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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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16:14 / 05.04.06
Orwell on writing:

  • Never use a long word where a short one will do.
  • If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
  • Never use the passive where you can use the active.
  • Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.

While I concede that Orwell is referring to writing, not speaking, I think the same rules should apply.

I know the word "antidisestablishmentarianism," one of English's longest words, but I don't use in conversation cause it makes me sound like a jerk.

I love language and love the flexibility of it. Don't get me wrong. I can't pity someone who is arrogant to think that "dialogue" is a verb and will make you sound smarter. Why can't I pity them? Because it makes them sound stupid even if they are not stupid. These people popularising these words aren't stupid, and that's why I can't pity them.

Wow. I didn't think I'd write so much on "dialoguing"
16:16 / 05.04.06
I just realized that my second to last paragraph sounds utterly stupid and repetitive. Ap-a-lo-gees.
Mourne Kransky
16:50 / 05.04.06
it might be an idea to chill the fuck out on this shit, especially if you seek continued interlocution with members of the human race

Perhaps that's why I posted about my irritation here on the thread for untamed hate and anger rather than going over to the office of the person who diarised me to punch them.
All Acting Regiment
16:54 / 05.04.06
Also, it's worth pointing out that a lot of these neologisms that have irked us so much actually detatch from the action they're describing quite a lot. They turn abstract.

"Dialogue" doesn't neccesarily mean talking to your boss. It might be dialogue in a play or film or novel, it might be dialogue as in "there needs to be dialogue between the two countries". It's too big and floaty a word and becomes a little bit untrue for that.

Likewise, "Diarise" doesn't neccesarily mean "I will write it down in my diary". Where is this action made clear in the phrase "diarise"?

So you see, things are becoming less clear and there's less communication going on. Likwise a lot of this stuff is management jargon that sort of sets up barriers between the proffessional and the non-proffessional. Equally, why do we constantly need to speed everything up all the bloody time, is being efficient so bloody important that we can't just say "I'll put it in my diary"?

In almost all other cases, though, coining new words is natural and good and without it we'd be dead ("Look out, here comes, er, a thing, with, er, things...sort of toothy's quite, er, not small...AAAARRFGGGHHH OH SHITTING CHRIST MY FAAACE ARRRGH!!11!!11!!!!").
18:03 / 05.04.06
my opinion?
it might be an idea to chill the fuck out on this shit, especially if you seek continued interlocution with members of the human race.

Have we suddenly morphed into the Toksik's Opinion: Chill The Fuck Out On This Shit Thread? No, we have not. Here be headsick and rage, and chilling will not be done.

That is all.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:45 / 05.04.06
Kevin Carlyon.
20:55 / 05.04.06
Just in case anybody forgets, this is Kevin Carlyon:

21:01 / 05.04.06
Oh no, I had luckily forgotten about him!

He wanted to exorcize Crowley´s bed, and now he´s after Nessie? Any monster with any shred of selfrespect won´t show, if this guy creeps up.
All Acting Regiment
21:43 / 05.04.06
He's ruining that lovely landscape.
All Acting Regiment
22:03 / 05.04.06
Fuck! Certain words are infuriating me! Like this one, that's supposed to mean chocolate cake:





I can't get it right. It either sounds like an Aztec god or some sort of energy drink made from, for or by alligators. For fuck's sake.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:08 / 05.04.06
Gateux? Tha's going to drive me nuts all night now.
22:10 / 05.04.06
22:12 / 05.04.06
I always pronounce it like how you'd say the cat in spanish.
I must say that I don't really know what you're talking about, though.
22:12 / 05.04.06
It´s gâteau, which only means cake (gâteaux is cakes).

Chocolate cake is gâteau de chocolat.
22:18 / 05.04.06
It´s pronounced guhhh (like at the doctor´s) - toe.
Char Aina
22:33 / 05.04.06

Have we suddenly morphed into the Toksik's Opinion: Chill The Fuck Out On This Shit Thread? No, we have not. Here be headsick and rage, and chilling will not be done.

fair enough.

my rage is at the lack of chillage, so i guess the rage makes the rage, which in turn may well make more o'the rage...
which keeps the thread alive!

which is nice.
'mon the rage.
miss wonderstarr
23:11 / 05.04.06
Does anyone use the railway in the South-East of London? Have you heard this dreadful man giving recorded announcements? After five days of his horrible insinuations and semi-threats, I could almost do his delivery and script off pat:

Please keep your personal stereos to a level that is... TRULY personal

While travelling WITH us, it would be UNFORTUNATE if your clothes were to become damaged. This can easily be AVOI-DED, by keeping your feet, off the seats.

God the smug smile in his voice, and the smarm. Like a corporate Kenneth Williams. As I remarked in rage to a friend this evening, these announcements could be made palatable if they

a) changed the script

b) changed the actor


c) scrapped the announcements.

If it goes on, I will have to do a V for Vendetta and shout bollocks at the loudspeaker, then firebomb it.
All Acting Regiment
23:21 / 05.04.06
Please keep your personal stereos to a level that is... TRULY personal

On the one hand:

Pissing Jimmy! What does the fucker want you to do, shove the headphones up yer ringpiece!?! Hanging's too good for 'em!?1?/!!?

But still...

Isn't it quite Chris Morris? A bit? Maybe? Or Jah Wobble for that matter, who famously worked on the London Underground PA system and left it in a fit of sweary.
miss wonderstarr
23:27 / 05.04.06
On the other hand, when I hear young people playing music on their mobiles, without any earpieces or attempt to keep the noise down - basically treating the carriage as a mobile version of their bedroom - I do feel very riled, and don't say anything, and hate my own cowardice and/or powerlessness.

But I doubt they're going to change their behaviour because of the smarmy threats of the recorded announcement, so essentially I'm being annoyed by both.
23:37 / 05.04.06
Why don't you use headphones?
miss wonderstarr
06:56 / 06.04.06
Because I have to turn my own music up pretty loud to drown everything else out, and that makes it hard for me to read My only method is to put some Underworld on, which becomes ambient atmos beats rather than a distraction.
Mourne Kransky
07:53 / 06.04.06
Please keep your personal stereos to a level that is... TRULY personal

While travelling WITH us, it would be UNFORTUNATE if your clothes were to become damaged. This can easily be AVOI-DED, by keeping your feet, off the seats.

Yay! My hero! Haven't heard these announcements yet but I hope there will also be teams of punishers touring the trains with riot shields and pointy sticks who will sort out those antisocial fuckers with their tinny musical incontinence or their dirty feet mucking up the seats. Were these people born in fields? Have they no manners at all?
miss wonderstarr
09:08 / 06.04.06
I don't mind the general sentiment, Xoc. I just object to (1) the horrid insinuating tone of voice and (2) the slimy, wriggly indirect wording.

If the announcement said something like "Just to point out that if you put your feet on the seats, it gets the seat dirty and damages the clothes of whoever sits there next, and that could be you," in a pleasant, straightforward voice, instead of this "by the way, it would be a real shame if you had an ... ACCIDENT when you're travelling with us..." then I would have no issue with it, except that it plays whenever a train arrives.
09:25 / 06.04.06
I'm a south eastern trains victim, and I've yet to hear any of those - gutted.

I just get the "In this time of heightened security, please blah blah duck and cover" every two minutes.

People who play songs over the tiny speakers in their poxy MP3 phones irritate me far more than people whose headphones are a bit leaky. It's like listening to ringtones for fun, and it makes me want to hulk out in a particularly nasty way. Even more so if the chump(s) in question are singing along.
10:18 / 06.04.06
I also have the joy of travelling on the trains down south, and the announcements irk me, too. It's not been so bad since that "especially alert in the run-up festive season" one, read in a disinterested irish accent, that reminded me so much of the "tunnel of goats" announcements at the fair in Father Ted.

I think the most aggravating thing about the headphones one is that it sounds so teacher-ish (they really need a new announcement-writer, they're universally laboured and unpleasent to listen to. I might write to them and suggest the annouce everything in haiku from now on), and therefore strikes me as ineffective at best. That and the fact that anyone with headphones on playing loud music isn't going to hear it...
10:29 / 06.04.06
That's a goood point - what they really need is for the announcement to be an EAR-SPLITTING BELLOW of "turn the volume down, nobbers!"

Not that this will have any effect, of course.
Cat Chant
10:48 / 06.04.06
Mattvara - thanks for that "those guys" link. I had far too little untamed hatred and anger within me today until I watched the video. Kevin Carlyon is 'so gay that even George Michael would yell fag at him', is he? Well, that's put him in his place. And George Michael in his. And, of course, me in mine. I also loved the confused rhetoric around (a) date rape and (b) women's responsibility not to feed men's egos by fucking them.

(In other words, people, don't click on that link up there, it'll just spoil your day.)
12:29 / 06.04.06
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:40 / 06.04.06
For those who haven't clicked on the link because they're at work, mattvara, could you offer a brief summary of its content?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:47 / 06.04.06
Whoa. Just clicked that link. mattvara, WTF are you on eh? That's just... damn, I mean, I know you're relatively new but surely the most cursory glance around Barbelith would awaken you to the fact that using 'gay' as a perjorative (not to mention related slurs) is a) offensive, b) pigfuckingly stupid and c) going to get you hauled up and roasted in pretty short order.

I suggest you go and read the wiki again, with particular reference to this part. There's even a Venn diagram which you may find educational.

When you've done that, I strongly recommend that you apologise for posting a link with homophobic content.
13:26 / 06.04.06
Requested to delete the link. I thought that perhaps people would find the use of the word "douchebaggery" funny. I had forgotten the "fag" portion of the video. Really, it was the "douchebaggery" part that I found hilarious. That being said, I still shouldn't have linked to any homophobic content, no matter how (relatively) funny I found other parts of it.

Considering my reaction to zoemancer, this is perhaps hypocritical of me. I sincerely apologize for my severe lapse in judgment. It was in bad taste.
14:00 / 06.04.06
Homophobic links aside, that dude Kevin does look like a git. The pagan/medallion man crossover really doesn't work for him (or anybody).
07:56 / 07.04.06
I'm checking on my students' essay plans by email, so google mail has picked up the word 'essay' and started including advertising links to buy-an-essay sites. No, you bloody cheating fuckfucks! And are you offering the same thing to my highly intelligent, but extremely stressed and deeply in debt students? I refuse to sit through another tearful plagiarism committee.
Cat Chant
11:00 / 07.04.06
Thanks, mattvara.
Cat Chant
11:04 / 07.04.06
That's a thanks without invisible %%s, this time, btw. I appreciate the apology a lot.

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