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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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Happy Dave Has Left
22:19 / 26.02.06
IT consultant. Kinda fell into it. Not really happy doing it, but can't currently afford not to.


Thanks for the sympathy. Argh, can't believe I'm still up!

Right, bed!
22:32 / 26.02.06
Good luck, HD.
Jack Denfeld
15:58 / 27.02.06
Fuck you planet Earth! You were supposed to be history sometime during the cold war, and now everyone on the planet has to keep fucking about until the sun goes supernova in like a gazillion years!
Jack Denfeld
16:02 / 27.02.06
That asshole just left a message on my voicemail trying to sound all cool saying, "Don't hate the player, hate the game.". You are the game! We're the players! Dumb ass Earth.
16:04 / 27.02.06
You remember that Yellow Pages ad. where the guy gets home and that woman thinks he's been broken into but really he's just a lazy good-for nothing slobbo with utter contempt for all concepts of hygeine?

That's me, that is.

pointless & uncalled for
16:11 / 27.02.06
Phox, if you feel like you need to poke them with a bigger, sharper stick and are prepared to take a risk, write a letter of resignation which cites the complete inability to follow fair and reasonable human resources procedures as the reason.

You'll either find yourself out of a job or handed an apology and the written warning wiped from your record, possibly with no verbal substitute.
18:02 / 27.02.06
Thanks for the advice guys. I don't care enough to get into a big fight with them. I would if I thought I had any future there, but at the level of phone-monkey it's just not worth it.
18:34 / 27.02.06
My father's received a significant paycut, and at this point, such a drastic absence of funds will affect me. It means my brother may move home, may quit school. I'll be out a roommate and the convenience of having family to lean on in that arena. I may then lose my apartment.

Work is going stupid. Instead of becoming a more assertive design and marketing studio, my bosses are letting shit companies call the shots wrt to messaging and impact. Granted such things are always compromise, but we cannot gorw strong without exercising resistance. Plus: my immediate supervisor has ADD and does not delegate that well... frustrating me to no end.

I'm unhealthy. Recently contracted something of a cold from my brother, and while I'm consistently healthier than him, I'm sluggish, noncreative, and testy due to over-the-counter drugs and a bad appetite. Why do I crave sugar when i'm ill? I only makes me worse.

The guy I'd been dating has informed me, about a month ago, that we were merely fuckbuddies that cooled off into friends. Normally I'd be cool with it, but he was dreamy and perfect in the ways one hopes for. Anyway, after a month of fighting with myself to preserve a decent bridge, I'd had it with the mixed signals and weird nature of it all. My emotional self is upside down and not in my control, and I'm in no position to deal with that with everything else going on. And I wrote a nasty emial in a moment of weakness that may have burned the bridge severely.

The only friend I have that will tell it to me straight just met a guy who's dreamy in all the ways one hopes for. Instead of being able to bitch, I'm trying to be happy for his success. But he tries and consoles me by spitting clichés from Dr. Laura. Has he no decency?

My exgf continues to stalk me as evidenced by coupons, left on my doorstep, to her coffeeshop. Regrets. Plus, I had offered to do her design work, she refused.

I'm angry at a lot of things right now, but mostly at myself. Headsick! Rage! AARGH!
22:13 / 27.02.06
Poor parrot. Poor, poor parrot.

I don't know if I'm angry or sad about this. No, I'm angry, I'm really fucking livid actually and if it wasn't for the the fact that the parrot sanctuary would very wisely probably not give me their name and address I'd hunt these vile people down and lock them in a dark cellar for 12 weeks.
Bubblegum Death
23:23 / 27.02.06
I'm here at work; trying to enrich myself in this bastion of knowledge that is Barbelith; and the fucking phone will not stop RINGING!!!

It's rang 4 fucking times; just while typing this post.
08:08 / 28.02.06
Chad, I know this won't be much help, but you're just going through a bad patch. You'll be out the other end soon, mate.
08:51 / 28.02.06
yeah, just chill a bit guthrie, let yourself get well at a reasonable pace til you're strong enough to start worrying about the rest of the problems. hope you get on a even keel soon.
ibis the being
18:46 / 01.03.06
Urrrrrrgggggh... need to vent.

I spend a good deal of time on another message board - the same one I referenced in the Feminism 101 thread. The demographics of the board are at least 75% female. There is one poster, male and middle-aged, married with kids - I'll call him Bob - who goes out of his way to turn every single thread into yet another episode of The Bob Show. I usually completely ignore him, which at time is very hard to do given that he's extremely obnoxious, but when he's not getting the level of attention he wants, he steps up his game and posts something offensive, and then I get mad. Typically it's in the form of some very bad joke, very often as his wife's expense, and again, sometimes I even ignore those - the only reason being because virtually NO ONE backs me up and then I get chastised for overreacting and taking the thread offtopic.

In Feminism 101 I mentioned calling him out for making a homophobic slur. The actual comment made was that he'd gotten his Goldendoodle groomed and now the dog looked like a "faggid [sic] poodle." One or two people took my side on that being an extremely offensive comment, and the rest of them rallied to his side, saying it was just a joke and they all laughed, etc etc. To my chagrin, even the one openly gay (male) member of the board came to BOB'S defense and said it was just a joke and he wasn't offended so no one else should be.

After that Bob started a thread for the express purpose of apologizing to me even though he didn't take back what he said and explained that he uses humor to heal his depression. I told him I didn't accept what was not in fact an apology at all. That's when he unloaded on me for having no sense of humor, and managed to make it clear without actually saying the word that he thought I was just a bitch ("I'm going to kiss my wife when she gets home, because I thought SHE was a tough cookie...").

So today, in a thread about how many cues/commands your dog knows (it might as well be said, it's a dog training message board) he makes the witty quip, "Interestingly, I have taught my wife all these cues/commands too." At the same time, another female poster (thank god) and I (fresh from Feminism 101) expressed that we were not amused by this "joke." Immediately the troops rallied - well, I thought it was funny, you're overreacting, if you have a problem email the moderator, etc. My comrade in arms folded right away and again I have been left standing there holding the humorless bitch flag. I really want to flame the living fuck out of this guy in public... I don't think it's fair that he gets to go about his merry way making sexist jokes all day while I have to complain to the moderator privately and most likely be told "just ignore him."
01:49 / 05.03.06

Thank you for your time.
Bubblegum Death
02:11 / 05.03.06
You know what I hate? Those damn Dr. Scholl's commercials.
"Are you gellin'?"
"Gellin' like a felon."

Those commercials are atrocious.
All Acting Regiment
02:56 / 05.03.06
Oh, you've done it now, you cocksmug piss-object of a flatmate. I hear you and your girlfriend enter the flat with your shopping, I hear you go to the kitchen, I hear you open the fridge...and then...

"Microwave Pizza? Microwave Chicken Wings? How can anyone eat those? PNAAAARRRP!"

The sound at the end of that sentence is the best representation I can manage of a very specific kind of condescending upper middle class laugh.

OH NO! HOW DARE I EAT MICROWAVE FOOD! Yes, I see, I'm obviously some sort of wanker because I dare to buy simple, quick food. Silly me! Maybe I should forget about getting a job and getting a degree and looking at houses in order to ensure that I have plenty of time to buy Faberge eggs or whatever the fuck you eat.

I'm going to stab him.
07:52 / 05.03.06
You make my life surreal -
How the hell do I deal?
You're a prick, a dick,
A nasty bag of tricks!
Can't believe you're fore real.

I hate your laugh.
It gets on my nerves.
You're so selfish.
You annoying turd!

Constantly chattering and sniggering.
You have nothing important to share.
Why don't you. Shut. Up. Be. Quiet.
Get the hell out of my hair.

Like a constant thorn,
Digging into my brain.
Want to bite, punch and smack.
Cause you TREMENDOUS pain.

fuck off you smug little git!
Happy Dave Has Left
23:33 / 11.03.06
Gnnuughgnfufckfuckfuckfuckfucking website!!!!
Just spent an hour tapping my answers into a MONSTROUS recruitment webform for the Guardian, in a vain attempt to get out of my souldeath IT job, and what happens when I click on the fucking button?




It's one in the fucking morning and I know I should have copied my answers into text files but FUCK YOU ANYWAY YOU FUCKING COLLECTION OF HTML!


And........ relax.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:15 / 12.03.06
I've been giving the matter some serious consideration and I've come to the following conclusion:

The next time I see any one of you motherfuckers use the term 'reality tunnel' with a straight face, I will put some considerable effort into making you regret, wholeheartedly and without any tinge of reservation, that either one of us was ever born.

Thank you for your attention.
16:45 / 12.03.06
I guess I'm off the hook— last time I used "reality tunnel" with a straight face, a professor of mine permanently unstraightened it for me. How was I to know the geeky boyscout-looking Latinist boxed in college?
14:39 / 13.03.06
Can we use "epistemology" or "episteme" as a substitute?
15:00 / 13.03.06
Mordant, you really need to think outside the box and embrace a different headspace so your paradigm doesn't become inflexible and trap you in a myopic astral oubliette where you only see one facet of the diamond don't you know reality's a tree and your perspective is just one of many branches how will you escape the reality prison without digging a reality tunnel? Can you dig it? Yes you can...
Ninjas make great pets
17:06 / 13.03.06
SENIOR?!?!?! I don't care how many f*cking degrees you have you fcking halfwit. You think if the monitor on the computer is changed you'll loose all your work!!

Talk down to me one more time and you'll be picking a window to get fkced out!!!!!!!!!!


much better. thanks.
10:20 / 15.03.06
Ah. Here's the thread I need.

Furious mountains of flaming annoyance at my stupid cold, my crippling marijuana addiction, my useless fairweather friends and my stultifying existence, including but not limited to my petty selfish userous family, my emotionally stunted colleagues and my pointless deadend career, my empty fridge, my permanently sore throat, my fear of dentists and my overwhelming and unsatiable longing for physical affection.
10:36 / 15.03.06
oh dear. Chin up.
Evil Scientist
10:42 / 15.03.06
Sick technician = Me working all weekend.

Plus, I got a burn from a steampipe and it stings like a monkeytrucker.

So now I await with eager anticipation for the third thing to go wrong.

I hate the world.
18:55 / 15.03.06
The Non-Ugly Queer Kids Community.

"Yes, we care about feminism, queer rights, anti-phobias and or judging by the interior (only), but that's not the purpose of this community, therefore your rants aren't welcome here."

I care about UNCAT, but that's not the purpose of this unexpected late-night fly-by visit, therefore your screams of remorse aren't welcome here.
06:52 / 17.03.06
Graagh. More annoyance than anger, but L'Oreal buys Body Shop. I know there are questions about Body Shop's branding and practices, but L'Oreal? Oh, for fuck's sake.
07:31 / 17.03.06
Untamed hate and anger? howsabout clannad feat. bono ‘in a lifetime’ on the telly when you’re trying to have your fucking breakfast? It’s the thin thin shirt tied up to the throat, the faraway looks, the mullet, the stubble and the passion ‘first the thunDUUUUUHHr...selfish stOOOOOrrrm’ and don’t forget the sax:

Hard to tell
Or recognise a sign
To see me through
A warning sign

First the thunder
Satisfied, if the past it will not lie
Then the storm
Torn assunder

The future you and I get blown away
In the storm
In a lifetime
And as the rain it falls
Begin again, as the storm breaks through
Heavy in my heart
Believe the light in you

So the light shines in you
Without color, faded and worn
Torn asunder in the storm

Unless the sound has faded from your soul
Unless it disappears
First the thunder
Selfish storm
Then the storm
Hold on the inside
Torn asunder

One life
In the storm
In a lifetime
In a lifetime
07:36 / 17.03.06
clannad and bono: turning toast to stone since 1985

08:03 / 17.03.06
I'll have you know that was the very first EP I ever bought. Is there a thread for eternal shame?
Cat Chant
08:18 / 17.03.06
Can we use "epistemology" or "episteme" as a substitute?

Only if you want to make Foucault cry.
Mourne Kransky
21:51 / 17.03.06
Just in from the pub, admittedly, and therefore probably feeling disproportionately impassioned, but MASTERCHEF FINAL and fucking Peter won.

For Ganesh's sake, what were you thinking, John and roly poly Greg? Digger driver DEAN was so clearly the man with the smile and the persona. His food was excellent too! Peter was a **** and probably a ****ing **U** too.

Less searchable M0rd4nt
06:33 / 22.03.06
Sharing a board with Holocaust-denying morons is pissing me right off.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
06:43 / 22.03.06
The timing of that thread was so terrible it must have been intentional.

I'm angry at the weather. Every year it's the same thing, around the beginning of March there's a really nice weekend and I start thinking "maybe this year will be different, maybe winter is really over and spring is starting early this year in this god forsaken state!" and then mother nature cackles and punches me in the kidney with some more snow. Fuck you, winter! Release me!

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