I've played recently with a guest pass, and even if it's quite amazing in proportions and some bits here and there that can leave your chin in the floor, in general I felt like Dupre.
It's too much time-draining (but not in the sense of effort or challenge) for too little. Too much walkabout in similar territories for too long (I know there's a bunch more -- and I probably have just seen 2% of the world) but for every 1 bit of variety there's 100 too much of the same prairie slow walkings, and endless animal killings (that sometimes don't even drop an item you need, so you need to kill 5 to get 1 out of the 10 items you need).
But my first pet, my first flying ride, my first shamanic initiation experience, my first oceanic discovery, the first time I saw town centers with the varieties of environs, atmospheres, races, classes, flows, people, levels, design, presentation... I have to admit, those were really fucking awesome.
(without mentioning my friend gave me a virtual tour of some parts of the world and their history, cultures, architectures, races etc. That was the coolest experience for me, felt like an actual immersive [in the virtual-world sense, and in the tour-spoken-word sense] nicely delivered tour -- it's not always you get to hear about a world's dead king's history with your tour guide standing over his coffin while sounds of the past echoes in the background and you vaguely remember past warcrafts as a rich fauna of people zip by like a colorful and surreal Mos Eisly Mythic Bazar...) |