Master had a Chameleon thingumybob, why all that stealing people's bodies in the Eighties?
Because the chameleon thingumybob doesn't regenerate you or grant further life it just makes you human. Presumably Pratt's highly damaged no. 13 Master wouldn't have bothered using it because it wouldn't have extended his life. All the other versions of the Master since (until Jacobi) have been the Master *possessing* an already human body, not a Gallifreyan one capable of regeneration, so using the Chameleon Arch would simply have been rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The Chameleon arch would have to have some kind of Gallifreyan body to encode in the first place to work, and, since the damaged no 13, the Master hasn't had any.
Also, it removes your memory, and, in the absence of a nice assistant to make sure you actually open the watch, you could end up seriously screwed. The Master's not very nice. He probably wouldn't trust anyone to look after him in that exceedingly vulnerable state. And look. He was right. He got screwed.
So, anyway, it's rather fun that once he DOES get a Gallifreyan body (from somewhere, evidently, shaped like Derek Jacobi) he *is* able to use the Chameleon arch, and DOES.

/...geek. |