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Mysterious Transfer Student
11:20 / 18.12.07
That seems excessive.
20:27 / 18.12.07
You're such a drama queen, Razor Wind.
Mysterious Transfer Student
21:33 / 18.12.07
Wrong fun from Finland - has an assload of Flash loops, shorts and skits, many anime-related (mostly drawn from 4chan, so browse at your peril). Here's the pick of the bunch for Bleach :

11th Squad go Spartan (even more of a testosterone patch than the similar video I linked to in the Gurren-Lagann thread)
The baking episode as it should have been
Renji fucks up again
and it's all gone a bit over 9000 : BanKaiiiii!!!11!!
13:55 / 20.12.07
Renji having anal sex with himself? What has this thread become?

Bleach 153... holy fucking shit. For once I'm waiting until more people have seen it. I don't know whether this will be our last episode of the year, but if it is then it's a horrendous place to leave things.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
16:20 / 20.12.07
Christ. I'd like to comment on what the hell that ending could mean, except I have absolutely no idea. Other than that, a nice episode. I'm especially loving the way Aizen manages to project such sheer terror into his subordinates, whilst almost never letting the outward appearance of being the ultimate reasonable boss slip.
17:25 / 20.12.07
Yeah, that was incredibly unsettling. I forget, did the Hollow that possessed Kaien die in the end or what?

Like Shinji I love how all Aizen has to do is nudge people a certain way or tease a little information out of them to get things moving the way he wants. He's an inversion of the classical THIS IS MY FIENDISH PLAN!! ranting villain. An introspective mastermind.

Still, would it kill the story for us to know a little bit more about Tousen and Gin at this point?
Mysterious Transfer Student
17:56 / 20.12.07
I stand by my conviction that while Gin is pretty much in it for the lulz, Tousen is either a psychotic ethical zealot or the one with the key to the whole thing. After all, his unbending devotion to the path of righteousness seems to include the belief that Aizen becoming master of the universe is preferable to the current state of affairs, and since as we're all pretty clear that Soul Society is a massively unequal and decadent shogunate, who's to say he's not correct?

This episode was classic Bleach. I loved Dordonii's soliloquy and his final stand, laughed my ass off at the slapstick and surprisingly foul-mouthed banter between Renji and Dondo Chakka, and saw Ishida's fight switch from ho-hum to gripping in a second when Cirucci dropped her nasty little gambit. Szayel Aporro's seemingly clumsy scheming and a BRICKS SHAT cliffhanger were more than I deserve.

did the Hollow that possessed Kaien die in the end or what?

It's episode 49 if you want to check, as I just did... Hollow-Kaien lunges for Rukia, she drives her blade through its chest and in the next moment he's human again, and dying - so, no Soul Burial. As it was Aizen's specially designed proto-Arrancar, who knows what became of it? Whatever, this was a stunning way to wrong-foot both Rukia and the audience, the blatantly illusory Seireitei architecture being a superb touch. I don't honestly believe that Aaroniero *really is* Dark Kaien, but nonetheless it looks like we've met the first really malevolent, headfucker of a bad guy amongst the Espada.

Oh, and one more episode this year before the show returns on 9 January.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
18:15 / 20.12.07
Still, would it kill the story for us to know a little bit more about Tousen and Gin at this point?

Yeah, I'm only mildly intrigued by Tousen, but there's hardly a day goes by that I don't contemplate Gin. It was mainly the one or two flashbacks to what I presume was an awfully long time ago somewhere around episodes 50-60, in which it was heavily implied that Gin and Matsumoto were once close friends that did it for me. We got a heck of a lot of flashbacks to various goings on in Soul Society during that arc, but as far as I can recall the context and significience of the most or all of the others became clear by the end of the Soul Society arc. Gin and Matsumoto remains mysterious.

Personally I'm not even convinced Gin is naturally evil - as I've said before he's been around Aizen longer than anyone, and it's quite plausible that Aizen's done an even bigger number on him than he did on Hinamori. Or he could just be a nasty fucker in his own right, I don't know, and so long as I have faith that sooner or later I will know, I'm enjoying the wondering as much as I figure I'll enjoy the eventual answer.
18:23 / 20.12.07
It was essentially the Exorcist ending. Kaien managed to assert himself over the invading Aizen-modified Hollow long enough to willingly impale himself on Rukia's sword, seeming to kill himself and the Hollow. Whether this is what actually happened remains to be seen.
18:33 / 20.12.07
Gin is pretty much in it for the lulz

Honestly, as much as a deeper characterisation might be more satisfying, I pray to certain gods that this might be the case. I offer up sacrifices that he might actually say "epic lulz".

If only.

As for Tousen, I wonder if he's not playing a gambit of his own. If he sees all of Soul Society as being corrupt it might be possible that he's backing Aizen to take it all down and then take Aizen down himself once it's all said and down. Which would be insane but Tousen seems self-righteous enough to go for it. He's also the one, being blind, who we can be fairly confident HASN'T fallen for Aizen's line of bullshit.

Unless Aizen's bankai is about creating pocket realities or something similar, as theorised.

I love Bleach.
12:12 / 21.12.07
Still, would it kill the story for us to know a little bit more about Tousen and Gin at this point?

I think it might kill the story, yeah... or at least kill some of the delicate sense of intrigue.

Tite Kubo is doing something really delicate and subtle with these three traitorous Shinigami, creating some of the most memorable villains through what he has so far chosen not to say rather than what he has made overt. It's a trick that he uses to great effect, painting a picture from a striking combination and contrast of characters rather than having one single villain. Kubo is very deliberately making us ask ourselves how the hell these three with their seemingly opposing motivations wound up together in the first place. Nothing that any of them says can be taken at face value because each of them is balanced against the other two with careful ambiguity.

One thing I'm wondering is why Soul Society haven't arrested Urahara yet. My intuition is that interrogating him would be useless but I would have thought they'd at least try. On the subject of Urahara's backstory it's also interesting that we so far aren't party to the question that Renji wanted to ask him, or any questions that Ichigo might have asked the Vaizard during his month of training.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
16:08 / 21.12.07
One thing I'm wondering is why Soul Society haven't arrested Urahara yet. My intuition is that interrogating him would be useless but I would have thought they'd at least try.

It could be I suppose that those who know exactly what his background is and what he can do absolutely know they'd fail if they tried to capture him. Or maybe they are genuinely afraid of him. Actually given his comments about his Bankai not being good for confidence building I wonder if that might be something to do with inspiring fear.
16:15 / 21.12.07
given his comments about his Bankai not being good for confidence building

Wasn't it translated as 'not being good for training'? My guess about Urahara's bankai has been that's it great for nullifying things, or the parts of things. Look at the way he brushes off Yammy's attack in his Danger Room.

The reason I think this is is because Urahara has interest in Hollow/Shinigami nature research. He created the Hogyokou and knows his beans about transforming a plus into a Shinigami (hello, Strawberry). It makes me wonder if his bankai is the ability to supress a given spirit entity's Hollow/Shinigami side. He would have been shit at training Renji, for instance, because that was about strengthening his Shinigami nature and the connection to his sword.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
16:26 / 21.12.07
Wasn't it translated as 'not being good for training'? My guess about Urahara's bankai has been that's it great for nullifying things, or the parts of things. Look at the way he brushes off Yammy's attack in his Danger Room.

Yeah I agree that's the most likely hypothesis. The fear bankai idea just kinda bubbled out of my head, randomly, I agree it's not that likely. I guess a counter anything Bankai could also explain why they wouldn't come for him either. Whoever they sent, and however many, he'd just get more powerful in order to be able to repel them. Thinking about I wonder if maybe he can explictly counter, but not actually overcome anything - Urahara seems to get very few clear wins or loses - almost every fight he gets in seems to be a draw until someone else arrives and tips the balance or the enemies change their plans and leave. That would explain why if he can counter anything he doesn't just win the whole big conflict by use of his power.
12:48 / 23.12.07
On Urahara's shikai and bankai... so far we've seen Benihime throw mysterious red blasts that sound like fireworks going off, which have the ability to counter Cero. So far the primary thing that's stood up well against Cero is... another Cero. Pitch at the right level and you can use one to nullify another. What with the colour coding (red Cero vs red Benihime strike) it seems this is what we're being led to believe, the only issue is that our dear writer has a habit of leading us up the garden path.

However, Benihime doesn't change shape when he calls out its Shikai. It makes me wonder whether Urahara's sword is stuck in the first stage of its release, similar to Zangetsu and Kenpachi's zanpakuto... or whether Urahara is faking releasing the red flashes via his sword and actually doing it himself. Think about it: the only characters who can use Cero are Vaizard, Hollow and Arrancar. None of them seem to require their zanpakuto in order to use the technique. If Urahara is trying to misdirect people from thinking he's a Vaizard he might well release them via his sword.

But as to his Shikai and Bankai being the immediate nemesis to whatever ability his opponent is using... it would seem to fit with his character, wouldn't it? Perhaps we've only seen him use it to counter Cero because Kubo's trying to make us think he's a Vaizard.

One another note, anyone wanting to build up a collection of the official releases can do so at a bargain price.
Razor Wind
20:49 / 24.12.07
A tad late to the party,but I'll add my thoughts on 153.

I'll admit I've been reduced to an attitude of "I've started following the series so I'll keep watching",even though I've ruined my interest and enhanced my cynicism by reading the manga.

That said,this was good. They expanded upon the fight between Cirucci and Ishida,which,in the manga,felt somewhat rushed. Homing arrows? Who knew?
Plus,I wanted to see her animated. (Don't look at me like that - she's sexy and you know it :P)
11:45 / 25.12.07
I felt the other way, myself. I liked the way Ishida's fight in the comic seemed like more of a mad desperate dash to get away from his opponent, getting off whatever few shots he could in the process. It seemed more kinetic and frantic, although I agree that this was an example of an brilliantly unnoticeable insert.

I have stopped reading the relevant issues of the comic after each episode now because the adaptation now we're in Las Noches changes the order of events and sometimes stops halfway through an issue. It's not possible to supplement with the manga without spoiling yourself for the anime right now, so I'll only be going back to the issues once the series has moved safely ahead.
Mysterious Transfer Student
15:09 / 25.12.07
I haven't been reading the manga at any stage, so I'll have to take others' word about the variations seen in the anime. The venue for Ishida's battle is different enough, in a RPG boss-battle/puzzle sort of way, that it's interesting and Cirucci's killer yoyo is a nice choice of weapon. For my part, I was happy to learn that her appearance is a guest role for Houko Kuwashima, one of my favourite voice actors.

Meanwhile, I promise to make this the last picture like this I post....

14:29 / 27.12.07
That was horrible. We're still seeing new sides to Rukia and her torment here was difficult to watch, portrayed in facial expressions we've never seen before and an outstanding performance from Fumiko Orikasa. Kaien, it appears, really deserves to die a second time. What's nasty is that Rukia seems to be in way, way over her head fighting a guy who is dancing around her attacks and getting a real kick out of fucking her head up.

In my humble Rukia is still the best character in a show full of fantastic characters. He pride and dignity are getting torn up and we've never seen her this enraged... I'm really hoping she can pull something out of nowhere.
14:38 / 27.12.07
and an outstanding performance from Fumiko Orikasa

You are so in love with Fumiko Orikasa, Seth. You want 500 of her babies.
16:02 / 27.12.07
Never met her. It's Rukia I'm in love with.
Razor Wind
00:55 / 29.12.07
154:That was good. Rukia simply doesn't get enough screentime,nor fight scenes where she displays her power,and we saw both here . Watching her go from surprised to happy to shocked and finally to fucking furious was a great set-up. Nice little illusory insert with the bokken too - is this one of this Espada's powers?
Razor Wind
02:01 / 29.12.07
Hitsuguya Special manga chapter

I presume this was made to tie in with "The Diamond Dust Rebellion". It's an interesting piece. I can say,with authority,that it's spoiler-free - it simply gives some slivers of backstory on our favourite white-haired older-than-he-looks captain. Specifically,why he became a shinigami.

It also contains his first contact with Matsumoto. Literally .
12:37 / 29.12.07
I can't seem to get at that Hitsugaya special. Do you need to be a member of the site?
12:51 / 29.12.07
Ah, no. I've got it. It's rather slight, not really telling us much that we don't already know. Some lovely art though.
02:38 / 03.01.08
Because there's no episode this week, and because people wisely deciding to skip the Bound arc will have missed a lot of it, here's some compilations of Shinigami Cup Golden:

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four
00:59 / 08.01.08
Ma'at is starting to know me too well. Seth could waste a lot of time on this page.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
06:04 / 08.01.08
I've been playing with that Rukia paper doll for over an hour now, Seth. It's your fault. The only way to tear myself away is to talk Bleach, it seems. With Bleach music looping.

Anywho, things in Hueco Mundo have become a little hectic, eh? I'm a little upset that Ishida and (especially) Chad's battles have been given short shrift here, but with the quality of the Ichigo and Rukia scenes, it's hard to complain with any real oomph.

I adored Dordonii, and I was heartened to see Ichigo actually win a fight decisively for once. It was clear even before Dordonii said it that Ichigo could have beaten him even without his Vaizard powers, so hopefully we'll be able to see our guy win a couple before he suffers another humiliating beatdown. Also interested in the multiple-bodies dude that's on Ichigo's tail. Where does he fall in the Arrancar hierarchy? Is he a standard Arrancar (an Espada I just missed out on?), or something else entirely? It seems like Szayel Aporro (what's his story?) unleashed him on Ichigo in some way, so maybe he's some sort of artificial construct. In any event, I'm looking forward to Ichigo's superspeed versus the multiple bodied baddie. That should be neat.

And then there's Rukia and Kaien. Basically... holy shit. I've never seen her like that, just ready to split that guy's head open no matter what. It's a little unsettling to me to see Rukia in this sort of state. We've seen her break down before, most notably when Gin fucks with her when she's a captive in the Soul Society arc, but... gosh. Seeing her unleash all of her power against Aaroniero like this- Has it ever happened before in canon? Rukia is scaring me a little, but I'm even more scared that she's in over her head.

Like Pachinko, I don't think that Aaroniero is actually Kaien, more likely some sort of shapechanger or illusionist. The weird array of voices when he was wearing his mask, and the mask itself... I just don't think it's likely. His mask covers the entire head, which is unusual. I suppose it could be to hide Kaien's identity for the two seconds that we saw the character before the reveal, but I think it's because some sort of icky transformation occurs while it's on, allowing Aaroniero to mimic anyone. Maybe he's a telepath or something, or maybe he's just got great intel (like maybe the real Kaien's soul in a torture chamber?), but I am not sold on this guy actually being Kaien, evil or not.

It seems obvious that Ulquiorra is Espada #1, and he's been showing himself to have his own mind about things while still toeing Aizen's line, but I'm really looking forward to more development of the relations between him and Gin and Tousen. He's the preeminent Arrancar, and seems to be okay with following Aizen, but how does he feel about his Shinigami flunkies? Are they above him in the chain of command? Equal? The command structure of Hueco Mundo fascinates me, especially with the introduction of the Privaron Espada. Did they just not make the cut power-wise, or did Aizen only want loyal Espada, so he tossed the first batch and created his own to his specifications?

Obviously the best TV show on, if not ever. So much goodness, but I crave so much more. I'd love to see some segues to the Soul Society characters and what they're up to. We've got to see some new Bankais soon, right? Matsumoto and Yumichika were teased, and we need new Captains. There are a ton of peripheral characters that I am in love with that I need to see in action soon. That's probably my biggest complaint. It's such a sprawling show that I can't help but get pissed when they introduce new characters that annoy me (Yeah, you, Wonderwice. No, thank you on the "drooling idiot" archetype) when all I want to see is more of Ukitake, Kyouraku and, strangely, Isane Kotetsu.

Sorry to be the guy who drops in once every four months and corrupts the thread with his poorly thought-out bullshit(and excessive parentheses), but my life has been weird, plus the New England Patriots are in the midst of the Greatest Season Ever and it will continue fucking killing me with stress(for the unfamiliar, the 2007 Patriots are American football's Zaraki Kenpachi, except more badass) until they win it all. Also, this place is a fucking ghost town these days. No offense.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
06:05 / 08.01.08
Just an aside: can we post our rad Rukia paper dolls?
20:56 / 09.01.08
It appears as though a low quality camripped and subbed Diamond Dust Rebellion is up online for download. I'll give it a try to see if it's watchable, because given that the first movie was bollocks I'm not likely to bother waiting until a high quality release is available.

In other news, have Dattebayo released any subs since they said they'd stopped due to people uploading their work to streaming sites? That Naruto New Year special seems to have been done since the announcement. It doesn't seem to read like trolling, but then they've caught me out before like that...
04:12 / 10.01.08
I don't know if they were trolling or not, but 155 is up and about.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
04:15 / 10.01.08
Yeah, they've got it up. Seems like they're full of shit as usual.
15:49 / 10.01.08
I have now banned myself from playing with the Rukia fashion page. It is unhealthy. However, it is worth noting that whoever designed it has got it rather wrong, in that it is canon that Rukia doesn't like tight fitting outfits.

I adored Dordonii, and I was heartened to see Ichigo actually win a fight decisively for once. It was clear even before Dordonii said it that Ichigo could have beaten him even without his Vaizard powers, so hopefully we'll be able to see our guy win a couple before he suffers another humiliating beatdown. Also interested in the multiple-bodies dude that's on Ichigo's tail. Where does he fall in the Arrancar hierarchy? Is he a standard Arrancar (an Espada I just missed out on?), or something else entirely? It seems like Szayel Aporro (what's his story?) unleashed him on Ichigo in some way, so maybe he's some sort of artificial construct.

Dordonii was indeed interesting, and it's a shame that he seems to have kicked the bucket so soon. Again we have a character who is fighting for pride, in this case a pride that's been wounded when he was unceremoniously dumped by Aizen. He wants Ichigo to fight at his peak because he wants to be treated like the Espada that he used to be. What's interesting is that Aporro seems have used the fight to hit the jackpot, at least in terms of what I'm guessing is his research agenda. I reckon he's wanting data on Vaizard, for which Ichigo obligingly provided ample – albeit brief – demonstration. The Exequias seemed to be involved in that data gathering mission in some way, but if I'm understanding things correctly their primary role is killing any survivors. Aizen isn't happy that they have been used, which seems further evidence that he's more interested in Ichigo alive than dead.

Consider Ulquiorra's diagnosis of Ichigo as 'not a threat' despite recognising that Ichigo's reiatsu had a fluctuation ebb higher than his own could be considered purely a persuasion measure to make the Arrancar believe he's not worth bothering with. I'm convinced that Ulquiorra is First amongst the Espada and so it would sound best coming from him. Tousen stops Grimmjow right at the moment at which he's beaten Strawberry, and Grimmjow is only allowed to go after him again once he's made contact with the Vaizard and has a chance of being able to survive the attack. What with the narrative concentrating on Orihime it's easy to forget that Aizen was originally interested in Ichigo. Indeed, his plan could not only be seen as a psychological trap to isolate Inoue, it's also effectively isolated Ichigo from Soul Society and got him right where Aizen wants him. the one thing that Aizen knows for certain about Ichigo is that he's willing to go against impossible odds, armed with very little information, for the purposes of rescuing a friend. Note that Aizen was surprised that Urahara hadn't told Ichigo anything about what was actually going on… Kubo made sure to clearly establish that our villain knew our hero's underinformed motivations.

The most obvious reason that Aizen might want Ichigo alive is research into his favourite theme, ie: the breakdown of the barriers between Hollows and Shinigami. Having Ichigo in Hueco Mundo also leaves Karakura Town more vulnerable to attack (one of Aizen's presumed objectives). It could also function as a lure to get the other Vaizard into Hueco Mundo, as they may well assist one of their own. Whatever Aizen's plan is Orihime seems to be only a small part of it. One would presume that he would have an interest in researching the Vaizard were it not for the fact that Aporro seems to be conducting the research by clandestine methods, if indeed that is what Aporro is researching. However, he's a proven manipulator and the pink haired one is probably also unwittingly working in his service.

Of course all of this is just speculation, and it's equally possible that Aizen simply doesn't feel under threat and that the source of his and Gin's apparent joy at events is that they like having genuinely unanticipated elements in the mix. The LULZ argument: "This is fun, let's see where it goes." Ichigo and Orihime are certainly both unknown quantities that our villains are writing into their plans. Exactly how much about them is unknown is interesting source for speculation in itself, especially when you consider that one use of Phenomenon Rejection and Soul Society's Memory Modifiers could be to hide members of the Royal Family in plain sight, regressing them in age and altering their remembered histories. They may even be the King and Queen themselves, although my money is on them being siblings.

Anywho, things in Hueco Mundo have become a little hectic, eh? I'm a little upset that Ishida and (especially) Chad's battles have been given short shrift here, but with the quality of the Ichigo and Rukia scenes, it's hard to complain with any real oomph.

I'm sure we'll get that soon. The anime may be changing the order of events but they've not skipped anything yet, and the next episode preview shows that we'll be returning to Ishida at least.

Meanwhile, episode 155. It's so good to see Rukia having the kind of showcase fight that most of the other characters have already had at least once. I have a feeling that it's being padded for the anime (unconfirmed at this stage), and I'm actually very glad for that. I always love how Kubo only ever uses a sparse amount of kidou in the mix, leaving it absent for long stretches until the audience has forgotten about it, . It's left as the domain of the most crafty, resourceful and intelligent, which is why it's always funny to see Renji doing his best to cast spells and being utterly incapable. However, my enjoyment of Rukia's fight is marred by being almost certain that I saw an image of her shackled to a wall in the otherwise very beautifully rendered new closing credits… I'd rather that she wasn't imprisoned again unless it's an opportunity to put her and Orihime together again.

One last speculation… I've mentioned before that Rukia's range of expression quite stunning in all areas, from design to animation and voice acting. As much as I get a kick out of seeing how broad and three-dimensional she is I can't help but have fun wondering whether her new knitted brow wounded pride fury is as a result of hanging round with a certain ginger fellow for too long.
17:36 / 10.01.08
Worth writing in capitals and bold:


That is all.
18:35 / 10.01.08

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