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Big Brother: Revenge of the Sixth.


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21:01 / 27.05.05
Vanessa: another slightly generic "I'm maaad, me" wackaday wackster.

(Where are the comedy bisexuals?)
21:09 / 27.05.05
Anthony: what the fuck is a "70s dancer"? Nice hairy belly, and quite like the suit. Overplucked eyebrows. Slightly 'protesteth too much' uberheterosexual...

Roberto: bit of an Italian stereotype. "Little bit of a crazy man" (ie. rather dull).

Theme so far, if there is one, is aggressively overstated hypersexdrive - which always makes me a tad suspicious.

We need more gayers. Chuck in some gayers!
Whisky Priestess
21:15 / 27.05.05
I fear them all.

Predictions and Comments

I think Derek is going to be significantly out-camped by Kamal, and I bet that's never happened before, given the circles he usually moves in. So he will become the Daddy Dan of the house, I reckon.

Mary will most likely make a bezzie of one of the blokes as all the girls will think she's weird, until they are bullied out of whatever inner circle develops and have to hang around with her "last picked for Games" style.

I am slightly disgusted that there are no non-"girlie" women in the house (possible exception of Mad Mary Macbeth), and none over 30. I am very delighted, however, that Lesley, of whom "other women are jealous because I've got it all", is the biggest moonpig of them all. I know I am a big hypocrite - how dare I judge her on her physical appearance? But she did choose to flash her pants in a vinyl nurse's costume, so she deserves my wrath.

Kamal will not be able to do a Nadia.

Sam, Roberto, Derek, Makosi and Antony to go the distance, at first glance.

Makosi is confusing housemate nominations with public votes. Bet she doesn't realise until after she's spent the week being nice to people because she knows she'll be up for eviction whatever, and the natural instinct is to try to be liked.

The Channel 4 BB website has two pictures of Roberto up - but there are still only 13 housemates listed - including the 2 Robertos. Who's missing?

Roberto again (so it must be someone whose name begins with S, T, U or V)

What was that obnoxious prick hairdresser boy called? Oh, Craig. He is really quite ugly - actually worse without the mullet. I think the mullet did a good job of distracting the eye from his plainness. He looks like an actor I vaguely know. CONSPIRACY!!!

Ah, it's Science! Of course. How could we forget, etc. He might make it past the first few weeks too. If he's slightly less of a cock than everyone else.
21:17 / 27.05.05
Also disliking Craig an admitted life fucker and has never ever read a book. I'm not saying that he mightn't be somewhat entertaining just that he's .....a bit horrible really.
Conversely Vanessa's favourite book is "Charlie and the Chocolate factory" (bless)
21:19 / 27.05.05
Makosi: "shallow people offend me". Obviously being set up as a blaxploitation Christian princess. Possibly the most interesting thus far; her and Derek.

Fucking Craig: another hairdresser, another Hoxtonised crapdo. Presumably another gayer. Suspect the intentionally antagonistic "I like destroying people's lives" bitchqueen persona overlies crippling insecurity.

Mary: too much white to her eyes. Histrionic personality disorder. Ask her the right questions and she'll doubtless 'admit' to multiple personality disorder, psychic vampirism and nonce-sniffing abilities. Obviously a crowd-pleaser.
Whisky Priestess
21:22 / 27.05.05
Ganesh - three's all right for gayers, in't it? Better than last year. I count Derek, Craig (not explicitly stated, but he's a hairdresser whose favourite programme is Desperate Housewives - I think the odds are good) and Kamal. No chance of a shag there then - but that's probably best for all concerned.
Mourne Kransky
21:23 / 27.05.05
Several inmates being booed on the way in. Has that happened before? Maybe Kitten last year?

I'd like to give each and every one of them a good slap.
21:24 / 27.05.05
"I like destroying people's lives" bitchqueen persona overlies crippling insecurity.

Bingo. You think perhaps he means "I'd like to destory people's lives because that would make me seem more important but the best I can do is bitch about them behind their back?"
Mourne Kransky
21:29 / 27.05.05
Oho - just meeting Kamal and liking him! Thank fuck, at least one to warm to. I realise I may come to eat those words.
21:29 / 27.05.05
Science: "a rebel of the times... ghetto spokesman... man of tomorrow". Suspect they're trying a little hard to replicate the Victor bollocky self-aggrandisement thang. Not too unlikeable as yet, compared with some of the others.

Saskia: "normal girl with a normal job". "Not racist" racist.

(Like the way they've placed insecure "they're all jealous" Lesley with a clutch of women are all better-looking - and, fuck knows, better-dressed - than her.)

Kemal: Marco-analogue, but possibly brighter and less annoying. Love the drag-diva entrance. "Contemporary Muslim" is something of an understatement.
Whisky Priestess
21:31 / 27.05.05
Kamal looks like Sandra Bullock with a hangover.
Tryphena Absent
21:31 / 27.05.05
I hope he remains appealing. Big Brother's Little Brother is on now. I'm finding the stills of their entrance into the house quite revealing. I think Craig might turn out to be alright. He looks uncertain, hopefully that won't devolve into moronism.
21:32 / 27.05.05
So far, I'm liking Derek, Kemal and Makosi: atypical sex/politics/religion concoctions, all of 'em.

Not so much overt Alpha-maling this year...
21:33 / 27.05.05
Science might be alirght if the spark of self-awareness and sense of humour gets carried through the whole show. So long as he doesn't take himself or his "homeboy, ghetto supastar" attitude too seriously.
Mourne Kransky
21:34 / 27.05.05
Davina saying "Kamal's very bright, he studies English literature."

Kamal, looking around him, "So, is this the house?" Then, looking at the bedroom, "So, is this the bedroom?" And there I was thinking Makosi was a bit slow on the uptake.
21:36 / 27.05.05
Makosi not really understanding the slightly convoluted 'you have to piss people off to stay in' nomination system, is she?

Ooookay, now I can switch over to live coverage, and go read the rest of this thread...
21:38 / 27.05.05
There will be a lot of FHM covers resulting. And Nuts.
21:43 / 27.05.05
Incidentally, my stepmother is teasing me with the fact that her cousin and partner used to have Roberto as their lodger, "have known him for twelve years" and claim to have dirt. She's not known to lie about these things. I'm going all Heat now.
22:03 / 27.05.05
Well, I'd say that breasts are going to be a very big factor this year. I like the idea that harridan push-up nurse has been upstaged by women (Saskia) who are even more offensive than her, given that they aren't as thick as her and have chosen to be evil and still dress better.
I think Maxwell is my Dwayne. He's clever and is going for the Del Boy vote. I really can't see him maintaining his Norf Landahn wankah persona for too long when he's confronted by so many people that he can't categorise easily. He'll collapse and be the reformed geezer who accepts people for what they are.
Roberto? I think I go with the concensus that he's putting it on. He used the phrase "OK, let's parliamo Italiano..." at one point. Can you imagine visiting another country and using as your chat up line "OK, let's talk Engleesshhh"? No. Fakery, I think.

At least there's something interesting going on.
Tryphena Absent
22:08 / 27.05.05
The BB psychs really aren't getting Mary "I think she might be quite introverted." Well, duh.
22:13 / 27.05.05
Tentative predictions:

Derek, despite being a member of a club which would exclude him twice over, is the oldest (I think) and probably the most stable. I suspect he'll be charming and likeable, and will go the distance. I'm warming to him.

Of the other (obvious) gayers, Craig is a charmless, witless wannabe acid queen. Didn't most of us grow out of that 'I hate people and want to cause them pain' pose by our early teens? Either that'll collapse and he'll morph into needy gushery or his manufactured hatefulness will see him gradually excluded, and he'll up the pose accordingly. Orrr he'll bond strongly with one of the women (in Only Gayer In The House stylee) in bitter (but probably not terribly amusing) bitchery about everyone else. A rock feels no pain, and an island neeever cries. Kemal I adore: he's not attempting to 'do a Nadia', and he seems, on the face of it, to both possess a functioning brain and be unafraid to use it. I think he's got the wit to back up the camp, and I hope he bonds with Derek and argues culture/gender/political identity...

Of the male hets, there are surprisingly few self-advertised Alphas: physically, they seem mostly small and ratlike; no imposing Spam or Victor physiques, and no obvious Jungle Twats. Perhaps this means they'll be less threatened by the gayers? Roberto appears dull and stereotypical with little to recommend him. Anthony is, I suspect, sexually inexperienced or uncertain; he's trying wayyy too hard to be Mr GQ. Maxwell, on the other hand, is selling himself as Mr FHM. I think he'll turn out to be a bit of a sweetie on the quiet. Ditto with Science, who's a little softer-around-the-edges than Victor, and unlikely to be too heavy with the macho juice.

The girls... well, I'm finding myself relatively uninteresting, and am really missing a Kate or Kitten. I've no idea why they always seem to go for these generic supposed sex vixens who talk the talk but utterly fail to actually be in any way sexual. They're the ones who claim bisexuality but would, one suspects, say pretty much anything to up their FHM-friendly saleability. Sam has never, I suspect, experienced orgasm. Lesley probably never will. Makosi is interesting on paper and seems appeallingly space-cadetty; let's hope she doesn't compromise her Christianity. Vanessa is memorable only for her screechy sugar-high annoyingness. Mary has histrionic personality disorder, I reckon; I don't for a moment think she actually believes she's an alien-abducted Atlantean witch. Saskia stands out only for her incipient racism.

No irritant Scots this year!
22:18 / 27.05.05
Derek definitely has the worst BB photo

although Mary (trying a little too hard with the Mystic Meg bullshittery) comes a close second:

Mary is definitely this year's Barbeloid, isn't she?
Spatula Clarke
22:19 / 27.05.05
It all seems very... familiar. I just watched the entrances on BBLB and came away feeling distinctly bored. I say the same thing every year before suddenly becoming hooked around weeks two and three, I know, but this might just be the one that I don't get dragged into, given that you can probably predict with near-as-damnit 100% accuracy how things are going to pan out.
22:19 / 27.05.05
Vanessa is memorable only for her screechy sugar-high annoyingness.

What'll she be like when they run out of complimentary sugary snacks on day two? What is a sugar-deprived Vanessa like?
Tryphena Absent
22:21 / 27.05.05
Orrr he'll bond strongly with one of the women

Watched five minutes of coverage in which Craig came across a lot sweeter than his manufactured hate. He seemed to be bonding with Vanessa and one of the other guys (forget who) though it's early days. I think his tape was nonsense and that he's going to turn out to be quite a middle-of-the-road type of person, certainly alot calmer. Either he's illiterate or he's read a book.
22:27 / 27.05.05
Kemal and others sitting in Attic room.

The producers took their hair and toenail clippings?
Da fug?
22:29 / 27.05.05
shhheesshh Voodoo of course.
22:33 / 27.05.05
One of the girls is moaning in the pool for someone to bring her a dressing gown and has become the first girl in BB6 to flash her tits.

Well done Saskia.
(I think it was Saskia. It was her or Slutty Nurse.)

And clearly she doesn't realise than moaning, joking about pissing in the pool and telling the one guy being nice to you that he has a "fucking tiny cock" is not the way to make friends and influence people.
The Falcon
22:36 / 27.05.05
See on BBLB when Dermot said 'And Saskia's left us a gift...'

I had prayed inside it was going to be a BNP/NF membership card. But no, just a scab.

"'Not racist (but...)' racist" is a perfect phrase, even though I spoilt it with parentheses.

I like Science, but I always like the posturing dicks. Oh yeah, some Jay-Z intro music. Awesome. Did Vic get #1 housemate, on the preshow rundown thingmy?

22:36 / 27.05.05
Random musings on the official bios:

Craig "thinks hair is an extension of people's personalities" - which seems to be borne out by his own hideous barnet: self-conscious spiky-ugliness-as-defence-against-insecurity.

Lesley comments "I flirt with guys all the time, even the minging ones, just for a laugh." No, Lesley; you flirt with "even the minging ones" because it's your sole mechanism for shoring up low self-esteem. Cruelly, the BB organisers have set things up so she's the minging one here...

Mary: "Job: Psychic, Favourite Film: Dracula, TV: Addams Family, Book: Mists of Avalon". Says of herself, "I’m too spooky and witchy, I like to talk too deeply and have too many conspiracy theories and I’m too analytical". No, Mary, far from being spooky, you're even failing at being kooky (despite trying wayyy wayyyyyyy too hard), and people actually gripped by conspiracy theories tend not to say, "I have too many conspiracy theories". Pathetic fraud, and taking an early lead as Ganesh's Most Hated Housemate.

Maxwell "has no time for any political opinions", manufactured geezerdom presumably filling his timetable.

In 1996, Roberto apparently reached the final of the Most Handsome Man In Italy competition. Fuck that: he's not even the most handsome Italian I know, and I know about three Italians.

Sam "relieves herself of boredom by thinking and talking about men". Uh-huh. Learn to wank properly, Sam.

Hmmm. I'm sensing rather a lot of desperately dull people groping for an angle. For a change.
22:41 / 27.05.05
The producers took their hair and toenail clippings?

Testing Mary's conviction? If she really does believe the look-how-interesting-I-am-really guff she's spouting, she'll presumably get paranoid about voodoo trickery. She doesn't, and she won't. Not convincingly, anyway.
Tryphena Absent
22:45 / 27.05.05
Mary is an actor. Mmmmm-hmmmmmmm.

It was Lesley in the pool exposing herself btw.
22:47 / 27.05.05
(Alex asked: So the whole pale, wasted and interesting thing doesn't exactly float your boat?

No, not really. I can see the aesthetic appeal, but it doesn't get me horny, baby. Ditto lovely Jarv, I'm afraid.)
22:48 / 27.05.05
Nina, was that some kind of BBLB slip up?
Dermot: I think we'll see a change in her during the thirteen weeks she'll be in there.
Heat guy: Ummmm Dermot?
Whisky Priestess
22:49 / 27.05.05
But, you see, they have-a diferent-a standards in Italia, you know? You wanna go someplace? Someplace where I can call my mamma? (racial stereotyping now over, sorry 'bout that)

Sorry, to clarify, when I said "do a Nadia" I meant "win against all odds". Kamal is quite entertaining but Nadia was 10 years older and had (inevitably) a more interesting and longer personal history. As with Cameron, I think outsider BB winners are interesting because of the "journey" they take in the house - how we get to know them, essentially. Where's Kamal got to go?

I loved how the commentator guy on BBLB got very hot under the collar about Sam being from Oxford Poly (Brookes to you and me), NOT the "real" Oxford. Probably a closeted Oxbridger himself ...

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