it's going to turn out that Fury let Hawkeye be kidnapped, he kept the security codes the same as the ones Hawkeye knew, he let the most powerful Ultimates be taken down, he let other nations build people of mass destruction, and he let Black Widow stay in the team because he wants carte blanche to turn the Ultimates into a global police force and a superpowered invasion of the US would pretty much give him that.
But Pearl Harbour and 911 weren't on this scale. This is America mortally wounded and bereft of super-aid, at least that's the plan. Fury would need to be pretty bloody certain he could drag things back from the brink to even entertain the notion, I mean, if the Ultimates fail now, then he is fucked, fucked, fucked, and so is everything he's ever believed in. As far as I'm concerned, them stakes are far too high, only a complete lunatic would consider such a dangerous, and, frankly, hair brained scheme. That's not to say I would put it past Millar to have one of his characters behave in such an absurdly reckless fashion, but I'll have trouble buying it. |