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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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Spatula Clarke
17:01 / 20.02.07
You're informed that you've been overpaid for the last... shit knows how many years. There's no suggestion that you'll need to pay any of that back, but your contract *is* in the process of being looked at just so that we can figure out exactly what you should be receiving. This doesn't necessarily mean that you'll find your wages - which are already generous, relatively speaking - will be cut back. It may be that the additional amount you'd been receiving by mistake up until now will become embedded into a revised contract, but until you've explained why you were getting it and who had originally authorised it, it's going to be impossible for us to sort out either way.

Instead of talking about it properly, though, you storm off and shut yourself in your office, because you clearly know that your contract doesn't say what you thought it said and you don't want to admit it.

Even though the mistake doesn't lie with anybody who currently works here - apart from yourself for, by your own admission, suspecting that things weren't right but not bothering to check up on them - but with the useless fuckwits who used to be in management here and had a habit of agreeing to things, then either never bothering to put them in writing or else putting in writing something completely different to what they told you they would. Things that you were then given copies of to sign and didn't bother reading before doing so.

You then refuse to open the door when I come to talk it through with you and calm the situation down, even though I'm just the sod who's ended up as the fucking go-between because I'm the only one who's been able to figure out where the mistake's been made.

You're in your early 50s.

You're an emotionally stunted, unbelievably childish piece of shit. Don't even attempt to come to me for help or advice in future, because I'm simply not prepared to help anybody who goes off in this kind of pathetic, self-defeating swing in mood at least once a day and has, to date, never offered a single apology to any of the people on the receiving end of it.

You're still not on the receiving end of anything like the amount of sheer hatred and bile I need to spew at the people ultimately responsible for this, though. Unfortunately, none of them are here any longer, so you'll probably have to their share, too.
17:36 / 20.02.07
Anyone who locks themself in the office and refuses to talk isn't cut out for employed life.

Drop them.
doozy floop
17:38 / 20.02.07
Fuck's sake, I've just had my wallet nicked for the umpteenth time (ok, 3rd) in this city, and after brief but dedicated weeping and rending of garments I am now Really Really Pissed Off - I know I don't always keep my money in the safest of ways, but I don't want to turn into my mother who hid all her funds in her bra whenever she came to a big city and I don't want to be so paranoid that I have those crappy little padlocks on all my bags (even though that would've prevented two of the last three thefts) and frankly LIFE IS TOO SHORT to hide away all the stuff I actually need somewhere that takes half an hour to unearth, and I actually had real money in there this time, fresh from the cash point, and I want it back, and PLUS that wallet was a present and it had some cool photos in it and I'm going to have to pay to get my library cards replaced and the most fucking annoying thing is that I know exactly when it was pinched but at the time I didn't pay any attention.

And I only have one cigarette left.
17:38 / 20.02.07
And Lady, you're right. That would rock.
I was talking more about Noah's nakedness and the nocturnal emmisions in Deuteronomy, but yeah.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:42 / 20.02.07
I really really hate running into ex-lovers in public places.
Spatula Clarke
17:49 / 20.02.07
Drop them.

Would love to. Aren't even close to being in a position where I could influence that sort of decision - I'm just stuck in the middle as, it seems, the only person in the building who's capable of joining the dots and being prepared to try and negotiate solutions between those in those positions and those who are directly affected by these cock-ups.

This might have been the point of no return as far as that goes in future, mind.

doozy> 'Tis crapola. If you know when it was nicked, though, will that not help in getting it back when (if) you approach the rozzers about it? CCTV and all that shit.
17:52 / 20.02.07
Overfishing Imperils Fish in Deep Waters
By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, AP Science Writer

SAN FRANCISCO - With declining catches close to shore, commercial fishing is
turning to deeper waters, threatening species that live in the cold and
gloom of the deep oceans, according to researchers.

A panel at the annual meeting of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science said Sunday that overfishing in deep waters is
putting at risk the least sustainable of all fish stocks.

"We're not really fishing there. We're mining there. We're taking what
appears to be a renewable resource and turning it into a nonrenewable one,"
said Elliott Norse of the Marine Conservation Biology Institute in Bellevue,

"The number of people who want fish is not going down, but the number of
fish is," Norse said.

The shift to fishing at depths of more than 600 feet is new. These areas
began to be exploited after overfishing caused a decline in catch in more
shallow coastal waters, said Norse.

Much of the deep water fishing occurs around seamounts, extinct volcanoes
that rise from the seafloor to within several hundred feet of the surface.

Many species tend to congregate at seamounts because they can find food and
mates there, making them also easier to catch, said Norse.

Selina Heppell of Oregon State University said slow growth and reproduction
makes deep-living species particularly vulnerable because they are slow to
replenish their stocks.

Some deep species don't mature until they are 40 years old and then may live
240 years, Norse said.

Such fish reproduce slowly, Heppell said _ for example while skipjack tuna
may spawn every day in summer, deep-living orange roughy spawn only every
two years.

"Never eat anything that could be older than your grandmother," she said,
quoting Milton Love of the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Hempell agreed with Norse that congregating together increased their
vulnerability and noted these fish are the least monitored and protected in
the oceans.

In addition, Heppell said, rising market value of fish has led to marketing
campaigns to increase sales, such as renaming the slimehead fish orange
roughy and the toothfish Chilean sea bass.

Krista Baker, a graduate student at Memorial University of Newfoundland,
Canada, reported that about 40 percent of deep sea species in Canadian
waters are either endangered or show significant decline.

She estimated that because of slow reproduction it would take 12 to 90 years
for stocks of roughead grenadier fish to recover if fishing were halted, and
13 to 130 years for roundhead grenadiers.

Grenadiers have a lifespan of over 60 years, she said, and they are still
being fished.

Fuck Fuck Argh.
doozy floop
18:39 / 20.02.07
It came back, it came back! My wallet was found amidst a pile of rubbish in a shop! Headsick becomes happy....
14:00 / 21.02.07
Female Pakistani Minister Shot Dead for Refusing to Wear Veil

I don't want to post this in the Veil thread because I'm so fucking mad right now. I'm reading it more as a comment on the evilness of murdering fanatics in general than due to a specific set of circumstance. However I will say I often contemplated if I would wear a veil out of respect in a social situation and now I can say I never will in honor of Zilla Huma Usman.
15:28 / 21.02.07
Huh-uh. Okay, ebay seller. It's been a week since I paid, and you haven't shipped yet? Really? Fuck off.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
15:39 / 21.02.07
Holy f*ck, XK...that's so awful...
electric monk
15:31 / 23.02.07
Families Behind Bars: Jailing Children of Immigrants

I'm pretty near throwing up and pretty near tears. I need something to punch and someone from Homeland Security to set on fire.

03:17 / 24.02.07
When I was a little kid, there was a retarded boy who lived next door. He was hydrocephalic, and a dwarf, and I found him intensely disturbing and grotesque.

Kiltartan Cross
09:51 / 01.03.07
Evil Scientist
10:33 / 01.03.07
From Pacific's link.

"I do not feel he has the integrity, nor the trust, nor the respect, nor the confidence to continue as the city manager of the city of Largo," said Black, who introduced a resolution to fire Stanton on Monday.

Well Mr Black I suggest you fuck right off then you intolerant blemish.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:42 / 01.03.07
What. The. Fuck.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:45 / 01.03.07
It would be nice if cnn got with the times and started using the right pronouns too. Or perhaps they thought it would be too confusing to go against the Largo official's insulting language?
11:00 / 01.03.07
I think the pronoun issue less important than the language in general. I think it's hard to use alternate pronouns when someone is still 'pre-transition'.
21:21 / 01.03.07
I want to come back to this now, after my rather sterile comments some hours ago. I have to say that I felt slightly (actually) sick when I read it, but was struggling to raise much in the way of unbridled anger. Lack of surprise and a sagging of shoulders might sum it up. I find it hard to go into full attacker mode, just because it's not terribly surprising. What does get my goat is the fact that this person can be sacked for no reason, with no comeback. Perhaps that's the way things work in the upper reaches of employment. What makes me slightly sick is the assumption that people within the city's power base have seen this as an opportunity to expose their basest discriminatory feelings without fear of legal disapprobation. Stanton says

It's just painful to know seven days ago I was a good guy and now ... I have no integrity...My challenge here has always been that someday I was going to leave this organization. So I am going to do it with a smile on my face.

I fear it's too late. She's tried to do it the gentle way, but her life's already been stolen from her. There will surely be a fuss, and rightly, and my heart is bleeding for her.
21:57 / 01.03.07
Wait, what? Sometimes I really do not understand my country at all. Why is being a transsexual a firing offense? Where's the ACLU on this thing?

02:47 / 02.03.07
Fuck your Earthquakes jesus.
Evil Scientist
06:43 / 02.03.07
A response to something over in Comics that I'm posting here to avoid getting all thread-rotty.

The bad news is that after that The Authority will be on hiatus for a bit.

So what we've been experiencing up until now was a mild delay?

So The Authority will be added to The Ultimates and Planetary in the list of "comics that I'd enjoy more if I could read new ones more often".

Jeesh, at least ASS is composed of stand-alone stories so it doesn't wreck continuity to have to wait for the new ones to turn up.

Fuck's sake. Stormwatch: PHD may not be doing anything titanically new with the super-hero genre but at least it's regular.

What, really, is the point of buying it in comic form? Why not just wait until 2009 when the trade (might) come out? Yeah chronic delays are really helping convince me that I should continue to buy monthlys.
07:13 / 02.03.07
Fuck's sake. Stormwatch: PHD may not be doing anything titanically new with the super-hero genre but at least it's regular.

And fun, and solid
Haus of Mystery
12:08 / 02.03.07
Like a good poo.
12:33 / 02.03.07
Evil Scientist
12:48 / 02.03.07
Sounds like my old job in a hospital microbiology lab.

Only, y'know, less posthumans (I think).
13:00 / 02.03.07
So, you run a club night over a period of years, watching it bloom from a wednesday night messaround to a full-on saturday, sold-out every night type affair. Your only problem is the venue you're at is a bit of a shit hole, and whilst cheap and a good size, there are regularly puddles of piss and the toilets are always broken, and yes i know that CBGBs was legendary but it was still a shit hole? so you ask the imbeciles who pass for the management to you know, get a cleaner in maybe once a week? and maybe fix the smashed urinals and broken chairs? and clean the beer lines occasionally? cos you know, we're paying for this place, and its getting embarrasing apologising to people on the way out that there was a turd on the floor etc etc. So despite requests, nothing is done and we decide to take the night to a new shiney larger capacity place that appreciates us, and what do the old place do? well, they get another bunch of promoters to do a carbon copy of your night to take your place, even going as far as ripping off our long established style of artwork, and themes, and a name that sounds similar, and RIPPING YOU OFF COMPLETELY! i dont know who comes out looking worse out of this, the shithead 'management' or the promotors who jumped in to run the facsimile night, who previously we thought were our friends....aaargh!
15:06 / 02.03.07
Man in Guantanamo finally charged five years after detention. FIVE YEARS!
23:22 / 02.03.07
FUCK! Is there one month where my phone service is up and running - now, this is the hard part - the entire month?!

Yeah, and it's not just me, it's the entire network.
Lama glama
17:11 / 03.03.07
Why won't Ann Coulter hurry up and die?
Kirin? Who the heck?
17:53 / 03.03.07
Because she is demonspawn, and thus immortal, or close enough that no-one can tell the difference.
21:43 / 03.03.07
Well, I guess I can think of some juicy epithets for her, but I'll just say it's depressing that some people actually admire that...person.
00:07 / 04.03.07
Okay seriously. I'm getting fucking murderous here. Where is my shit, eBay? Am I the one that's the problem? Cause I paid that arm and a fucking leg for shipping so you could... what? Not ship my fucking books!

And I'm fucking furious at work because my job is grinding me into a fine dust and the only thing keeping me sane is the useless crap I'm buying in order to feel good about myself. But if that stuff isn't arriving then... headdesk!

I need to get out of my job so I don't feel angry all the time. I feel angry, so I go buy shit that I don't need, then I feel better, but then feel angry because I don't need the shit.

I'm just so angry all the time that my number two's aren't following the goddamn schedule I laid out years prior! Nothing's going right!
00:17 / 04.03.07
I'm kind of hoping Ann Coulter DOESN'T hurry upr and die, no matter how much I hate her, because right now we have Ann fucking Coulter. Melanie Phillips, and fuck knows how many others, are waiting to take her place. And they'll be just like her, but with an extra "Ann Coulter's dead" layer of bitterness.

I reckon we should freeze her. Then she can't spit poison, but her position will not be vacant either. Freeze her. FREEZE HER.

Cos that way we can throw stuff too, and it doesn't matter how bad our aim is, she won't be able to get out of the way.
18:25 / 05.03.07
Hi guys,

You dont' even need to read this, I certainly am not asking for a response, but it needs to be said for the sake of my blood pressure:

To all those who attempt to injure me from/with your cars while I am on my bike, for all those who give me dirty looks when I use a reusable handkerchief, for all those in power in the country of Canada, for all those who refuse to garden, walk, buy local, to all those who do not think there is a problem, or that we can somehow ride through this.

Do you have children? Are you planning on having children? becuase they will know thirst. they will know hunger, and violence and an influx of desperate refugees. They will know fascism, and anarchy, bread riots, leader after leader being assassinated, they will know growing deserts, new diseases, overcrowding, and the knowlege that all that was once beautiful will be eradicated from the earth. Your children will suffer. You will live to see it. So will I. So help us all.

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