Ganesh, your tone on this thread is getting wearisome at times. We see your point and are grateful for it, because the point of this board is, after all, discussion of differing opinions. We're also grateful for your professional opinion, which is not something I would ever call into question seeing as, well, I don't know that much about your field.
Paleface, your tone in this post is already wearisome. I'm re-e-easonably sure I've not yet flagged up an opinion specifically as a "professional" one (possibly because none of the Housemates, to my knowledge, currently suffers from a psychiatric disorder, so I'd be somewhat outwith my "field" if I tried to do so). I have a modicum of training in psychology, certainly, and that informs my opinion, but I'm not a psychologist and, as opinions go, mine is pretty much a personal one. I argue it fairly tenaciously, but I think that's down to enthusiasm for the subject matter rather than specifically what I do for a living.
However, some people have still chosen to disagree with you, becuase they feel that they like Pete. This is not to the exclusion of anyone else, and it's not necessarily a symptom of over-simplifying the situation. It's an opinion they wish to express.
Ye-e-es, just as my opinion (which, I'd hasten to add, is not about 'feeling' that I don't like Pete; it's not simply a case of like/dislike) is an opinion I wish to express. I'm interested in how Pete is perceived generally and I'm throwing out hypotheses (all of which you're perfectly welcome to disagree with) and speculating, but I'm not diagnosing 'symptoms'. That seems rather to be your own interpretation of what I'm doing.
This is about the second or third time that you've got increasingly narked - and slightly patronising - when a diverse array of people have posted opinions which differ to yours. It actually makes me uncomfortable to post in this thread, as I'm not sure I can cope with the effort of being told off.
That's unfortunate. If you can't cope with vigorous disagreement (and I see it as vigorous disagreement rather than simply my being "narked" or 'telling people off') then perhaps you're better off not posting in this thread. Or a message-board generally. Or maybe sticking to the explicitly low-snark discussions?
You may have started the thread this year, but that doesn't make it your personal property. I do believe that you're not intending to treat it as such, but it does feel like that every now and then.
I don't believe I've claimed this thread is my "personal property", and (warning: I'm about to use a psychology term) it's perhaps a little passive-aggressive of you to throw the point up if you don't believe that's what I'm doing. The fact that you feel X does not mean I'm doing X. I'm sure you know this, and may feel patronised by my pointing it out, but hey ho. Sometimes it's difficult to avoid someone somewhere feeling patronised.
Possibly, Paleface, rather than expending time and pixels projecting some sort of malignly superior 'professionalism' onto me then taking jabs at it, you might more usefully take issue with what I'm saying? Y'know, making a case for your opinion and all that? If you disagree with what I'm saying about Pete, say why you disagree. Don't simply tell me I'm a big meanie psychiatrist who makes you not want to post. Post more. |