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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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07:22 / 22.03.06
HOOCAUST DENIAL little fucking prick. I have talked to survivors who were fucking children at Aushwitz, children who had to cover their ears at night to shut out the fucking screams. I've seen the numbers tattooed on their arms. I swear to G-d I admire freedom of speech but... YOU MAKE ME SICK!

(imagine I might see a few more of these)
07:41 / 22.03.06
yep. It makes the mind boggle.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
07:43 / 22.03.06
I figured the jerk in question was just uninformed and would listen to reason if exposed to sufficient information and argument.

I just never learn, do I?
10:27 / 22.03.06
Sharing a board with Holocaust-denying morons is pissing me right off.

Oh God, where? Really?
10:31 / 22.03.06
Nevermind I found it. Maybe she's been reading David Irving's website, sounds like it. Bloody fucking hell.
10:52 / 22.03.06
The ersatz Haus, the Holocaust denial, double helpings of rage today.
Cat Chant
11:14 / 22.03.06

electric monk
11:28 / 22.03.06
Don't be! That's hilarious!
12:18 / 22.03.06

Oh, and the one time it would be unnecessarily confusing to change my name...
12:39 / 22.03.06
Same as it ever was..
And you may tell yourself

We are vain and we are blind
I hate people when they're not polite

Psycho Killer,
Qu'est-ce que c'est
fa fa fa...

it's a Talking Heads day in my head today
Mon Oncle Ignatius
13:02 / 22.03.06
"...I'll circularise everyone."

What the gadswookers are you blathering about now? Do you mean send everyone on the list an email, perhaps? Or are you going to forcibly expand our girth until we resemble blamed Hula Hoops by some hitherto un-noticed ability to reshape the human bodies of others en masse? Hesus Xristos the Second, this really tops the forwarded FUD-spreading urban legend spam to what is supposed to be a business-like mailing list as a pointless waste of everyone's already hyped-up city-living paranoia to no perceptible purpose.

And while I'm here, can all the holocaust-denying shit-stirrers please go and shove said excrement through your own letterboxes please?
13:05 / 22.03.06
"...I'll circularise everyone."

Someone at work used "production note" as a verb last night.
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:23 / 22.03.06
The usuals: mysogynists, holocaust deniers, stalkers.

Those two expressions: Those are both horrible.

A personal moan: having to cancel meeting up with people/an exciting 'work' placement opportunites/general fun because Stuff has rendered me incapable of doing any of it.

Cat Chant
15:39 / 22.03.06
Stuff sucks, GGM. Good luck with it.
Disco is My Class War
15:51 / 22.03.06
I just wanna kill all the dumb people. Hey dumb people. DUMBERS. You there. I'm talking to you, assholes. You people who hide behind your "friend's ideas" and then spout 30 point garbages that kills us. You can die and so can your imaginary friend.
16:01 / 22.03.06
Well, that's a little extremist, don't you think?
16:23 / 22.03.06
Matt. This is the thread for untamed hate and anger, not hate and anger that's already papertrained and hardly ever bites the mail carrier. Although your confusion, because we're all so nice elsewhere, is understandable...

...I mean, WHY DON'T YOU READ THE FUCKING THREAD TITLE, at least, if you can't be bothered with the ABSTRACT?1?!?!?*

Bubblegum Death
03:46 / 23.03.06
My relief is going to be at least an hour late. It's almost midnight and now I have to spend $25 for a taxi.

I am not very happy.
Blake Head
20:59 / 24.03.06
I went to a book fair today and wandered around surrounded by an uncomfortable number of men in tweed. The prices were outrageous, so my first bit of loathing is for the whole ridiculous industry that has grown up around the first printing / first impression / signed copies Attitude. Of. Bullshit. – as if any of it made any bloody difference to the content, and isn’t entirely reliant on the much uglier notions of presence and authenticity behind them… Grrrrrrrrrrrrr! But what really got me today was that I did find books that I would love to have (A book of Edward Lear’s illustrations of birds, a massive history of the illustrated book in the Western tradition, and, lovely of lovelies: a monograph on Blake FYI because they are relatively rare / difficult to find and not because they are privileged somehow as being first editions) and due to my perilous financial situation I couldn’t justify getting even one of them. So once again lack of money restricts access to the things you love without changing the you that loves them. Why did I go? Why did I torture myself?

And then the coat-check girl complimented me on my (admittedly fantastic and decidedly untweed) stripy jumper, and given that even a little bit of positive human contact is more important than money any day of the week, so I couldn’t really stay discontented after that - I didn’t even have anything valid left to feel angry about…

21:21 / 24.03.06
Please, stop it with the hatespeech now. I can't hear "I want to KILL hir, I want to throw hir in the LAKE" anymore. Years have passed. You need to forgive, you need to move on.

This is what you wanted. You are finally here; after all the fighting and frustration and fear, you are here. So now you need to throw all the anger out, forgive the evil done to you, and forgive yourself for the evil you have done.

I know that I have a choice and so I choose to live my life in forgiveness, in love and in peace. If you choose to be with me, then you need to start doing that too.



Psych Safeling
14:11 / 30.03.06
Work phoning me up five times and emailing countless times today. I am on MATERNITY LEAVE. I am not working from home. I want to think peaceful, babycalming thoughts about my forthcoming motherhood, not guilty thoughts about some extremely minor omission I might or might not have made about two months ago, which now has no bearing on anything, and regarding which I left a perfectly clear trail of emails so PLEASE STOP PHONING ME TO ASK INANE FUCKING QUESTIONS TO WHICH YOU COULD WORK OUT THE ANSWERS IN LESS TIME THAN IT TAKES TO DIAL MY HOME NUMBER IF YOU HAD ONE, JUST ONE BRAIN CELL.

P.S. Including "Sorry to hassel you again !!!" in every email adds an edge rather than taking the original one off.

P.P.S. So what if I was only in Blockbusters? What I do with the last three weeks I will have to myself for a very long time is legally none of your business, never mind whether you are paying me or not.


Fate threw in a helping hand by leading me to Cancer Research in Crystal Palace, where once again I found that an incredibly discerning and ruthlessly pruning-of-library almost-neighbour had set the stage for Safeling-rejuvenation by placing Cloud Atlas, The Thought Gang AND Snow Crash in my path for the total consideration of a mere crisp fiver. I also had on my shopping list both carrier oil and almond oil, and it turns out you can buy almond carrier oil, which was additionally mollifying.

Is there a message here? What I do to make money makes me miserable; what I do to save money makes me happy?
Mourne Kransky
07:51 / 03.04.06
E-mail this morning about a meeting I've been trying to organise:
I'll diarise it for 2pm.

Regrettable Juvenilia
09:56 / 03.04.06
That's a big ask.
Mourne Kransky
10:50 / 03.04.06
And, while I'm being untamedly rageous, soz.
*scrapes fingernails down blackboard*
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:04 / 03.04.06
I like "big ask." You'll be telling me next I can't rock on over to [wherever]. Pah.
All Acting Regiment
12:11 / 03.04.06
It is a big ask. I hope you're ready to give one hundred and one percent.
12:15 / 03.04.06
What's your incentivisation to do this?
14:35 / 05.04.06
As in the other posts above:

Boss: We should probably dialogue about this later.
Matt: Uh, what?
Boss: We'll have to dialogue about this problem in the future.
Matt: No, I mean, what do we have to do?
Boss: Dialogue. We'll talk.
Matt: Oh, we'll have A dialogue {under breath} you fucking twit.
Boss: Uh, yeah.

Fuck you and you tendancy to make nouns into verbs, or should I say "to verb things". FUCK!
Cat Chant
14:44 / 05.04.06
Verbing weirds language.
Mysterious Transfer Student
14:49 / 05.04.06
Ahem... I have used and will again use "diarize" at work without irony. It's an ugly and graceless coinage, I admit, but if you're in need of a verb to shorten your speech when referring to the act of "putting something in the diary" (and this is something that in my workplace, has to happen frequently), it can't be beaten.

Anyone who uses "dialogue" as a verb, by contrast, has no such defence available to them.
electric monk
15:15 / 05.04.06
Co-worker: If I have to hear one more word like "fags" or "illegals" out of you...If I have to hear you screaming at your wife over your cellphone in the middle of the office one more time...If I have to hear about how much the new software "sucks so fucking much" one more time...I am going to shove your still-attached testicles down your throat and tamp tamp tamp 'em in with a broom handle. Then I will shit on your tear-stained face and laugh like the Joker.
Char Aina
15:17 / 05.04.06
while dialogue is ugly and of no real use (as has been said) i dont get the hate.

the hate is yours to have, but what gives, man?

if i say 'its a big ask', you know what i mean, right?
ad i say 'diarise', you know what i mean, right? and even if i say something as clearly symptomatic of an addled mind as 'let's dialogue', you know what i mean, right?

so if, as i believe, language is about communication rather than accurately following rules, what is the problem?
is language not about comunication?
or perhps you really don't get what people mean when they use the verb 'to party'?

i like the flexibilty of language, so that may influence my feelings on the matter. i feel it is a tool, and as such to be upgraded or switched as the task dictates.
history would seem to support my feelings, that language is an evolving thing with changing rules to suit changing people and times.
it sems to me like some people approach language with ana attitude akin to that of a miser; protecting teh valueabl asset to the detriment of the purpose of having it.

my opinion?
it might be an idea to chill the fuck out on this shit, especially if you seek continued interlocution with members of the human race.

sorry to criticise ager, but it has been pissing me off for a while.
apologies for the swears.
i still love you.
15:25 / 05.04.06
It's not the coinage of the word that bothers me. I can understand making language more efficient in conveying meaning or in making language work better. The problem is that people use "dialoguing" as a way to sound eloquent or intelligent. The hate is being directed at the idea that making bigger words will make you sound smarter. Making up words is fine, as long as you know you're just making up words. If you're inventing terms to sound like Stephen Hawking, then you're a fucking twit. That's where the hate is, toksik.
Ninjas make great pets
15:58 / 05.04.06
a thread for headsick. good grief what an apt describtion of todays emotion.

I'm on the fury highway today. from gently raising annoyance to increasing anger to discovery of truth and furious disbelief. Its currently on the final ebbs of frustration on the brink of tears.. this will lead to acceptance or quiting my job.

we moved in this monday. Its a huge warehouse unit. Unbelievably cold. no windowed concrete box. very very high ceilings.
we sat outside at lunchtime because it was warmer.
the tech came into fix the printer. long and short answer the material was buckling due to the cold. the machine was freezing to the touch. aparentlly those buildings were designed specifically for cold storage.

told my boss this. he thinks I'm making it up. discover over the course of the phone argument that the cabin to be built in the room, to house us and keep us warm, next week (its so big its being split into four rooms and two floors) he had no intention of building until after the summer. This fcking magical time of the year that heats even storage units in shaded areas. all hail the summer fairy. it's making my blood boil. or at least it should but its so cold you can't feel your fingers.

put up with this shit from employers for 7 fcking years I swear if it doens't change thats it. I don't care. there are five of us in the company. 2 are leaving. 1 doesn't actually work. I'm fuming and the only fully trainned member of staff. If i go. the company goes. or at least gets knocked back a year (its only a year old) and the guilt of this is stopping me from leaving. man oh man. my heads sick my stomachs sick I want to HIT something. I just can't hold in the anger.
Char Aina
16:05 / 05.04.06
The hate is being directed at the idea that making bigger words will make you sound smarter.

while i understand that, i still dont get it.
people are always trying to sound clever, using 'real' words and neologistics.
why is it be so bothersome when the words are not real?
whether they do or do not appear clever, where's the foul? that they want to?
we all want to, man.
isnt trying and failing something to be pitied, rather than hated?

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