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Mysterious Transfer Student
12:48 / 16.08.07
You could argue that the entire of the Soul Society arc is just about the rescue of the princess from the high tower... but I think that's doing Rukia a rather large injustice as a character.

This is a very interesting element of the storyline - while Rukia might be portrayed as passive and a victim, we don't think of her that way. Although she never attempts to evade her punishment, mount any kind of jailbreak, use Yamada's sympathy for her to enlist his support for an escape, she never does because she wants to be good, to accept her foster-brother's love by obeying his wish to uphold the law, and to protect those who she fears will fall foul of powers far greater than themselves by trying in vain to rescue her. There's a reason beyond filling in the plot for new viewers that we see the scene of her arrest, where she furiously orders Ichigo to stay where is, repeated so often - it's a key moment for her, full of the stoicism, anger and affection that fill her character. And Rukia's imprisonment is the springboard for some of the series' best characterisation.

Consider that scene where Gin Ichimaru appears before Rukia and makes her an offer to spare her friends, before casually withdrawing it. Rukia abruptly realises that she had not, as she thought, accepted death, that she still held out the hope that her friends would rescue her, and in reviving that hope only to dash it Gin drives her to the brink of despair and madness. It's an incredible moment, a piece of characterisation that couldn't have been carried out if we'd seen Rukia struggling against her sentence and plotting to escape by any means necessary. It was a turning point in the show for me, in terms of respecting the writers' abilities.
Razor Wind
07:14 / 23.08.07
137 is out.
After 136,it was all right,but the slimmest yet in terms of plot. You could probably have fit the entire storyboard on a post-it note. Mod soul,beat up Renji,exposition,switch to other Shinigami,mod soul,renji bankai,renji on the ropes,heroic mod soul,final fight.
At least we were told why Ulquiorra was blindsided so easily (it was old man Aizen's doing all along. Yoinks.),but did they have to end the climactic fight so soon? I was willing Chad to hurry up and get there early so he could have some real action for once :-). Glowy Ririn was unexpected,but welcome.
04:41 / 24.08.07
Much better. The three stooges got a lot more to do, even though it was yet again at the expense of Renji's honour (that side of things is starting to piss me off about the filler, if he were helped in battle in any of the canon material he'd be furious). Aizen's mini plan to scour his ranks of dissidents actually made a lot of sense and was pretty in keeping with his character. And the final note of the episode nicely leads us back into the comic adaptations that will be starting again next week.

Been a long time since we've seen Ichigo, Rukia and Orihime, eh?

On another night, it seems Aqua Timez are pretty piss poor. All the best bits of Alones are in the opening theme, the rest is atrocious. Can't say I like their song for the movie either.

It seems Barbelith is slowing to a crawl, this is the first post in film and TV for nearly twenty four hours. If it continues like this I wonder whether there's anywhere else we can take these threads (copy the existing content into another forum)... it'd be a shame to lose all this chatter on a board that's practically a dry skeleton now.
Essential Dazzler
12:05 / 24.08.07
We're still waiting for the fillers to end so we can cane them before canon starts up again, plus my usual source of Real video files with dattebayo's sub has dried up.
14:31 / 24.08.07
The filler just ended dude. X
Essential Dazzler
21:08 / 24.08.07
Really? I was expecting sirens.
Was 137 the last filler or first canon?
Mysterious Transfer Student
21:18 / 24.08.07
Last filler. *Dances like a mod soul on E*

Huh, on the topic of sources, I didn't realise that bleachportal had some time since ditched Dattebayo's sub in favour of the, last time I checked anyway, pretty below par Flomp-Rumbel (who seem to have little to commend them beyond adding in more swearing than you can expect to hear in an early episode of Gurren-Lagann). But in my estimation DB's sub at the point where they took over from Lunar (the tail end of the Soul Society arc) was far inferior in quality to the work they do these days, so I guess anybody can improve.
09:13 / 25.08.07
I'm pretty sure Bleach Exile is still using DB's subs, and they have the advantage of having servers with about six times the bandwidth, so it doesn't take several hours to get the next episode.

I'm very much looking forward to the resuming of normal service, next week.
Red Concrete
11:31 / 26.08.07
I'm still lurking, but with no time or willpower to re-read manga and Make Big Thought on anything at the moment... sorry.

Disappointed at the quality of animation lately, again. Especially when Naruto Shippuden is showing really high-quality animation in the past few episodes (despite the fair to mediocre everything else).

I'm looking forward to everyone's opinions on what's coming, as you all write your thoughts so well.
Red Concrete
11:33 / 26.08.07
P.S. I get my torrents straight from Dattebayo now, despite their wacky trolling...
19:52 / 30.08.07
Ah, sweet rain after a long, long drought. Lisa is bolstered into the the realm of full-on porno addiction, Love is stealing all Rose' comics, Hiyori is a complete potty mouth, Ichigo is stuck doing the dishes on account of being at the bottom of the class and Shinji seems to know just just how to get Strawberry's motor running. He's shit at training but great at the real thing... although we're in untested, uncharted waters there.

Meanwhile the Arrancar get a personality boost with Wonderwice Margera being the most interesting new character in a long time, Luppi gets to gloat over Grimmjow's demotion, Yammy is a lot more powerful than previously thought (tenth in the Espada? Who knew? Maybe he really is just an idiot), Aizen actually defers to Ulquiorra in decision making and Grimmjow himself gets to take out his vengeance on someone who may not be so easily beaten this time around. Plus Aizen himself is significantly further ahead in the game than expected and seems to be aware of all Soul Society's intelligence on him and his plan. It's all nicely established with a great flair for economic storytelling and characterisation.

Then there's the Shinigami. Matsumoto and Yumichika suck at manifestation. Madarame Ikkaku is unexpectedly Zen. Hisagi is overworked and still pretty fucked up from the Soul Society arc (good that we're still seeing aftermath), Ukitake is still the nicest bloke in SS and Rukia's Chappy impersonation is full of awesome.

Plus plus plus... Urahara! About to go kick ass! Yay!

And there's still a ton of stuff I haven't mentioned. It's amazing how much the quality leaps, even in an episode like this that is mostly set up, mostly about character.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! We've got our show back!
Mysterious Transfer Student
20:42 / 30.08.07
Funny how even a slow burner like this one, when it's canon material, is ten times more exciting and involving than any amount of empty spectacle with made-up Arrancar and furrow-browed angsting in the filler. Sorry, filler makers, it's true.

So many things I've wished for are coming true. Minor characters like Hisagi getting a turn in the spotlight and showing that yes, the damage done by Aizen's conspiracy runs deep. (Plus I fell about laughing at the 'Court of Pure Spirits News' complete with Yamamoto cover feature and pull-out catalogue. Let it be for mufti outfits for off-duty Shinigami, as we never tire of seeing them.) Rukia and Orihime doing some intense training and bonding, particularly welcome since girl power can sometimes be hard to come by in this series. The Vizards are always great value - more and more like a perpetually bickering student household every time we see them - and Hiyori stole the episode with the epithet "sack of dick-cheese" (srsly, how does that translate from Japanese? And let's not forget Kiyone calling Sentarou "spaz-monkey" in front of their Captain). Team Hitsugaya gave us more of an insight into the shinigami/zanpakutoh relationship, wherein it seems some blades are a mirror for the soul, others, like Matsumoto's and Yumichika's, more of a four-colour A4 photocopy.

I'm not even mentioning Urahara's "I'll go" ... positively pregnant with win.

Oh and this week's most valuable insight? If you claim just to have a "healthy interest" in something, you're basically 'fessing up to being a sexual deviant.
21:52 / 01.09.07
Have watched up to the latest episode now, caning 137 + 138 in one go. This is back to being glorious glorious stuff.

Now that Soul Society and the Karakura Scoobies have allied it's opened up a lot of variety in the fights, rather than a stream of Ichigo vs X, Ichigo vs Y, Scooby vs Q, Ichigo vs Z. Which is nice.

More to say but quite tired. I haven't forgotten about your massive/rebuttal, Seth. Reply to that and more thoughts on the current stuff tomorrow, I will just add, though, that you did set me straight on a fair bit re: the women in Bleach. I was a bit quick to lump most of them in one pile, which is a different kind of bad.

03:03 / 06.09.07
Bloody hell. That was horrible. Between Grimmjow's aghast "What the hell did you do to yourself?", Luppi's easy takedown of Hitsugaya and vile attack on Matsumoto, Ichigo's overreaching himself and the utterly horrendous final sequence between Orihime and Ulquiorra between worlds... a palpable sense of dread seemed to leak out of the screen.

And what's more uncomfortable is the break with format. No next episode section. We're in the dark. Nothing, as though there isn't going to be a next episode.

Ugh. That's a really, really effective and subtle narrative device that I've never encountered before. I never expected Bleach to do something like that to us. It's like a contract has been broken and we're into very unsafe territory.

Too much recap though. I can understand why, it's a way of not catching up on the story so fast while still making sure what new action there is can be told at a decent pace.

Poor Orihime. All her options have been taken from her. She's up against someone who is very likely to be first among the Espada (speculation) and she's highly likely to go willingly. I think we all knew that something like this was coming, I'm just shocked by how fucking nasty it is.
Mysterious Transfer Student
10:26 / 06.09.07
Yeah, the Luppi/Matsumoto thing was ick. It surprised me as Bleach seldom indulges in sexually threatening violence against its female characters; however it's consistent as the previous occurrences, from memory, have all been attacks by Hollows, which is after all what the Arrancar are.

Just as perturbing for me was Urahara, making his much anticipated, casually heroic entrance, not getting to save everybody as he was blindsided by that little creep Wonderwice, who looks like he could have an unpleasant child-psychopath thing going on.

That unconventional ending, I guess, signals that what happens to Orihime next will be the driver for the next major story arc - which we knew, but it was still a damn effective way to throw the audience off its footing.
Razor Wind
15:03 / 06.09.07
When Ulquiorra appeared I felt like screaming at her to run,damn it,never mind the redshirts who were accompanying her. You can't appeal to someone like that.

I have spoiled myself with the manga (this episode corresponds to 238,by the way),so this wasn't quite as much of a surprise as discovering that Luppi was male. :-)

One small note: that hair we see in the title plate is Orihime's,isn't it? Her hairpins are there too.

And the way it's arranged suggests she is turning away.
Essential Dazzler
19:41 / 06.09.07
Still haven't gotten caught up yet, and proably won't have a chance until after the weekend.

Memories of Nobody has been ripped and torrented, only waiting for subs now.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
20:46 / 06.09.07
Hmmm. I’ve just gotten caught up after watching for a little over a month a think. Needless to say after averaging 2-4 episodes a day for some time, having to wait for new Bleach is putting a serious hurt on me. Here’s my thoughts on a selection of the episodes that had the most effect on me roughly reproduced from how they first appeared in my brain over the last month.

Ep 32: Hang on, now I suddenly like and care about that wanker Renji? How does that work? I’ve hated him for nearly twenty episodes now suddenly he’s kind of a decent guy? Weird.

Ep 34: I don’t think I trust that guy with the glasses. Sure he seems really nice compared to the other Captains. But that’s half the problem. I bet he’s actually worse than Ichimaru. A couple of minutes later – Oh well I guess he really was a good guy. Shows how much I know.

Ep 37: Oh god. Poor Chad. What a horrible painful defeat. I was conviced for a while here that Chad was going to die the most horrible emotionally intense death I’d seen Wesley from Angel.

Ep 43-44: Geez. Mayuri’s a bastard. And he’s not even a traitor as far as we know. Maybe if Soul Society allows a monster like him to operate it needs to be torn the fuck down.

Ep 46-48: But, but, but, if Gin was Aizen’s lieutenant who did he ever get powerful enough to murder him, apparently fairly easily? Does he have some sort of special powers of some kind? Or did someone else do it? Maybe Byakuya, since he seems to be evil. Whatever, something is definitely off about it. Also at this point Hitsugaya became one of my favourite characters. Nice to see someone who appears to be totally genuine, and fairly unambiguously heroic among the senior Shinigami – I didn’t consider for a moment that he might be guilty of being the big bad as the letter accused him of being, even though I’d previously mistrusted Aizen simply on the ground of seeming nice.

Ep 53: That fucker Gin. Maybe he is the big bad. How could anyone be more of an evil fucking fucker than him?

Ep 54: Yayness! Ichigo gets to be proper heroic, and two more captains (Ukitake and Kyoraku – or White hair and Pink Coat as I was calling them at the time) show themselves to apparently not be evil, insane or terribly stupid, and I was starting to wonder if Hitsugaya was the only one.

Ep 59: I haven’t enjoyed seeing anyone get beaten quite as much before or since in Bleach. And after his explanation for why he was up for murdering his sister I felt even happier he’d been beaten. Even if he isn’t in league with Ichimaru he’s a repulsive creep in my book.

Ep 60: Oh God! It’s Aizen or someone that looks like him. This is gonna be bad. This is gonna be soooo bad. Yes. It’s bad. Very bad. Here I think the show did something brilliant in the episodes between Aizen’s fake murder and this episode – since I’d completely forgotten how incredibly fucking suspicious I was of Aizen before his apparent death, since I think most of what we’d seen of him in the interim had been filter through Hinamori’s obviously dodgy perceptions of him. I’d totally come to believe he was this heroic figure who had worked out what was going on and had been murdered because of it by this point. Poor Hinamori, poor, poor Hinamori. Hating Aizen even more than I hate Byakuya, and almost much as I hate Mayori at this point.

Ep 62: Wow. So the recently revealed big bad, kinda won that one. Interesting. On another plot point, in some ways Byakuya’s explanation of his actions just made him seems even worse than when I assumed he was the big bad.

By episode 73: Shit. Is this even the same show anymore? This is so fucking boring now. If I hadn’t know it was filler, and would eventually end I think I’d have given up and permanently lost interest at this point.

Ep 91: Oh god is this crap finally coming to an end? Looks like it. Please let it end now. Please. Oh fuck. At this point I wanted to jump into by monitor and beat Ishida to fucking death for allowing the Bount to escape for frankly completely fucking moronic and insane reasons and thereby extending the arc for god knows how much longer.

Ep 98: So. Much. Better. Than pretty much any of the previous 30 episodes. Why couldn’t the whole arc have been at least getting on towards being this good?

Ep 100: Yay! The Bounts are starting to get wiped out by the Captains. This brings me happiness.

Ep 101: My. I don’t know who to side with. My natural sympathies would be with Sawatari, monstrous though he is, as he’s positively Mr Nice Guy compared to Mayuri. But on the other hand I wanted the Bounts all dead, to get the story finished, so for purely practical reasons I sided with Mayuri.

Ep 108-109: Not a bad ending to the story, with some decent stuff in there, especially in the epilogue. If it had ended like this after 15-20 less episodes it probably would have been quite acceptable. Still I was bloody glad it was over though.

Ep 110: Like sweet wine after the long period of mediocrity. Now just better story telling, but so much better animation as well. I’d been wondering when Grand Fisher would show up again for ages.

Ep 111: Isshin’s a Shinigami? Seriously? And not just a Shinigami, but a ridiculously hardcore one of at least Captain level. This is extremely odd. I mean It’s been quite clear since the first Grand Fisher story that the hyperactive imbecile act wasn’t all there was to Isshin – but I figured it was just covering up normal human pain and suffering, not anything more arcane.

Eps 113-121: Fuck nobody’s going to be able to fight the Espada without a serious power-up, are they? Poor Chad. All he’s really about is protecting people, chiefly protecting Ichigo, and he’s so far behind in the power stakes that he just isn’t relevant as a protector anymore. Of course that’s basically been the case since his fight with Kyoraku, but it’s still absolutely horrible to see him realize it.

Eps 122-127: Okay power-up are starting to arrive, and the use of Kariya in the internal battle was so superb it almost redeemed the entire Bount arc for me. Also I’m absolutely loving Hitsugaya even more than before in these episodes – it’s his reactions to the fact most of his team insist on acting like imbeciles or lunatics any time they aren’t in combat – it’s in the animation mostly – those absolutely withering looks of patient exasperation he shoots directly at the audience every now and then whenever he isn’t in combat. I’m reminded a lot of J’onn J’onz in the old Giffen/DeMatteis Justice League. Also again, poor, poor Hinamori, and Bastard, Bastard Aizen. And I wonder if Hachi is as much of a moron as he wants Orihime to think, or is he’s deliberately trying to manipulate her onto sticking with the Vizard by driving a wedge between her and the rest of the gang, with his repetition of his incorrect assumption that her friends are ignoring her because she’s lost her powers.

Eps 128-137: Mostly disappointing, but not nearly as bad as most of the Bount arc. Especially disappointing for me, since in theory Hitsugaya is my favourite character, even before any of our main characters – so it’s sad to see a block of stories which feature him so prominently be basically a little bit poo. On the other hand there’s Ep 132 – which given how I feel about Hitsugaya is quite possibly my favourite episode of the entire series, despite being filler. If all the filler was that superb I’d never want to go back to the main plot.

Eps 138-129. God. All that training and it still wasn’t quite enough for Ichigo to take someone who isn’t even and Espada anymore. Things look darker than they’ve ever looked right now. Especially for Orihime. Still I wonder if Aizen might be about to fuck himself over really, really badly for the first time with his long foreshadowed kidnap of Orihime. Firstly of course it provides motivation for Ichigo to defeat him – and motivation usually powers Ichigo up way more than training, but perhaps even more importantly Orihime is perhaps the first element he’s bought into his complex plans that he doesn’t really understand. She might just be the most ridiculously powerful one of crew, and if Aizen’s research ends up unlocking her potential I can see that going extremely badly for him.

Beyond the thoughts on individual episodes I have a few things I’m currently wondering about. Firstly – Ichimaru; I’ve hated him for a good long while, and I suppose I still do, but since I found out what Aizen could do I’ve had my doubts – is he really evil, or is he Aizen’s slave? I mean he’s been Aizen’s subordinate even longer than Hinamori was, so it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that all that’s really left of his original personality is what Aizen wanted him to keep. I wonder if more of this might be explored via giving us some more information on his mysterious long ago friendship with Matsumoto, which is one of the things I’d like to know more about ASAP.

Secondly is it me or do the Vizard actually seem a good deal less shady than the Shinigami themselves? I mean there’s the potential Orihime manipulation, and Shinji’s level of clued-uppedness (which we don’t know for sure if the others share), which set of fairly obvious alarm bells and Hiyori is perhaps something of a psychopath, but in general the Vizard don’t seem to have anyone on their team half as bad as Mayuri, and even Kenpatchi, and they have not as far as we’re aware involved themselves in genocide or any of the other dodgy things the Shinigami have gotten up to throughout the years. I’m interested to see if this will continue to be the case.

Also Uryu’s dad. What’s his stake in things, and how much does he know? I mean he might just be a bit of a dick, much as Uryu himself was when we first met him, or really I wouldn’t even say he was a dick really, if he’s acting the way he is, in the knowledge that Shinigami kidnapped his father and tortured him to death. If anything I think Uryu himself has been shockingly forgiving of the society which still counts the monster responsible for the murder and torture of his grandfather as a senior member in good standing. So if his dab knows about that then his actions make a lot of sense. Ominously, possibly even enough sense for him to be conceivably able to work with Aizen without actually being evil per se.

Anyway I seem to have spent far longer than intended working on this, so I think that’s it for my thoughts for now.
21:34 / 06.09.07
Noooo! Don't hate on Byakuya! He hates himself! He's all torn up inside! He's trapped by his own respect for tradition and the promises he made! He was on his last legs after his fight with Ichigo and still took the blow for Rukia when Gin almost skewered her with his shikai! He's a weak, weak man filled with sadness and regret who needed a fifteen year old to wake him up to himself! He was hateful because he was punishing himself at every turn! Don't hate on Byakuya!
21:34 / 06.09.07
Great post, BTW.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
04:30 / 07.09.07
Things are looking bleak as dammit for the Shinigami and friends, aren't they?

When Uruhara said "I'll go" at the end of last episode, I expected him to lay out an epic beating, and although I suppose it's still possible, it doesn't look likely at the moment.

Meanwhile, Ichigo looks to get his delicate parts handed to him by Grimmjow again, despite his new training and Grimmjow's apparent decrease in power. Hitsugaya got leveled by Luppi, and I always considered him one of the more powerful Captains. It seems like the Shinigami's biggest guns are getting knocked around from the start, by second-tier Arrancar. Ichigo would seem to be a lock to get much more powerful with increasing control of his Vaizard abilities, but what recourse do the others have?

I would hate for some of my favorite characters to be overpowered and supplanted by new ones for the duration. I'm particularly curious to see how Kenpachi, Byakuya, Kyoraku and Ukitake stack up against the Espada, as they're particular favorites of mine. Kenpachi and Byakuya are proven to be obscenely tough, and I've considered Ukitake and Kyoraku to be a cut above as well, from their standing against the Captain-Commander towards the end of the Soul Society arc. Plus, those guys are just too cool. It'd be a shame to see them slapped aside. Speaking of the Captain-Commander, I fully expect him to bring the lumber when the time comes. He's the biggest gun of all (that we're aware of at this time).

There are some big-time wild cards, too. Isshin is clearly something special, at least at Uruhara's level and possibly the damn King of Soul Society (nice theory, Seth). Ishida and his dad are very conspicuous by their absence. I expect a powered-up Ishida in the near future. It would be good plotting if he had surpassed his old friends by the time we see him again. He could double as an ally with the strength to face the Espada and as a foil, what with his promise to his dad to have nothing to do with the Shinigami and their friends. I expect awesome character development and twisty plots when Ishida gets back. there's also the ultimate wild card, Inoue herself, as Shiny Things pointed out.

We don't really know why they want her yet, do we? Just vague references to her ability to manipulate time. Do Aizen and Ulquiorra want her in Hueco Mundo for the same reasons? Rifts are already being exposed in the framework of the Arrancar, with Grimmjow's demotion, the odd position of Gin and Tousen (what do they do, anyway? What is their relation to the Espada's command structure? It seems like they could have come into positions of far less prominence than they were expecting) and the ambiguity of Aizen and Ulquiorra's relationship. I must know more. Anyway, Inoue is clearly extraordinary in some way yet to be revealed, and I wouldn't bet on it turning out all roses for the Arrancar. She has her own ideas about how things should end up, and the girl is pretty far from helpless. Ulquiorra ended this episode thinking she was securely on his leash, and I'd be shocked if that was the case.

I'm really liking this, though, after the exceedingly tedious filler (I did dig the Hitsugaya soccer episode and the one that had everyone baking cakes, though. Those were fun). The thing I sort of question is the creation of Wonderwice when we haven't even become familiar with the existing Espada, especially when he hasn't had any lines. Sure, he's a mystery, but not more than the other Espada that haven't been given any development. The fact that our heroes seem so overmatched right now is really bugging the heck out of me. It makes me deeply uncomfortable, as I'm sure the writers intend. Damn, but things don't look good.

Heck of a show, though. I actually came back to Barbelith strictly to jaw about this show with all of you. It's too good not to share and bounce wild theories off one another.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
05:30 / 07.09.07
Noooo! Don't hate on Byakuya! He hates himself! He's all torn up inside! He's trapped by his own respect for tradition and the promises he made! He was on his last legs after his fight with Ichigo and still took the blow for Rukia when Gin almost skewered her with his shikai! He's a weak, weak man filled with sadness and regret who needed a fifteen year old to wake him up to himself! He was hateful because he was punishing himself at every turn! Don't hate on Byakuya!

See my intense dislike of Byakuya isn't necessarily the type that precludes feeling any sympathy - and I did temporarily forgive him completely for a fe minutes in the wake of that scene. There is a lot to feel sorry for with a man who's personal moral code dictates that there is nothing worse than being forswarn trapped between two contradictory oaths. However when I thought about it after my dislike started to build up again, when I thought wait a minute, if he was going to be forswarn whatever he did then he had to make choice - and I don't see any really good excuse for not choosing to be forswarn in the way that protected his sister rather than the way in which he colluded in her murder. In any case love him or loathe him he's a fantastic character and I'm wondering if by the end of the series he'll do something either so great or so awful that it'll be easier to make a judgement of him. Or indeed if it would be more interesting if he never did.
Mysterious Transfer Student
18:30 / 07.09.07
Welcome onboard, Shiny Things! Your whistle stop tour of eps 1-139 was a blast. Imagine not knowing if Chad was going to buy it, or if Byakuya was really a bastard... it must have been great. Feel free to post your most fannish musings (fave bankai? fave battle? best voice actor?) here - we love 'em.

And welcome back to Jake - your insights, which I've frequently bitten off and claimed for my own, have been missed. This thread is going great again, just like the show.

So I guess everyone who made it through the recent filler arc is to be congratulated on not giving up - I probably would have quit early on in the Bound arc if it hadn't been for Seth's assurance of an end in sight. One thing we can take comfort in is that the drop in quality may have been worth it if this turns out good...

Heads up for Hitsugaya fans an' all.
22:06 / 08.09.07
Had some guests round today...

04:51 / 09.09.07
Points I want to make while drunk:

1. Are we sure Urahara is that ineffective against Wonderwice and the other Espada? Never trust a manipulator.

2. Something to do with Ichigo Hollow. Oh yeah. Ichigo's shiteness against Grimjaw has been foreshadowed for ages. Since the start of his Hollow training Ichigo has been referred to as not really passing muster compared to the other Vizard, hence his defeat at the (one) hand of Grimjaw Jaegerjaques. This is all pointing to him finally accepting the Vizard as allies in the Everyone vs Aizen war.

04:52 / 09.09.07

Hollow Mask Ichigo in Bankai Outfit = Teh Win. And makes me wonder if Tite Kubo has, basically, organised the whole series around seeing this combination.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
06:50 / 09.09.07
Except it wasn't "teh win" at all. Ichigo pulled his trump card way too early and Grimmjow is, for all intents and purposes, kicking hell out of him for it right now, as we speak. Ichigo got a taste of the power that the mask grants him and decided to run with it even though he doesn't have a clue how to extend it or utilize it to the fullest.

Couple of thoughts directed at Triplets:

I am pretty sure that Wonderwice took Uruhara by surprise. Uruhara's sketchiness seems to be of the verbal/manipulative variety- when the dude breaks out Benihime, I feel like he has stopped fucking around. I got the feeling that he was as surprised as we were when Wonderwice jumped in. I expect him to bounce back big-time next week, however. They've held his true power back for too long to make him a weakling now.

Regarding Ichigo and the Vaizard: His (apparent)loss to Grimmjow seems to make a heck of a lot of sense to me. Ichigo, in his arrogance assumed that he could beat anyone, given a little training, and he's getting a rude lesson to the contrary.

Ichigo is probably at the most dire point in his life, even though he has more power than ever, simply because his philosophy of "hit the hell out of it until it falls down" has been undermined. The dude is not necessarily the most adaptable guy you'll ever meet. It will be interesting to see if he can mesh with the rest of the shinigami despite his insane powers.
Mysterious Transfer Student
07:30 / 09.09.07
They've held his true power back for too long to make him a weakling now.

Even disregarding the is-he-or-isn't-he-a-Vizard question, we've yet to see Urahara's bankai, which let's not forget, came from the same three-day artificial method as did Ichigo's, and can probably be expected to be as bat's-arse insane as spikey's.

Meanwhile... movie's up, yo.
Razor Wind
23:16 / 09.09.07
I found the movie slightly... disappointing. They had the entire cast to work with and the resources to boot; it should have blazed and soared,but instead it just went,"Rargh." and tossed a few bad guys about.

(Following post is semi-spoilery)

Maybe I've been reading too much TV Tropes lately,but I was overwhelmed by a feeling of familiarity — it looked and felt like filler. I mean,I knew who the new shinigami was by the third-of-the-way mark (unfortunate name,too (one word,two syllables;natural cure for constipation)),I could tell who was going to be first on the scene when they called for help,the bad guys were far too familiar and the ending was,to me,the cheapest kind (but it sort-of redeems itself with the bit after the credits).

(No more nit-picking...focus on the positives...the positives)Right,right.

Still,there was a lot to like about it. I've always got time for Rukia/Ichigo bickering,and we got to see her fight again,along with everyone else.
It's a bit more brutal,too — blood spray 'n everything.
We also get a reminder of just whose side Ichigo's on (his own),even if it did make him seem simpler than a two-piece jigsaw puzzle.
Ken-chan gets to stretch his legs. Yay! But no fighting for Kusajishi,boo. I demand this little girl be given her own filler to kick arse in. :-)
Ukitake has a bit of action too. A bit.

(end pseudo-spoilers)

It's still worth watching,but can be skipped without fear of missing any continuity...which is the way they've set it up,I suppose.
21:28 / 10.09.07
It can mainly be skipped because it's not even slightly in continuity. A fully powered Rukia who begins the film in Karakura Town despite there being ziltch on Hollow Ichigo and the Council of 46 are up and running again...

Damn, that was a weak movie. A new cod-Shingami character who is gratingly overplayed in a really cliched love-of-life kinda way and then disappears for half the movie. A new threat who really, well, aren't much of one. And a lot of dicking around with the rules of the Bleach universe in a way that seemed like bad fan-fic from someone who hadn't really watched the show. So Shinigami can't remember their lives before they died? This is something the series could do with addressing - there's been no mention of it - but it's a "revelation" that seems to go against what we already know from Chad's relationship with Yuichi Shibata, who certainly remembered the big old lunk after he went to Soul Society. Elsewhere the dicking about with the cosmology works better with the notion of souls becoming lost between worlds, but the manner in which it's played out becomes so much maguffin that such an idea is squandered on the dumb villain's practically motivless masterplan (some flashbacks would have set him up as much more of a character).

It doesn't bode well for the second movie. Hitsugaya gains most of his strength as a character through his relationship with Hinamori, who you can bet your ass won't appear as she's far too closely tied with the canon arc (you can't really feature her without mention of Aizen unless it's in flashback, for which we couldn't be shown anything we haven't already seen). Their relationship is nicely ambiguous in the series, I've heard conflicting speculation that they're brother and sister, close friends and also that Hitsugaya is in love with her... the series hasn't really come down firmly in any of those three directions to my knowledge. Hitsugaya without her is merely a less psychotic Edward Elric, a short serious kid with a chip on his shoulder and a lot of power. Not a character that can sustain a movie, especially with the plot synopsis I've read on wikipedia.

So again we're playing Bleach mind games, sorting out fillerchaff from Kubowheat. For other examples of this try editing Rin Rin, Cloud and Nova out of all the canon Arracar material so far and see how much better it plays in your head, or take away half of Rukia's mammoth exposition while D-Roy waits in the wings to see how the pacing improves. It makes me wish for a Bleach re-edit when the entire series is done, in which the non-canon material is excised and the show re-scored with possibly some extra animation to smooth the joins. That's currently my model for the series in my head, a series in which Renji is humiliated rather less and we don't have to live with so much recapping.

Even only six months earlier, around the time of the end of the Bound arc, I would have liked this movie a hell of a lot better. I think timing is essential. Released in cinemas around the time of the Bound arc this would have been a passable movie, nine months later it falls flat on its face in a universe that's now utterly different.

Plus it looks cheap, cheap, cheap. There's better animation in the a lot of the series. The few CG rendered sequences didn't impress, in fact the only visual element that did look lovely was the colour palette of Karakura Town in autumn.

Poor fight sequences, too. Nothing at stake and the series has a much better sense of scope, scale and sheer property damage. Just a few token moments for the Shinigami crew... I was left wanting a lot more.

Did anyone actually enjoy it?
21:55 / 10.09.07
Except it wasn't "teh win" at all. Ichigo pulled his trump card way too early and Grimmjow is, for all intents and purposes, kicking hell out of him for it right now, as we speak. Ichigo got a taste of the power that the mask grants him and decided to run with it even though he doesn't have a clue how to extend it or utilize it to the fullest.


Regarding Ichigo and the Vaizard: His (apparent)loss to Grimmjow seems to make a heck of a lot of sense to me. Ichigo, in his arrogance assumed that he could beat anyone, given a little training, and he's getting a rude lesson to the contrary.

I have certain (entirely speculative) expectations regarding how Ichigo's fight with Grimmjow is going to play out. So far he's done a lot of learning in combat, and so I'm betting that Shinji's decision to let him go is a canny one in that he's twigged this about Strawberry. I'm betting he'll have a much better handle on his powers by the end of this scrap.

We have clearly ranked Arrancar, and I'm betting that Ichigo will be working his way up through them over time. What better place to start than a demoted former Sixth who has lost an arm? The two have been paired in a grudge match but I reckon it's fairly signposted who'll win second time around.

I reckon Grimmjow will survive. I got the first hint of this in Ichigo's almost concerned question of him before the fight, "What happened to your arm?" It also seems as though Grimmjow's disatisfaction is being set up in opposition to Aizen, Tousen and Gin's leadership... I have a strong feeling that the former Sixth will become an ally of sorts, albeit one who can't be trusted as far as you can throw him. It might be that he simply becomes the enemy of the Shinigami's enemy.

It's also left me wondering about the Arrancar and how far they could fall into shades of grey. Not all Hollow began their second lives as the lowest of the low, some were otherwise good people who fell foul of other Hollow or became twisted (Orihime's older brother). There's plenty of room for sympathetic semi-villainous characters here... although I have no idea if the story will go that route.

Although this is probably all off-base. I really have no idea what will happen. Ichigo hasn't really killed anyone properly in the canon arc yet, has he? By that I mean he hasn't been responsible for the death of anyone who has been set up as a major character. Sooner or later he'll probably have to, but I'm betting it won't start here.
22:01 / 10.09.07
Shiny Things next fictionsuit should be Shinji Things.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
08:35 / 11.09.07
Well, there's enjoy and enjoy I guess. I mean I enjoyed it a lot more than say staring at the ceiling and thinking about death, or reading Countdown, but I didn't enjoy it anything like as well as I enjoy good Bleach. The ridiculous personality free villains where probably the worse part for me - I've honestly seen better villains in a Care Bears movie* . Beyond that I sort a liked seeing Rukia actually in action, although I liked her still ultimately proving completely ineffective a good deal less to say the least. So I guess I enjoyed it up to a point, but it just wasn't special and wonderful in the same way real Bleach is - I suspect if Bleach had season breaks this probably would have worked quite well in the interim, but in the absence of such it seemed like a little bit of a pointless aside.

On a brighter note I've started re-watching the early episodes at a more leisurely pace (one of the great things about Bleach being so long running is that by the time I'd finished the first watch I the beginning again) and I'm noticing a few things that might be more important than they seemed. Firstly the early mention of Ichigo's reiatsu being sealed away until he touched the ghost girl - I didn't really notice this at all first time round but now I'm assuming Ichigo's father possibly in co-operation with Urahara will probably have been responsible for this. Also the mention of how Inoue's parent's abandoned her and her brother - I'd completely failed to take in that they weren't actually orphans the first time - but now the idea that her mysterious parents are presumably alive out there somewhere might be very significant and I'm desperately curious to find out if either or both of them are supernatural creatures of some kind, and if their abandonment of their children might have not been their choice.

My rewatch has also provided the answer to who my favourite voice talent is - I'm going to have to go with Rukia (I tried a quick internet search to find the name of the actress, but nearly burned my eyes out with spoilers on the first page I looked at, so gave up) . The scenes at the school in which she's constantly switching between Rukia's real voice and the fake more airheaded sounding voice she uses to speak to the other students are just amazing.

As to my favourite Bankia - can I put a predictive vote in for Urahara's? I love the mystery surrounding it, and I'm convinced it's going to be insanely impressive, and perhaps more than a little disturbing when we do see it - I'm hoping that might be in the next couple of episodes in his battle with multiple Arrancar. Of those I have seen I think I'm going to have to vote for the elegant beauty of Byakuya's - a little more showy than Ichigo's minimalist Bankai, but still wonderfully understated and efficient. But really I think most of the Bankai's we've seen have been fantastic - I'm not as enamoured of Hitsugaya's or Renji's as the others, because they seem a little more like random cool powers and less like an expression of some aspect of their personality writ large - but the fact they've been perhaps a little over-used in the show compared to the others probably doesn't help much either.

And darn it Seth - that's a great suggestion for my next name - I wish I'd seen it before I succumbed to the temptation to mutilate my user name with a cat drugging reference for a whole month, and saddled myself with an urge to put a disclaimer on every post explaining that I do not endorse giving cats narcotics. Which would look extremely odd once my name changes once more.

* - This isn't quite as brutally negative as it might sound - I thought Dark Heart's story in Care Bears 2 rocked hard when I was kid.
Mysterious Transfer Student
10:12 / 11.09.07
We'll just pretend it's your new name when you're here. Shinji, if you ever want to research a show or voice actor without running the risk of spoilerism, Anime News Network's Encyclopedia section is your friend.

Fumiko Orikasa (Rukia) is incredible it's true - Rukia in her introspective moments has such a soulful quality - and there's also much love here for Fumihiko Tachiki as the blood-curdling Kenpachi. I'll also give props to the versatile Shinichiro Miki as Urahara - his camp joker's voice when the shopkeeper's trying to be evasive always cracks me up - to Satsuki Yukino as ebullient, teasing Yoruichi, and to Romi Paku as the very serious boy wonder Hitsugaya. My current favourite, though, is Nobuyuki Hiyama as crazy badass Ikkaku Madarame - not least because he also plays the not entirely dissimilar Viral on Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann.
17:24 / 11.09.07
Lest it go unmentioned I also have to put in a vote for Masakazu Morita as Ichigo. Kinda obvious, I know, but he is ace.

I totally agree with anyone who raves about Fumiko Orikasa as Rukia. She's the best actor in the series, the best role, the best everything. I am in love. Did I mention that already?

Another of my current faves is Katsuyuki Konishi as
Keigo and Hisagi. Keigo can say anything and have it be funny.

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