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Text Adventure Game Emulator #1


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8===>Q: alyn
03:37 / 30.11.07
Get satchel.

Go North.

Sing, "DUM de DUM, deedindin-deedee,
DUM de DUM, deedindin-deedee,
And it doesn't seem faaaaaa-yer
That your wicked words should work in holding me down!
It doesn't seem ri-hi-hee-hight
To take information
Given at close range
For the gag...
And the bind...
And the ammunition raaaah-aaaaah-aaaah-ound...

This is not about love!
'Coz I am not in love!
In fact I can't

I missss thaaaat stooooo piiiiiiid

For God's sake, keep going North!
Evil Scientist
06:30 / 30.11.07
For God's sake, keep going North!

As stealthy as possible.

Stop singing. Confirm thermos of special (and hot) coffee is still in my satchel.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:52 / 30.11.07
You pick up the satchel (which has never contained the thermos, which in turn no longer contains the coffee) and walk north, entering the closet, singing 'Not About Love' by Fiona Apple. You stop singing and, treading very carefully to minimise the noise of crunching mothballs and creaking wood, creep north through the dark, until you reach the other door. You push it open and step through.

You are in a well-appointed Office. It is furnished in sharp contrast to the rest of the Facility, with fashionably minimalistic white walls and floors of pale varnished wood. An ergonomically moulded reclining black leather chair sits behind a semi-circular desk of gleaming stainless steel to the EAST. There are some papers on the desk. Behind the desk is a large framed photograph of a forest scene.

The wall to the NORTH is largely made of one floor-to-ceiling pane of glass, with a sliding glass-paned door. Through it, you can see a balcony of white-painted timber, and blue sky beyond it.

There is another, plainer door to the WEST.

There is a closet to the SOUTH.
12:21 / 30.11.07
Flee, seizing nearest likely-looking improvised weapon.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:23 / 30.11.07
I don't understand that instruction.

In which direction do you wish to flee?

What item do you wish to take?
12:23 / 30.11.07
...while feeling relieved we didn't eat a friendly rat's head or get tortured to death, reminding self to think twice before strapping myself to an operating table next time, thinking "What the fuck was I thinking?"
12:25 / 30.11.07
[sorry, I was a page behind]
Read papers on desk
Examine closet
13:12 / 30.11.07
Check if there is anything hidden behind the framed forest picture on the wall
8===>Q: alyn
13:34 / 30.11.07
Search desk.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:30 / 30.11.07
The closet is large and imposing, and made of dark, burnished wood. You decide that on second thoughts, you don't need to examine the closet you just stepped out of any further than that.

You examine the papers on the desk. The top sheet of paper reads:


FROM: Bella Spring, Finance Division, Abraham Facility
TO: Andre Gregory, Director, Abraham Facility

This is to confirm that our assessment of the feasibility of the proposed business model for Assignment #23 has been completed. You had requested that we flag up in particular any issues relating to expendability. Our key findings in this area are:

i) Profit above and beyond cost of creating Assignment #23 can be recouped in a single job, if #23 is hired out at an appropriate day rate. Thus, so long as a mission is successful completed, it is financially viable for #23 to be destroyed during or after the mission.

ii) If however #23 is damaged or destroyed before successful programming has been completed, a considerable loss will have been incurred. We therefore advise treating #23 as inexpendable until programming has been accomplished.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself or a member of my team if you have any further questions.


15:42 / 30.11.07
Alex's Grandma
01:30 / 01.12.07
Bottling up the waves of rage as far as possible, open wrist with claw-like hand, and write, on the memo, in scary blood scrawl;

"This is all because of what I said about the musical episode of 'Buffy' isn't it, Father? Well okay, I understand."

Exit West, brokenly. Without guns, knives, or the ability to take any sort of joy in life, apparently. Feeling heartsick, injured, empty and doomed.
Alex's Grandma
02:24 / 01.12.07
Hum 'Hurt' to self, but not the Johnny Cash version, as favoured by readers of Q magazine, as they drive away from Ikea on Saturday afternoon; hum the original, by Nine Inch Nails.

Wonder if everything, now, will always be in the dark.

Stop to have a small cry.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:49 / 01.12.07
You do not have a claw-like hand.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:12 / 01.12.07
You continue to examine the papers on the desk. Most of them contain tables filled with numbers that have no meaning to you. One of the, however, is a short handwritten note that catches your attention. It reads:


Have concluded my investigation into the water contamination incident. It seems that a quantity of the memory suppression drug, B15-X, used in the reprogramming process, was introduced into the Facility's drinking water supply. I can't be sure, but what little evidence I do have suggests that this was deliberate, and that it was done by Professor Winter.

In the short term, you can expect small memory lapses in all employees, particularly with regard to facial recognition. However this should pass within a couple of days.

In the long term, Professor Winter's guilt needs to be established, and then he should be terminated.

Suggest you destroy this letter after reading. See you at yoga class,


You walk over to the framed forest picture on the wall, and check to see if there is anything hidden behind it. There is not.

There is a single drawer in the desk. You open it and find it contains two .45 calibre pistols. They look familiar. You check their ammo and find that they both contain two bullets each.

There is also a packet of Quavers in the drawer.
19:30 / 01.12.07
Take the Quavers and the pistols.
19:31 / 01.12.07
And also take paperwork which has so far captured interest.

Does the note to andre have chocolate marks?
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:39 / 01.12.07
You take the pistols, paperwork and the Quavers and put them in your satchel, which now contains:

- two .45 calibre pistols
- a handwritten note about water contamination at the Abraham Facility, which contains no chocolate marks
- a typed memo about your financial worth
- a packet of Quavers
- a large brass coin
- a watch
- a money clip containing 67 dollah
- the key to room 23 at a Dancing Bear Inn
- a further set of keys including the key to room 7 at the Dancing Bear Inn, a car key, a small key for a padlock or safe-deposit box, and a swipecard for the Abraham Facility
- an additional swipecard bearing the words "Prof. Winter: Science Personnel"
- a Library card
- a penknife
- a small slip of paper with a crude map drawn on it
- a Babelfish
- a mobile phone, with no battery
- the envelope Robert gave you before his untimely death

You also have a scalpel in your back trouser pocket.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:40 / 01.12.07
Your inventory is full again - you will not be able to pick up any more items without dropping one first.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:44 / 01.12.07
You exit West, but since you do have guns, knives, and the ability to take any sort of joy in life, you don't feel very heartsick, injured, empty or doomed.

You hum 'Hurt' by Nine Inch Nails to yourself happily, without interruption.

You are in a corridor. There are exits EAST and WEST.
00:06 / 02.12.07
drop - a handwritten note about water contamination at the Abraham Facility, which contains no chocolate marks

eat- quavers

go west
Regrettable Juvenilia
01:02 / 02.12.07
You drop the note, open the packet of Quavers, and eat one. It is delicious: crispy yet it melts in your mouth; cheesy yet not tasting of cheese, exactly. You stuff your face with the rest of them, ravenously, and drop the empty packet.

You go west through another door.

You are in what looks like a waiting room, furnished in a similar style to the office. To the SOUTH is an elevator. To the WEST is another door. To the NORTH is a black leather couch, and a table on which there is a small potted plant and a copy of Grazia magazine.
09:38 / 02.12.07
examine potted plant
11:09 / 02.12.07
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:08 / 02.12.07
You examine the potted plant. It is a (small) large poinsettia.

You poke around in the soil to see if anything is hidden therein, but find nothing unusual.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:12 / 02.12.07
Time passes.

A "PING!" sound heralds the elevator's arrival. Its doors slide open, and a bullet-ridden guard falls out of the elevator, landing right in front of your feet. There is another bullet-ridden guard inside the blood-stained elevator.
Alex's Grandma
15:24 / 02.12.07
Search bodies.
16:17 / 02.12.07
Arrange bodies in such a way that it suggests coitus.
Regrettable Juvenilia
16:25 / 02.12.07
You search the body of the nearest bullet-ridden guard. He was a young man, surely no more than 30. What a waste. What a terrible waste.

You look in all the pockets of his functional, grey uniform, and find only a 10 dollah bill, and a small card that says:

In the event of my death, I hereby donate my body to the Abraham Facility, for use in whatever scientific experiments are most financially rewarding.


Ronald T. Clontle

In one hand, Ronald Clontle is still gripping a FN P90 submachine gun (SMG).

You would have to enter the elevator in order to examine or do anything else with the body of the second guard.
Liger Null
20:57 / 02.12.07
Take the gun and enter the elevator.
Alex's Grandma
21:01 / 02.12.07
(take 10 dollah also)
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:36 / 02.12.07
You add the 10 dollah bill to your money clip, pick up the SMG and enter the elevator. It would be a very nice elevator, were it not for the bullet holes, copious amounts of "claret", and the dead guard slumped in the corner. You also notice that there is an open hatch above you, large enough for a person to climb through.

There is a panel with numbered buttons and lights set into the polished steel wall of the elevator, by the door. The buttons are marked as such:


The button marked 1 is currently lit up. However, moments after you enter the elevator, there is another 'PING!' sound, the doors slide quickly shut, and the button marked 3 lights up. You can feel the floor rising under your feet, and hear an electric hum as the elevator rises.
21:50 / 02.12.07
Open hatch.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:16 / 02.12.07
The hatch is already open.
8===>Q: alyn
22:34 / 02.12.07

Close hatch, slipping Library Card into the jam so the hatch stays open just a sliver.

Lie flat, peering through hatch.

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