She couldn't do it. She couldn't steal a kiss. I knew this was coming,and it was still heartbreaking — you could tell how much she wanted to. If she had done it,it would have crossed a line that,I'm sure,she didn't want to cross. Also,it would have been a betrayal of Ichigo,not least because she might have woken him,breaking the 'contract' and endangering everyone,but also because a first kiss is something special.
I concur with Seth on the extra added content,except it doesn't feel right to call it "filler". You wait and hope for these moments in any adaptation — fleshing out like this is the reason you watch.
This cleared up some of the things I'd read in the manga.
E.g.,when Ulquiorra tells Orihime to "finish whatever business you have",the word he uses is 'subite' (su-bi-te - phonetic,not sure of actual romanji spelling) which means 'all' or 'everything'. In essence,she's being told,"Have all your business in order,because you're not coming back.",which makes her regret and her preparations much more understandable...and U. that much more pitiless.
Now the ginger wonder's got two women who were/are prepared to pay the price to keep him safe...and he's completely friggin' oblivious to the feelings behind it. I despair,I really do :-/. |