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Big Brother: Revenge of the Sixth.


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23:10 / 06.06.05
Ganesh: OMG!!!! You are Mary Teh White Witch!!!1!! Or maybe Sypha Nadon (except you meet people).

There is no hope for you now.

By the morning my Gelatin spell will have glued your mouth together leaving you powerless to contradict my Big Brother personality assessments, and I will have free reign to post my wildly inaccurate and unfounded theories...Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha!
Tryphena Absent
23:14 / 06.06.05
Moonpig went one step further in pushing Sam to apologise. To her.

I'm not sure that she deserves the name of Moonpig anymore. I had such faith in her but she has destroyed that faith, stone by stone until now, on this day, I withdraw my support.

Moonpig. Not. To. Win. *sob*
Whisky Priestess
01:20 / 07.06.05
I can't believe I've been banging on to myself about poetry when I should have been here all the time. I have been unfaithful, misled, and wrong.

Hug me, Big Brother. Then punish me.
The Strobe
08:01 / 07.06.05
I reckon a ringtone of Sam going "wheresmyfackingmakeupbaag?" could be the new Crazy Frog. Seriously. It'd be huge.

I'm enjoying this a lot, mainly through evil glee. Extra points for the hidden TV monitor in the bathroom; that was a class act, I thought.

Also: top marks to Kemal for handling Roberto; I'm not sure I could have bothered. I'm quite impressed with the snatches of Kemal I've seen. Roberto currently shits me - although Maxwell's impression of him to Big Brother was entertainingly spot on.

Also, re: Maxwell burning his NEW PANTS: ungrateful little shit.
Jack Vincennes
08:28 / 07.06.05
Maxwell had had a bin thrown at his head, though. Maybe he was still a bit concussed.

Re : the ringtone, also, there has to be an animated frantic search on screen while the phone's ringing. I'd like to think the accompanying (sp?) text message alert would be Moonpig intoning 'I love you Sam, I really do' in her creepy, emotionless way.
Evil Scientist
09:05 / 07.06.05
God I hate these people. Spiteful, vicious, narrow little people. I don't have much sympathy for Sam, but that whole makeup bag thing was brutal. Moonpig's bullying isn't exactly a revelation though, she's got a real problem with women she sees as competition. Whether they are or not.

She'll do well in the house, gamewise, simply because these bully tactics are very stressful on the target. It'll be interesting to see who she and Craig go for after Sam.

I wish they'd get people in who have slightly thicker skins though. I'm tired of watching this show only for people to come whining to BB that they want to leave. I'm sure it's more stressful than most of these wannabe C-listers are prepared for, but once you're in you should stick it out. Or simpley get yourself nominated and evicted (it's not that hard to do).

I reckon on Sam and Science being up for the vote this week.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
09:06 / 07.06.05
Re : Maxwell burning his pants...

Worth it for Saskia's expression though.
11:09 / 07.06.05
Science and Derek help Sam search for her bikini.

The Puck
17:24 / 07.06.05
Don't listen to Puck; like the rain in June and sunshine in November, people always think it was different last year. I, for one, pretty much always hate them all at the two-week point. It's part of the journey.

Yes! DO listen to Puck, these people are reprehensable bullys, morons and posers, even by big brothers standards.

OK so i do watch it every day, and yes i suppose i am emotionally involved with these people, (hate is a emotion, yes?) but i dont like myself for it, and kepping track of the arguements is making my head hurt.

Yes i am going to keep watching, but i reserve the right to pace up and down shouting with frustrated rage while i do so.
20:57 / 07.06.05
It's not big or clever, I know, but this is how the Moonpig Haterz are shaping up:

Me, I think I may be voting Craig.
21:23 / 07.06.05
Ah, now that's just mean!
Lurid Archive
21:27 / 07.06.05
Oh man. You are going to Hell for that, Nesh. Thats just evil, dude.
21:28 / 07.06.05
I'm only the messenger, duuuudes.
Essential Dazzler
22:17 / 07.06.05
Hmm. Everyone for eviction. That's novel. This'll be interesting, if a little difficult to predict
22:38 / 07.06.05
Ganesh! You're not 'only the messenger'.

By posting that picture you're implictly complying with and therefore perpetuating the long standing media representation that normal = fat.

Lesley happens to be the largest sized girl in a house full of atypically tiny female bodies. This does not mean she is overweight.
Spatula Clarke
22:45 / 07.06.05
Hang on. Why the complaints about the fat joke, but not skeletal one? A double standard, surely?
22:50 / 07.06.05
Hang on. Why the complaints about the fat joke, but not skeletal one? A double standard, surely?

Indeed. I am Heat magazine. Hear me roar.

I am rather angry with Moonpig at present. That picture shows a sprawling, greasy monster - and that's how I'm thinking of her right now.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
22:53 / 07.06.05
Oh, bollocks to Moonpig, fat, thin, nornal, whatever. Moonpig.

But owzabout that craig, and his HETERO sexual awakening and unravelling thing?

"I'm the straightest man in here."

Aware of the 'discomfortable' nature of Anthony's posturing, but just a *little* myopic about his own, much?

Craig has to stay.
23:11 / 07.06.05
Hang on. Why the complaints about the fat joke, but not skeletal one? A double standard, surely?

*Wearily* Because Sam is very thin and not a normal size. I still don't think the joke is very funny, but she's not actually typical of the female form. It's also Ganesh's comment on a picture, rather than pathetic internet claptrap created by someone who is not very good with photoshop.

Lesley is a normal size but is being hounded for being fat. Pictures like that are tiresome, stupid, and as I say, perpetuate everything that is wrong with the media's attitude towards women.

There are 15 year old girls who weigh seven stone yet are on starvation diets as a direct result of the fact that girls like Lesley are portrayed as overweight.

I like the Barbelith Big Brother threads but this one appears to be degenerating into the sort of rubbish usually posted elsewhere on BB forums, which I don't visit for precisely this reason.
Whisky Priestess
23:16 / 07.06.05
I think cultural expectations of non-skinny people may be to blame. After all, she had a lot of support when she was perceived as jolly ...
Alex's Grandma
23:17 / 07.06.05
Was Makosi really as committed to the whole 'giving Anthony a handjob' situation as she claimed later on ?

She doesn't seem the type somehow, unless the recipient was on a six figure salary - What would be the point ?

( Although, fair enough, she probably is a bit bored. )
Whisky Priestess
23:19 / 07.06.05
Perhaps it's a test of his true sexuality? (taking it as read, of course, that any heteromale would be unable to resist Makosi's ministrations).
23:32 / 07.06.05
Olulabelle, I think my "comment" on the Moonpig photo is relatively neutral. My main crime is in posting it here - and I'll readily admit (as I did, with the admittedly partial apology, "not big or clever") I was rather crass in doing so. I viewed and replicated that photo consumed in a spirit of Moonpig-hate, and was more enamoured with the imagery of Moonpig as a slimy, malevolent Jabba the Huttesque mound of venom than solely and specifically a "ho ho, isn't she fat" jibe.

I actually don't think my posting Haterzzz art here from elsewhere on the Internet has significantly wounded the thread, but I'd be sorry if you felt unable to continue posting here.
23:34 / 07.06.05
Perhaps it's a test of his true sexuality?

I'm not sure Makosi's as preoccupied with Anthony's sexuality as Craig (who likely has reason to seek out a distraction/deflection from his own knottiness in that department) and Vanessa (who's passively lapping up everything Craig - or indeed Moonpig - suggests). She's sharper than that, I think.
Tryphena Absent
23:54 / 07.06.05
Look I have to express this- as a woman I can't stand Sam, not to the point of bullying but certainly enough to hide her make-up bag because she's the kind of person that you immediately have the desire to strip of her dependency. Sam is currently dressed with her clothes unbuttoned to clearly show off her lilac wonderbra. She's leaning forward to show it all off in an utterly self-conscious way. It's unnatural, she's on show, she's putting herself on show, she's presenting for the sole purpose of attracting men and it's deplorable because she's making herself an object to be watched instead of to be heard, listened to and understood. I can't bear that she's making herself into a thing instead of being and just watching her makes me react. She's full of shame. If you don't believe that femininity is a punishment or something to be insecure about then you, as feminine and female, want to punish her and even if you don't believe that she truly deserves it (as I don't) that reaction is still there, to draw it out, expose it and make her behave in a less absurd manner. To do that you have to make her more absurd, reveal her emotion, make her collapse so hell, I understand what they were doing even if I think it was wrong. I absolutely understand it.
Spatula Clarke
00:06 / 08.06.05
Because Sam is very thin and not a normal size.

What's 'normal'? *Is* there a 'normal'? As far as I can see, you're making exactly the same mistake there that you accuse the media of making - claiming that there's a standard weight that everybody's supposed to conform to. Only, doing it the other way around.

I had copies of a couple of Heat-style rags lying around here the other day and both contained mutli-page photo spreads pointing and laughing at those female celebs who the writers had decided were "unrealistically skinny". Hounding them, you could say. From what I've seen, these are pretty regular features.

Not really seeing what you understand the difference to be between Ganesh posting an image and commenting on it himself for big laffs, and posting somebody else's image which itself contains a similarly weight-obsessed joke - albeit one at the opposite end of the spectrum - for yet more big laffs.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:18 / 08.06.05
*Looks More Hurt Than Angry @ 'Nesh*
00:31 / 08.06.05
Nina, that's an interesting perspective - and perhaps all the more fucked-up for Sam's explicit description of herself, in her initial video, as a "feminist" and "equalitarian".

If that unconscious stuff really is going on in the minds of Moonpig & co., it might go some way in explaining the Sam-hate in the House, because I've been finding it difficult to understand exactly why she is apparently loathed with such intensity. Perhaps it's because I've seen very little of her (she's rarely featured on the edited highlights, possibly because she says very little and then only in response to challenges from Moonpig), perhaps it's because when I ask about it on Digital Spy, I get vague, nebulous "God, she's such an evil whore" responses. As far as I've been able to ascertain thus far, she's been alienating people precisely because rarely speaks but hangs around on the fringes of (mostly male) conversations, allegedly shooting malign "looks" at other women.

On the surface, it sounds relatively innocuous, but Sam's aroused enormous levels of contempt, not only in the majority of the female housemates (Saskia seeming to be the only exception) but also in the gay males. Now, Craig being the psychological carcrash that he is, I can see why the word "camp" caused him to erupt vitriol - and Kemal, while re-e-easonably mature, is always up for a spot of bitching - but Derek? From the very beginning, Derek clearly hated Sam with a passion; an "assassin", he called her.

So... I've been puzzled as to why she's not causing the same reaction in me, but I suspect it might be because I'm gleaning most of my knowledge of Big Brother online this year, rather than from E4 coverage, and Sam has to be observed over time in order to comprehend what's so contemptible about her. And yes, it's probably that she seems utterly tied up in the simpering role of being a passive lust/sexual object.

It's interesting that, now, even the hetboys seem to be bored with her. This makes me think that, like Vanessa, she's only got the one dimension. She's filler. I really think Big Brother fucked up in putting her in the House, when her place could've gone to someone a little more... just a little more.
00:35 / 08.06.05
Increasingly, I'm thinking Sam and Moonpig are flipsides - as bad as one another, with Moonpig the more able to express herself (and communicate/enlist others in her attack).
Spatula Clarke
00:44 / 08.06.05
Derek clearly hated Sam with a passion

Isn't that just what Derek does, though? Hate? Admittedly I've only started paying attention in the last twenty-four hours, but he seemed to be just as full of bile as Craig last night.
00:48 / 08.06.05
(Hm. It's just occurred to me, Olulabelle, that when you said, "it's also Ganesh's comment on a picture, rather than pathetic internet claptrap created by someone who is not very good with photoshop", you might've been referring to the "I know I'm good-looking" graphic overlaying the Jabba figure. If so, that ain't actually mine. I lifted that image, as it is, direct from Digital Spy; as far as I'm aware, it really is just bad Photoshop.)
Tryphena Absent
01:41 / 08.06.05
Increasingly, I'm thinking Sam and Moonpig are flipsides - as bad as one another, with Moonpig the more able to express herself (and communicate/enlist others in her attack).

I'd certainly agree with that, the thing about Moonpig is that to an extent she's always seen herself as a female object but the position has been usurped by someone who better places herself in that role. Thus her vitriol is aimed at the woman who has taken the position that she wanted. This is probably going to be a positive experience as she has to build herself up as more than that object, she won't realise that until she leaves the house though. It's the reason I took to her because I thought she'd actually get something from BB rather than just sit there idly. It's a shame it's degenerated so far but hardly surprising and one of the reasons I wished Sam had been nominated and evicted.

They both strike me as fundamentally insecure in their femininity to the point where they need it confirmed by the opposite sex, in a sustained environment that can't work because other people have to assert their capability and personality and can't spend their time feeding it into someone else. By identifying with a stripper and someone who presents as camp Moonpig has acheived a more platonic relationship that's not based on sex, she's been forced to but that's good for her. Sam has managed this with Saskia but she really is a bit of a 'lad' in that she identifies with the men on a more secure level, one that I suspect relies on class rather than sex. Sam might have always been a ladies man but it won't work over a long period with the same men.
Alex's Grandma
01:42 / 08.06.05
Sam seems to be more passive/aggressive than Moonpig, who's just aggressive/aggressive as far as I can see - not to defend Sam particularly, but it does look as if she's suffering at the moment because she's failed to, erm, 'bond' with anyone so far ( to the extent that it's even possible in this year's seething rat-pit, ) rather than because of anything intrinsically awful about her personality.

In 'the real world,' she may very well be a bit of a pain in the arse, but let's face it, that's not where she is now - For the immediate future anyway, she is... alone.

( Incidentally, I took the picture upthread as more of a comment on the state of the 'inner' Moonpig, as I'm sure it was meant... )
Tryphena Absent
01:50 / 08.06.05
Sam seems to be more passive/aggressive than Moonpig, who's just aggressive/aggressive as far as I can see

Perhaps but I take that as an indication of their different situations in the house, Moonpig is certainly more supported than Sam.
08:27 / 08.06.05
Ganesh, actually I was referring to the "Derek and Science help Sam search for her bikini" comment, which I presume is yours.

Spatular: I apologise for my use of the word 'normal'. perhaps 'average' would have been a better one. I don't claim there is a standard weight, just that the average weight or shape of a woman (represented by Lesley in this instance) should not be regarded as fat. Sam is far less average, although I agree that there are lots of very thin women, particularly in the public eye. As I say, I didn't think the skeletal joke was funny either, but it was a lot less flagrant.

I don't want to rot the thread about this and I probably should post all this somewhere else. The trouble is I don't know where.

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