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Doctor Who: Season 2 UK


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Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:40 / 20.06.06
Perhaps because, in a way, he is indescribable. He just is, the Doctor.
20:43 / 20.06.06
Dr Who, number one programme for blonde-on-ropeladder fetishists everywhere. FACT.
20:43 / 20.06.06
20:44 / 20.06.06
Dr Who, number one programme for blonde-on-ropeladder fetishists everywhere. FACT.

Would it be inappropriate for me to wonder how they became blind in the first place?

It probably would, wouldn't it?
20:54 / 20.06.06
And brunette on rope-ladder fetishists too for those that remember Sophie Aldred climbing up one in the Curse of Fenric...
20:56 / 20.06.06
I seriously recommend the voice-over, if only for the way the guy pronounces "rope. ladder."

Actually, I may start watching all of them like that. It really does add an extra dimension.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
21:00 / 20.06.06
I like watching season one with the captions on because it's funny to see how hard the people who do it were trying to keep up with the dialogue.

I've never seen so many misspelled words and question marks before. It's as though they were like, "Fuck it. I can't understand what that pokey-eared bastard is saying anyway."
Whisky Priestess
23:13 / 20.06.06

Let that be an end of it.
Mike Modular
00:41 / 21.06.06
Finally just watched Love & Monsters and... I liked it. I can see how it might polarize people like 'The Girl Who Was Death' does for Prisoner fans (which I also like...) but I'm all for a bit of sillyness now and then and thought Elton was a strong lead character (yes, good potential companion material) and I was enjoying getting to know the rest of LINDA before they were absorbed. If I'm disappointed by anything it's that we're unlikely to see these characters again. Great cast, too, what with Michael from Alan Partridge and Bella Emberg (!) as Old Woman In Street. They should get Russ Abbot to be the Master... Actually, that might be quite scary.

Loved that the TARDIS was "the best sound in the world". I'm inclined to agree. Who'd have thunk it of a key scraping piano strings?
06:55 / 21.06.06
I really want the monster in Fear Her to be an animated, hand drawn effect that interacts with real surroundings. Like Roger Rabbit, except less frightening.

I'm personally hoping for a hand-drawn Norwegian.
Evil Scientist
08:17 / 21.06.06
And brunette on rope-ladder fetishists too for those that remember Sophie Aldred climbing up one in the Curse of Fenric...

Mmm...Ace in stockings getting pawed by the undead.


Sorry...drifted off for a moment there.
09:55 / 21.06.06
Mmm.... me too, followed by yummy visions of Jo Frost as the next companion. Doctor and Supernanny: "Oi, Master, on to the naughty step."
Gypsy Lantern
11:25 / 21.06.06
Have you considered the possibility that it never happened? That in fact nothing happened at all aside from the bits on the video camera? What if Elton is simply deranged and projecting this entire scenario to "explain" his mother's death and justify his obsession?


Well, the advantage of this is that you can really turn Elton into a severely fucked-up character with this kind of thing. Like, if this is all screen memories to cover up the death of his mother - what are those screen memories realy hiding? You can turn Elton into an impossibly deranged and actually frightening character with this, screen memories on top of screen memories until the ultimate revelation, that Elton is in fact The Master's programmed super-assassin, an assassin so secret that even he doesn't know who he is - or the terrible thing that he will one day do.

Or maybe Elton's mother had a miniature Dalek the size of a thimble implanted in her heart and the shadow creature was really trying to stop it, before the Doctor interfered, but it passed into Elton and his video diary contains subliminal messages that can only be interpreted by the reincarnation of Davros who is destined to come across the video in 200 years time and decode the secret blueprints for building new Daleks.

There is about as much evidence in the content of the episode to sustain that theory (ie, absolutely none at all) as there is to sustain the two scenarios suggested above. Can it not just be a fun/creepy little standalone episode?
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:32 / 21.06.06
No. Also:

Doctor = King Mob = blue
Rose = Ragged Robin = red
Mickey(Eye) = Boy = white
Captain Jack = Lord Fanny = green
Jackie = El-Fayed = yellow
Elton = Jack Frost = pink
Tardis = John A'Dreams = purple
12:04 / 21.06.06
that Elton is in fact The Master's programmed super-assassin, an assassin so secret that even he doesn't know who he is

Evil Scientist
12:47 / 21.06.06
(singing) Who loves short shorts? Turlough loves short shorts!
13:12 / 21.06.06
I *loved* this episode. The way the humour and weirdness mixed was very satisfying. And I can't imagine the paving-slab face happening in any other mainstream tv prog (cue long list from more knowledgable types).

A joy to see more of Jackie, too. That bit where Elton lists the four steps, and she basically does it all for him - brilliant. Was that an original gag?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:40 / 21.06.06
Loved that the TARDIS was "the best sound in the world". I'm inclined to agree. Who'd have thunk it of a key scraping piano strings?

And when that becomes available as a ringtone, I am so on it.
14:22 / 21.06.06
No. Also:

Doctor = King Mob = blue
Rose = Ragged Robin = red
Mickey(Eye) = Boy = white
Captain Jack = Lord Fanny = green
Jackie = El-Fayed = yellow
Elton = Jack Frost = pink
Tardis = John A'Dreams = purple

Ooh, naughty Flyboy!
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
15:43 / 21.06.06
Hmmm, I first watched this episode Saturday night, after having had considerable to drink, and was under the entirely incorrect alcohol fueled impression that it was a bit shit until rewatching it sober yesterday. In fact not only is in not in the slightest bit shit, but the periodic murder of the members of LINDA is one of the most genuinely heartbreaking bits of telly I’ve seen in a while. What really gets to me though is the incredible nastiness and the probably incredible wrongness of Ursula the Pavingslabgirlfriend at the end. Seems to me like in ‘saving’ her the Doctor did almost the worst possible thing he could have done in the situation. Sure it might all be fine for a while, it might all be fine for as long as Elton lives, but Ursula is now a quite possibly immortal quadriplegic, even assuming their relationship lasts for the rest of Elton’s life and it’s brilliant and wonderful for every second poor Ursula’s going to have to watch him grow old and die while she doesn’t, and might well have to live for an awfully long time without here lover/carer after he’s gone, a prospect which fills me with a sort of tragic horror. Having pavingslabursula isn’t even necessarily the best thing for Elton either – I mean I imagine he feels an good deal better at the end of the story than he would if she were properly dead, but now he’s never going to be able to move on, and he’s going to spend his whole life knowing that when he goes Ursula’s going to be on her own. The ‘saving’ of Ursula for me beats anything this series of Who has done, both for absolute nastiness and wonderful romanticism.
19:27 / 21.06.06
There is about as much evidence in the content of the episode to sustain that theory (ie, absolutely none at all) as there is to sustain the two scenarios suggested above.

Oh, absolutely. I was just saying that if they were going to have Elton be deranged and delusional they might as well go hog wild with it. They won't, though, obviously.

Then again we have had PavingSlabGirlfriend, so...

Who's Turlough?
Mister Six, whom all the girls
19:33 / 21.06.06

(the skinny)
Vislor Turlough (also spelled Vizlor Turlough) or simply Turlough is a fictional character played by Mark Strickson in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. He was a companion of the Fifth Doctor, being a regular in the programme from 1983 to 1984.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:17 / 21.06.06
Dear RTD,
Please bring back Turlough next year. kthxby.
20:18 / 21.06.06
and was tricked by the Black Guardian into becoming his secret assassin, trying to kill the doctor. Unconvincingly.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
21:05 / 21.06.06
... and talked to the devil in his shotglass.

I guess I should start a Classic Dr Who series thread, huh?
21:14 / 21.06.06
I think that might be an idea - there's clearly a will to talk about it.
21:32 / 21.06.06
I'll be there. You sure there's not one already?
22:47 / 21.06.06
I thought there was... must go search.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
01:00 / 22.06.06
I thought so as well but cannot find one.

Any objections to starting a new thread?
10:37 / 22.06.06
i don't think there is - time for Classic Who: Seasons 1-26 ...
10:45 / 22.06.06
I thought there was...

Chameleon Circuits.
11:49 / 22.06.06
Perhaps it got lost in a CVE.
12:46 / 22.06.06
I think there was, but it had a funny name and probably isn't searchable. Fairly sure it didn't last long, though, so a new one is appreciated. See you there!
Gypsy Lantern
13:07 / 22.06.06
The thread about old Who is called "Doctor Who DVDs". But it only comes up in the search results when you type in the obscure, misleading search terms "Doctor Who"...
09:05 / 23.06.06
and talked to the devil in his shotglass

It's not just me who does that, then?

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