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19:09 / 08.11.06
Yes, I am guilty of c word usage. I always feel uncomfortable about doing it, but I must own up to loving the word's power to insult and the unbelievably satisfying way it blasts from the tongue. Obviously these are not hugely powerful arguments, but I have yet to be totally swayed by the anti-c*** case.

More debate here.
19:25 / 08.11.06
as an owner of one it makes me feel confused and angry when it is used as an insult. Males using it at males doesn't change this. It certainly is not as prevelantly used here in the states as it seems to be in other parts of the world. For an all purpose swear I like asshat.
I've made a point to take mental illness, disability, and various body parts off my list.

but I hear you though, as I still cling to my use of 'fuck'.
19:36 / 08.11.06
The c word is used a lot over here, and its use is rife within my peer group, so that probably has something to do with my affection for the term. It's worth noting, however, that it's probably still the most unacceptable word in the British lexicon.
19:37 / 08.11.06
Always feel a bit dirty and shit when I use the c-word, like my tongue's slipped.

Recently begun inventing my own portmanswears on the fly, like "cockwit" and "fuckhorse".
19:49 / 08.11.06
Pillock is a great substitute.

Pil-lockah. Loveit
Mourne Kransky
19:57 / 08.11.06
Coypu is good too. Unless you're mixing socially with giant South American rodents on a regular basis.
19:59 / 08.11.06
I still say the C word all the time too. But I'm starting to find the denigrating power of the word "dick", when said deprecatingly enough, is starting to gain a foothold in my conversational swearbox.
20:19 / 08.11.06
You fucking muppet! is also dinner.

Apologies to anyone with a hand up their arse.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:21 / 08.11.06
I am fond of "cock-knocker" or "bitchface" or "son of a whore" as my chosen swear words.
20:43 / 08.11.06
My best friend was called a 'whore's orphan' by his mother one time when I was with him (I don't think she meant it, mind). I was about 14, and very shocked. I use it all the time now.
20:47 / 08.11.06
"fucking titbadger" has been known to pass my lips
21:19 / 08.11.06
I really really hate the word whore and think its usage is pretty much indefensible.
21:21 / 08.11.06
'Tis pity, Boboss.
21:24 / 08.11.06
Is not
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:00 / 08.11.06
I like the word whore, it's a perfectly good word. I just don't like seeing it used as an insult.
Glenn Close But No Cigar
22:07 / 08.11.06
'Cocksmoker' is a fine phrase. Makes me think of a fellow sinking into an overstuffed armchair, firing up a penis, and puffing contentedly away as though he hadn't a care in the world.

Damn hard to light though, those tadgers.
22:17 / 08.11.06
for expressing true outrage I still adore Cave's hellbag.
I've probably said this elsewhere way too many times but there is something very satisfying about -bag, hobag and douchebag have been taken off the list sadly.One doesn't make any sense and the other is a thing of practical use for medical purposes. Perhaps shitbag will find a place in my heart.
Though for shock or surprise I'm a diehard fuckin'-A kind of girl. Me thinks that one is from middle school.

fuckhorse is lovely but doesn't bite as quickly.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:20 / 08.11.06
Fuck on Toast is good. An expletive, an epiphet, a midmorning snack.
Glenn Close But No Cigar
22:24 / 08.11.06
You can lead a fuckhorse to xk, but you cannot make hir bite...
22:35 / 08.11.06

Nuff said.
23:12 / 08.11.06
Fuck on Toast is good. An expletive, an epiphet,

An epitaph
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:14 / 08.11.06
for a slice of Hovis.
23:18 / 08.11.06
Pigfucker. Nice ring to it.
Corey Waits
00:24 / 09.11.06
Going back to the top of the page - I always used to think of the C-Word as a big taboo, until I became friends with two girls who love to use it more than any other cuss.

They mainly liked to use it because it would shock both women (because generally they hate it) and men (because they weren't used to hearing it come from a woman's mouth).

I still try not to use it though.

My personal favourite at the moment would have to be douchebag, or just douche for short. Mainly used when I'm driving, out of the car I'm usually a very calm person.
08:15 / 09.11.06
What is a douchebag?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
08:24 / 09.11.06
It is a bag full of douche. Like an enema bag.
Tabitha Tickletooth
08:24 / 09.11.06
I love the c-word! As the owner of one, I've actually always been monumentally pissed off that people (men in particular, I'm afraid) think they can appropriate and use it as an insult. It delights me that so many men express horror when a woman uses the word. How dare they suggest that a word for a part of the female body is the most vile insult that can be uttered.

I use it as everything from a term of endearment to a means of utter dismissal. And I'm completely with Boboss on the satisfying punch of the word as you say it.

I appreciate why others find it offensive, and to be honest I don't think I've ever used it in anger 'at' someone, if that makes sense - in a really angry, accusatory 'you are a...' sense. I hope I would not deliberately try to harm someone with the word.
08:57 / 09.11.06
I must admit to occasional in-extremis usage of the c-word, but mealy-mouthed I usually say 'excuse my language' after. I don't know if I really get the body-parts offense though, I use 'Pissflaps' and 'Prick' without gender preference, what does it matter if I own one? If I call someone a 'Vaginal Discharge' or 'Seeping Penis' what's the difference if I'm male or female? If I call someone a wanker, even though everyone does it, it retains it's insulting power through usage as an insult rather than referencing the actual thing. But anyway, my fave swears are unfortunately imprinted on me from a Viz character, Rude Boy. Big Dog's Cock is only surpassed by 'Big Fat Elephant's Fanny', both in a row if I'm really annoyed.
Talking of Annoy, in the news yesterday that racist joke really got to me (about the nip in the air) especially because a *vicar* used it.
He also said multiculturalism was "undermining" the British way of life.
11:23 / 09.11.06
I like the word whore, it's a perfectly good word. I just don't like seeing it used as an insult.

I think that's sorta fair enough, but I think the problems are that a) it's usually used as an insult, and b) that even when it isn't it's mostly used to describe a kind of woman (note, I didn't say behaviour), and is almost always used and/or understood negatively.

Why is this? Because many, many people still think that to be sexually promiscuous makes you a bad woman*. To my mind that makes its usage at best problematic.
11:49 / 09.11.06
Except, the problem lies with people's perception of whores and stigmatization of sex work, Bobossboy. It is a word of judgement.Not only are you a sexual being, but you are dirty and unethical because of that...which, is horsecrap, because people do not label the customers of whores in the same way.

I totally own the word "whore". I insist on taking it as a compliment, no matter what the intention it is uttered with. To be honest, I like "bitch" too. It all depends on how it is used and who is using it. The "c" word bugs me. It is a lot like calling someone an asshole, 'cept we all have one of those. I just dont understand why I don't feel the same way about "dick" or "cock".
12:04 / 09.11.06
Except, the problem lies with people's perception of whores and stigmatization of sex work, Bobossboy.

I think I've recognised that in my post (not the bit about sex work, but I'm totally with you).

I see the use of the word whore as something that will operate predominantly as an insult until such a time as the women and sex=bad paradigm is a lot more rickety than it is today.

I dunno, I can see how you could disagree, I just get so fed up with the vicious and thoughtless way in which people throw the word around, particularly in light of the fact that it is usually meant to denote evil sex woman.
12:34 / 09.11.06
Yes, yes. The problem lies in our perceptions and not in the word itself. If we were more accepting of sex work, then "whore" wouldn't carry the same weight.

Again, the same rings true for a word like "slut", and the sex work context is removed. It is almost always used to describe a woman who is promiscuous, but there is no equivilent word for men. Why we have words that judge and condemn people for their conscentual sexual practices is beyond me, anyway. How sad that a person's best insult to hurl at someone is, " fuck too much...". Bah.
13:03 / 09.11.06
I've been wondering why Liar/Thief/ doesn't impact as much as say, whore.
Whore is about (as an insult not the profession) a disease bearing unscrupulous liar and desecrater of sacred things. At least if I as going to fling it that's what I would unpack out of it. Shitslinger has a nice ring to it, even if it summons up ol' West images.

I like using cunt in happy sexual context and have moved cock over into that celebratory yet sill wicked form of communication. It's sexy talk not mean talk.

I growl and yell when people say 'coos'(sp?) as it feels reductionary and does seem to be used primarily on women.

Last time I was called a cunt in a derogatory manner it triggered a kneejerk reaction. I kicked him in the shin hard enough to drop him to the floor. I suppose it is very bad of me to react to words with violence instead of better words but the veneer is thin sometimes.
Jack Fear
13:54 / 09.11.06
I find the word "whore" a useful insult not because I'm anti-sex, but because I'm anti-capitalism; a whore isn't someone who fucks too much, it's someone for whom everything is for sale—a far more damning accusation, in my book.
14:00 / 09.11.06
...a kneejerk reaction.

I think that is meant as a figure of speech. You took it quite literally, xk. LOL!


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