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Doctor Who Season 3 UK (No Spoilers)


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20:18 / 27.06.07
So, to get things in timeywimey order

Young Master looks into vortex
Is driven "Maaad" - sound of drums implanted by troclafane?
retcon justification for master being a loon all through who history.
Master is compelled to bring troclafane back. Presumably, to a.) get the noise out his head, then b.) because he's the Master kill the buggers for putting it in there in the first place.

So - Troclafane = broken hearts = timelords warped back through time?
20:22 / 27.06.07
I feel compelled to add, following my stellar speculatory crap upthread, that my predictions have previous form and are only a guarantee that whatever I say is not what will happen.

Also, I'd like to rekindle the phrase "total puffins", but that's just me.
Spatula Clarke
21:23 / 27.06.07
So - Troclafane = broken hearts = timelords warped back through time?

The Master didn't know about the Time War or the death of the rest of his species until the Doctor told him about it, though. It's also too early to be bringing them back to life - I don't doubt that it'll happen eventually, probably when the show's been going for six series and the writers are running out of new ideas, but not just yet. I suspect that the whole Timelord thing has been left open so that it's there just in case, once RTD bows out.
21:32 / 27.06.07
22:04 / 27.06.07
Thats what I'm thinking Spatula - the Master has no idea who he's bringing back "drum removal being the point" - much as the timelords didn't know they were making him look at their dead selves in the vortex and putting the drums in his head. timeywankywiney - but fun nonetheless.
02:51 / 28.06.07
While I agree the timelords are likely using the Master to resurrect themselves (and that they are the drums in his head), I'm not so convinced that it started when he was a kid.

When he's chatting with the Doctor on the phone, he says (in perfect Master hubris) that they resurrected him because they knew he'd be "the perfect warrior for a the time war." But what they really knew was that he'd be the perfect coward and that no matter what happened, he'd find a way to escape.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
04:34 / 28.06.07
"Martha, if you bring back the Master I'll kill you!"
09:53 / 28.06.07
It was like that at our house.
10:13 / 28.06.07
When the timelords spoke on the telephone, I think I heard this:
Sebastian Flyte
10:26 / 28.06.07
Yes, that would the Lolwhoslash link above. Still funny the second time, however.

And the third.

In fact, I would go as far to say that with that LJ post, the internet is now finished, and we should all go home.
08:19 / 29.06.07
I've been picturing them opening up the pod and finding a miniature Rose inside, operating levers like the face dwelling elf in the first Meninblack film. But imagine what a pain in the arse that would be to do, even with cgi.

Hang on though, those balls - about head size, y'reckon? Ulp.
10:35 / 29.06.07
Stored, chilled and fresh from the vine.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:56 / 30.06.07
Anyone watching The Infinite Quest?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:07 / 30.06.07
One year later? OK, it explains how Martha meets up all those people in the 'Next Week' last week, but I'm not sure about this...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:09 / 30.06.07
Scissor Sisters? Oh please...
17:09 / 30.06.07
One year later seems like an invitation to erase the last two episodes...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:25 / 30.06.07
We have winners for who the Toclefane are...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:30 / 30.06.07
Turning off the Paradox Machine would presumably cancel everything since the Master won the election...
17:35 / 30.06.07
So, do we get hypertime in Dr Who?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:56 / 30.06.07
So, the Master won't blow up the black holes because he doesn't want to die, but when he gets shot he will then decide to die. Only... he doesn't. And how does going back in time fix everything, without a working paradox machine, the destroying the paradox machine would have been undone. Whoops!

And Jack, impossibly, decides to go back to Torchwood. Obviously a year of torture has really given him a masochistic streak.

So the Doctor is going to have a solo Chrimble adventure then come and pick Martha up again.

It wasn't a terrible episode, but nowhere near as good as the last three.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:57 / 30.06.07
Party Russell obviously had Sensible Russell and can-actually-write-decent-stories Russell locked up in cages somewhere.
17:58 / 30.06.07
Lots of things I didn't like, but it somehow just about worked.
17:59 / 30.06.07
I thought it was great. Much better than last weeks.

17:59 / 30.06.07
Loved the Master does Ming the merciless bit at the end...
18:02 / 30.06.07
He's gone all lady!

And the slash writers are going to have a fucking field day with this episode.
18:03 / 30.06.07
Loved the Jedi Master-as-Vader pyre, loved 'CITIZENS, REJOICE!', and ooh face of Bo!
18:03 / 30.06.07
So, has Martha become Berine Summerfield?
18:04 / 30.06.07
field day with this episode.

Shit yeah. Jack and Master with handcuffs, him in the Dr's arms, Dr in the doghouse...
18:05 / 30.06.07
And yes. The Doctor become Jesus.
uncle retrospective
18:05 / 30.06.07
I need to watch that again.
After the build up, that didn't do anything near enough for me.
Still some of it was great although why in gods name would anyone want to go back to Torchwood?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:06 / 30.06.07
The Doctor becomes a Bad Wolf that doesn't actually have to die afterwards.
18:08 / 30.06.07
All kinds of Christian iconography.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:12 / 30.06.07
Why 'kill' the Master off? Let him regenerate, whack him with the Chameleon Arc thing, the Doctor holds on to the watch, that gives you the possibility that the Doctor might at some point in the future come back for the Master. Or actually kill kill him off.
18:14 / 30.06.07
The master didn't die - he tried his hardest not to regenerate, but failed.
18:14 / 30.06.07
I thought it was a big mess, but it was enjoyable enough in the end. What bugged me most was that I felt it kept cutting away in what felt like the middle of a scene - for example to show somebody picking up a ring - and then just picked off where it was, for example with the Doctor readying himself to leave.

It didn't seem like these moments were given enough space to breathe, and that was happening all over the place. It was jumping all over the place, never quite becoming it's own thing. I can understand the necessity for shorthand here, but I think it was taken a bit too far. It seemed like there was just too much they wanted to cram in there for one episode (two cliffhangers, only one of which can go at the end, new supporting cast, one year later, a few revelations), and it was all overlapping in a fairly jumbled and disjointed way I really don't think was intentional.

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