Blair is a self-important, lying fucker who waged war under false pretences, and I agree that that should be shouted from the rooftops, but surely there's a little room for mocking those photos of him in a 'double denim' shirt 'n' jeans combo, too? If so, maybe we can (while not equating him directly with the PM) apply the same principle to Epop? There's been plentiful highlighting of his appalling, offensive online behaviour both here and at ultraculture, and quite right too, but maybe some good old fashioned piss-taking is also called for? After all, reasoned argument hasn't made a dent in his behaviour - he just responds by claiming to be (and I quote) world class. Maybe mockery is a much more effective tool, if not in turning him around then maybe at least in helping BiaS realise he's defending not only a hugely objectionable magi-turd, but a ridiculous magi-turd, too? Also, I think there's an strong argument for thinking that while taking Epop seriously over a protracted period of time might inflate his sense of self importance and bring him back a-trolling, taking the piss out of him is likely to discourage him. Many people relish the idea of a fight, but far fewer relish being laughed at.
it's easy to laugh at someone's style or speculate why the US asked him to leave
Hadn't considered speculating on why the US asked him to leave. I'm guessing it's probably because of that meeting at the Pentagon about the Hexayurt. Rumsfeld doesn't look like the type to respond well to the news that Grant Morrison's gone off the boil, or, for that matter, to someone trying to sell him a six-sided tent. I mean, six-sides, at a meeting in the fricking pentagon ? That's one side too many, Epop. What were you thinking? |