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Big Brother 2006


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Haus of Mystery
17:25 / 18.06.06
Reckon Dermot gave her a slightly harder time than Davina in a way. I mean BBLB is the more lighthearted side of BB, but Dermo seemed fairly disgusted by her unrepentant smugness.
The thing that really grates is that G**** is acting with such righteous indignation about being picked. Um sorry you spindly little nightmare, but isn't that the fucking GAME!?!

And Dimogen's resignation at the unfairness that she'll probably be next, becuse of the freaks' G***pl*n...try talking to them you hopeless waste of air! Good God it's not healthy how much I want to jump into the telly and bang her and Shortrounds' fucking heads together. Imagine the echo!
17:46 / 18.06.06
The thing that really grates is that G**** is acting with such righteous indignation about being picked

Quite. I wish someone (Davina, Dermot or one of the Housemates) had asked Graceless who Susie could have nominated, and not deserved a soaking.
18:25 / 18.06.06
The answer, of course being 'anyone other than me'...
Peach Pie
19:19 / 18.06.06
Considerate behavior is so alien to teh plastics that they can *only* conceive of someone (rightly) sticking up for someone else in terms of politics. Mikey's behavior toward Aisleyne after she gave Grace a well-deserved mouthful was reprehensible. I can't believe even the water throwing failed to give him a clue. He'll just have to wait until he comes out and finds he's been dropped for George/Prince Harry/a member of the Astor family.
Mourne Kransky
19:35 / 18.06.06
Loving Aisleyne in bed, chomping down her breakfast, singing Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead then sniggering like Muttley. Hehe.
Fritz K Driftwood
20:27 / 18.06.06
I've been watching this on BitTorrent this year, rather than just following the thread here and at the BB UK website while I wait for the US version to begin (this year's US is "BB All-Stars").

It is really interesting the differences between the two shows (and from the two episodes I've seen of Australian BB), especially since Endemol produces both of them. Over here if the housemates lose the food competition, they only get peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the next week. Often, the household will be divided between two teams, so that the losers have to watch the winners eat regular meals.

Also, the eviction process is different. The Head of Household makes the decisions of who to nominate, and before the actual eviction vote (by the housemates themselves) there is an "immunity challenge" where the two HMs up for eviction and their allies can try to get immunity for the next eviction, and then a third person has to go up if one of the original two becomes immune. The general public may get to vote on one eviction once during the season (or last year not at all). And there aren't huge crowds outside the doors.

The swearing is fucking incredible! And in Davina's defence, she is positively prosecutorial compared to Julie Chen, the eviction night interviewer over here. Also, I'm not sure that you are allowed to walk out over here if you don't like it, or at least I've never seen it. The b**kst**bing and g***pl**s are just as intense though.

Lea freaks me out a bit, especially when she is "cuddling" Pete. And I was prepared to dislike Richard more than I do, as he seemed like he was a typical circuit party queen with his remarks to Shabaz in the beginning. But he has changed my mind. For all of her tantrums, I like Nikki as well, although I would probably loathe her if I was stuck in the house with her.

Grace and Lisa seemed united in their vindictiveness. Lisa's seems much more of a lashing out at others before they can actually hurt her, and then when they do turn on her, she can say "See, I knew this is how you felt". Grace was just vindictive for its own sake. My feelings for Lisa have gone in exactly the opposite direction to those of Richard.
Jawsus-son Starship
20:28 / 18.06.06
And again, can Nikki just fuck right off? For the sake of her fractured psyche, can we not stage an intervention and get her into a home where she can get the care she clearly needs. And she'd probably enjoy it. She could have it as hot as she wanted, and don't straight jackets retain the heat?
20:33 / 18.06.06
"I'm cherishing every moment in here"

"I'm so cooooooooold! I want to leave! Why are you doing this to me?"

Make up your mind, you pathetic little child.
Haus of Mystery
20:37 / 18.06.06
Nikki is pure unadulterated televisual gold. I want my own pocket Nikki.



Dimogen. Please drown yourself in the pool, so Pete can weep tears for another insignificant bug lost.

Oh and please, for the love of crikey, STOP SAYING BABE YOU FUCKING SPONGE!!
20:56 / 18.06.06
I don't think Nikki's psyche is fractured - she throws inconsequential tantrums, but she knows they're tantrums and that they're inconsequential. In many ways she seems quite together, psychologically. By BB standards, she a veritable Francesco da Mosto of Selfawaria, and her tantrums are generally directed at Big Brother rather than other housemates. I would rather live with Nikki for 10 weeks than spend 10 minutes with Lisa or Mahogany Mike.
21:10 / 18.06.06
With you on Nikki, Smoothly. She's clearly still all over the place where contamination is concerned ("Can you digest people's breath?") and this probably overlaps with her past history of eating disorder, but the straitjacket evocation's somewhat extreme - and "fractured psyche" is, in a BB Household, always going to be a relative term.
21:20 / 18.06.06
Over here if the housemates lose the food competition, they only get peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the next week. Often, the household will be divided between two teams, so that the losers have to watch the winners eat regular meals.

They tried this sort of thing back in BB3 (or maybe BB4) and it came across as gimmicky and a bit dull. Ratings dropped with the fourth one and, by BB5, they'd sussed that it was all about the combination (clash) of extreme or unusual people rather than putting boring people into extreme/unusual situations.
21:23 / 18.06.06
Although it might be Glyn who talks about gaining life skillz, I do get the impression that the Big Brother experience is genuinely one of self-development for Nikki. She seems to be learning a lot about herself, and her relatively moderate response to the bad breath challenge (compared with the reaction to Dawn's BO in week 1), suggests a certain amount of growth.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:27 / 18.06.06
I'm a little worried about Aisleyne - I think she might have decided to start picking off the stragglers, and who can blame her? The problem is that the way she talks about Imogen is, while in a sense justified (very little said or done with ill intent towards Imogen could ever be unjustified), starting to lead her onto what could be quite thin ice. I don't actually believe that anyone in the BB house at this stage is trying to deliberately point their body parts at the camera, and this is far from being top of the list of Imogen's crimes, so for Aisleyne to go on to Lea about this is... well, it could be problematic, 'cos I'm not keen on it, and I loves Aisleyne, I do.

There was also that moment when she seemed to scoff at the prospect of ever kissing Glynn - now, while this is again perfectly understandable, and while Glynn claims that he accepts that she sees him as a brother, if she breaks his heart, I think the British public might turn against her.

It's a good job that, if and when she is evicted, there are people on the outside world who would be willing to support her, invite her to their DJ nights, etc.
21:37 / 18.06.06
Would you play a song especially for her though, Flyboy? Y'know, something black.
21:37 / 18.06.06
Yeah, I thought, "hmm, not a wise move, Aisleyne" when she got onto other Housemates with La Lea.
21:39 / 18.06.06
I got the impression that she was sussing out boundaries and loyalties post watergate. Still, dangerous given the prevailing moral code.
Haus of Mystery
21:39 / 18.06.06
Yeah, worrying cracks in an otherwise ace housemate. Her calling out of Grace as a spineless spiteful troll was so welcome - note how she didn't lose her rag r result to name-calling. But the seeming shit stirring with the Riddler (Lea)was not s good sign.

I await further developments.

However somebody needs to twonk Shortround with a frying pan real soon - when was the last time she did anything other than scowl? (smoking and/or swearing doesn't count)

Was the Man-Cow making Man-Cow eyes at Dimogen? Of course he was. His groindar was making him do it. Loved it when Lisa was trying to prod him to say that he was moping over Grace's absence, only to be informed that he was "chillin'".
Priceless Man-Cow. Priceless.
21:42 / 18.06.06
I so want Mikey and Imogen to ged it own.
21:57 / 18.06.06
I want Mikey and anybody to ged it owwwn - although I seriously doubt it'd bother whatsername for more than a second or two. He served his purpose.

I thought this evening's highlights showcased Richard quite well, flaws and all. While I think he's guilty of overestimating his own ability to deal with conflict through face-to-face air-clearing chats (as he'd been attempting to do with Lisa), at least he tries to do something constructive. I think he genuinely wants the House to be harmonious, and has a tendency toward optimism in the wake of each eviction; he projects all the negativity onto the person who's just left (in the case of Sezer and of Grace, this wasn't necessarily unreasonable) and expresses rosy optimism about everyone else. This at least means he'll have another go at resolving differences once he perceives the dynamic to have changed.
22:12 / 18.06.06
Oh I thought he handled the abortive chat with Lisa really well. I don't think he overestimates his own ability to deal with conflict (after the event) as much as he overestimates other people's ability to do their own share of the heavy lifting. I'd have been pretty annoyed by Lisa's refusal to even acknowledge the olive branch.
22:19 / 18.06.06
I don't think he overestimates his own ability to deal with conflict (after the event) as much as he overestimates other people's ability to do their own share of the heavy lifting.

Yeah, that's probably nearer the mark. He's clearly a big fan of 'talking it over', and perhaps underestimates the sheer passive-aggressive pettiness of some of his Housemates, in being unable or unwilling to let go of their resentments. I think Richard's willingness to forgive and forget is something many of the others simply cannot grasp, mentally, hence the paranoid interpretation of his behaviour as "two-faced", "arse-licking", "game-playing", etc., etc.

I'd have been fucked off about Lisa saying she couldn't be bothered, but I'd probably have been more fucked off about Dimogen's sneery after-the-event dismissal of the attempt to reconnect with her following Sezer's eviction.
22:25 / 18.06.06
Naturally, the DS haterz see it all as yet more evidence of Richard's homo-scented evil.
Jawsus-son Starship
22:26 / 18.06.06
Err - fyi Ganesh, it's no longer arse licking, it's now arse sucking. Which is also Nikki's fault.

Tonight's episode shows the world that Lisa has all the colours of the aggresive rainbow down pat. But on the other hand, I love her hair. I want to brush it.

I'm going back to the barn.
22:30 / 18.06.06
I want to brush it aside for a good hard blow to the occiput.
Jawsus-son Starship
22:33 / 18.06.06
what's an occiput?
22:34 / 18.06.06
Look it up. It's at the back of your mind.
22:35 / 18.06.06
It has eight tentacles and a beak, does it not?
23:43 / 18.06.06
How do you titilate an occiput? Wait, wrong room.
haus of fraser
08:28 / 19.06.06
Does anybody know the twist yet this week?

My guess is that all those caught discussing nominations will automatically be up for eviction- It kinda makes sense cos this lot don't seem to be responding to loosing their vote- a bit too thick.
So my reckoning this puts Lisa, Lea, Imogen and Nikki up for eviction.

so we say goodbye to Lisa this week for sure- cos even if its a standard eviction her tantrums are bound to have got her nominations from enough other housemates.

I saw an opinion pole which put richard second in line to go- with Nikki 3rd.

My thoughts are once the more vocal 'plastics' have gone (reackon lisa is a sure thing) then Man Cow and Imodium will manage to sit things out for a couple of weeks and we'll loose the likes of Nikki, Lea and Richard leading to a final week with Glyn, Pete, Dimogin, Aishlyne (sp!) and Mikey.

what d'ya think?
Evil Scientist
09:02 / 19.06.06
How do you titilate an occiput?

At last, the time is right for me to start the Occiput Titilation 101 thread!

My guess is that all those caught discussing nominations will automatically be up for eviction

That would be the most logical progression. Hopefully they'll also show the others the conversation taking place. I think it's about time Richard got to hear some of the crap Lea's been slinging his way.

I suppose the downside of that is that it'd make Big Dick feel a lot more isolated. But at least he'd have the mental huggles of seeing the perps wriggle on a fish-hook all week waiting for the sword to fall on them (to mix my metaphors).

I'm hoping they're all up. If only so Imgoen has to go through yet another week without being able to nominate.
Haus of Mystery
09:42 / 19.06.06
I imagine Richard will go down hard when his time comes. I can imagine the haterz uniting against him. Which is a shame, as he really does seem like a nice man. Even when bitching he tries to counter it by acknowledging that it's unfair or unhelpful.

Dimogen is top of my shitlist right now, by sheer fact that she

a) has co-opted Grace's loathsome 'babe' as her own
b) has no desire to do anything with her time in the house except be resigned to the fact that TEh KonspIRAZCY will have her out next, ergo she should sit around like a grouch in her tracky bottoms
c) the fact that she is, apparently, 'over it' about everything.
d) the fact that she's as dull as a bottle of cloudy piss

Also: this year the actual nomination process has been totally hindered by the fact that the 'bitching' crew continually lose their right to vote. It seems like an afterthought this year, as it's patently obvious who will vote for who, so clearly are the battle lines drawn.
Eloi Tsabaoth
09:49 / 19.06.06
Yeah, enough sitting around already. Shouldn't Nikki be building a time machine so she can go and find Willis Haviland Carrier and stab him in the kidney?
11:22 / 19.06.06
Much as I dislike Imogen, I gotta say it'd be hilarious if she actually won, but spent her entire time in the house unable to nominate.
Mourne Kransky
11:34 / 19.06.06
She was complaining in the diary room that "everybody I like is being evicted one by one. When will someone I hate be put out of the house?" Um, after the Plastics have all gone.

Her own part in that process: getting disqualified twice from nominating, glossed over, and the purport of the evident public animus against the Plastics entirely ignored.

You're the one making the misjudgments, Bwbachod, not the GBP.

Some lovely fantasies on the Digital Spy board about Grace keeping her promises to Lisa after Lisa's bounced. Seems likely that Gracie will be taking Lisa to China White's or for lunch in Harvey Nicks, no?

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