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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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20:00 / 07.04.06
Aargh! For hours, my internet connection didn´t work. That mix of frustration and online withdrawal has made me dizzy (not really angry anymore, but when I was I couldn´t post), but I refrained from kicking any hardware this time.
21:09 / 07.04.06
Fucking teenage spots when you're thirty three.
03:02 / 09.04.06
Lula: some of us find them peculiarly appealing.

No, anger is Turkish hacker wiping out the phpbb bulletin board I'm running for a friend of mine and me realizing the last backup I've gotten is from October (and appears to be just the software, not the actual database where the messages are, anyway, because I am NOT a real webmaster person). Hopefully, the hosting service is better with backups than I, and hopefully they can fix it before I leave the continent.

But this is not the thread for hope.

Fucking Turkish hackers.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:16 / 17.04.06
FUCK the electrics in my building. The lights have gone out on the stairs again, plunging the nice slippery marble into Plutonian gloom. These days I keep a torch hung up near the door in case of just such an eventuality, which tells you something. I've rigged up a desk lamp to shine out of the window onto the stairwell so maybe only the people on the floors up from me will break their necks.

ibis the being
01:59 / 19.04.06
Can I just say that it's doing my head right in to hear people referring to hatred of women as an "unpopular viewpoint?" I've been reading too much of this board today... clearly it's time for bed.
02:25 / 19.04.06
-first year uni students who try to emulate the prose of 60 year old philosophers. Badly.
-journalism students who try to emulate Hunter S.
-journalism students who try to emulate Hunter S by using a thesaurus (sample: the crowd agglutinated away)
-cars who try to run me down while riding my (enormous, loud, bright red, VISIBLE) motorbike
-people who continue to believe that i will miraculously change my mind and have kids, even though i have known that i won't for over 20 years
P. Horus Rhacoid
03:30 / 19.04.06
The idea that Barbelith, in order to foster the 'intellectual diversity' necessary for it to be 'worthwhile' is 'sorely in need' of bigots. What the fucking fuck.
03:50 / 19.04.06
Regarding Certain Ideas which come up over and over again in Policy due to Certain People Not Reading What Hath Been Posted Afore Them:

If you quacked any more, you'd be a duck.
Cat Chant
10:30 / 19.04.06
Hello stabbystabby! I like your name. And I share your hatred of first year uni students trying to emulate the style of 60yo philosophy dons. Happily, though, they are bad at it, which makes it easier to spot when they are actually copying out the words of 60yo philosophy dons.
10:44 / 19.04.06
-people who continue to believe that i will miraculously change my mind and have kids, even though i have known that i won't for over 20 years

But, stabbystabby, never say never!

...which, lest I be stabbied, is the last thing someone said to me on the topic, in similar circumstances.
I thought - what, can't I ever say never to anything? 'I thought I'd made my mind up about unleashing unilateral nuclear slaughter, but you've reminded me to keep the debate ongoing...'

I just don't see why I have to pretend to be vague and neutral about my future, while they get to be predictive, especially when I have more information to base my opinion on (viz, everything on the inside of my head) and more say in what happens to me than anyone else.
It's not as though if I do change my mind about tiny offspring, my application will be turned down on the basis that I once said 'not if you paid me' in a cafe in Slough.
Tabitha Tickletooth
11:08 / 19.04.06
They are talking about it in PMQs. In. Fucking. PMQs. “The MPs are debating a humble address congratulating the Queen on her 80th birthday.” Fuck. Off.

In what way is it an achievement to live to be 80 when you are one of the most wealthy, pampered people in the world and have never done a day’s work in your life?

What’s that dearie? You’re going to have other people around, other people born on the same day as you and still alive despite having not languished in palaces and having worked all their lives, for a tea party, you say? So. Very. Gracious.

But of course, there’s no sign of this huge asset to society slowing up, is there? Hell no. According to her poxy cousin, there’s no way she’ll “retire”:

She said: "It's not like a normal job, it's a job for life."

Nooooooo, it’s not like a normal job. It’s not a fucking job at all. Noooooooo, she isn’t likely to retire. Because she doesn’t have a job to retire from.

I know the use of caps lock is frowned upon, but please, believe me, this entire post is shouted.

There’s a drill trapped inside my head and it’s trying to drill its way out…
Cat Chant
11:19 / 19.04.06
But stabbystabby and Ex - look at the baaaby!!!

Bet you've changed your tune now, eh? Eh? Eh? ::jabs you both in ribs in increasingly painful manner with old-maidish elbow:: How could the sight of a cute baby human not fill you with a desire to produce one and take responsibility for its welfare for the next umpty years? How????

(I have no intention of producing a baby either, but no-one seems to nag me about it much, which is nice.)
11:27 / 19.04.06
Aw, what a cute pumpkin. Huggles for it!
Cat Chant
11:40 / 19.04.06
(I KNOW!!! I do love looking at babies, I'm just not so much about the interacting with them. They're sort of my favourite kind of cute baby animal.)
11:50 / 19.04.06
Hey Deva, you´re ruining my joke!

And yes, that baby is very cute.
13:14 / 19.04.06
Just think, one day that baby may well write 'The crowd agglutinated away'. Aww, bless.
13:27 / 19.04.06
Fuckwits who have crappy websites, pretend to want to join the board then throw hissy fits and start spoofing your domain to create a pissy little trickle of undeliverable email receipts to teach you some sort of lesson.

Oh, and it's eytmology, you little prick. No wonder no-one's joined your gang. And dragons aren't real.

Not so much rage, more resigned exasperation.
14:58 / 19.04.06
Cube- Molatar wants to join Barbelith?!? Blimey. (& shurely etymology not eytmology?)
electric monk
15:35 / 19.04.06
In order to foster the intellectual diversity necessary for it to be worthwhile, Barbelith is sorely in need of otherkin.

Let him in, you facist!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:43 / 19.04.06
Barbelith can't have anymore otherkin until it's grown up a bit. You saw what happened to the vampire. You're not getting a dragon until you learn to look after them properly.
16:50 / 19.04.06
Yes, etymology. As opposed to Dragon entomology...
It might not be this person but I doubt anyone else has enough of a beef with me to be so petty.
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:56 / 19.04.06
me. I'm fucking useless.

And housing benefit. Fuck EM. Because I need more stress at the moment, yes I do, thankyou so much for providing it.
17:09 / 19.04.06
Hugs GGM.
Cat Chant
18:38 / 19.04.06
I'm sorry, GGM, I'm not having anyone say things like that about you. Not even you. You are, as has been proved several times BY SCIENCE (and also BY THEORY), a five-star silver-plated hero.
22:37 / 19.04.06
I think my head is going to explode.

Note to self: no more participating in any thread with the word or the concept of gender in the title or summary. Ever. Again. Gawd.
01:05 / 20.04.06
OK, so I've been listening to a lot of Ladytron lately. At first I was like, "ehhh," but then I was like "whoa," and more recently I've been like "sweet holy fuck yeah!"

So then I decide to see if they've got any tours going on. I think they might be worth catching.

And yes, they're on tour. They're on tour HERE. At a small venue. Next WEEK. And the show is...

Sold out.

Not a problem, not a problem. I have some discretionary income to pay some filthy scalper. $60 for a ticket that was originally sold for $18? I can swallow my pride.

So, I call the venue to ask if maybe there's any distinguishing marks I should be on the lokout for to avoid forgeries.

"I'm sorry, even if you pay the scalper, the ticket is non-transferable."

See, this is where the rage comes in...

The filthy scalpers, who have been advertising on craigslist for the past week to get rid of their surplus tickets have sold the fucking show out, and their filthy antics have ensured that honest fans cannot see this show because they (the scalpers) are too fucking greedy and opportunistic. How many unused tickets will there be? How much of the floor will be empty because these misbegotten parasites saw an opportunity? And to add insult to injury these fuckers won't even be bankrupted beacuse the initial investment was only $18 per ticket.

There are no winners in this situation, you bloodsuckers.
01:21 / 20.04.06
I throw forth an URGH and a FUCK in your honour, lekvar.
01:29 / 20.04.06
Venues always say shit like that, lekvar. How are they to know whether a ticket was bought from a scalper or not? It's not like the guy on the door checks the numbers or anything.
01:33 / 20.04.06
I don't know, but I'm not sure I want to blow $60 to find out unless I get unlimited access to the scalper and a baseball bat if it doesn't work out.
P. Horus Rhacoid
01:37 / 20.04.06
Do you know what they'd be checking it against, Lekvar? Because that would seem to prevent one person from picking up a bunch of tickets for a group of friends, or kids from buying tickets with their parents' credit card or whatever, both of which I can't imagine the venue would want to put a stop to.
P. Horus Rhacoid
01:40 / 20.04.06
Which is to say, I think Stoatie's right. I can't see that there's a feasible way for them to figure out where you purchased the ticket.
01:45 / 20.04.06
Apart from anything else, if there was, the scalpers would have given up that line of business long ago on the grounds that nobody would be buying their tickets.
01:46 / 20.04.06
What I've gotten from speaking with a rep on the phone and double-checking via email is they'll be checking the name printed on the ticket, and that the tickets are only handed out, at the kiosk, to someone bearing the appropriate credit card.

I have no idea if this is just F.U.D. from the venue spokespeople or if they're simply covering their asses.
02:16 / 20.04.06
Commiserations levkar, I saw their DJ set recently and they did indeed rock beyond all expectations. You could try outside the venue on the appropriate night if you're willing to pay a little bit extra.
02:23 / 20.04.06
Ah, I see what you mean- they're tickets you'd have to collect on the door. Nah, buy one outside if you're planning on spending the extra cash anyway.

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