I've started playing Second Sight. It's rather good. It's not a lot like Psi-ops; the physics aren't as nifty, and you really can't run and gun a lot of the time. That said, the psi-powers are quite creative, both in implementation and selection. The graphics look a lot like Timesplitters; that said, the animation is leagues ahead. The cartoony characters are offset by really, really nice character animation. Voice acting's not bad, neither.
Aiming is done via locking on with the left trigger and tweaking aim (for headshots, eg) with the right stick. It's quite effective, though it does have a habit of locking onto dead bodies and barrels instead of the guys shooting you. Best of all, as everyone will tell you is the sniper rifle; you get the zoomed view in the bottom-right corner of the screen, but retain spatial awareness in the big screen.
The plot is great. It's set in a double-time-structure, and chapters alternate between the past (wherein firearms and ducking/diving take precedence) and the present (where psychic powers, and regaining your memory are more important. That said, as you play through the past, you alter the events that led to the "present", and find that as you regain consciousness, history has been changed. It's all very nicely done. There's also lots of computers around the buildings to play with, with their own point and click OS; at one point, you discover a desk guard you accidentally killed (as your powers slowly come back to you) has a chat client in the background on his desktop; if you log in to it, you can see he's talking to his wife, and didn't want to get caught; you watch as she constantly asks if "you're still there" and if "you're ever going to talk to her again". Atmospheric.
It's also unmistakbly Free Radical - it has the polish of TS2 and Goldeneye before it, and it does feel very British. So all in all; fun, fun
That said, I played Burnout 3 today (released next Fri) and it is unfuckingbelievable. Stupid fast, stupid fun, stupid destructive. Randy, you're going to love it. (And yes, SCPT multiplayer is fun, if bloody hard. Give me a shout if you want to tag up). |