Well, I'm enjoying it so far, although my machine seems to be having some stability issues, which causes it to crash about every hour or so on average.
There's a fair bit of "grinding" involved, although not quite as much as I've seen in other MMORPGs, which is nice. I like the look and feel of the place, too - every race/species/giant-cow-with-a-blunderbuss! starts out in a different location, there's a very nice range of different looks for the characters, and the scenery and animations are very nice indeed. The quests are proving more interesting than usual, although there's a fair number of "go and kill 19 Spobby Bats for me" and "I want you to bring me 12 Lesser Grated Fnargle Hides" in there to bore us to tears.
Behaviour of the other players is... somewhat random. I'm on an RP server, and I'd estimate that maybe one third of the players on there are trying to RP and follow the specified naming and behaviour conventions. Most of the rest are playing nicely but talking and acting just like players act in every other MMORPG, to wit, OOC all the time, "WLG to do Flobble Lair dungeon must get Spargium Armor WLTS Level 23 Toothpicks blah blah blah", which, hey, I don't really mind, but it's kinda against the idea of the thing, makes me feel a little Leeeeeeeroy!!; and one or two players are just taking the piss, but I guess that happens everywhere.
But... there are some really nice types out there, too, and it's been good fun so far. 
On the subject of character gender as mentioned above, I find myself playing male characters all the time. It's almost a point of principle, I suppose: as in the real, waking world I would much prefer not to be male, but am sadly stuck with it, I refuse myself the luxury of acting out a female role as an escapist fantasy... ...I wonder if that's a common thing? It's not that I've never tried playing female characters in RP, hell, I've even LRPed female characters (although not of my own choice) a couple of times, but I generally avoid them. |