I always thought Chase edited some very fine books, and that this reflected well on her editorial abilities and habits, but... someone not-Byrne recently got really worked up in an interview, calling her horrible and all this, right? Add that to the Byrne thing, which is... When Jim Shooter talks about Byrne's despising editors and editorial regulation, I tend to believe Shooter's version. But, added together... in conjunction with the (also somewhat suspicious) Peter David 'Incredible Hulk' thing....
Here's some Marvel Mythology questions from a in-the-really-real-world side:
Marie Severin - other than pencils, coloring, and editorial, what else has she done in comics and why does nobody seem to love her art as much as I?
Bobby Chase - Good editor? Bad editor?
Jim Shooter - Who burned him in effigy, again?
And, on the in-story side:
Why are some people convinced 'Live Wires', the Adam Warren thing, is outside continuity (I bought, but have not finished reading it, but hell, spoilers be damned)?
The stories that fed the eighties' 'Nightcrawler' mini, otherwise known as one of the greatest comics of all time, had some sort of change(s) for Telly The Vanisher Porter. What were these? Also, someone please explain the princessy pun, for me, for I am dense and would like to know how dense in time to smack my forehead against a brick wall in disdain.
Did the janitor from the DeFalco 'Fantastic Four' who gained Lyja's laserfist while she was pregnant and visiting a hospital, ever go anywhere or amount to anything? |