You catch the attention of the cook, waiter, and apparent sole member of staff working at this diner today, and he comes over to your table.
"Hey bro, can I order a beer?"
He frowns in mock disapproval.
"A little early isn't it?" Then his face creases into a smile. "Nah, just kiddin', pal. You just worked a night shift, right? You got that look about you. Lemme guess" - he looks you up and down appraisingly, and seems to notice for the first time that you look like you've just washed up on a beach after a night at sea - "one of the big fishing boats out of the harbour?"
"Um... yeah", you say, trying to act as natural as possible, "The night shift... on a fishing boat... from the harbour... That's right!"
"No problem", he says. "Local brew okay? It's good stuff."
You nod your assent and add "And what are these Johnny Cakes? I've never heard of them before. Are they good?"
"Pancakes made with white cornmeal. A New England special'ty! They're delicious. A little butter, local syrup... I gotta warn ya, they're addictive."
You tell him you'll go for it. He turns to the person sitting opposite you and asks:
"'Nother coffee for you?"
The person puts the paper down on the seat next to them before you have the chance to glimpse anything more than just the headline DOLLAR SINKS TO NEW LOW AGAINST DOLLAH. The person sitting opposite you is revealed to be a very elderly, white-haired man with twinkling eyes and a neatly-trimmed white moustache, dressed in a tweed suit, checked shirt and bowtie. He smiles at you, and then at the cook. In an accent you can't place beyond it being European he says:
"Very well then!" |