Let's see. Well, I began really interacting with my guild in a more active way around level 53-55, and began the really hard instances then. Raids are actually a ginormous extrapolations of those, so it feels kind of natural to feel invited to the big parties.
But the impetus to do quests is almost completely gone. You lose the xp bar, and realize you can play nonstop without fear of the blue turning to purple. I'd been told it starts feeling like a different game and I can say: yes, so far, it does.
You suddenly begin to realize that reputation are the bars you need to follow for the foreseeable future. Those who've decided betwen Magram and Gelkis in Desolace know of what I speak. The next rep to work on is Timbermaw, so you can make it to Winterspring. You can make it through the pass after the first 3000, but you can't talk to them until you get the next 3k. Tedious as all get out to kill teddy bears and collect feathers from their carcasses.
If you plan to do either Molten Core you should consider tracking down the friendly water elementals in Azshara. They are the Hydraxian Waterlords and offer fire resist bonuses. They send you to Silithus, where you can also work on Cenarian Circle rep by killing elementals and silithid bugs.
And farming! Not sure if you pick flowers or mine, but suddenly you find yourself putting aside time to just go to Burning Steppes or Un'Goro to get herbs and mithril. Farming is a pain, but by the time you're sixty, you should have a bevy of friend in the same situation. Grouping to farm, though it sounds contradictory, is often the only way to do it while keeping your sanity. You NEED the money for repairs after raids, so you kind of have to farm just to make ends meet.
Working on gear sets is a big deal, and I've set my sights low with Urth. I just want Wildheart Teir 0.5 set, while I learn and explore. Lots of people being to work on collecting cards, but I don't understand all that yet.
There's a great deal of emphasis in my guild about farming rep and resources, but I already feel nostalgic for the growing up, and LFG in any measly old yellow or orange quest series. I almost wish there was a way to post yourself up as a guide-for-hire so you could help others in their growth. |