I had a very long and not really fruitful or effective discussion with another player this afternoon and want to ask your opinion about what happened here.
What started it:
I, a lv 19 gnome warlock, was running along some Loch Modan hills, when I saw this lv 15 hunter fight a lv 14-16 bear-monster. While running, I shot some fireballs with my wand at the bear and told my imp-pet to do the same, thus almost instantly killing the already wounded bear. The hunter himself just stood there (as I was told later, I had assumed he was shooting at the bear monster), while his bear-pet was fighting it.
The whole incident lasted less than five seconds.
Now the hunter-player whispered me, and we had this long discussion, where he wanted me to understand why he did not want my help and I explained to him, that it was no bother for me and could he please explain to me, why it was bothering him.
Here is the second part of the discussion, the first part (we talked for about an hour!) was already gone, when I thought of posting it here and scrolled back for saving the discussion):

I still don´t know, what his problem was. Was he pulling my leg or trying to have some weird roleplaying (notice his name is ominous)? Is he simply not able to explain to me, that he does not want any help at all?
I have never before in my two WoW months encountered anything like it.
First: someone not wanting help and seemingly being offended and
Second: most players talk in abbreviations (fth, dnt hlp mew plz lil gnme, y sck, afk, etc), and he had all the time in the world to not get his point across.
Was I at fault? Did I have a blind spot? Somehow, the discussion reminded me of Barbelith, where we sometimes also talk for a long time in circles and don´t seem to find a common ground.
What is your opinion about all this? |