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Big Brother 2006


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22:50 / 16.06.06
It would have been a lovely twist if, immediately after the water-throwing, BB or Davina had announced that Grace actually had a further fifteen minutes to say her goodbyes...
22:55 / 16.06.06
I had that moment of red mist again. After Grace chucked the water and called Aisleyne a "moose", I was seriously thinking, "no, slapping wouldn't leave enough of a mark" and fantasising about getting a good fist's worth of Grace's hair and using that to hold her head in place while repeatedly slamming the Diary Room door on it again and again until bonesplinteriness.
22:59 / 16.06.06
Shame that Glyn joined the plastic population when push came to shove. I'm finding it hard to gauge the full implications of water-gate from the live feed, but I assume it's polarised the two groups even further.

It's a shame that Aisleyne's gang (it's fast becoming her gang isn't it?) didn't chase Grace out into the baying crowd with a volley of boos of their own.
23:00 / 16.06.06
So can someone give me the lowdown on the bike-throwing? As far as I can gather from various contradictory DS threads, Aisleyne said Lisa and Imogen had encouraged... oh, whatserface, you know, evil thing- to chuck the water at Suze, and Lisa kicked off... that about right?
23:01 / 16.06.06
White Queen Rrrrising!
23:02 / 16.06.06
Yes, we now have the Hellfire Club!

And they are the good guys!
Tryphena Absent
00:28 / 17.06.06
Davina isn't good at this. They should get a new interviewer.
00:30 / 17.06.06
I'll do it!
00:34 / 17.06.06
I'll do it. If they replace the curvy chairs with something hard and cornery.
Mourne Kransky
00:46 / 17.06.06
I'd do it but they'd have to have a clause in the contract stipulating electrodes. I'd be like Chloe on 24 with her taser when pestered by the lummox in the bar.

Bend over, Mikey. Papa has a surprise for you. Mind you, all of human life is a surprise to moronic Mikey.

I thought he had a 2/1 degree from somewhere in something? Speaking in tongues? MA Hons in Eating Ice Cream? He apparently has three GCSEs - in needlework, balls scratching and the tormenting of the minge. C Grades. Can you get into a university these days with three C Grades and not be Prince Edward? All Tony Blair's fault, clearly.

Jawsus-son Starship
08:12 / 17.06.06
In regards to mikey's argument with nikki - nikki is a proper dick. How can someone get to there twenties and still think that that level of drama over everything is normal? And, while mikey is a hypocrite about stealing booze, doesn't the same rule apply to nikki?

And is any one else feed up of pete's inability to actually grow a pair and stand up for something?
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:54 / 17.06.06
And yet Davina laughs it off when Grace walks out? Annoying.

I don't think she laughed it off - she made sure to mention it straight away as the first thing in the interview and seemed pretty pissed off by it. I'm not a huge fan of Davina and in previous years there have been some shocking omissions in terms of what was mentioned, but I don't think she's been "soft-pedalling" this year particularly, and I often wonder what some people expect her to do - punch Grace? Slap the cuffs on Sezer?

Anyway... it looked from the very end of last night like Mikey and Imogen were already happy to chat with Richard, Awesome Aisleyne, etc., as predicted, after Lisa's tantrum. I think they're both already considering their options. In slightly different ways...
dance margarita
10:17 / 17.06.06
mikey has a degree in 'multimedia and internet technology', apparently. there is something wrong with this, i just cant put my finger on what it is. grace 'has' a degree in dance in performing arts, which is also odd, seeing as how shes only 20, and therefore must have gone to uni when she was 17? straight from big school, with no gap year sunning herself on the beaches of a fierce little island called ko something thats not in any of the guidebooks and they have these wicked fullmoon parties like in the old days only you have to pay $20 to get in and you get fed free champagne all evening by all these little thai kids painted blue? or something similar. staying on a ranch just outside buenos aires with the kids of a business partner of her dad's, i dont know. its all a tiny bit fishy.

she was the perfect housemate you know. there isnt anyone left in there at whom i can direct such a perfect, crystalline shard of pure dislike. lisa's shouting has become the annoyance equivalent of charlie brown's schoolteacher, 'rangh rangh rangh fuckin' rangh'; even at his most unpleasant hating vernon is like hating plastic burger cheese, you know by rights you should but you cant summon up the energy. she's gone and im glad but i will miss her too, with her primark tshirts and fierce belgian cowboy boots. she was so spectacularly loathsome.
Haus of Mystery
11:11 / 17.06.06
I often wonder what some people expect her to do - punch Grace? Slap the cuffs on Sezer?

I agree with Fly here. Whilst we would all dearly love to see Grace pelted to death by angrily flung cell phones, or Sezer's face rubbed in dog shit, BB (and hence Davina) do have a small rersponsibility to the fragility of the schmucks who put themselves up for public judgement. Grace has given them great telly, and they've milked her villainy for all it's worth. At the end of the day it's a bit evil to then publicly crucify the evil little twiglet, however satisfying that would be.

(My girlfriend suggested the best thing would have been to silence the crowd completely, and then when Graze walked out Davina should calmly walk up to her, slap her firmly across the chops saying "This is on behalf of England. And you're family aren't here." Does sound good...)
11:37 / 17.06.06
I don't think she laughed it off - she made sure to mention it straight away as the first thing in the interview and seemed pretty pissed off by it.

She mentioned it a question or two into the interview, but she didn't look "pissed off" to me. Grace did her giggly "well, she looked like Lady Muck just sitting there" apology-cum-justification and we cut back to Davina tittering in an all-girls-together ooh-you-are-awful-but-funnee moment of naughty hilarity.
11:38 / 17.06.06

tea and biscuits
11:39 / 17.06.06
If one of the HMs had physically attacked Grace they would have been removed, violence is not tolerated in the House. Grace only got away with it because she was leaving immediately.

The quietly growing genuine mutual affection between Pete and Nikki right now is lovely, long may it continue.
11:45 / 17.06.06
And, while mikey is a hypocrite about stealing booze, doesn't the same rule apply to nikki?

Or even Grace? Rather than apologising to Mikey, perhaps Nikki should've flung water over him?

Nikki's argument was that she had less wine than everyone else (only the one glass) and that that bottle of beer was her share. She was saving it for the evening so that, if she were evicted, she could down it before leaving the House. Given that about-to-face-the-madding-crowd Housemates are generally cut some degree of slack, I don't think the above was terribly unreasonable. I think going under someone's pillow, removing what they've put there and consuming it oneself is rather unreasonable.
11:46 / 17.06.06
I'll do it. If they replace the curvy chairs with something hard and cornery.

lol. My evil mind saw your point.
Jawsus-son Starship
11:54 / 17.06.06
Ganesh, you're right. But it's hard to sympathise with someone when you want to smash their face in. Nikki is just as much of a nightmare as Lisa, but people think its cute. It is not cute. I have nightmares about the way that girl reacts. I'm crying as I type.
12:02 / 17.06.06
At the end of the day it's a bit evil to then publicly crucify the evil little twiglet, however satisfying that would be.

Not calling for crucifixion (it'd take too long) but Davina does vary the extent to which she's complicit with any given Housemate, in her eviction interview. There have been interviews notable for their stoniness - Maxwell's springs to mind, as does Makosi's - and she's definitely capable of fine-tuning the approval:disapproval ratio. What pissed me off about this interview was Davina's heavy skewing towards laughing approval in the face of Grace's Selfawhere?ian yeah-but-that's-just-me-babes self-justification. Maxwell tried the same thing, with his cheeky-chappyism, and Davina was having none of it. It would've been perfectly possibly for her to be reassuring non-crucifying, while making it clear that the bad behaviour was not excusable on grounds of being supposedly funneeee.
12:09 / 17.06.06
Nikki is just as much of a nightmare as Lisa, but people think its cute. It is not cute.

'Cute' is perhaps the wrong word, but it is utterly hilarious - and utterly different from Lisa's fookin' bundle of fookin' concentrated fookin' hate. I don't want to smash Nikki's face in at all (although I do sometimes want to give her a slap), but I generally want to slam Lisa's into pointy edges. I'm a little worried about how violent this year's BB is making the inside of my head.

Nikki's also able to caaalm down (copyright Comedy Scouser Mikey, 2006) eventually, evaluate her own behaviour and apologise. I don't think I've seen Lisa do this, except in a half-assed, faintly mocking way with Pete.

I accept that Nikki's redeeming features are highly subjective. To me, they're definitely there, though.
12:19 / 17.06.06
To whit; Nikki comes from frustration and confusionville. Lisa comes from the Dark Underkingdom of Hate.
12:38 / 17.06.06
Or, if you read Charlie Brooker today, from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Interesting piece from Brooker, apparently written on Tuesday. Given Grace's spiritedly unSelfawarian drive to keep the obnoxiometer ticking over, I suspect he'll have recovered his Grace-hate by next week's column.
Tryphena Absent
13:19 / 17.06.06
grace 'has' a degree in dance in performing arts, which is also odd, seeing as how shes only 20

Clearly you haven't been paying attention. Grace is a LEO making her young for her year. On top of that she went to stage school. She didn't do A levels or go to university but went straight into a vocational dance course at a specialised school.
13:35 / 17.06.06
The Chelsea School of Performing Evil?

Alex's Grandma
13:50 / 17.06.06
Personally just hoping that everywhere the little minx goes for the next six months, she'll have pints of Stella, glasses of champagne etc tossed in her face, followed by 'that's-just-me-babes-deal-with-it-get-over-it-ha-ha.'

Actually, come to think of it, it probably wouldn't be that hard to track her down ...

We could have a Barbe-outing.
14:00 / 17.06.06
Personally just hoping that everywhere the little minx goes for the next six months, she'll have pints of Stella, glasses of champagne etc tossed in her face, followed by 'that's-just-me-babes-deal-with-it-get-over-it-ha-ha.'

You're lucky, Grandma, what with your catheter bag. Always prepared. Don't forget to apologise beforehand, because that makes it okay.

Interestingly, the Digital Spy moderators have been deleting threads to this effect; presumably they're worried about being accused of inciting assault, or sparking a Mace Grace In The Face campaign, something of that ilk.
autopilot disengaged
14:21 / 17.06.06
i fear i may have caused myself an internal injury when nikki was co-erced into apologising for hiding her own (by fair share) beer.
Haus of Mystery
14:58 / 17.06.06
Mikey the Cow-Man is definitely on my shit list, and what grates the most is he'll prolly get quite far, and be held up as a 'nice, ordinary bloke' upon his release, whereas he is in fact a single-celled penis bore of the highest (lowest) order.

S'a bit of a shame no-one grabbed Grate as she bravely scarpered apres water chucking and forced her to acknowledge her spineless bullying. Gah! One arm-lock and the BB Security would have been in like a flash, thus bringing anarchy to her exit.

Also: Reaaaaallly hating the youth-fascism of the plastics. They really think that by the very fact they are YOUNG! and SHINY! they are more interesting than the others. Yes, Imogen you are a fascinating creature. Almost otherworldy in your complexity. NGGGN.

Also: Lisa's screwed up little face is really winding me up. Perhaps one of the taller house mates could hang on a coat hook and leave her thrashing around like a mackerel.
Peach Pie
17:44 / 17.06.06
I'm relatively inexperienced in watching BB evictions, but is the walk to the stage always that short? Was it shortened specifically for Grace? They also cut to a commercial break imbetween her coming out and being questioned. Is that normal? And they failed to threaten her little world by showing her any of the housemates' critical comments of her.

Some of us might have hoped for a belated trip to selfawaria after she was forced to watch the effects of her posison being spread around the house. Instead, she explained her behavior in terms of her gender, age, and profession. I was half expecting her to finger the oxygen in the air as the next culprit.
19:19 / 17.06.06
One begins to get a sense of why Grace is the way she is:

Mrs Short had expressed fears about how Grace would cope with the negative reception but after seeing her daughter said: "I think some of the audience watching realised she isn't like she was made out to be and changed their minds about her.

"Pop agents are clamouring for her, she'll probably make more money than the winner. They are saying they've never seen someone so confident in the face of boos and have so much courage and bottle. She's got a mother from Plymouth, has been in the army cadets and has done the Ten Tors, she knows how to be tough."

Way to reinforce shitbiscuit behaviour, Mrs S.

I find myself reminded of a particular kind of mother/child dynamic...
19:32 / 17.06.06
Grace: "They're fucking gunning for me."

Imogen: "They're jealous."

Yes. We're jealous. And we hate Grace's freedom.
Mourne Kransky
19:37 / 17.06.06
Mama Grace is quite litiginous. She also has brought a suit against God for giving Grace a face like a potato and against November for Spawning a Monster.
Tryphena Absent
19:49 / 17.06.06
I find Davina's interviews unsatisfactory because she consistently asks a question, receives an answer that frankly we've heard 10 times and leaves it at that. That's not a good interview and it's not entirely her fault but I dislike her manner of delivery. If they have to have a friendly interview at the end I'd prefer them to swap Dermot and Davina because I like the way he addresses questions.

The plastics respond to someone throwing a glass of water over someone else with accusations of arse-licking and then call Richard childish but think throwing water is fair. Can someone please teach them some analytical skills when they leave the house?

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