If the torture/castration/generally-fucking-him-up had been portrayed in an overtly attractive or salacious manner, without any indication that the artists involved were conscious of what they were portraying, or trying to do something with it that extended past, y'know, torn-tights rapefest buggery stuff-her-in-the-fridge-when-yer-done fun.
An extended, thirty panels of Shilo spreading his legs, crotch thrust deiciously forward, moaning, flush-faced and sweaty while they went to work....
This still reads very mid to late nineties to me. Can't put my finger on it. And it can't be the art, 'cause that keeps changing, from that 'Heroes for Hire' guy forward to scratchy-ville. Anyone?
Anyhow, yes, it was cruel and vicious and mean, but it's obviously going somewhere, and it's entertaining. |